-# Game grid variablesb
-# Make sure these are reflected in the SASS.
- rows = 4;
- columns = 12;
- tilesPerSegment = 3;
- tilePerSegmentVertical = 7;
- hasIntro = true;
- hasLoader = true;

-# Game
    -# Loader
    - if(hasLoader == true)
                    %img{:src => 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/mineLogo.gif'}
                    %h1 A no JS Adventure game
                %span Loading checkboxes...
    -# Intro
    - if(hasIntro == true)
            %input#intro-1{:class => 'dialogue', :type => 'radio', :name => 'intro', :checked => 'checked'}
                %label{:for => 'intro-2'}
                    %img{:src => 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/arrowMovement.png'}
            %input#intro-2{:class => 'dialogue', :type => 'radio', :name => 'intro'}
                The floor just collapsed under me
                %label{:for => 'intro-3'}
                    %img{:src => 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/arrowMovement.png'}
            %input#intro-3{:class => 'dialogue', :type => 'radio', :name => 'intro'}
                Geez it sure is dark in here
                %label{:for => 'intro-4'}
                    %img{:src => 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/arrowMovement.png'}
            %input#intro-4{:class => 'dialogue', :type => 'radio', :name => 'intro'}
                Let me light my torch...
                %label{:for => 'intro-5'}
                    %img{:src => 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/arrowMovement.png'}
            %input#intro-5{:class => 'dialogue', :type => 'radio', :name => 'intro'}
                Better. Need to find a way out.
            %input#intro-6{:class => 'dialogue', :type => 'radio', :name => 'intro'}
    -# Padlock game
    %input#interactiveObject--lock{:type=> 'checkbox'}
        %img{:src => 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/padlockBig.png'}
    -(1..3).each do |col|
        -(1..9).each do |i|
            - if(i == 9)
                %input{:type=> 'checkbox', 'value' => i, :id => "padlock#{col}-#{i}", :checked => 'checked'} 
                    %span{:id => "span-#{col}"} #{10 - i}
            - else
                %input{:type=> 'checkbox', 'value' => i, :id => "padlock#{col}-#{i}"} 
                    %span{:id => "span-#{col}"} #{10 - i}
    %label.check{:for => 'interactiveObject--lock'} check
    -# Game items

