HTML preprocessors can make writing HTML more powerful or convenient. For instance, Markdown is designed to be easier to write and read for text documents and you could write a loop in Pug.
In CodePen, whatever you write in the HTML editor is what goes within the <body>
tags in a basic HTML5 template. So you don't have access to higher-up elements like the <html>
tag. If you want to add classes there that can affect the whole document, this is the place to do it.
In CodePen, whatever you write in the HTML editor is what goes within the <body>
tags in a basic HTML5 template. If you need things in the <head>
of the document, put that code here.
The resource you are linking to is using the 'http' protocol, which may not work when the browser is using https.
CSS preprocessors help make authoring CSS easier. All of them offer things like variables and mixins to provide convenient abstractions.
It's a common practice to apply CSS to a page that styles elements such that they are consistent across all browsers. We offer two of the most popular choices: normalize.css and a reset. Or, choose Neither and nothing will be applied.
To get the best cross-browser support, it is a common practice to apply vendor prefixes to CSS properties and values that require them to work. For instance -webkit-
or -moz-
We offer two popular choices: Autoprefixer (which processes your CSS server-side) and -prefix-free (which applies prefixes via a script, client-side).
Any URLs added here will be added as <link>
s in order, and before the CSS in the editor. You can use the CSS from another Pen by using its URL and the proper URL extension.
You can apply CSS to your Pen from any stylesheet on the web. Just put a URL to it here and we'll apply it, in the order you have them, before the CSS in the Pen itself.
You can also link to another Pen here (use the .css
URL Extension) and we'll pull the CSS from that Pen and include it. If it's using a matching preprocessor, use the appropriate URL Extension and we'll combine the code before preprocessing, so you can use the linked Pen as a true dependency.
JavaScript preprocessors can help make authoring JavaScript easier and more convenient.
Babel includes JSX processing.
Any URL's added here will be added as <script>
s in order, and run before the JavaScript in the editor. You can use the URL of any other Pen and it will include the JavaScript from that Pen.
You can apply a script from anywhere on the web to your Pen. Just put a URL to it here and we'll add it, in the order you have them, before the JavaScript in the Pen itself.
If the script you link to has the file extension of a preprocessor, we'll attempt to process it before applying.
You can also link to another Pen here, and we'll pull the JavaScript from that Pen and include it. If it's using a matching preprocessor, we'll combine the code before preprocessing, so you can use the linked Pen as a true dependency.
Search for and use JavaScript packages from npm here. By selecting a package, an import
statement will be added to the top of the JavaScript editor for this package.
Using packages here is powered by, which makes packages from npm not only available on a CDN, but prepares them for native JavaScript ESM usage.
All packages are different, so refer to their docs for how they work.
If you're using React / ReactDOM, make sure to turn on Babel for the JSX processing.
If active, Pens will autosave every 30 seconds after being saved once.
If enabled, the preview panel updates automatically as you code. If disabled, use the "Run" button to update.
If enabled, your code will be formatted when you actively save your Pen. Note: your code becomes un-folded during formatting.
Visit your global Editor Settings.
