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Any URLs added here will be added as <link>s in order, and before the CSS in the editor. You can use the CSS from another Pen by using its URL and the proper URL extension.

+ add another resource


Babel includes JSX processing.

Add External Scripts/Pens

Any URL's added here will be added as <script>s in order, and run before the JavaScript in the editor. You can use the URL of any other Pen and it will include the JavaScript from that Pen.

+ add another resource


Add Packages

Search for and use JavaScript packages from npm here. By selecting a package, an import statement will be added to the top of the JavaScript editor for this package.


Auto Save

If active, Pens will autosave every 30 seconds after being saved once.

Auto-Updating Preview

If enabled, the preview panel updates automatically as you code. If disabled, use the "Run" button to update.

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If enabled, your code will be formatted when you actively save your Pen. Note: your code becomes un-folded during formatting.

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Visit your global Editor Settings.


            %img{:src => ''}
            %input{:id => 'lovely', :type => 'radio', :name => 'selection', :checked => 'checked'}
            %label{:for => 'lovely'} 
                .selected.l Lovely cupcake
                        %img{:src => ''}
                                %img{:src => ''}
                                    -(1..70).each do
                                %h2 Lovely cupcake
                                %h3 $4.99 <span> Pack of 10</span>
                                %p Pie cupcake caramels marshmallow ice cream icing. Brownie biscuit candy macaroon dessert ice cream halvah. Cheesecake sweet roll marzipan brownie lollipop gummies.
                                %input{:type => 'text',:value => '10'}
                                %input.hid{:type => 'checkbox', :id => 'add'}
                                %label{:for => 'add'}
                                        Add to cart
                                            -(1..30).each do
            %input{:id => 'super', :type => 'radio', :name => 'selection'}
            %label{:for => 'super'} 
                .selected.s Super cupcake
                        %img{:src => ''}
                                %img{:src => ''}
                                    -(1..70).each do
                                %h2 Super cupcake
                                %h3 $4.99 <span> Pack of 10</span>
                                %p Pie cupcake caramels marshmallow ice cream icing. Brownie biscuit candy macaroon dessert ice cream halvah. Cheesecake sweet roll marzipan brownie lollipop gummies.
                                %input{:type => 'text',:value => '10'}
                                %input.hid{:type => 'checkbox', :id => 'add2'}
                                %label{:for => 'add2'}
                                        Add to cart
                                            -(1..30).each do
            %input{:id => 'mega', :type => 'radio', :name => 'selection'}
            %label{:for => 'mega'} 
                .selected.m Mega cupcake
                        %img{:src => ''}
                                %img{:src => ''}
                                    -(1..70).each do
                                %h2 Mega cupcake
                                %h3 $4.99 <span> Pack of 10</span>
                                %p Pie cupcake caramels marshmallow ice cream icing. Brownie biscuit candy macaroon dessert ice cream halvah. Cheesecake sweet roll marzipan brownie lollipop gummies.
                                %input{:type => 'text',:value => '10'}
                                %input.hid{:type => 'checkbox', :id => 'add3'}
                                %label{:for => 'add3'}
                                        Add to cart
                                            -(1..30).each do
            %input{:id => 'huge', :type => 'radio', :name => 'selection'}
            %label{:for => 'huge'} 
                .selected.h Huge cupcake
                        %img{:src => ''}
                                %img{:src => ''}
                                    -(1..70).each do
                                %h2 Huge cupcake
                                %h3 $9.99 <span> Pack of 10</span>
                                %p Pie cupcake caramels marshmallow ice cream icing. Brownie biscuit candy macaroon dessert ice cream halvah. Cheesecake sweet roll marzipan brownie lollipop gummies.
                                %input{:type => 'text',:value => '10'}
                                %input.hid{:type => 'checkbox', :id => 'add4'}
                                %label{:for => 'add4'}
                                        Add to cart
                                            -(1..30).each do


                @import '|Bad+Script|Satisfy|Shadows+Into+Light|Yellowtail';
$width: 600;
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i {
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                                left: random(230) - 230 + px;
                                top: random(230) - 230 + px;
                                opacity: 0;
                                transform: rotate(random(1200) - 600 + 0deg) !important;
                input[type="checkbox"]:checked + label .add .firework {
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                            &:nth-of-type(#{$i}) {
                                left: 277px;
                                top: -186px;
                                opacity: 1;
                                transform: rotate(random(1200) - 600 + 0deg) !important;
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                                top: -150px;
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                                            background: adjust-hue(#de467c, random(80));
                                            height: random(15) - 5 + px;
                                            width: 5px;
                                            transform: rotate(0deg);
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                                width: 55px;
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                                position: relative;
                                opacity: 0;
                                left: -40px;
                                transition: all .5s .35s cubic-bezier(0.175, 1.605, 0.455, 0.920);
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                                cursor: pointer;
                                input {
                                    display: none;
                                display: inherit;
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                                position: relative;
                                opacity: 0;
                                left: -40px;
                                transition: all .5s .4s cubic-bezier(0.175, 1.605, 0.455, 0.920);
                                .firework {
                                    position: absolute;
                                    left: 0px;
                                    top: 0px;
                                    // z-index: 8;
                                    &_part {
                                        position: absolute;
                                        border-radius: 10px;
                                        left: 0;
                                        top: 0;
                                        opacity: 1;
                                        @for $i from 1 through 40 {
                                            &:nth-of-type(#{$i}) {
                                                background: #de467c;
                                                height: 5px;
                                                width: 5px;
                                                opacity: 0;
                                                left: random(50) - 40 + px;
                                                top: random(20) - 10 + px;
                                                transform: rotate(0deg);
                                                transition: left (random(170) - 30)/100 + 0s $i / 80 + 0s cubic-bezier(0.230, 1.000, 0.320, 1.000), transform .6s $i / 80 + 0s, top .99s $i / 80 + 0s cubic-bezier(0.330, 1.000, 0.320, 1.000), opacity .3s .2 + 0s;

@keyframes spin {
    to {
        transform: rotate(360deg)