    %input#interactiveObject1{:type => 'radio', 'data-reference' => '1', 'data-debug' => "Empty box 1"}
    %input#interactiveObject2{:type => 'radio', 'data-reference' => '2', 'data-debug' => "Pickaxe"}
    %input#interactiveObject3{:type => 'checkbox', 'data-reference' => '3', 'data-debug' => "Boulder"}
    %input#interactiveObject4{:type => 'radio', 'data-reference' => '4', 'data-debug' => "Dynamite plunger"}
    %input#interactiveObject5{:type => 'checkbox', 'data-reference' => '5', 'data-debug' => "Dynamite door"}
    %input#interactiveObject6{:type => 'radio', 'data-reference' => '6', 'data-debug' => "Planks"}
    %input#interactiveObject7{:type => 'checkbox', 'data-reference' => '7', 'data-debug' => "Plank gap"}
    %input#interactiveObject8{:type => 'radio', 'data-reference' => '8', 'data-debug' => "Note 1"}
    %input#interactiveObject9{:type => 'radio', 'data-reference' => '9', 'data-debug' => "Note 2"}
    %input#interactiveObject10{:type => 'radio', 'data-reference' => '10', 'data-debug' => "Note 3"}
    %input#interactiveObject11{:type => 'radio', 'data-reference' => '11', 'data-debug' => "Lock door"}
    %input#interactiveObject12{:type => 'radio', 'data-reference' => '12', 'data-debug' => "Handle"}
    %input#interactiveObject13{:type => 'checkbox', 'data-reference' => '13', 'data-debug' => "Cog"}
    %input#interactiveObject14{:type => 'checkbox', 'data-reference' => '14', 'data-debug' => "Waterfall"}
    %input#interactiveObject15{:type => 'radio', 'data-reference' => '15', 'data-debug' => "Dynamite"}
    %input#interactiveObject16{:type => 'radio', 'data-reference' => '16', 'data-debug' => "Fuses"}
    %input#interactiveObject17{:type => 'checkbox', 'data-reference' => '17', 'data-debug' => "End door"}
    %input#interactiveObject18{:type => 'radio', 'data-reference' => '18', 'data-debug' => "Empty box 2"}
    %input#interactiveObject19{:type => 'radio', 'data-reference' => '19', 'data-debug' => "Empty box 3"}
    %input#interactiveObject20{:type => 'radio', 'data-reference' => '20', 'data-debug' => "Empty box 4"}
    %input#interactiveObject21{:type => 'radio', 'data-reference' => '21', 'data-debug' => "Empty box 5"}
    %input#interactiveObject22{:type => 'radio', 'data-reference' => '22', 'data-debug' => "Empty box 6"}
    -# Checkboxes for movement
    -(1..rows).each do |row|
        -(1..columns).each do |index|
            - if(row == 1 && index == 2)
                %input{:id => "indexRow#{row}-#{index}", :type => "radio", :name => "trigger", :checked => 'checked'}
            - else
                %input{:id => "indexRow#{row}-#{index}", :type => "radio", :name => "trigger"}
    -# Game character
    -# Game intermediates
    -# Game segments
        %img.level{:src => 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/tilemaps.png'}
        -(1..rows).each do |row|
            -(1..columns).each do |index|
                        -(1..4).each do
                        -(1..tilesPerSegment * tilePerSegmentVertical).each do |tile|
                            -if (row == 1 && index == 3 && tile == 15)
                                    %label{:for => 'interactiveObject1', 'data-reference' => '1'}
                                        %img{:src => 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/creepyCorridor-24.png'}
                                            Nothing useful in here
                            -if (row == 1 && index == 12 && tile == 14)
                                    %label{:for => 'interactiveObject2', 'data-reference' => '2'}
                                        %img.object{:src => 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/creepyCorridor-_035.png'}
                                            A pickaxe. This should come in handy
                            -if (row == 1 && index == 7 && tile == 15)
                                    %label{:for => 'interactiveObject3', 'data-reference' => '3'}
                                        %img.forced{:src => 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/creepyCorridor-_062.png'}
                                            Ha! That got it
                                            I need a tool to get past this
                                            %label{:for => 'interactiveObject3'}
                                                %img{:src => 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/arrowMovement.png'}
                            -if (row == 1 && index == 8 && tile == 15)
                                    %label{:for => 'interactiveObject4', 'data-reference' => '4'}
                                        %img{:src => 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/creepyCorridor-_166.png'}
                                            That seemed to do something...
                            -if (row == 3 && index == 7 && tile == 13)
                                    %label{:for => 'interactiveObject5', 'data-reference' => '5'}
                                        %img{:src => 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/beam.gif'}
                                            door gone
                                            Something must blow this up
                                            %label{:for => 'interactiveObject5'}
                                                %img{:src => 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/arrowMovement.png'}
                            -if (row == 2 && index == 6 && tile == 15)
                                    %label{:for => 'interactiveObject6', 'data-reference' => '6'}
                                        %img{:src => 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/creepyCorridor-_094.png'}
                                            A Plank of wood
                            -if (row == 3 && index == 5 && tile == 13)
                                    %label{:for => 'interactiveObject7', 'data-reference' => '7'}
                                        %img{:src => 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/creepyCorridor-_169.png'}
                                            planks on
                                            CSS won't let me jump this
                                            %label{:for => 'interactiveObject7'}
                                                %img{:src => 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/arrowMovement.png'}
                            -if (row == 1 && index == 6 && tile == 13)
                                    %label{:for => 'interactiveObject8', 'data-reference' => '8'}
                                        %img{:src => 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/creepyCorridor-_094.png'}
                                            A strange note
                            -if (row == 1 && index == 10 && tile == 13)
                                    %label{:for => 'interactiveObject9', 'data-reference' => '9'}
                                        %img{:src => 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/creepyCorridor-24.png'}
                                            A strange note
                            -if (row == 3 && index == 5 && tile == 14)
                                    %label{:for => 'interactiveObject10', 'data-reference' => '10'}
                                        %img{:src => 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/creepyCorridor-24.png'}
                                            A strange note  
                            -if (row == 3 && index == 4 && tile == 13)
                                    %label{:for => 'interactiveObject--lock', 'data-reference' => '11'}
                                        %img{:src => 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/doorLocked.png'}
                                            A locked door
                            -if (row == 3 && index == 2 && tile == 13)
                                    %label{:for => 'interactiveObject12', 'data-reference' => '12'}
                                        %img{:src => 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/creepyCorridor-_094.png'}
                                            Cog handle
                            -if (row == 4 && index == 10 && tile == 13)
                                    %label{:for => 'interactiveObject13', 'data-reference' => '13'}
                                        %img.forced{:src => 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/creepyCorridor-_148.png'}
                                            That turned off the water
                                            There's no handle
                                            %label{:for => 'interactiveObject13'}
                                                %img{:src => 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/arrowMovement.png'}
                            -if (row == 4 && index == 11 && tile == 13)
                                    %label{:for => 'interactiveObject14', 'data-reference' => '14'}
                                        %img.forced{:src => 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/waterOn.gif'}
                                            Cant get through here
                                            %label{:for => 'interactiveObject14'}
                                                %img{:src => 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/arrowMovement.png'}
                            -if (row == 2 && index == 3 && tile == 15)
                                    %label{:for => 'interactiveObject15', 'data-reference' => '15'}
                                        %img{:src => 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/creepyCorridor-_161.png'}
                                            Dynamite sticks
                            -if (row == 4 && index == 12 && tile == 15)
                                    %label{:for => 'interactiveObject16', 'data-reference' => '16'}
                                        %img{:src => 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/creepyCorridor-_094.png'}
                                            Box of fuses
                            -if (row == 2 && index == 12 && tile == 15)
                                    %label{:for => 'interactiveObject17', 'data-reference' => '17'}
                                        %img.forced{:src => 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/creepyCorridor-_168.png'}
                                            If only i had some dynamite & fuses
                                            %label{:for => 'interactiveObject17'}
                                                %img{:src => 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/arrowMovement.png'}
                            -if (row == 2 && index == 7 && tile == 15)
                                    %label{:for => 'interactiveObject18', 'data-reference' => '18'}
                                        %img{:src => 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/creepyCorridor-24.png'}
                                            Nothing useful in here
                            -if (row == 2 && index == 10 && tile == 15)
                                    %label{:for => 'interactiveObject19', 'data-reference' => '19'}
                                        %img{:src => 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/creepyCorridor-_094.png'}
                                            Full of junk
                            -if (row == 3 && index == 9 && tile == 15)
                                    %label{:for => 'interactiveObject20', 'data-reference' => '20'}
                                        %img{:src => 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/creepyCorridor-24.png'}
                                            Just an empty box
                            -if (row == 1 && index == 12 && tile == 13)
                                    %label{:for => 'interactiveObject21', 'data-reference' => '21'}
                                        %img{:src => 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/creepyCorridor-25.png'}
                                            Nothing i can use
                            -if (row == 4 && index == 8 && tile == 13)
                                    %label{:for => 'interactiveObject22', 'data-reference' => '22'}
                                        %img{:src => 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/creepyCorridor-_094.png'}
                                            Nope empty
                    %label{:for => "indexRow#{row}-#{index}"}
                            -if (index != 1)
                                    %img{:src => 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/arrowMovement.png'}
                            -if (index != columns)
                                    %img{:src => 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/arrowMovement.png'}
                    %label{:for => "indexRow#{row}-#{index}"}
                                %img{:src => 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/arrowMovement.png'}
                    %label{:for => "indexRow#{row - 1}-#{index}"}
                                %img{:src => 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/arrowMovement.png'}
    -# Game inventory
        %img{:src => 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/creepyBackpack.png'}
            .item.pickaxe{'data-reference' => '0'}
                %img{:src => 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/apple.gif'}
                .details A healthy snack
                .name Apple
            .item.pickaxe{'data-reference' => '2'}
                %img{:src => 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/pickInventory.gif'}
                .details A sturdy looking pickaxe
                .name Pickaxe
            .item.pickaxe{'data-reference' => '6'}
                %img{:src => 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/plankInventory.gif'}
                .details A thick plank of wood
                .name Plank
            .item.pickaxe{'data-reference' => '8'}
                %img{:src => 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/note1.gif'}
                .details A mysterious note
                .name Note 1
            .item.pickaxe{'data-reference' => '9'}
                %img{:src => 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/note2.gif'}
                .details A mysterious note
                .name Note 2
            .item.pickaxe{'data-reference' => '10'}
                %img{:src => 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/note3.gif'}
                .details A mysterious note
                .name Note 3
            .item.pickaxe{'data-reference' => '12'}
                %img{:src => 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/handleInventory.gif'}
                .details Looks like its used to turn something
                .name Handle
            .item.pickaxe{'data-reference' => '15'}
                %img{:src => 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/dynamiteInventory.gif'}
                .details No good without any fuses
                .name Dynamite sticks
            .item.pickaxe{'data-reference' => '16'}
                %img{:src => 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/fusesInventory.gif'}
                .details Some fuses for dynamite
                .name Fuses
    -# Game conditional checks 
            %p Thanks for playing
            %a{:href => 'https://www.codepen.io/jcoulterdesign', :target => '_blank'} Follow me on codepen
            %span for more shenanigans
View Compiled
$rows: 4 !global;
$columns: 12 !global;
$gameObjects: 22;
$tileSize: 48px;
$walkSpeed: 1s;
$tilesPerSegment: 3;
$tilesPerSegmentVertical: 7;
$segmentHeight: $tileSize * $tilesPerSegmentVertical;
$debug: false;