<div class="term"></div>
<textarea class="vi" style="display: none"></textarea>
body {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
background: #000;
min-height: 100vh;
.terminal {
--size: 1.2;
height: 100vh;
BrowserFS.configure({ fs: "IndexedDB", options: {} }, function (err) {
var greetings = 'GIT Web Terminal\nuse [[;#fff;]help] to see available commands' +
' or [[;#fff;]credits] to list of projects used\n' +
'Check [[!;;;;]latest version]\n'
var name = 'git';
if (err) {
return $('.term').terminal(function(command, term) {
term.error('BrowserFS was not initialized');
}, {greetings,name}).error(err.message || err);
window.fs = BrowserFS.BFSRequire("fs");
window.path = BrowserFS.BFSRequire("path");
var dir = '/';
var cwd = '/';
var credentials = {};
var branch;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function color(name, string) {
var colors = {
blue: '#55f',
green: '#4d4',
grey: '#999',
red: '#A00',
yellow: '#FF5',
violet: '#a320ce',
white: '#fff'
if (colors[name]) {
return '[[;' + colors[name] + ';]' + string + ']';
} else {
return string;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function list(path) {
return listDir(path).then((list) => (term.resume(), list));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function gitroot(cwd) {
return git.findRoot({fs, filepath: cwd});
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
async function gitBranch() {
try {
var dir = await gitroot(cwd);
var ref = await git.resolveRef({fs, dir, ref: 'HEAD', depth: 1});
return ref.match(/ref: refs\/heads\/(.*)/)[1];
} catch(e) {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// return path for cd
function get_path(string) {
var path = cwd.replace(/^\//, '').split('/');
if (path[0] === '') {
path = path.slice(1);
var parts = string === '/'
? string.split('/')
: string.replace(/\/?[^\/]*$/, '').split('/');
if (parts[0] === '') {
parts = parts.slice(1);
if (string === '/') {
return [];
} else if (string.startsWith('/')) {
return parts;
} else if (path.length) {
return path.concat(parts);
} else {
return parts;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function read(cmd, cb, raw) {
var filename = typeof cmd === 'string' ? cmd : cmd.args.length == 1 ? cwd + '/' + cmd.args[0] : null;
if (filename) {
fs.readFile(filename, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
} else {
var text;
var m = filename.match(/\.([^.]+)$/);
if (m) {
var language = m[1];
if (!raw && language && Prism.languages[language]) {
var grammar = Prism.languages[language];
var tokens = Prism.tokenize(data.toString(), grammar);
text = Prism.Token.stringify(tokens, language);
} else {
text = data.toString();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function split_args(args) {
return {
options: args.filter(arg => arg.match(/^-/)).join('').replace(/-/g, ''),
args: args.filter(arg => !arg.match(/^-/))
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function processGitFiles(files) {
return gitroot(cwd).then((dir) => {
var re = new RegExp('^' + dir + '/');
return {
files: => path.resolve(cwd + '/' + filepath).replace(re, '')),
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function getOption(option, args) {
option = args.reduce((acc, arg) => {
if (typeof acc == 'string') {
return acc;
} else if (acc === true) {
return arg;
} else if (option instanceof RegExp ? arg.match(option) : arg === option) {
return true;
return false;
}, false);
return option === true ? false : option;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function getAllStats({fs, branch}) {
function notGitDir(name) {
return !name.match(/^\.git\/?/);
return gitroot(cwd).then((dir) => {
return Promise.all([listBranchFiles(fs, dir, branch), listDir(dir)]).then(([tracked, rest]) => {
var re = new RegExp('^' + dir);
rest = => path.replace(re, ''));
return Promise.all(union(tracked, rest).filter(notGitDir).map(filepath => {
return git.status({fs, dir, filepath}).then(status => {
return [filepath, status];
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function gitAddAll({fs, dir, branch}) {
return getAllStats({fs, cwd: dir, branch}).then((files) => {
return files.filter(([_, status]) => !status.includes(['unmodified', 'ignored']));
}).then((files) => {
