Pen Settings



CSS Base

Vendor Prefixing

Add External Stylesheets/Pens

Any URLs added here will be added as <link>s in order, and before the CSS in the editor. You can use the CSS from another Pen by using its URL and the proper URL extension.

+ add another resource


Babel includes JSX processing.

Add External Scripts/Pens

Any URL's added here will be added as <script>s in order, and run before the JavaScript in the editor. You can use the URL of any other Pen and it will include the JavaScript from that Pen.

+ add another resource


Add Packages

Search for and use JavaScript packages from npm here. By selecting a package, an import statement will be added to the top of the JavaScript editor for this package.


Auto Save

If active, Pens will autosave every 30 seconds after being saved once.

Auto-Updating Preview

If enabled, the preview panel updates automatically as you code. If disabled, use the "Run" button to update.

Format on Save

If enabled, your code will be formatted when you actively save your Pen. Note: your code becomes un-folded during formatting.

Editor Settings

Code Indentation

Want to change your Syntax Highlighting theme, Fonts and more?

Visit your global Editor Settings.


                mixin claw(index)


  box-sizing border-box

  // We know our img is 300x237
  --size 60
  --unit calc((var(--size) / 300) * 1vmin)
  // colors
  --belly hsl(39, 66%, 84%)
  --dark-belly hsl(35, 29%, 59%)
  --body hsl(164, 26%, 28%)
  --dark-body hsl(199, 43%, 15%)
  --foot hsl(21, 43%, 41%)
  --claws hsl(0, 0%, 98%)

  min-height 100vh
  display flex
  align-items center
  background hsl(190, 70%, 30%)
  justify-content center

    position absolute

  height calc(237 * var(--unit))
  width calc(300 * var(--unit))
  position relative

    content ''
    position absolute
    bottom 0
    width 100%
    height 20%
    border-radius 50%
    filter blur(10px)
    opacity 0.5
    background #111
    transform translate(-50%, 25%)
    left 50%

    border-radius 50% 45% 50% 50% / 68% 50% 28% 30%
    height 74%
    width 79%
    border calc(2 * var(--unit)) solid black
    background var(--body)
    overflow hidden
    top 60%
    left 47%
    transform translate(-50%, -50%)

      background var(--dark-body)
      height 30%
      width 80%
      bottom 0
      border-radius 50%
      left 50%
      transform translate(-50%, 50%)

        content ''
        position absolute
        width 25%
        height 150%
        border-radius 50%
        background var(--dark-body)
        left 9%
        bottom 24%
        transform rotate(-22deg)

    background var(--belly)

      width 50%
      height 100%
      left 5%
      top 11%
      border-radius 65% 47% 0 50%/70% 39% 0 44%

      width 54%
      height 100%
      right 4%
      top 10%
      overflow hidden
      border-radius 45% 80% 0 50%/72% 77% 0 44%
        content ''
        right 0
        height 100%
        width 32%
        bottom 0
        background var(--dark-belly)
        z-index 2

        content ''
        right 16%
        height 100%
        width 32%
        bottom 36%
        background var(--belly)
        z-index 3
        border-radius 0 0 75% 0 / 0 0 36% 0

    height calc(2 * var(--unit))
    width 15%
    background black
    top 33%
    z-index 5

      left 21%
      right 25%

    height calc(2 * var(--unit))
    width 30%
    background black
    top 52%
    left 48%
    transform translate(-50%, 0)

    background black
    height 235%
    width 20%
    bottom 100%
    $clip = polygon(0 100%, 50% 0, 100% 100%)
    -webkit-clip-path $clip
    clip-path $clip

      content ''
      background var(--claws)
      height 100%
      width 100%
      $clip = polygon(0 100%, 50% 0, 100% 100%)
      -webkit-clip-path $clip
      clip-path $clip
      transform-origin bottom center
      transform scale(0.65)

      left 0
      right 0

    height 30%
    width 45%
    left 50%
    top 5%
    transform translate(-50%, 0)

    background var(--body)
    height 100%
    width 100%
    border calc(2 * var(--unit)) solid black
    border-radius 75% 75% 25% 25% / 110% 110% 0% 0%
    overflow hidden

      content ''
      right -5%
      height 110%
      width 15%
      border-radius 50% / 50%
      top -5%
      background var(--dark-body)