* {
    box-sizing: border-box;

@font-face {
    font-family: pixles;
    src: url(https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/04B_03__.TTF);

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Game styling

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

body {
    background: #141415;
    overflow: hidden;
    font-family: pixles;
    font-size: 15px;
    -webkit-user-select: none;
    -moz-user-select: none;
    user-select: none;
    height: 100vh;
    margin: 0;

    & .game {
        width: $tileSize * $tilesPerSegment * $columns;
        position: absolute;
        left: calc(50% - 72px);
        right: 0;
        top: calc(50% - 212px);
        margin: auto;
        input {
            display: none;
        // End screen styles
        &_win {
            position: fixed;
            left: 0;
            top: 0;
            background: #141415;
            z-index: 9;
            width: 100%;
            height: 100%;
            opacity: 0;
            pointer-events: none;
            transition: all 1s 0s;
            &__inner {
                position: absolute;
                left: 0;
                right: 0;
                margin: auto;
                width: 300px;
                top: 50%;
                transform: translateY(-50%);
                text-align: center;
                opacity: 0;
                transition: all 1s 2s;
                p {    
                    color: white;
                    margin-bottom: 30px;
                span {
                    color: white;
                    opacity: 0.4;
                a {
                    margin-bottom: 16px;
                    color: #78f148;
                    text-align: center;
                    width: 100%;
                    display: block;
            .character {
                width: 48px;
                height: 48px;
                position: relative;
                left: -60px;
                margin: auto;
                background: red;
                background: url('https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/corridorMainCharacter.gif');
                animation: walk-1 $walkSpeed infinite;
                z-index: 1;
                background-position: 0 0;
                transform: translateY(-50%) translateX($tileSize * ($tilesPerSegment / 2) - 8);
                transition: all $walkSpeed linear;
                z-index: 1;
                pointer-events: none;
        // Side inventory styles

