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<div class="mail-message__info">
<div class="mail-message__sender">{{message.from.name}}</div>
<div class="mail-message__subject">{{message.subject}}</div>
<div class="mail-message__timestamp">{{message.received}}</div>
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<div class="mail-message__info">
<div class="mail-message__sender">{{message.from.name}}</div>
<div class="mail-message__subject">{{message.subject}}</div>
<div class="mail-message__timestamp">{{message.received}}</div>
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<div class="mail-message__info">
<div class="mail-message__sender" ref="mailSender">{{activeMessage.from.name}}</div>
<div class="mail-message__subject" ref="mailSubject">{{activeMessage.subject}}</div>
<div class="mail-message__timestamp" ref="mailTimestamp">{{activeMessage.received}}</div>
<article class="mail-message__message" ref="mailContent">{{activeMessage.message}}</article>
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<div class="mail-message__info">
<div class="mail-message__sender">{{message.from.name}}</div>
<div class="mail-message__subject">{{message.subject}}</div>
<div class="mail-message__timestamp">{{message.received}}</div>
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<div class="mail-composer" v-if="openingComposer || composerOpen">
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<h1 class="mail-header__title mail-composer__title">Compose</h1>
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* Mail messages should animate on first load
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View Compiled
const CLASSES = {
COMPOSER: 'mail-composer',
HEADER: 'mail-screen-header',
SETTINGS: 'mail-settings',
let messages = []
for (let i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
from: {
avatar: faker.image.avatar(),
name: faker.name.findName(),
received: moment(faker.date.recent()),
subject: faker.company.bs(),
message: faker.lorem.paragraphs(Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 + 2)),
messages = messages.sort((a, b) => a.received.diff(b.received)).reverse()
for (let message of messages) {
if (message.received.isAfter(moment().subtract(5, 'hours'))) {
message.received = message.received.format('HH:mm')
} else {
message.received = message.received.format('D MMM')
const app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
theme: '#a7dde9',
openingComposer: false,
closingComposer: false,
composerOpen: false,
messageOpen: false,
activeMessage: undefined,
activeMessageIndex: undefined,
fakeOnePos: undefined,
fakeTwoPos: undefined,
messageTop: undefined,
mailOpened: false,
openingSettings: false,
closingSettings: false,
settingsOpen: false,
loaded: false,
messages: [],
mounted: function() {
this.loaded = true
methods: {
openComposer: function() {
this.openingComposer = !this.openingComposer
this.$nextTick(() => {
const composer = document.querySelector(`.${CLASSES.COMPOSER}`)
const composerTl = new TimelineMax({
onComplete: () => {
this.openingComposer = false
this.composerOpen = true
this.mailOpened = true
TweenMax.to(composer, ANIMATION_DURATION, {
right: 0,
bottom: 0,
height: '100%',
width: '100%',
borderRadius: 0,
closeComposer: function() {
this.closingComposer = !this.closingComposer
const composer = document.querySelector(`.${CLASSES.COMPOSER}`)
const composerTl = new TimelineMax({
onComplete: () => {
this.composerOpen = false
this.closingComposer = false
TweenMax.to(composer, ANIMATION_DURATION, {
bottom: 10,
right: 10,
height: 44,
width: 44,
borderRadius: '100%',
openInbox: function() {
this.messages = messages
closeInbox: function() {
this.messages = []
this.mailOpened = false
closeMessage: function() {
TweenMax.to(this.$refs.mailContainer, ANIMATION_DURATION, {
onComplete: () => {
this.activeMessage = null
this.activeMessageIndex = null
this.messageOpen = false
x: '-100%',
openMessage: function(message, idx) {
const el = document.getElementById(`message--${idx}`)
const list = document.querySelector('.mail-messages--main')
const header = document.querySelector(`.${CLASSES.HEADER}`)
this.mailOpened = true
this.activeMessage = message
this.activeMessageIndex = idx
this.fakeTwoPos =
el.offsetTop + el.offsetHeight + header.offsetHeight - list.scrollTop
this.messageTop = el.offsetTop + header.offsetHeight - list.scrollTop
this.fakeOnePos = list.offsetHeight - el.offsetTop + list.scrollTop
this.$nextTick(() => {
const el = document.querySelector('.mail-message--opening')
const {
} = this.$refs
const fakeHeaderPos = fakeHeader.getBoundingClientRect()
const mailHeaderPos = mailHeader.getBoundingClientRect()
const mailContainerPos = mailContainer.getBoundingClientRect()
const openTl = new TimelineMax({
onComplete: () => {
this.messageOpen = true
// Move fakes out of the way
.to(fakeHeader, ANIMATION_DURATION, { y: `-${this.messageTop}px` }, 0)
.to(fakeTop, ANIMATION_DURATION, { bottom: '100%' }, 0)
.to(fakeBottom, ANIMATION_DURATION, { top: '100%' }, 0)
// Move header to top and change sizing
{ y: `-${this.messageTop - fakeHeaderPos.height}`, paddingTop: 10 },
{ height: '34px', width: '34px' },
{ fontSize: '0.75rem', y: 0 },
overflow: 'hidden',
fontSize: '0.75rem',
fontWeight: '400',
color: '#7e7e7e',
.from(mailSender, ANIMATION_DURATION, { fontSize: '1rem' }, 0)
// Animate in the article
height: `${mailContainerPos.height -
(mailHeaderPos.height + fakeHeaderPos.height)}px`,
opacity: 1,
y: `-${mailContainerPos.height -
(mailHeaderPos.height + fakeHeaderPos.height)}px`,
openSettings: function() {
this.openingSettings = !this.openingSettings
this.$nextTick(() => {
const el = document.querySelector(`.${CLASSES.SETTINGS}`)
TweenMax.from(el, ANIMATION_DURATION, {
onComplete: () => {
this.openingSettings = false
this.settingsOpen = true
x: '100%',
closeSettings: function() {
const el = document.querySelector(`.${CLASSES.SETTINGS}`)
onComplete: () => {
this.openeingSettings = false
this.settingsOpen = false
x: '100%',
updateTheme: function(e) {
this.theme = e.target.value
document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--accent', e.target.value)
View Compiled
This Pen doesn't use any external CSS resources.