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        %h5 Topics
            %h3 Should You Be Taking Fish Oil? What a Cardiologist Tells His Patients
            %p The story of fish oil and heart health started with the observation that several populations ...
            %p.auth Delia Freeman
            %p.date 21 Feb 2019
            %h2.fade Article of the day
            %h3 How Sugar Really Affects Your Cholesterol
            %p If you're like most people, you probably think it's high-cholesterol foods like eggs or shrimp that are the worst for your cholesterol levels. But that's not really the case.
            %p.auth Delia Freeman
            %p.date 21 Feb 2019
            -(1..3).each do
                    %a{:href => '#'} These are the best health books that came out in 2018
                    %p Sam Knight
                    %p.date 28.12.2018
            %li Nutrition & healthy food
            %li Mind and mood
            %li Fitness and sport
            %li Beauty and skincare
                %label{:for => 'trigger'}
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                    Heart Health
                    78 Articles
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                    %a{:href => '#'} These are the best health books that came out in 2018
                    %p Sam Knight
                    %p.date 28.12.2018
View Compiled
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// No
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External CSS

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External JavaScript

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