        &_inventory {
            position: fixed;
            z-index: 9;
            left: 0;
            color: white;
            top: 50%;
            -webkit-transform: translateY(-50%);
            font-size: 11px;
            right: 0;
            margin: auto;
            left: -420px;
            width: 140px;
            padding-left: 15px;
            transform: translateY(-50%);
            height: 64px;
            cursor: pointer;
            transition: all .6s .3s;

            &:hover {
                height: 371px;
                transition: all .6s .2s;

                .item {
                    opacity: 1;
                    left: 0px;
                    transition: all 0.3s;
                    -webkit-filter: blur(0px);

                    &:first-child {
                        display: block;

            h1 {
                font-weight: normal;
                font-size: 12px;

            img {
                transform: scale(3);
                image-rendering: pixelated;
                cursor: pointer;
                transform-origin: 0 0;

                &:hover {


            &__item {
                margin-top: 70px;
                text-align: center;
                position: relative;
                left: -24px;
                width: 100%;
                height: 100%;

                .item {
                    margin: 10px 0 30px 0;
                    display: none;
                    opacity: 0;
                    left: 0px;
                    position: relative;
                    transition: all 0s;
                    float: left;
                    margin-right: 10px;
                    width: 34%;

                    &:hover {
                        z-index: 15;
                        .details {
                            opacity: 1;
                            top: -4px;
                    .name {
                        position: relative;
                        top: 11px;
                    .details {
                        padding: 7px;
                        opacity: 0;
                        border-radius: 4px;
                        position: absolute;
                        font-size: 13px;
                        text-align: center;
                        transition: all 0.2s .2s;
                        pointer-events: none;
                        background: white;
                        color: #141415;
                        width: 120px;
                        top: -4px;
                        left: 50px;
                        z-index: 20;

                    img {
                        transform: scale(2);
                        transform-origin: 50% 50%;

        // Padlock stuff
        .padlock {
            display: none;    
            position: absolute;
            width: 280px;
            top: 71px;
            left: -70px;
            height: 280px;
            background: #301f41b8;
            z-index: 4;
            border-radius: 324px;
            border: 4px solid #ffb128;
            img {
                position: absolute;
                left: 80px;
                top: 35px;
        %o {
            position: absolute;
            left: 0;
            right: 0;
            top: 220px;
            margin: auto;

        .check {
            display: none;
            width: 80px;
            cursor: pointer;
            height: 80px;
            position: absolute;
            z-index: 6;
            top: 303px;
            left: 30px;
            text-align: center;
            line-height: 77px;
            background: wheat;
            color: #615133;
            border-radius: 100px;
            border: 3px solid #ffb128;
            transition: all 0.3s;

            &:hover {
                background: #ffb128;
                color: white;
        input#interactiveObject--lock:not(:checked) {
            + span {
                display: none;
        input#interactiveObject--lock:checked {
            + .padlock {
                display: block;

                $y: '';
                $x: ' + span ';
                + input {
                    display: block;
                    @for $i from 1 through 26 {

                        $y: $y + ' + span + input';
                        $x: $x + ' + input + span ';
                        #{$y} {
                            display: block;
                            #{$x} {
                            display: block;
                        #{$y} + span + label {
                            display: block;

        #padlock1-1,#padlock2-1,#padlock3-1 {
            &:after {
                display: block !important;

        #padlock1-9,#padlock2-9,#padlock3-9 {
            &:after {
                display: none !important;
        input[id*="padlock"] {
            @extend %o;

            z-index: 3;
            outline: none;
            -webkit-appearance: none;

            + span {
                @extend %o;

                background: url(https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/padlockBG.png);
                width: 10px;
                width: 22px;
                height: 36px;
                left: 0;
                display: none;
                line-height: 40px;
                text-align: center;
                position: fixed;
                color: #444444;
                top: 50%;
                transform: translateY(9px) translateX(-35px);

            @for $i from 1 through 34 {
                &:nth-of-type(#{$i}) {
                    z-index: $i + 10;

                    &:checked {
                        z-index: 64 + $i;
                        & + span {
                            z-index: 64 - $i;

            &:checked {
                z-index: 30;

                &:before {
                    display: none;

                & + span {
                    & + input {
                        &:after {
                            display: none;

            &:after {
                background: red;
                display: block;
                content: '';
                top: 48px;
                position: absolute;
                cursor: pointer;
                height: 23px;
                left: -7px;
                width: 22px;
                background: url(https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/padlockDown.png);

            &:before {
                display: block;
                content: '';
                position: absolute;
                height: 23px;
                width: 22px;
                left: -7px;
                top: -30px;
                color: white;
                background: red;
                cursor: pointer;
                background: url(https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/padlockUp.png);

