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                <div class="container">
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          <span>Pointer tracking glows</span>
        <h2>Wherever you go,<br>it follows</h2>
        <a href="">Learn more</a>
        <div class="glows"></div>
        <span class="header">
          <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" class="w-6 h-6">
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          <span>Pointer tracking glows</span>
        <h2>Activate by,<br>getting closer</h2>
        <a href="">Learn more</a>


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.header svg:nth-of-type(3) {
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.header svg:nth-of-type(4) {
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                import { GUI } from ''

const CONTAINER = document.querySelector('.container')
const CARDS = document.querySelectorAll('article')

const CONFIG = {
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  spread: 80,
  blur: 20,
  gap: 32,
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  opacity: 0,

const PROXIMITY = 10

const UPDATE = (event) => {
  // get the angle based on the center point of the card and pointer position
  for (const CARD of CARDS) {
    // Check the card against the proximity and then start updating
    const CARD_BOUNDS = CARD.getBoundingClientRect()
    // Get distance between pointer and outerbounds of card
    if (
      event?.x > CARD_BOUNDS.left - CONFIG.proximity &&
      event?.x < CARD_BOUNDS.left + CARD_BOUNDS.width + CONFIG.proximity &&
      event?.y > - CONFIG.proximity &&
      event?.y < + CARD_BOUNDS.height + CONFIG.proximity) {
      // If within proximity set the active opacity'--active', 1)
    } else {'--active', CONFIG.opacity)
    const CARD_CENTER = [
      CARD_BOUNDS.left + CARD_BOUNDS.width * 0.5, + CARD_BOUNDS.height * 0.5
    let ANGLE = Math.atan2(event?.y - CARD_CENTER[1], event?.x - CARD_CENTER[0]) * 180 / Math.PI
    ANGLE = ANGLE < 0 ? ANGLE + 360 : ANGLE;'--start', ANGLE + 90)


document.body.addEventListener('pointermove', UPDATE)

const RESTYLE = () => {'--gap','--blur', CONFIG.blur)'--spread', CONFIG.spread)'--direction', CONFIG.vertical ? 'column' : 'row')

const CTRL = new GUI({
  width: 340,
CTRL.add(CONFIG, 'spread', 10, 180, 1).name('Spread (deg)').onChange(RESTYLE)
CTRL.add(CONFIG, 'proximity', 10, 180, 1).name('Active Proximity (px)').onChange(RESTYLE)
CTRL.add(CONFIG, 'gap', 10, 100, 1).name('Gap (px)').onChange(RESTYLE)
CTRL.add(CONFIG, 'blur', 0, 50, 1).name('Blur (px)').onChange(RESTYLE)
CTRL.add(CONFIG, 'opacity', 0, 1, 0.01).name('Inactive Opacity').onChange(RESTYLE)
CTRL.add(CONFIG, 'vertical').name('Vertical Layout').onChange(RESTYLE)