    height 64%
    border calc(2 * var(--unit)) solid black
    background var(--body)
    top -14%
    width 35%
    position absolute
    overflow hidden
    border-radius 15% 85% 0 10% / 20% 100% 0 80%
    $clip = polygon(0 0, 100% 0, 100% 18%, 0 90%)
    -webkit-clip-path $clip
    clip-path $clip

      content ''
      top 0
      left 0
      background var(--body)
      position absolute
      z-index 2
      height 100%
      width 15%
      border-radius 28%
      transform-origin top center
      transform rotate(-67deg) translate(11%, 23%)

      left 4%

      right 4%
      top -15%
      transform rotateY(180deg)

        content ''
        left -10%
        width 25%
        background var(--dark-body)
        height 100%
        top -10%
        border-radius 50% / 50%

    position absolute
    height 50%
    width 82%
    left 50%
    top 0
    transform translate(-49%, 0%)

      content ''
      position absolute
      width 58%
      height 50%
      border-top calc(10 * var(--unit)) solid var(--belly)
      top 90%
      left 50%
      clip-path polygon(5% 0, 79% 0, 90% 100%, 5% 100%)
      transform translate(-50%, -26%)
      z-index 3
      border-radius 50% 50% 0 0/50% 50% 50% 50%

      height 83%
      width 100%
      bottom 0%
      left 0%
      // border calc(2 * var(--unit)) solid black
      background var(--belly)
      transform-origin 0 100%
      transform translate(6.5%, 13%) rotate(-20deg)
      border-radius 40% 55% 0 17% / 60% 100% 0% 40%
      $clip = polygon(0 0, 75% 0, 75% 100%, 0 100%)
      -webkit-clip-path $clip
      clip-path $clip
      z-index 2

        content ''
        position absolute
        top 100%
        background var(--belly)
        left 50%
        height 80%
        width 80%
        border-radius 10%
        transform translate(-50%, -81%) rotate(10deg)
      height 90%
      width 100%
      bottom 0%
      right 0%
      transform-origin 100% 100%
      background var(--dark-belly)
      transform translate(-7%, 14%) rotate(20deg)
      border-radius 0% 34% 34% 0 / 0% 60% 40% 0%
      $clip = polygon(30% 0, 100% 0, 100% 150%, 30% 150%)
      -webkit-clip-path $clip
      clip-path $clip

        content ''
        position absolute
        right 10%
        top -4%
        width 100%
        height 102%
        transform-origin right bottom
        transform rotate(-2deg)
        background var(--belly)
        z-index 3
        border-radius 0 14% 19% 0/0 50% 50% 0

        content ''
        background var(--belly)
        position absolute
        z-index 2
        height 50%
        width 50%
        bottom 0
        left 50%
        transform translate(-50%, 31%) rotate(-20deg)

    height 85%
    width 24%
    left 12%
    top 14%
    transform rotate(-21deg)

    background black
    top -4%
    width 60%
    height 10%
    left 48%
    $clip = polygon(7% 100%, 7% 39%, 25% 73%, 22% 11%, 39% 42%, 49% 0, 61% 46%, 74% 11%, 79% 58%, 95% 44%, 90% 100%)
    -webkit-clip-path $clip
    clip-path $clip
    transform translate(-50%, 0)

      content ''
      width 100%
      height 100%
      $clip = polygon(7% 100%, 7% 39%, 25% 73%, 22% 11%, 39% 42%, 49% 0, 61% 46%, 74% 11%, 79% 58%, 95% 44%, 90% 100%)
      -webkit-clip-path $clip
      clip-path $clip
      transform-origin bottom center
      background white
      transform scaleY(0.8) scaleX(0.95)

    background var(--body)
    height 68%
    width 100%
    top 0
    left 0
    border-radius 44% 54% 50% 50%/50% 60% 40% 50%
    transform-origin 50% 60%
    transform rotate(0deg)
    overflow hidden
    border calc(2 * var(--unit)) solid black
    // animation wave 5s infinite ease

      content ''
      right 0
      width 50%
      background var(--dark-body)
      height 120%
      top 50%
      transform translate(56%, -50%) rotate(-15deg)
      border-radius 50%
      $clip = inset(0 50% 0 0)
      -webkit-clip-path $clip
      clip-path $clip
      animation fade 6s infinite linear