            &[id*="padlock1"] {
                left: 19px;
                + span {
                  left: -27px;  
            &[id*="padlock2"] {
                left: 64px;
                + span {
                  left: 66px;  
            &[id*="padlock3"] {
                left: 106px;
                + span {
                  left: 149px;  
        // Loading screen styles

        &_loader {
            position: fixed;
            z-index: 15;
            background: #141415;
            left: 0;
            top: 0;
            width: 100%;
            height: 100%;
            pointer-events: none;
            opacity: 1;
            animation: fadeOut 1.5s 7s forwards;

            &__inner {
                position: absolute;
                left: 0;
                right: 0;
                margin: auto;
                top: 50%;
                transform: translateY(-50%);
                font-size: 12px;
                width: 200px;
                text-align: center;

                h1 {
                    font-weight: normal;
                    font-size: 12px;

                & .logo {
                    width: 200px;
                    height: 70px;
                    margin: auto;
                    margin-bottom: 10px;
                    transform: scale(0);
                    opacity: 0;
                    animation: logo 2s forwards;
                    img {
                        width: 100%;

                span {
                    color: rebeccapurple;
                    display: block;
                    opacity: 0;
                    margin-top: 8px;
                    animation: fadeIn 1.5s 3s forwards;

                & .bar {
                    background: #3c3c3e;
                    position: relative;
                    height: 2px;
                    margin-top: 30px;
                    opacity: 0;
                    animation: fadeIn 1.5s 2.5s forwards;

                    &_inner {
                        width: 0px;
                        height: 100%;
                        background: white;
                        position: absolute;
                        top: 0;
                        animation: bar 3s 3s forwards;

                & .subtitle {
                    color: #f49112;
                    margin: -18px 0px 40px 0;
                    opacity: 0;
                    animation: fadeIn 1.5s 1.5s forwards;
        // Our little character

        &_character {
            width: 48px;
            height: 48px;
            background: red;
            background: url('https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/corridorMainCharacter.gif');
            position: absolute;
            top: 216px;
            left: -16px;
            z-index: 1;
            background-position: 0 0;
            transform: translateY(-50%) translateX($tileSize * ($tilesPerSegment / 2) - 8);
            transition: all $walkSpeed linear;
            z-index: 1;
            pointer-events: none;
            img {
                position: absolute;
                border: 512px solid #0c0c0d;
                transform: translateY(-685px) translateX(-670px);
                opacity: 1;

        // Intro dialogue
        &_intro {
            position: absolute;
            top: 38px;
            left: -33px;
            z-index: 14;

            input {
                display: none;

            input[type="radio"]:checked + div {
                opacity: 1;
                top: 140px;
                transition: all 0.5s 0.8s;
                pointer-events: all;

                label {
                    opacity: 1;
                    bottom: -10px;
            input#intro-1[type="radio"]:checked + div {
                top: 140px;
                opacity: 0;
                transition: all 0.5s 0.8s;
                animation: dialogueIn .5s 9s forwards;
                pointer-events: all;

            input#intro-1[type="radio"]:not(:checked) + div {
                opacity: 0;
                top: 160px;
                transition: all 0.5s 0.8s;

            input[type="radio"]#intro-5:checked + div + input + div {
                opacity: 0;
                pointer-events: none !important;
            input[type="radio"]#intro-5:checked + div {
                opacity: 0;
                animation: showResponse 2s 2s forwards;

            & .overlay {
                position: fixed;
                top: 0 !important;
                width: 140%;
                left: 0;
                opacity: 1;
                height: 260%;
                background: #141415;
                z-index: -1;
                pointer-events: all;
                transition: all 4s .7s !important;

            & .dialogue {
                position: absolute;
                top: 160px;
                opacity: 0;
                width: 170px;
                left: 20px;
                padding: 15px;
                border-radius: 4px;
                font-size: 13px;
                text-align: center;
                transition: all 0.2s .2s;
                pointer-events: none;
                background: white;
                color: #141415;
                &.end {
                    position: absolute;
                    width: 130px;
                    left: 0;
                    text-align: center;
                    right: 0;
                    pointer-events: none;
                    top: 100px !important;
                    margin: auto;
                    transform: translateY(140px) translateX(39px);
                    background: white;
                    color: #141415;
                    padding: 8px;
                    border-radius: 5px;

                label {    
                    border-radius: 5px;
                    position: absolute;
                    right: -6px;
                    bottom: -20px;
                    z-index: 1;
                    opacity: 0;
                    cursor: pointer;
                    transition: all 0.4s 1s;

                    img {
                        transform: scale(2);
                        image-rendering: pixelated;

                    &:hover {
                        right: -13px;
                        background: #66bf60;
        // Viewport

        .viewport {
            position: relative;
            z-index: 0;
            transition: all $walkSpeed linear;

            .level {
                position: absolute;
                left: 0;
                z-index: 1;
                transform: scale(3);
                transform-origin: 0 0;
                image-rendering: pixelated;

        &_segment {
            width: $tileSize * $tilesPerSegment;
            height: $segmentHeight;
            border: 0px solid white;
            float: left;
            z-index: 1;
            position: relative;
            color: white;

            .drip_container {
                position: relative;
                top: 80px;
                display: none;
                z-index: 10;