return Promise.all([filepath]) => git.add({fs, dir, filepath})));
const error = (e) => term.error(e.message || e).resume();
var commands = {
cd: function(cmd) {
if (cmd.args.length === 1) {
var dirname = path.resolve(cwd + '/' + cmd.args[0]);
fs.stat(dirname, (err, stat) => {
if (err) {
term.error("Directory don't exits").resume();
} else if (stat.isFile()) {
term.error(`"${dirname}" is not directory`).resume();
} else {
cwd = dirname == '/' ? dirname : dirname.replace(/\/$/, '');
gitBranch().then(b => {
branch = b;
vi: function(cmd) {
var textarea = $('.vi');
var editor;
var fname = cmd.args[0];
if (fname) {
var path;
if (fname.match(/^\//)) {
path = fname;
} else {
path = cwd + '/' + fname;
function open(file) {
// we need to replace < and & because jsvi is handling html tags
// and don't work properly for raw text
textarea.val(file.replace(/</g, '<').replace(/&/g, '&'));
editor = window.editor = vi(textarea[0], {
color: '#ccc',
backgroundColor: '#000',
onSave: function() {
var file = textarea.val().replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/</g, '<');
fs.writeFile(path, file, function(err, wr) {
if (err) {
onExit: term.focus
fs.stat(path, (err, stat) => {
if (stat && stat.isFile()) {
read(cmd, open, true);
} else {
var dir = path.replace(/[^\/]+$/, '');
fs.stat(dir, (err, stat) => {
if (stat && stat.isDirectory()) {
} else if (err) {
} else {
term.error(`${dir} directory don't exists`);
cat: function(cmd) {
read(cmd, term.echo);
less: function(cmd) {
read(cmd, term.less.bind(term));
ls: function(cmd) {
var {options, args} = split_args(cmd.args);
function filter(list) {
if (options.match(/a/)) {
return list;
} else if (options.match(/A/)) {
return list.filter(name => !name.match(/^\.{1,2}$/));
} else {
return list.filter(name => !name.match(/^\./));
list(cwd + '/' + (args[0] || '')).then((content) => {
var dirs = filter(['.', '..'].concat(content.dirs)).map((dir) => color('blue', dir));
clean: function() {
term.push(function(yesno) {
if (yesno.match(/^y(es)?$/i)) {
if (yesno.match(/^(y(es)?|n(o)?)$/i)) {
}, {
prompt: 'are you sure you want clean File System [Y/N]? '
rm: function(cmd) {
var {options, args} = split_args(cmd.args);
var len = args.length;
if (len) {
args.forEach(arg => {
var path_name = path.resolve(cwd + '/' + arg);
fs.stat(path_name, (err, stat) => {
if (err) {
} else if (stat) {
if (stat.isDirectory()) {
if (options.match(/r/)) {
} else {
term.error(`${path_name} is directory`);
} else if (stat.isFile()) {
} else {
term.error(`${path_name} is invalid`)
if (!--len) {
git: {
push: function(cmd) {
if (credentials.username && credentials.password) {
var emitter = new EventEmitter();
emitter.on('message', (message) => {
gitroot(cwd).then(dir => {
return git.push({
ref: branch,
authUsername: credentials.username,
authPassword: credentials.password,
} else {
term.error('You need to call `git login` to set username and password before push');
commit: function(cmd) {
gitroot(cwd).then(dir => {
var all = !!cmd.args.filter(arg => arg.match(/^-.*a/)).length;
if (all) {
return Promise.all([dir, gitAddAll({fs, dir, branch})]);
return [dir];
}).then(([dir]) => {
var message = getOption(/-.*m$/, cmd.args);
var name = credentials.fullname || credentials.username;
if (!message) {
term.echo('TODO: edit using vi');
} else if (!name) {
term.error('You need to use git login first');
} else {
return git.commit({fs, dir, author: {
}, message});
add: function(cmd) {
var all = cmd.args.filter(arg => arg.match(/^(-A|-all)$/)).length;
if (all) {
gitroot(cwd).then(dir => {
return gitAddAll({fs, dir, branch});
} else if (cmd.args.length > 0) {
processGitFiles(cmd.args).then(({files, dir}) => {
return Promise.all( => git.add({fs, dir, filepath})));
} else {
rm: function(cmd) {
var long_options = cmd.args.filter(name => name.match(/^--/));
var {args, options} = split_args(cmd.args.filter(name => !name.match(/^--/)));
var len = args.length;
if (!len) {
term.error('Nothing to remove');
} else {
gitroot(cwd).then((dir) => {
var re = new RegExp('^' + dir + '/');
args.forEach(arg => {
var path_name = path.resolve(cwd + '/' + arg);
fs.stat(path_name, (err, stat) => {
if (err) {
} else if (stat) {
var filepath = path_name.replace(re, '');
if (stat.isDirectory()) {
var promise = git.listDir({fs, dir}).then((list) => {
