Pen Settings



CSS Base

Vendor Prefixing

Add External Stylesheets/Pens

Any URLs added here will be added as <link>s in order, and before the CSS in the editor. You can use the CSS from another Pen by using its URL and the proper URL extension.

+ add another resource


Babel includes JSX processing.

Add External Scripts/Pens

Any URL's added here will be added as <script>s in order, and run before the JavaScript in the editor. You can use the URL of any other Pen and it will include the JavaScript from that Pen.

+ add another resource


Add Packages

Search for and use JavaScript packages from npm here. By selecting a package, an import statement will be added to the top of the JavaScript editor for this package.


Auto Save

If active, Pens will autosave every 30 seconds after being saved once.

Auto-Updating Preview

If enabled, the preview panel updates automatically as you code. If disabled, use the "Run" button to update.

Format on Save

If enabled, your code will be formatted when you actively save your Pen. Note: your code becomes un-folded during formatting.

Editor Settings

Code Indentation

Want to change your Syntax Highlighting theme, Fonts and more?

Visit your global Editor Settings.


                <body class="bg--blue">
  <a href=""><img style="position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; border: 0; z-index: 9999;" src="" alt="Fork me on GitHub" data-canonical-src=""></a>
  <div class="dw">
    <div class="dw-pnl dw-pnl--fcs">
      <div class="dw-pnl__cntnt bd--white tx--white">
        <h1>Pure CSS masonry layout</h1>
    <div class="dw-pnl">
      <div class="dw-pnl__cntnt bd--white tx--white">
          <li>Supports clusters</li>
    <div class="dw-pnl "><img src="" class="dw-pnl__cntnt"/>
    <div class="dw-pnl ">
      <div class="dw-pnl__cntnt tx--white bd--white">
        <p>Phasellus malesuada, urna non auctor viverra, libero ex pellentesque urna, id rhoncus eros lacus tristique risus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.</p>
    <div class="dw-pnl ">
      <img src="" class="dw-pnl__cntnt"/>
    <div class="dw-pnl ">
      <img src="" class="dw-pnl__cntnt"/>
    <div class="dw-pnl dw-clstr dw-clstr--hrz">
      <div class="dw-clstr__sgmnt dw-clstr__sgmnt--rw ">
        <div class="dw-pnl dw-clstr__sgmnt ">
          <div class="dw-pnl__cntnt bd--white tx--white">
      <div class="dw-clstr__sgmnt dw-clstr__sgmnt--rw ">
        <div class="dw-pnl dw-clstr__sgmnt ">
          <div class="dw-pnl__cntnt bd--white tx--white">
        <div class="dw-pnl dw-clstr__sgmnt ">
          <div class="dw-pnl__cntnt bd--white tx--white">
    <div class="dw-pnl ">
      <img src="" class="dw-pnl__cntnt"/>
    <div style="height: 200px;" class="dw-pnl dw-flp">
      <div class="dw-pnl__cntnt dw-flp__cntnt">
        <div class="dw-flp__pnl dw-flp__pnl--frnt tx--white bd--white tx--center">
          <h1>You can flip me round</h1>
        <div class="dw-flp__pnl dw-flp__pnl--bck bd--white tx--white tx--center">
          <h1>Yeah that's right</h1>
    <div class="dw-pnl dw-clstr dw-clstr--vrt">
      <div class="dw-clstr__sgmnt dw-clstr__sgmnt--clmn ">
        <div class="dw-pnl dw-clstr__sgmnt ">
          <div class="dw-pnl__cntnt bd--white tx--white">
      <div class="dw-clstr__sgmnt dw-clstr__sgmnt--clmn ">
        <div class="dw-pnl dw-clstr__sgmnt ">
          <div class="dw-pnl__cntnt bd--white tx--white">
        <div class="dw-pnl dw-clstr__sgmnt ">
          <div class="dw-pnl__cntnt bd--white tx--white">
        <div class="dw-pnl dw-clstr__sgmnt ">
          <div class="dw-pnl__cntnt bd--white tx--white">
    <div class="dw-pnl "><img src="" class="dw-pnl__cntnt"/>
    <div class="dw-pnl ">
      <div class="dw-pnl__cntnt bd--white bg--darkred tx--white">
        <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis eu justo ex. Praesent mollis augue sagittis eros pharetra feugiat. Phasellus dignissim est lacus. Sed nec imperdiet dolor, sit amet mattis ex. Sed sed augue eu neque tristique commodo. Mauris aliquet tortor sollicitudin nibh molestie, id egestas nisl sollicitudin. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec quis ultrices ligula. Cras sed purus risus. Curabitur quis eros eu tortor semper eleifend. Pellentesque lorem elit, dignissim interdum massa id, malesuada rutrum ligula. Suspendisse tempor quis mauris eu facilisis. Phasellus non volutpat diam, non dapibus ligula. Ut non molestie ex, nec sagittis mi. Curabitur suscipit tellus id dolor pretium blandit. Cras tristique tristique pharetra.</p>
    <div class="dw-pnl "><img src="" class="dw-pnl__cntnt"/>
    <div class="dw-pnl dw-pnl--fcs">
      <div class="dw-pnl__cntnt tx--white bd--white tx--center">
        <h1>Focus on hover</h1>
    <div class="dw-pnl ">
      <div class="dw-pnl__cntnt tx--white bd--white">
        <h2>Title for some content</h2>
        <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis eu justo ex. Praesent mollis augue sagittis eros pharetra feugiat. Phasellus dignissim est lacus. Sed nec imperdiet dolor, sit amet mattis ex. Sed sed augue eu neque tristique commodo. Mauris aliquet tortor sollicitudin nibh molestie, id egestas nisl sollicitudin. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec quis ultrices ligula. Cras sed purus risus. Curabitur quis eros eu tortor semper eleifend.</p>
    <div class="dw-pnl dw-pnl--pls">
      <div class="dw-pnl__cntnt tx--white bd--white bg--darkred tx--center">
        <h1>Pulse on hover</h1>
    <div class="dw-pnl "><img src="" class="dw-pnl__cntnt"/>
    <div class="dw__fcs-crtn"></div>