                & .drip {
                    width: 3px;
                    height: 20px;
                    background: #81eeef;
                    position: absolute;
                    height: 0;
                    top: 14px;
                    opacity: 1;

                    @for $i from 1 through 5 {
                        &:nth-of-type(#{$i}) {
                            left: random(144) + 0px;
                            animation: drip 1.25s random(52) / 10 + 0s linear infinite;

            @keyframes drip {
                0% {height: 0;}
                2% {height: 6px;}
                5% {height: 6px;top:14px}
                22% {top:158px; height:4px;opacity:1;}
                23%{opacity: 0;height:0px}
                100%{opacity: 0}

            & .tiles {
                & .tile {
                    width: $tileSize;
                    height: $tileSize;
                    float: left;
                    image-rendering: pixelated;
                    // Special tiles

                    &.door {
                        position: absolute;
                        top: 92px;
                        height: 144px;
                        left: -12px;
                        width: 60px;
                        img {
                            position: relative;
                    &.beam {
                        position: absolute;
                        top: 95px;
                        height: 108px;

                    &.water {
                        position: absolute;
                        top: 107px;
                        height: 108px;

                    &:before {
                        display: none;
                        content: ' ';
                        position: absolute;
                        width: 4px;
                        height: 10px;
                        border-left: 4px solid #e69c69;
                        border-right: 4px solid #e69c69;
                        z-index: 1;
                        left: 67px;
                        top: 140px;
                        transition: all 1s linear;

                    &:after {
                        top: -48px;
                        transition: all 1s linear;
                        height: 40px !important;
                        display: block;
                        overflow: hidden;
                        pointer-events: none;

                        img {
                            position: relative;
                            top: -400px;

                    img {
                        width: 100%;
                        cursor: pointer;

                        &:hover {
                            -webkit-filter: drop-shadow(2px 0px white) drop-shadow(-2px 0px white) drop-shadow(0px -2px white);

                    label {
                        pointer-events: none;

                        .responseSuccess {
                            display: none;
                            position: absolute;
                            width: 130px;
                            left: 0;
                            text-align: center;
                            right: 0;
                            pointer-events: none;
                            top: calc(50% - 46px);
                            margin: auto;
                            background: white;
                            color: #141415;
                            padding: 8px;
                            border-radius: 5px;

                        .forcedResponse {
                            pointer-events: all !important;

                            label {
                                border-radius: 5px;
                                position: absolute;
                                right: -6px;
                                cursor: pointer;
                                bottom: -14px;
                                transform: scale(2);
                                z-index: 3;
                                cursor: pointer;
                                transition: all 0.4s 1s;

                                &:hover {
                                    right: -2px;

                    &:after {
                        display: block;
                        width: $tileSize;
                        height: $tileSize;
                        transform: scale(3);
                        image-rendering: pixelated;
                        transform-origin: 0 0;
            // Game controls

            &__control {
                div {
                    position: absolute;
                    opacity: 0;
                    pointer-events: none;
                    border-radius: 4px;
                    top: 50%;
                    cursor: pointer;

                    img {
                        transform: scale(3);
                        image-rendering: pixelated;
                        position: relative;
                        left: 0;
                        top: 0;
                        transition: all 0.3s;

                & .forward {
                    transform: translateY(50px) translateX(-$tileSize);
                    left: 66px;
                    transition: all 0.3s 0s;

                    &:hover {
                        img {
                            left: 4px;

                & .backward {
                    transform: translateY(50px) translateX(47px);
                    right: 65px;
                    transition: all 0.3s .1s;

                    &:hover {
                        img {
                            left: -4px;

                    img {
                        transform: rotate(180deg) scale(3);

                & .up {
                    top: 90px !important;
                    left: 50%;
                    transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(25px);
                    transition: all 0.3s .2s;

                    &:hover {
                        img {
                            top: -4px;

                    img {
                        transform: rotate(-90deg) scale(3);

                & .down {
                    bottom: 350px !important;
                    left: 50%;
                    opacity: 0;
                    top: auto;
                    transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(10px);
                    transition: all 0.3s .2s;
                    &:hover {
                        img {
                            top: 4px;

                    img {
                        transform: rotate(90deg) scale(3);

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Calculate the way an animated sprite should be shown from its width and frame count
then animate the background image

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

@function walkCycle($frames, $width, $height, $row) {

    $t: 100 / $frames;
    $o: 0;
    $p: '';

    @for $i from 1 through $frames {
        $o: $o + $t;
        $p: $p + ($o - .1) + '%{background-position:-' + ($i - 1) * $width + 'px ' + $height * ($row - 1) + 'px;}';
        $p: $p + $o + '%{background-position:-' + $i * $width + 'px ' + $height * ($row - 1) + 'px;}';
        @if($o != 100) {
            $p: $p + ($o + .1) + '%{background-position:-' + $i * $width + 'px ' + $height * ($row - 1) + 'px;}';
        } @else {
            $o: 100;

    $v: '1%{background-position: 0px ' + $height * ($row - 1) + 'px;}' + $p;

    @return unquote($v);