var files = list.filter(name => name.startsWith(filepath));
return Promise.all( => git.remove({fs, dir, filepath})));
}).catch(err => term.error(err));
if (options.match(/r/)) {
if (!long_options.includes(/--cached/)) {
promise.then(() => rmDir(path_name));
} else {
term.error(`${path_name} is directory`);
} else if (stat.isFile()) {
if (!long_options.includes(/--cached/)) {
git.remove({fs, dir, filepath}).then(() => fs.unlink(path_name));
} else {
git.remove({fs, dir, filepath})
} else {
term.error('uknown error');
if (!--len) {
login: function() {
var questions = [
{name: 'username'},
{name: 'password', mask: true},
{name: 'fullname'},
{name: 'email'}
term.echo('This will not authenticate to test if login/password are correct,\n'+
'only save credentials in localStorage (expect password) and use them when push/clone/commit');
var history = term.history();
(function loop() {
var question = questions.shift();
if (!question) {
} else {
var name =;
term.push(answer => {
credentials[name] = answer;
if (!question.mask) {
localStorage.setItem('git_' + name, answer);
}, {
prompt: name + ': ',
name: 'read'
if (!question.mask) {
term.insert(localStorage.getItem('git_' + name) || '');
status: function(cmd) {
var dir = cwd.split('/')[1];
getAllStats({fs, branch}).then((files) => {
function filter(files, name) {
if (name instanceof Array) {
return files.filter(([_, status]) => name.includes(status));
return files.filter(([_, status]) => status === name);
function not(files, name) {
if (name instanceof Array) {
return files.filter(([_, status]) => !name.includes(status));
return files.filter(([_, status]) => status !== name);
var changes = not(files, ['unmodified', 'ignored']);
if (!changes.length) {
git.log({fs, dir, depth: 2, ref: branch}).then((commits) => {
term.echo(`On branch ${branch}`);
if (commits.length == 2) {
term.echo('nothing to commit, working directory clean\n');
} else {
// new repo
term.echo('nothing to commit (create/copy files and use "git add" to track)\n');
} else {
var label = {
'deleted': 'deleted: ',
'added': 'new file: ',
'modified': 'modified: ',
'absent': 'deleted: '
var padding = ' ';
var output = [`On branch ${branch}`];
function listFiles(files, colorname) {
return[name, status]) => {
return padding + color(colorname, label[status.replace(/^\*/, '')] + name);
var lines;
var to_be_added = filter(changes, ['added', 'modified', 'deleted']);
if (to_be_added.length) {
lines = [
'Changes to be committed:',
' (use "git rm --cached <file>..." to unstage)',
lines = lines.concat(listFiles(to_be_added, 'green'));
var not_added = filter(changes, ['*modified', '*deleted', '*absent']);
if (not_added.length) {
lines = [
'Changes not staged for commit:',
' (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)',
' (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)',
lines = lines.concat(listFiles(not_added, 'red'));
var untracked = filter(changes, '*added');
if (untracked.length) {
lines = [
'Untracked files:',
' (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)',
lines = lines.concat([name, status]) => padding + color('red', name)));
if (output.length) {
term.echo(output.join('\n\n') + '\n');
diff: function(cmd) {
function diff({dir, filepath}) {
var fname = dir + '/' + filepath;
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
fs.readFile(fname, function(err, newFile) {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
readBranchFile({fs, dir, branch, filepath}).then(oldFile => {
const diff = JsDiff.structuredPatch(filepath, filepath, oldFile, newFile);
const text = => {
return => {
if (color_name) {
return color(color_name, line);
} else {
return line;
}).catch(err => reject(err));
function format(diff) {
const header = color('white', 'diff --git a/' + diff.filepath + ' b/' + diff.filepath);
return [header, diff.text].join('\n');
gitroot(cwd).then(dir => {
if (!cmd.args.length) {
return git.listFiles({dir,fs}).then(files => {
return Promise.all( => {
return git.status({fs, dir, filepath}).then(status => {
if (['unmodified', 'ignored'].includes(status)) {
return null;
} else {
return diff({dir, filepath});
}).then((diffs) => {
return diffs.filter(Boolean).reduce((acc, diff) => {
return acc;
}, []).join('\n');
} else {
var re = new RegExp('^' + dir + '/?');
