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                <svg class='scene' xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 1258 1186" clip-rule="evenodd" fill-rule="evenodd" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round">
  <g class='rocket'>
    <g class='rocket__stream'>
      <path d="M745 608h6v263h-6z" />
      <path d="M761 608h6v263h-6z" />
      <path d="M755 608h6v263h-6z" />
      <path d="M749 608h6v263h-6z" />
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      <path d="M772 608h6v263h-6z" />
      <path d="M767 608h6v263h-6z" />
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      <path d="M704 873a25 25 0 1150 0 25 25 0 01-50 0z" />
      <path d="M736 863a25 25 0 1150 0 25 25 0 01-50 0z" />
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      <path d="M738 884a25 25 0 1150 0 25 25 0 01-50 0z" />
      <path d="M721 851a25 25 0 1150 0 25 25 0 01-50 0z" />
      <path d="M716 876a25 25 0 1150 0 25 25 0 01-50 0z" />
      <path d="M747 881a25 25 0 1150 0 25 25 0 01-50 0z" />
      <path d="M764 882a25 25 0 1150 0 25 25 0 01-50 0z" />
      <path d="M766 852a25 25 0 1150 0 25 25 0 01-50 0z" />
      <path d="M735 847a25 25 0 1150 0 25 25 0 01-50 0z" />
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      <path d="M764 442c18 0 32 15 32 33v129h-8V475c0-16-12-30-27-32l3-1z"/>
  <g class='kitty'>
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      <path class='kitty__tail' d="M698 618c-2 16-9 38-6 53 3 12 14 22 15 35 1 16-6 32-8 46" fill="none" stroke-width="20"/>
      <path class='kitty__tail' d="M701 619c2 16 9 38 5 53-2 12-13 21-14 34-2 17 6 33 7 47" fill="none" stroke-width="20"/>
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    <g class='kitty__leg kitty__leg--left'>
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      <path class='kitty__dark' d="M737 593l2 6v94c0 8-7 15-15 15-3 0-5-1-7-3 2 5 7 8 13 8 8 0 14-6 14-14v-94c0-5-3-10-7-12z"/>
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      <path class='kitty__light' d="M699 446c27 0 49 22 49 48v97c0 27-22 48-49 48s-49-21-49-48v-97c0-26 22-48 49-48z"/>
      <path class='kitty__dark' d="M699 639c27 0 49-22 49-48l1-98c-1-15-10-28-21-37 5 8 9 17 9 27v97c1 27-21 48-48 49-12 0-22-4-30-10 9 12 24 20 40 20z"/>
    <path class='rocket__strap' d="M652 509l91-11c5-1 9 3 10 7v1c0 5-3 9-8 10l-91 11c-5 0-9-3-10-8v-1c0-5 3-9 8-9z"/>
    <g class='kitty__arm kitty__arm--right'>
      <path class='kitty__light' d="M734 468c8 2 13 10 11 18l-20 91c-2 8-10 13-18 11s-13-10-11-17l21-92c2-8 9-13 17-11z"/>
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    <g class='kitty__arm kitty__arm--left'>
      <path class='kitty__light' d="M659 475c8 2 13 10 11 18l-22 91c-2 8-10 13-18 11s-13-10-11-18l23-91c1-8 9-13 17-11z"/>
      <path class='kitty__dark' d="M665 479l1 7-23 91c-1 8-9 13-17 11l-7-4c2 5 6 9 11 11 8 2 16-3 18-11l22-91c1-5-1-10-5-14z"/>
    <g class='kitty__head'>
      <g class='kitty__stroke' fill="none" stroke-width="5">
        <path d="M548 467c-18 10-38 13-54 26"/>
        <path d="M560 485l-48 31"/>
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        <path d="M760 390c10-6 38 4 47 9"/>
      <path class='kitty__light' d="M652 326c4-107 90-53 73 8 48 34 64 104-5 155-94 71-188 9-181-68-37-57-22-143 46-67"/>
      <path class='kitty__muzzle' d="M616 454c-7-14 5-34 28-46 22-11 46-9 53 5s-5 35-27 46c-23 12-47 9-54-5z"/>
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      <g class='kitty__eye kitty__eye--right'>
        <path class='kitty__stroke kitty__fill' d="M712 377a7 7 0 1112-7 7 7 0 01-12 7z" stroke-width="5"/>
      <path class='kitty__light' d="M570 369c9-8 15-20 25-27 22-15 47-18 72-16" />
      <path class='kitty__dark-stroke' d="M690 287c-18-22-28 18-25 30v3" fill="none" stroke-width="4"/>
      <path class='kitty__dark-stroke' d="M536 352c-6-8 2-21 11-15 6 5 12 9 17 15 1 2 7 10 8 9" fill="none" stroke-width="4"/>
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      <path class='kitty__stroke' d="M644 426c-1-3 1-5 4-7 3-1 7-1 8 1s-1 5-4 7c-4 1-7 1-8-1z" stroke-width="2"/>
      <path class='kitty__dark' d="M695 267c14 12 23 35 17 59 47 34 63 104-6 155-47 36-94 38-129 21 35 25 89 28 143-13 69-51 53-121 5-155 9-31-10-61-30-67z"/>
  <g class='stars'>
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  box-sizing border-box