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Name: Traverse through scenes
Description: Makes it incredibly easy to trigger scene changes using the checkbox *hack*
Instead of doing  input#index39:checked + input + div + div { props }

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

@mixin traverse($n: 4) {
    $div: "" !global; // Empty div string
    $input: "" !global; // Empty input string
    $input2: "" !global;
    $input3: "" !global;
    $input4: "" !global;
    $label: "" !global; // Empty input string
    $label2: "" !global;
    $label3: "" !global;
    $label4: "" !global;
    $inputOffset: "+ input " !global;

    // This needs to be made dynamic

    @for $i from 1 through 47 {
        $input: $input + "+ input " !global;
        $inputOffset: $inputOffset + "+ input " !global;

    @for $i from 1 through 35 {
        $input2: $input2 + "+ input " !global;

    @for $i from 1 through 23 {
        $input3: $input3 + "+ input " !global;

    @for $i from 1 through 11 {
        $input4: $input4 + "+ input " !global;

    @for $i from 1 through $columns {
        @keyframes walk-#{$i} {
            animation: walkCycle(6, 48, 48, 1);

    @for $i from 1 through $n {
        $div: "+ div" !global;
        $position: $i !global; // Make this global so we can pass it in to our content
        $i: $i !global;
        $label: $label + "+ div " !global;

        @if ($i > 1) {
            $input: str_slice($input, 0, -9) !global; // Slice out the last input string
            $input2: str_slice($input2, 0, -9) !global; // Slice out the last input string
            $input3: str_slice($input3, 0, -9) !global; // Slice out the last input string
            $input4: str_slice($input4, 0, -9) !global; // Slice out the last input string
            $label2: $label2 + "+ div " !global;


/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

When in specified semgent, show the down arrow and the up arrow of the segment below

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

@mixin moveVerticleOnTile($row, $tile) {

    $totalInputs: $rows * $columns - ($row * $columns - ($columns - $tile));
    $totalDivs: $row * $columns - ($columns - $tile) + $columns + 2;
    $id: $row * $columns - ($columns - $tile);
    $tInput: '';
    $tDiv: '';
    $tInputDown: '';

    @for $i from 1 through $totalInputs {
        $tInput: $tInput + ' + input ';

    @for $i from 1 through $totalDivs {
        $tDiv: $tDiv + ' + div ';

    @for $i from 1 through $totalInputs - $columns {
        $tInputDown: $tInputDown + ' + input ';

    .game_segment:nth-of-type(#{$id}) .tile:nth-of-type(14):after {
        content: url('https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/corridorLift.png');
        position: relative;
        display: block;

    .game_segment:nth-of-type(#{$id}) .tile:nth-of-type(14):before {
        display: block;

    input#indexRow#{$row}-#{$tile}:checked #{$tInput} + div + div + .viewport > .game_segment:nth-of-type(#{$id + $columns})  {
        & .down {
            opacity: 1;
            pointer-events: all;
            transition: all 0.3s 1.1s;
            transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(0px);

    input#indexRow#{$row + 1}-#{$tile}:checked #{$tInputDown} + div + div + .viewport > .game_segment:nth-of-type(#{$id}) {
        .tile:nth-of-type(14):after {
            top :288px;

        .tile:nth-of-type(14):before {
            height: 373px;

    input#indexRow#{$row + 1}-#{$tile}:checked #{$tInputDown} + div + div + .viewport > .game_segment:nth-of-type(#{$id + $columns}) {
        & .up {
            opacity: 1;
            pointer-events: all;
             transition: all 0.3s 1.1s;
            transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(15px);

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Prevent movement labels showing on specified sement

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

@mixin makeWallAt($row, $tile) {

    $totalInputs: $rows * $columns - ($row * $columns - ($columns - $tile));
    $totalDivs: $row * $columns - ($columns - $tile) + $columns + 2;
    $id: $row * $columns - ($columns - $tile);
    $tInput: '';
    $tDiv: '';
    $tInputBack: '';
    $tInputDown: '';

    @for $i from 1 through $totalInputs + 1 {
        $tInput: $tInput + ' + input ';

    @for $i from 1 through $totalInputs - 1 {
        $tInputBack: $tInputBack + ' + input ';

    input#indexRow#{$row}-#{$tile - 1}:checked #{$tInput} + div + div + .viewport > .game_segment:nth-of-type(#{$id})  {
        & .forward {
            display: none !important;

    input#indexRow#{$row}-#{$tile + 1}:checked #{$tInputBack} + div + div + .viewport > .game_segment:nth-of-type(#{$id})  {
        & .backward {
            display: none !important;

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Compare two inputs then do something

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

@mixin checkWinCondition($criteria, $criteria2, $result) {

    $totalInputs: 48 + ($gameObjects - $criteria - 2);
    $tInput: '';

    @for $i from 1 through $totalInputs {
        $tInput: $tInput + ' + input ';
    input#interactiveObject#{$criteria}:checked + input:checked + input:checked #{$tInput} + div + div + div + div + div {
        opacity: 1;
        pointer-events: all;
        & .game_win__inner {
            opacity: 1;
    input#interactiveObject#{$criteria}:checked + input:checked + input:checked #{$tInput} + div + div + div + div {
        display: none;
    input#interactiveObject#{$criteria}:checked + input:checked + input:checked #{$tInput} + div + div + div {
        animation: end 2s forwards;
        .forcedResponse {
            display: none !important;