var filepath = fname.replace(re, '');
return diff({dir, filepath}).then(({diff}) => diff).then(format);
}).then(text => {
if (text.length - 1 > term.cols()) {
} else {
}).catch(err => term.error(err.message).resume());
log: function(cmd) {
var depth = getOption('-n', cmd.args);
depth = depth ? +depth : false;
gitroot(cwd).then(dir => {
function format(commit) {
var output = []
output.push(color('yellow', `commit ${commit.oid}`));
if ( {
output.push(`Author: ${} <${}>`);
var offset = * -1;
var t = (offset > 1 ? '+' : '-') + ('0' + (offset / 60).toString().replace('.', '') + '00').slice(-4);
var date = moment.utc(( + (offset * 60 )) * 1000)
.format('ddd MMM MM HH:mm:SS YYYY ') + t;
output.push(`Date: ${date}`);
output.push(` ${commit.message}`);
return output.join('\n');
git.log({fs, dir, depth, ref: branch}).then(commits => {
var text ='\n\n');
if (text.length - 1 > term.cols()) {
} else {
clone: function(cmd) {
var url = '' + cmd.args[1];
var re = /\/([^\/]+)(\.git)?$/;
var repo_dir = cmd.args.length === 3 ? cmd.args[2] : cmd.args[1].match(re)[1];
fs.stat("/" + repo_dir, function(err, stat) {
if (err) {
fs.mkdir(repo_dir, function(err) { if (!err) { clone() }});
} else if (stat) {
if (stat.isFile()) {
term.error(`"${repo_dir}" is a file`);
} else {
fs.readdir("/" + repo_dir, function(err, list) {
if (list.length) {
term.error(`"${repo_dir}" exists and is not empty`);
} else {
var emitter = new EventEmitter();
var index = null;
emitter.on('message', (message) => {
if (message.match(/Compressing/)) {
if (index === null) {
index = term.last_index();
} else {
term.update(index, message)
} else {
function clone() {
term.echo(`Cloning into '${repo_dir}'...`);
fs: fs,
dir: repo_dir,
url: url,
depth: 1,
singleBranch: true,
emitter: emitter
}).then(() => {
term.echo(`clone complete`).resume();
credits: function() {
var lines = [
'Projects used with GIT Web Terminal:',
'\t[[!;;;;]isomorphic-git] v. ' + git.version() + ' by William Hilton',
'\t[[!;;;;]BrowserFS] by John Vilk',
'\t[[!;;;;]jQuery Terminal] v.' + $.terminal.version + ' by Jakub Jankiewicz',
'\t[[!;;;;]wcwidth] by Jun Woong',
'\t[[!;;;;]keyboard key polyfill] by Joshua Bell',
'\t[[!;;;;]jsvi] originaly by Internet Connection, Inc. with changes from Jakub Jankiewicz',
'\t[[!;;;;]EventEmitter] by Oliver Caldwell',
'\t[[!;;;;]PrimsJS] by Lea Verou',
'\t[[!;;;;]Momentjs] v. ' + moment.version,
'\t[[!;;;;]jsdiff] by Kevin Decker'
help: function() {
term.echo('List of commands: ' + Object.keys(commands).join(', '));
term.echo('List of Git commands: ' + Object.keys(commands.git).join(', '));
'to use git you first need to clone the repo, it may take a while (depednig on the size),',
'then you can made changes using [[;#fff;]vi], use [[;#fff;]git add] and then [[;#fff;]git commit].',
'Before you commit you need to use new command [[b;#fff;]git login] that will ask for credentails,',
'it also ask for fullname and email that is used in [[b;#fff;]git commit]. If you set correct',
'username and password you can push to remote, it you type wrong credentials you can call login again'
var term = $('.term').terminal(function(command, term) {
var cmd = $.terminal.parse_command(command);
if (commands[]) {
var action = commands[];
var args = cmd.args.slice();
while (true) {
if (typeof action == 'object' && args.length) {
action = action[args.shift()];
} else {
if (action) {, cmd);
}, {
completion: function(string, cb) {
var cmd = $.terminal.parse_command(this.before_cursor());
function processAssets(callback) {
var dir = get_path(string);
list('/' + dir.join('/')).then(callback);
function prepend(list) {
if (string.match(/\//)) {
var path = string.replace(/\/[^\/]+$/, '').replace(/\/+$/, '');
return => path + '/' + dir);
} else {
return list;
function trailing(list) {
return => dir + '/');
if ( !== string) {
switch ( {
// complete file and directories
case 'vi':
case 'less':
return processAssets(content => cb(prepend(trailing(content.dirs).concat(content.files))));
// complete directories
case 'ls':
case 'cd':
return processAssets(content => cb(prepend(trailing(content.dirs))));
if (cmd.args.length) {
var command = commands[];
if (command) {
var args = cmd.args.slice();
while (true) {
if (typeof command == 'object' && args.length > 1) {
