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Any URLs added here will be added as <link>s in order, and before the CSS in the editor. You can use the CSS from another Pen by using its URL and the proper URL extension.

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Babel includes JSX processing.

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Any URL's added here will be added as <script>s in order, and run before the JavaScript in the editor. You can use the URL of any other Pen and it will include the JavaScript from that Pen.

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Search for and use JavaScript packages from npm here. By selecting a package, an import statement will be added to the top of the JavaScript editor for this package.


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If active, Pens will autosave every 30 seconds after being saved once.

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If enabled, the preview panel updates automatically as you code. If disabled, use the "Run" button to update.

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If enabled, your code will be formatted when you actively save your Pen. Note: your code becomes un-folded during formatting.

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                <div id="app"></div>


                @font-face {
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*:before {
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body {
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  overflow: hidden;

body::before {
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	mask: linear-gradient(-15deg, transparent 30%, white);
	top: 0;
	z-index: -1;
	transform: translate3d(0, 0, -100vmin);

#app {
	display: grid;
	place-items: center;
	gap: 4rem;

h2 {
	font-weight: 160;
	margin: 0;
  transform-style: flat;

[aria-hidden="true"] {
	user-select: none;
	pointer-events: none;

[type=range] {
	accent-color: var(--line);

.counter {
	padding: 1rem 2rem;
	border: 2px solid var(--line);
	background: hsl(0 0% 2%);
	border-radius: 12px;
/*	aspect-ratio: 4 / 3;*/
	display: grid;
	place-items: center;

fieldset .sr-only {
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	z-index: 2;
	letter-spacing: 2px;
	font-variant: tabular-nums;
	color: transparent;

fieldset {
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legend {
	color: hsl(20 80% 50%);
	border: 0;
	font-weight: 120;
	font-size: calc(var(--font-size) * 0.25);

fieldset {
	margin: 0;
	border: 0;

.character {
	display: grid;
	height: 1lh;
	line-height: var(--line-height);
	font-variant: tabular-nums;
	font-size: var(--font-size);
	overflow: hidden;
	mask: linear-gradient(transparent, white calc(1lh * var(--mask-size)) calc(100% - (1lh * var(--mask-size))), transparent);
  transform-style: flat;

.character__track span {
	height: 1lh;
	font-weight: 120;
  transform-style: flat;

.character__track span {
	background: linear-gradient(hsl(0 0% 98%) 50%, hsl(0 0% 45%));
	background-attachment: fixed;
	background-clip: text;
	color: transparent;
  transform-style: flat;

.character {
	font-weight: 20;

.character__track {
	display: grid;
	translate: 0 calc((var(--v) + 1) * (var(--line-height) * -1));
	transition: translate calc(var(--transition) * 1s) var(--ease);

.character:first-of-type {
	margin-right: 0.2ch;
	opacity: 0.75;
	font-size: calc(var(--font-size) * 0.8);

.characters {
	display: flex;
	gap: 2px;
  transform-style: flat;

.fraction {
	font-size: calc(var(--font-size) * 0.75);
	opacity: 0.75;
	font-weight: 40;
	height: var(--line-height);

.fraction .character__track span {
	display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  align-items: end;
  padding: calc((var(--line-height) - var(--font-size)) * 0.2) 0;

.counter:last-of-type {
	position: absolute;
	opacity: 0;
	pointer-events: none;

.counter:last-of-type [data-value] {
	position: relative;
.counter:last-of-type [data-value]::after {
	content: attr(data-value);
	position: absolute;
	bottom: 0%;
	left: 0%;
	font-family: "Geist Sans", sans-serif;
	font-weight: 120;

	background: linear-gradient(hsl(0 0% 98%) 50%, hsl(0 0% 45%));
	background-attachment: fixed;
	background-clip: text;
	color: transparent;

.counter:last-of-type .fraction[data-value]::after {
	display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  align-items: end;
  padding: calc((var(--line-height) - var(--font-size)) * 0.2) 0;
  height: var(--line-height);
} {
	z-index: 9999 !important;
	transform: translate3d(0, 0, 100vmin);

/* Transitions */
[data-explode] #app {
	transform: rotateX(-24deg) rotateY(-40deg);

.counter:first-of-type {
	transform: translate3d(0, 0, calc(var(--depth) * 1));

.counter:last-of-type {
	transform: translate3d(0, 0, calc(var(--depth) * -1));

[data-explode] .counter:last-of-type {
	opacity: 1;

[data-explode] #app {
	--depth: 100px;
	transition: transform 0.5s;

#app {
	--depth: 0;
	transition: transform 0.5s 3s;

[data-explode] .counter {
	transition: transform 0.5s 1s;

.counter {
	transition: transform 0.5s 2s;

[data-explode] .counter:last-of-type {
	transition: transform 0.5s 1s ease, opacity 0.5s 1s steps(1, start), background 0.5s 2s, border-color 0.5s 2s;

.counter:last-of-type {
	transition: transform 0.5s 2s ease, opacity 0.5s 2s steps(1, end), background 0.5s 1s, border-color 0.5s 1s;

