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      path#path893(d='m 144.61368,155.63691 h 3.41478 l -2.6293,-4.45657 2.77813,-4.43177 h -3.41478 l -1.23197,2.57968 h -0.12402 l -1.2237,-2.57968 h -3.58014 l 2.66237,4.43177 -2.51354,4.45657 h 3.25768 l 1.24023,-2.59622 h 0.12403 z')
          rect#rect919(width='6.1350183' height='2.348175' x='148.6404' y='146.74834' ry='0')
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//- include dot-one.pug'0 0 162.80969 60.440757')
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//- include dot-two.pug'0 0 162.80969 60.440757')
  g(transform='translate(-5.2030773,-108.61135)' style='display:inline')
          path#path898(d='m 133.45988,121.85293 c -0.9095,0 -1.64537,0.55397 -1.64537,1.44694 0,0.9095 0.73587,1.46348 1.64537,1.46348 0.90125,0 1.63711,-0.55398 1.63711,-1.46348 0,-0.89297 -0.73586,-1.44694 -1.63711,-1.44694 z')
//- include cross-two.pug
svg.cross(viewbox='0 0 162.80969 60.440757')
  g(transform='translate(-5.2030773,-108.61135)' style='display:inline')
          rect#rect944(ry='0' y='125.58167' x='146.58987' height='2.348175' width='6.1350183')
//- include cross-one.pug
svg.cross(viewbox='0 0 162.80969 60.440757')
  g(transform='translate(-5.2030773,-108.61135)' style='display:inline')
          rect#rect938(ry='0' y='146.74834' x='18.432337' height='2.348175' width='6.1350183')
//- include cross-three.pug
svg.cross(viewbox='0 0 162.80969 60.440757')
  g(transform='translate(-5.2030773,-108.61135)' style='display:inline')
          rect#rect919(width='6.1350183' height='2.348175' x='148.6404' y='146.74834' ry='0')
//- include dot-three.pug'0 0 162.80969 60.440757')
  g(transform='translate(-5.2030773,-108.61135)' style='display:inline')
    path.i__dot(d='m 34.919085,121.84052 c -0.909501,0 -1.645371,0.55397 -1.645371,1.44694 0,0.9095 0.73587,1.46348 1.645371,1.46348 0.90125,0 1.63711,-0.55398 1.63711,-1.46348 0,-0.89297 -0.73586,-1.44694 -1.63711,-1.44694 z')
//- include dot-four.pug'0 0 162.80969 60.440757')
  g(transform='translate(-5.2030773,-108.61135)' style='display:inline')
    path.i__dot(d='m 106.40619,154.11969 c 0,0.93431 0.76895,1.70325 1.71153,1.70325 0.93431,0 1.70325,-0.76894 1.70325,-1.70325 0,-0.94258 -0.76894,-1.71153 -1.70325,-1.71153 -0.94258,0 -1.71153,0.76895 -1.71153,1.71153 z')


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                // eslint-disable-next-line
;(function() {
  const {
    gsap: { set, to, timeline },
  } = window
  const $TEXT_ONE = document.querySelector('.text--one')
  const $TEXT_TWO = document.querySelector('.text--two')
  const $LOGO = document.querySelector('img')
  const $LOGO_CONTAINER = document.querySelector('.logo-container')
  const $CRANES = [...document.querySelectorAll('.crane')]
  const $LINE_ONE = [...$TEXT_ONE.querySelectorAll('.word')]
  const $LINE_TWO = [...$TEXT_TWO.querySelectorAll('.word')]
  const $DOTS = [...document.querySelectorAll('.dot')]
  const $CROSSES = [...document.querySelectorAll('.cross')]
  const $MOVING_PARTS = [$DOTS[0], $DOTS[1], ...$CROSSES, $DOTS[3]]
  // Only targets the crosses and dots in the actual words, not the duplicates
  const $DOUBLE_DOTS_ONE = [...$TEXT_ONE.querySelectorAll('.i__dot')]
  const $DOUBLE_CROSSES_ONE = [...$TEXT_ONE.querySelectorAll('.t__cross')]

  const FADE_DUR = 0.25
  const STAGGER = 0.1
  const STEP_DELAY = 1
  const STEP_DUR = 0.05

  const resetPositions = () => {
        clearProps: true,
    for (const CRANE of $CRANES) CRANE.removeAttribute('data-offset')
      opacity: 0,