command = command[args.shift()];
} else {
if ($.isPlainObject(command)) {
} else {
prompt: function(cb) {
var path = color('blue', cwd);
var b = branch ? ' [' + color('violet', branch) + ']' : '';
color('green', (credentials.username || 'anonymous') + '@gitwebterm'),
'$ '
function time() {
var d = new Date();
return [d.getHours(), d.getMinutes(), d.getSeconds()].map((n) => ('0' + n).slice(-2)).join(':');
function listDir(path) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
fs.readdir(path, function(err, dirList) {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
var result = {
files: [],
dirs: []
var len = dirList.length;
if (!len) {
dirList.forEach(function(filename) {
var file = (path === '/' ? '' : path) + '/' + filename;
fs.stat(file, function(err, stat) {
if (stat) {
result[stat.isFile() ? 'files' : 'dirs'].push(filename);
if (!--len) {
// source:
function union(x, y) {
var obj = {};
for (var i = x.length-1; i >= 0; -- i)
obj[x[i]] = x[i];
for (var i = y.length-1; i >= 0; -- i)
obj[y[i]] = y[i];
var res = []
for (var k in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(k)) // <-- optional
return res;
function intersection(a, b) {
return a.filter(function(n) {
return b.includes(n);
// source:
function rmdir(dir) {
var list = fs.readdirSync(dir);
for(var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
var filename = path.join(dir, list[i]);
var stat = fs.statSync(filename);
if (filename == "." || filename == "..") {
// pass these files
} else if(stat.isDirectory()) {
// rmdir recursively
} else {
// rm fiilename
// prism overwrite to produce terminal formatting instead of html
(function(Token) {
var _ = Prism;
_.Token = function(type, content, alias, matchedStr, greedy) {
Token.apply(this, [];
_.Token.stringify = function(o, language, parent) {
if (typeof o == 'string') {
return o;
if (_.util.type(o) === 'Array') {
return {
return _.Token.stringify(element, language, o);
var env = {
type: o.type,
content: Token.stringify(o.content, language, parent),
tag: 'span',
classes: ['token', o.type],
attributes: {},
language: language,
parent: parent
if (env.type == 'comment') {
env.attributes['spellcheck'] = 'true';
if (o.alias) {
var aliases = _.util.type(o.alias) === 'Array' ? o.alias : [o.alias];
Array.prototype.push.apply(env.classes, aliases);
}'wrap', env);
var attributes = Object.keys(env.attributes).map(function(name) {
return name + '="' + (env.attributes[name] || '').replace(/"/g, '"') + '"';
}).join(' ');
return env.content.split(/\n/).map(function(content) {
return '[[b;;;' + env.classes.join(' ') + ']' + $.terminal.escape_brackets(content) + ']';
async function listBranchFiles(fs, dir, branchName) {
const repo = { fs, dir };
const originBaseRef = 'refs/remotes/origin/';
const sha = await git.resolveRef({ ...repo, ref: originBaseRef + branchName });
const { object: { tree } } = await git.readObject({ ...repo, oid: sha });
var list = [];
return (async function readFiles(oid, path) {
const { object: { entries } } = await git.readObject({ ...repo, oid});
var i = 0;
return (async function loop() {
var entry = entries[i++];
if (entry) {
if (entry.type == "blob") {
list.push(Object.assign({}, entry, {
path: path.concat(entry.path).join('/')
} else if (entry.type == "tree" && entry.path !== ".git") {
await readFiles(entry.oid, path.concat(entry.path));
return loop();
})(tree, []).then(() => => entry.path));
async function readBranchFile({ dir, fs, filepath, branch }) {
const ref = 'refs/remotes/origin/' + branch;
const sha = await git.resolveRef({ fs, dir, ref });
const { object: { tree } } = await git.readObject({ fs, dir, oid: sha });
return (async function loop(tree, path) {
if (!path.length) {
throw new Error(`File ${filepath} not found`);
var name = path.shift();
const { object: { entries } } = await git.readObject({ fs, dir, oid: tree });
const packageEntry = entries.find((entry) => entry.path === name);
if (!packageEntry) {
throw new Error(`File ${filepath} not found`);
} else {
if (packageEntry.type == "blob") {
const { object: pkg } = await git.readObject({ fs, dir, oid: packageEntry.oid })
return pkg.toString('utf8');
} else if (packageEntry.type == "tree") {
return loop(packageEntry.oid, path);
})(tree, filepath.split('/'));
Also see: Tab Triggers