  --hue 12
  --star hsl(42, 91%, 65%)
  --bg hsl(0, 0%, 15%)
  --strap hsl(0, 0%, 13%)
  --red hsl(4, 80%, 65%)
  --orange hsl(24, 80%, 65%)
  --lime hsl(64, 80%, 65%)
  --green hsl(104, 80%, 65%)
  --turquoise hsl(184, 80%, 65%)
  --purple hsl(244, 80%, 65%)
  --indigo hsl(264, 80%, 65%)
  --violet hsl(324, 80%, 65%)
  --tail 'hsl(%s, 27%, 62%)' % var(--hue)
  --stroke hsl(0, 0%, 10%)
  --muzzle 'hsl(%s, 43%, 89%)' % var(--hue)
  --dark 'hsl(%s, 33%, 67%)' % var(--hue)
  --light 'hsl(%s, 65%, 79%)' % var(--hue)
  --strap hsl(0, 0%, 20%)
  background var(--bg)
  display flex
  align-items center
  justify-content center
  min-height 100vh
  overflow hidden

  height 100vmin
  display none

    fill var(--star)

    fill var(--light)

    fill var(--dark)

    stroke var(--dark)

    stroke var(--stroke)

    fill var(--stroke)

    fill var(--muzzle)

    stroke var(--tail)

    fill var(--strap)

      fill hsl(0, 0%, 65%)
      fill hsl(0, 0%, 20%)
      fill hsl(0, 0%, 85%)
      fill hsl(0, 0%, 30%)

        fill var(--red)
        fill var(--orange)
        fill var(--lime)
        fill var(--green)
        fill var(--turquoise)
        fill var(--purple)
        fill var(--indigo)
        fill var(--violet)



                const {
  gsap: {
    utils: { random },
} = window

const TAILS = [...document.querySelectorAll('.kitty__tail')]
const STARS = [...document.querySelectorAll('.stars path')]
const BUBBLES = [...document.querySelectorAll('.rocket__bubbles path')]
const EYES = [...document.querySelectorAll('.kitty__eye')]

set('.scene', { display: 'block' })

set(TAILS[1], { display: 'none' })
to(TAILS[0], {
  duration: 0.1,
  ease: 'none',
  yoyo: true,
  repeat: -1,
  morphSVG: TAILS[1],

set('.stars path', {
  y: -1185,
  transformOrigin: '50% 50%',
  rotation: 'random(0, 360)',
  scale: 'random(0.2, 1.2)'

STARS.forEach(star =>
  to(star, {
    repeat: -1,
    duration: 'random(4, 10)',
    delay: () => 'random(-10, -5)',
    y: 1185,
    ease: 'none',

set(BUBBLES, { scale: 0, transformOrigin: '50% 50%' })
BUBBLES.forEach(bubble =>
  timeline({ repeat: -1, yoyo: true })
    .to(bubble, {
      duration: 0.5,
      scale: 2.5,
        duration: 0.2,
        opacity: 0,

set(EYES, { transformOrigin: '50% 50%', rotate: -25 })

const blink = () => {
  const delay = random(2, 5)
  to(EYES, {
    duration: 0.1,
    repeat: 1,
    yoyo: true,
    scaleY: 0,
    onComplete: () => blink(),

to('.kitty__head', {
  repeat: -1,
  yoyo: true,
  rotate: 2,
  duration: 0.1,
  transformOrigin: '75% 75%',

to('.kitty__arm', {
  repeat: -1,
  yoyo: true,
  rotate: 2,
  duration: 0.1,
  transformOrigin: '75% 15%',
to('.kitty__leg--left', {
  repeat: -1,
  yoyo: true,
  rotate: 2,
  duration: 0.1,
  transformOrigin: '50% 5%',
to('.kitty__leg--right', {
  repeat: -1,
  yoyo: true,
  rotate: -2,
  duration: 0.1,
  transformOrigin: '50% 5%',
const PARTY = timeline({
  paused: true,
    '--hue': 0,
    '--hue': 360,
    repeat: 10,
    ease: 'none',

// HMM not sure??
// to('.kitty__arm--right', {
//   repeat: -1,
//   yoyo: true,
//   rotate: -2,
//   duration: 0.1,
//   transformOrigin: '75% 25%',
// })

// Yeah, that's it...

// Why are you still going?

// You wouldn't want to party would you?

// No, stop, honestly, this party isn't even that cool!

const keys = []
const shouldWeParty = e => {
  if (
      .slice(keys.length - 5, keys.length)
      .toLowerCase() === 'party'
  ) {
    // Let's party
    keys.length = 0
window.addEventListener('keyup', shouldWeParty)