  animation fade 2s
@keyframes fade
    opacity 0
    opacity 1

config = {
  "responses": {
    "breakpoints": {
      "sm": "430px",
      "md": "768px",
      "lg": "992px",
      "xl": "1500px"
    "cols": {
      "sm": 1,
      "md": 2,
      "lg": 3,
      "xl": 4
    "collapse": "sm"
  "features": {
    "focus": true,
    "flip": true,
    "pulse": true
  "aesthetics": {
    "panelGap": "5px",
    "panelPadding": "20px",
    "borderRadius": "10px",
    "flipSizes": {
      "sm": "200px",
      "md": "300px",
      "lg": "400px"
  "blocks": {
    "layout": {
      "lbl": "dw",
      "els": {
        "focus-curtain": "fcs-crtn"
    "panel": {
      "lbl": "dw-pnl",
      "els": {
        "content": "cntnt"
    "flip": {
      "lbl": "dw-flp",
      "els": {
        "panel": "pnl",
        "content": "cntnt"
    "cluster": {
      "lbl": "dw-clstr",
      "els": {
        "segment": "sgmnt"
  "mods": {
    "cluster": "clstr",
    "segment": "sgmnt",
    "small": "sm",
    "medium": "md",
    "large": "lg",
    "vertical": "vrt",
    "horizontal": "hrz",
    "quarter": "qrt",
    "half": "hlf",
    "flip": "flp",
    "front": "frnt",
    "back": "bck",
    "focus": "fcs",
    "pulse": "pls",
    "column": "clmn",
    "row": "rw"

// BEM mixins.
  define('content', lookup(elName))

  define('content', lookup(modName))

// create shortcuts
$blocks     = config.blocks
$mods       = config.mods
$responses  = config.responses
$aesthetics = config.aesthetics

define('$clusterCollapse', unquote($responses.breakpoints[$responses.collapse]))

// generate aesthetic variables based on config
for $aesthetic, $value in $aesthetics
  if $aesthetic != 'flipSizes'
    define('$value', unquote($value))
  define('$' + $aesthetic, $value)

// generate feature flags
for $feature, $enabled in config.features
  define('$' + $feature, $enabled)

// layout container block
  box-sizing border-box
  column-gap 0
  position   relative

    box-sizing border-box

  if $focus
      background-color black
      bottom           0
      display          none
      left             0
      opacity          .75
      position         fixed
      right            0
      top              0
      z-index          2

  // generate column-count for different breakpoints as dictated by config
  for $breakpoint, $value in $responses.breakpoints
    define('$columnCount', $responses.cols[$breakpoint])
    define('$breakpointVal', unquote($value))
    if $columnCount != 1
      @media(min-width: $breakpointVal)

        // NOTE: space required to please linter.
        column-count $columnCount

// panel block
  margin 0
  padding $panelGap

  if $focus
      position relative

        z-index  3

      // use CSS3 sibling combinator syntax to show focus curtain when a focus
      // panel is hovered over
      &:hover ~ .{$blocks.layout.lbl}__{$blocks.layout.els.focus-curtain}
        display block

  if $pulse
      transform-style preserve-3d
      perspective     1000
      transition      transform .25s ease 0s
        transform scale(1.02)

    border-radius $borderRadius
    overflow      hidden
    padding       $panelPadding
    width         100%

// NOTE: Iterates through responsive breakpoints in order to set break-inside
// property on the smallest possible breakpoint where columns > 1
$set = true
for $breakpoint, $value in $responses.breakpoints
  define('$columnCount', $responses.cols[$breakpoint])
  define('$breakpointVal', unquote($value))

  if $columnCount != 1
    if $set
      $set = false
        @media (min-width: $breakpointVal)
          break-inside avoid

if $flip
    perspective 1000

        transform rotateY(180deg)

    // NOTE: generates flip panel sizes.
    // important as flip panel must have a defined height in order to render
    // properly.
    for $size, $value in $flipSizes
      define('$heightVal', unquote($value))

        height $heightVal

      backface-visibility hidden
      border-radius       $borderRadius
      height              100%
      left                0
      overflow            visible
      padding             $panelPadding
      position            absolute
      top                 0
      width               100%

        transform rotateY(0deg)
        z-index   2

        transform rotateY(180deg)

      height          100%
      overflow        visible
      position        relative
      transform-style preserve-3d
      transition      .25s

  display flex
  padding 0

    @media(max-width: $clusterCollapse)
      flex-direction column

    flex-direction column

    display flex
    flex    1 1 auto

      display        flex

      @media(max-width: $clusterCollapse)
        flex-direction column

      flex-direction column

    @media(min-width: $clusterCollapse)
        flex-basis 50%

        flex-basis 25%
  * Theming
$black   = #000
$red     = #e74c3c
$green   = #26a65b
$grey    = #6c7a89
$purple  = #8e44ad
$blue    = #1e8bc3
$white   = #ecf0f1
$darkred = #cf000f

$colorPallette = {
  black  : $black
  red    : $red
  blue   : $blue
  green  : $green
  grey   : $grey
  purple : $purple
  white  : $white

  box-sizing border-box

for alignment in left right center
    text-align alignment

  font-family 'Open Sans', sans-serif

  margin-top   0

* Colors
for color, value in $colorPallette
    border           4px solid value

    background-color value

    color            value

$blocks   = config.blocks

* Images
  max-height 300px

    padding 0

    max-height 100%