      @keyframes fade
        0%, 100%
          opacity 1
          opacity 0
    animation wave 6s infinite ease
    height 100%
    width 100%
    transform-origin 56% 41%
    @keyframes wave
      0, 100%
        transform rotate(0deg)
        transform rotate(-100deg)

    height 50%
    width 17%
    right 7%
    top 28%
    transform rotate(-39deg)

    bottom 0
    width 15%
    height 9%
    background black
    transform translate(109%, 19%) rotate(45deg)
    $clip = polygon(0 0, 100% 0, 50% 100%)
    -webkit-clip-path $clip
    clip-path $clip

      content ''
      $clip = polygon(0 0, 100% 0, 50% 100%)
      -webkit-clip-path $clip
      clip-path $clip
      height 100%
      width 100%
      background white
      transform scale(0.5)

    height 100%
    width 100%
    border-radius 25% 75% 65% 35%/56% 60% 40% 30%
    background var(--dark-body)
    overflow hidden
    border calc(2 * var(--unit)) solid #000

      content ''
      height 100%
      width 130%
      border-radius 50%
      background var(--body)
      bottom 8%
      left -9%

    bottom -6%
    left 25%
    height 22%
    width 57%
    background black
    $clip = polygon(20% 0, 16% 100%, 35% 78%, 55% 97%, 63% 69%, 85% 78%, 85% 56%, 100% 66%, 100% 0)
    -webkit-clip-path $clip
    clip-path $clip
      height 100%
      width 100%
      content ''
      background white
      $clip = polygon(20% 0, 16% 100%, 35% 78%, 55% 97%, 63% 69%, 85% 78%, 85% 56%, 100% 66%, 100% 0)
      -webkit-clip-path $clip
      clip-path $clip
      transform-origin top center
      transform scaleY(0.85) scaleX(0.85)

    height 34%
    width 29%
    bottom 0
    left 2.5%

    height 100%
    width 100%
    top 0
    left 0
    background var(--belly)
    border-radius 60% 40% 55% 40%/60% 45% 55% 40%
    border calc(2 * (var(--unit))) solid black
    overflow hidden

      content ''

      border calc(2 * var(--unit)) solid black
      height 38%
      width 49%
      border-radius 50%
      background var(--foot)
      left 38%
      bottom 11%
      transform rotate(-36deg)

      background var(--dark-belly)
      height 73%
      width 100%
      left 32%
      bottom 0
      transform-origin left center
      border-radius 61% 20% 20% 37%/73% 50% 50% 50%
      transform rotate(10deg)

    top 50%
    left 50%
    width 20%
    height 30%

      content ''
      background var(--claws)
      bottom 12%
      height 35%
      width 67%
      left 15%
      border-radius 50%

      content ''
      bottom 2%
      left 0
      width 100%
      height 56%
      border-radius 50%
      background var(--claws)
      border calc(3 * var(--unit)) solid black

    & > div
      width 100%
      height 66%
      top 0
      left 0
      background black
      $clip = 'polygon(0 100%, %s 0, 100% 100%)' % calc(var(--clip-point) * 1%)
      -webkit-clip-path $clip
      clip-path $clip

        content ''
        height 100%
        width 100%
        background var(--claws)
        bottom 0
        left 0
        transform-origin bottom center
        transform scale(0.7)
        $clip = 'polygon(0 100%, %s 0, 100% 100%)' % calc(var(--clip-point) * 1%)
        -webkit-clip-path $clip
        clip-path $clip

      --clip-point 65
      left -5%
      top 52%
      transform rotate(-90deg)
      width 15%
      height 23%

      --clip-point 50
      top 9%
      left 3%
      height 26%
      transform rotate(-45deg)

      --clip-point 20
      top -10%
      left 34%
      width 21%
      height 25%

      --clip-point 20
      top -18%
      left 49%
      width 21%
      height 34%
      transform rotate(45deg)
      --clip-point 50
      top 0%
      left 78%
      width 21%
      height 31%
      transform rotate(40deg)
      --clip-point 50
      top 37%
      left 95%
      width 19%
      height 27%
      transform rotate(90deg)

    bottom 0
    right 6.5%
    width 28%
    height 35%
    height 100%
    width 100%
    border calc(2 * var(--unit)) solid black
    background var(--belly)
    overflow hidden
    border-radius 50% 50% 50% 50% / 50% 45% 55% 50%

      content ''
      bottom 0

      left 5%
      border-radius 50%
      height 62%
      width 77%
      background var(--dark-belly)

      left 10%
      border-radius 50%
      border calc(2 * var(--unit)) solid #000
      bottom 14%
      height 42%
      background var(--foot)
      width 55%


                // 404