.counter:last-of-type .character {
	mask: unset;
	overflow: visible;

.counter:last-of-type .character__track span {
	opacity: 0;

[data-explode] .counter:last-of-type .character--symbol,
[data-explode] .counter:last-of-type .character__track span {
	transition: opacity 0.5s 3s;
	opacity: 0.5;
[data-explode] .counter:last-of-type [data-value]::after {
	transition: opacity 0.5s 3s;
	opacity: 0;

.counter:last-of-type .character--symbol,
.counter:last-of-type .character__track span {
	transition: opacity 0.5s;
.counter:last-of-type [data-value]::after {
	transition: opacity 0.5s;
.counter:last-of-type legend {
	transition: color 0.5s 1s;

[data-explode] .counter:last-of-type {
	background: hsl(0 0% 0% / 0.15);
	border-color: hsl(0 0% 95% / 0.15);

[data-explode] .counter:last-of-type legend {
	transition: color 0.5s 2s;
	color: hsl(0 0% 100% / 0.25);



                import { GUI } from ''
import React from ''
import { render } from ''

const ROOT_NODE = document.querySelector('#app')

const CONFIG = {
  min: 0,
  max: 20000,
  step: 0.01,
  value: 12010.0,
  pad: true,
  explode: false,
  ease: 'elastic.inOut',
  transition: 2,
  currency: 'USD',
  ease: 'elastic',
  easeOptions: [
  currencyOptions: ['USD', 'GBP', 'EUR'],

const FORMATTERS = {
  USD: new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US', {
    style: 'currency',
    currency: 'USD',
  GBP: new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US', {
    style: 'currency',
    currency: 'GBP',
  EUR: new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US', {
    style: 'currency',
    currency: 'EUR',
  YEN: new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US', {
    style: 'currency',
    currency: 'YEN',

const Character = ({ className, key, value }) => {
  return (
    <span data-value={value} className={`character ${className || ''}`}>
      <span className="character__track" style={{ '--v': value }}>
        {[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9].map((val, index) => {
          return <span key={`${key}--${index}`}>{val}</span>

const Counter = ({ currency, pad, value }) => {
  const padCount = pad
    ? CONFIG.max.toFixed(2).toString().length - value.toString().length
    : 0

  const paddedValue = value
    .padStart(value.toString().length + padCount, '1')

  let i = 0
  const renderValue = FORMATTERS[currency]
    .map((character, index) => {
      if (!isNaN(parseInt(character, 10)) && i < padCount) {
        return '0'
      return character

  return (
    <div className="counter">
          <span className="sr-only">{renderValue}</span>
          <span aria-hidden="true" className="characters">
            {renderValue.split('').map((character, index) => {
              if (isNaN(parseInt(character, 10)))
                return (
                  <span key={index} className="character character--symbol">
              return (
                    index > renderValue.split('').length - 3 ? 'fraction' : ''

const App = () => {
  const [value, setValue] = React.useState(CONFIG.value.toFixed(2))
  // Create state and refs for the controller
  const [max, setMax] = React.useState(CONFIG.max)
  const [min, setMin] = React.useState(CONFIG.min)
  const [step, setStep] = React.useState(CONFIG.step)
  const [pad, setPad] = React.useState(CONFIG.pad)
  const [currency, setCurrency] = React.useState(CONFIG.currency)
  // const [pad, setPad] = React.useState(CONFIG.pad)
  const minController = React.useRef(null)
  const maxController = React.useRef(null)
  const stepController = React.useRef(null)
  const padController = React.useRef(null)
  const transitionController = React.useRef(null)
  const currencyController = React.useRef(null)
  const valueController = React.useRef(null)
  const easeController = React.useRef(null)
  React.useEffect(() => {
    const UPDATE = () => {
      minController.current.max(CONFIG.max - 1)
      maxController.current.min(CONFIG.min + 1)
    // Set up the controller.
    const CTRL = new GUI({ width: 320 })
    const valueFolder = CTRL.addFolder('Config')
    minController.current = valueFolder.add(CONFIG, 'min', 0, CONFIG.max - 1, 1)
    maxController.current = valueFolder.add(CONFIG, 'max', CONFIG.min + 1, 1000000, 1)
    stepController.current = valueFolder.add(CONFIG, 'step', 0.01, CONFIG.max, 0.01)
    padController.current = valueFolder.add(CONFIG, 'pad').name('Pad').onChange(UPDATE)
    currencyController.current = valueFolder.add(
    transitionController.current = CTRL.add(CONFIG, 'transition', 0, 5, 0.05)
      .name('Transition (s)')
    easeController.current = CTRL.add(CONFIG, 'ease', CONFIG.easeOptions)
    valueController.current = CTRL.add(
    CTRL.add(CONFIG, 'explode').name('Explode?').onChange(() => {
  }, [])

  return (
      <Counter pad={pad} value={value} currency={currency} />
      <Counter pad={pad} value={value} currency={currency} />

render(<App />, ROOT_NODE)