  const movePart = (index, reversed, onStart) => {
    const CRANE = $CRANES[index]
    // Work out the speed in relation to where the text is in the window
    const DURATION = CRANE.dataset.offset / 750
    return (
      new timeline({ repeatRefresh: true, reversed, onStart })
        // .add(set($MOVING_PARTS[index], { opacity: 1 }))
          to(CRANE, {
            duration: DURATION,
            [CRANE.className.includes('vertical') ? 'y' : 'x']: `${
              CRANE.className.includes('right') ? '-' : '+'
          to($MOVING_PARTS[index], {
            duration: DURATION,
            [CRANE.className.includes('vertical') ? 'y' : 'x']: `${
              CRANE.className.includes('right') ? '+' : '-'
          to($CRANES[index], {
            duration: DURATION,
            [CRANE.className.includes('vertical') ? 'y' : 'x']: `${
              CRANE.className.includes('right') ? '+' : '-'

  const setPositions = () => {
     * Set up the logo position
    const LOGO_BOUNDS = $LOGO.getBoundingClientRect()
    // Use the image height as that will be set whereas the image may not have loaded
    // and means the rendered width would be 0
    $LOGO_CONTAINER.dataset.offset = LOGO_BOUNDS.left + LOGO_BOUNDS.height * 2
    set($LOGO_CONTAINER, { x: -$LOGO_CONTAINER.dataset.offset })

     * Set up all the moving parts
    const BOUNDS = $ => {
      return {
          el.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'svg'
            ? el.querySelector('g').getBoundingClientRect()
            : el.getBoundingClientRect(),

    // 0 === UsIng
    // 1 === JavaScrIpt
    // 2 === JavaScripT
    // 3 === To
    // 4 === texT
    // 5 === . <
    for (let b = 0; b < BOUNDS.length; b++) {
      const BOUND = BOUNDS[b]
      const CRANE = $CRANES[b]
      const isH = CRANE.className.includes('horizontal')
      CRANE.dataset.offset = isH
        ? CRANE.className.includes('right')
          ? BOUND.pos.left + BOUND.pos.width * 2
          : BOUND.pos.left + BOUND.pos.width * 2
        : + BOUND.pos.height * 2
      set(CRANE, {
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          ? + BOUND.pos.height / 2 - CRANE.offsetHeight / 2
          : window.innerHeight - ( + BOUND.pos.height),
          ? CRANE.className.includes('right')
            ? 'left'
            : 'right'
          : 'left']: isH
          ? CRANE.className.includes('right')
            ? BOUND.pos.left + BOUND.pos.width
            : window.innerWidth - BOUND.pos.left
          : BOUND.pos.left + BOUND.pos.height / 2 - CRANE.offsetWidth / 2,
        [isH ? 'x' : 'y']: CRANE.className.includes('right')
          ? `+=${CRANE.dataset.offset}`
          : `-=${CRANE.dataset.offset}`,
        transformOrigin: '50% 50%',

  const genTL = () => {
    return (
      new timeline({
        delay: 1,
        repeat: -1,
        repeatDelay: 1.5,
        // Fade in all the words
          to($LINE_ONE, { duration: FADE_DUR, stagger: STAGGER, opacity: 1 })
        // Bring in the duplicates and hide the originals 👍
          set([$DOTS[0], $DOTS[1], $CROSSES], {
            opacity: 1,
        .add(set([...$DOUBLE_DOTS_ONE, ...$DOUBLE_CROSSES_ONE], { opacity: 0 }))
        // Bring in the crane and take out the dots
          new timeline()
            .add(to($LINE_ONE, { duration: STEP_DUR, opacity: 0 }))
            .add(to($DOTS[2], { duration: STEP_DUR, opacity: 1 }), 0)
        .add(set($TEXT_TWO, { opacity: 1 }))
          to($LINE_TWO, {
            delay: STEP_DELAY,
            duration: FADE_DUR,
            stagger: STAGGER,
            opacity: 1,
          movePart(5, true, () => set($DOTS[3], { opacity: 1 })),
          to([$TEXT_TWO, $DOTS[2], $DOTS[3]], {
            delay: STEP_DELAY,
            duration: STEP_DUR,
            opacity: 0,
          to($LOGO_CONTAINER, {
            delay: STEP_DELAY,
            duration: $LOGO_CONTAINER.dataset.offset / 500,
            x: `+=${$LOGO_CONTAINER.dataset.offset}`,
          to($CRANES[5], {
            duration: $LOGO_CONTAINER.dataset.offset / 1000,
            x: `-=${$LOGO_CONTAINER.dataset.offset}`,
  let TL = genTL()
   * When we resize the window, we need to kill the current timeline and
   * generate a new one killing and invalidating all of the current timeline settings
  window.addEventListener('resize', () => {
    TL = genTL()