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Compare two inputs then do something

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

@mixin compare($input, $segment, $tile, $destroy, $waterfall, $plank) {

    $totalInputs: 48 + ($gameObjects - $input - 1);
    $tInput: '';

    @for $i from 1 through $totalInputs {
        $tInput: $tInput + ' + input ';

    input#interactiveObject#{$input}:checked + input:checked #{$tInput} + div + div + div > .game_segment:nth-of-type(#{$segment - 1}) {
        .game_segment__control {
            display: block !important;

            .backward, .forward {
                display: block !important;

    input#interactiveObject#{$input}:checked + input:checked #{$tInput} + div + div + div > .game_segment:nth-of-type(#{$segment + 3}) {
        .game_segment__control {
            display: block !important;

            .backward, .forward {
                display: block !important;

    input#interactiveObject#{$input}:checked + input:checked #{$tInput} + div + div + div > .game_segment:nth-of-type(#{$segment + 1}) {
        .game_segment__control {
            display: block !important;

            .forward {
                display: block !important;

            .backward {
                display: block !important;
    @if($destroy) {
        input#interactiveObject#{$input}:checked + input #{$tInput} + div + div + div > .game_segment:nth-of-type(#{$segment}) {
            .tile img {
                display: none;

        input#interactiveObject#{$input}:checked + input #{$tInput} + div + div + div > .game_segment:nth-of-type(#{$segment - 1}) {
            .game_segment__control {
                .backward,.forward {
                    display: block !important;


    input#interactiveObject#{$input}:checked + input:checked #{$tInput} + div + div + div > .game_segment:nth-of-type(#{$segment}) {
        .game_segment__control {
            .backward {
                display: block !important;   

        @if($waterfall) {
            & + div .tiles .tile:nth-of-type(13) {
                content: url('https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/waterOff.gif');
                img {
                    display: none;

        @if($plank) {
            & + div .tiles .tile:nth-of-type(13) {
                content: url('https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/creepyCorridor-_170.png');
                img {
                    display: none;

    input#interactiveObject#{$input}:checked + input:checked #{$tInput} + div + div + div > .game_segment:nth-of-type(#{$segment}) .tiles .tile:nth-of-type(#{$tile}) {
        img {
            display: none;

        .forcedResponse {
            display: none;

        .responseSuccess  {
            display: block;
            animation: showResponse 2s forwards;

// Show the rain element on specific segment

@mixin makeRainAt($segment) {
    .viewport .game_segment:nth-of-type(#{$segment}) .drip_container {
        display: block;

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Create an interactive object

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

@mixin makeInteractiveObject($reference, $segment, $tile, $force, $animate, $plank) {

    $totalInputs: ($rows * $columns) + ($gameObjects - $reference);
    $tInput: '';

    @for $i from 1 through $totalInputs {
        $tInput: $tInput + ' + input ';

    @if($force) {
        input#interactiveObject#{$reference}:checked #{$tInput} + div + div + div > .game_segment:nth-of-type(#{$segment + 1}),
        input#interactiveObject#{$reference}:checked #{$tInput} + div + div + div > .game_segment:nth-of-type(#{$segment - 1}){
            .game_segment__control {
                display: none;

    input#interactiveObject#{$reference}:checked #{$tInput} + div + div + div + div .game_inventory__item .item[data-reference="#{$reference}"] {
        display: block;

    @if($animate) {
        input#interactiveObject#{$reference}:checked #{$tInput} + div + div + div {
            animation: shake 1s forwards; 

    input#interactiveObject#{$reference}:checked #{$tInput} + div + div + div > .game_segment:nth-of-type(#{$segment}) .tiles .tile:nth-of-type(#{$tile}) {
        img {
            pointer-events: none;
            &.object {
                display: none;
            &.forced {
                pointer-events: all;

        .response  {
            display: block;
            animation: showResponse 2s forwards;

        .forcedResponse {
            display: block;
            animation: forcedResponse 2s forwards;

// Check padlock code. The math is floored in this and so its not currently dynamic TODO

@mixin checkCode($one, $two, $three, $segment, $tile) {

    $diff: 2;
    $diff2: 6; // 13
    $diff3: 13; // 2
    $diff4: 3; // 4

    $inputPadlock: '';
    $inputPadlock2: '';
    $inputPadlock3: '';
    $inputPadlock4: '';
    $totalInputs: 48 + ($gameObjects);
    $tInput: '';

    @for $i from 1 through $totalInputs {
        $tInput: $tInput + ' + input ';

    @for $i from 1 through $diff {
        $inputPadlock: $inputPadlock + ' + input + span ';

    @for $i from 1 through $diff2 {
        $inputPadlock2: $inputPadlock2 + ' + input + span ';

    @for $i from 1 through $diff3 {
        $inputPadlock3: $inputPadlock3 + ' + input + span ';

    @for $i from 1 through $diff4 {
        $inputPadlock4: $inputPadlock4 + ' + input + span ';

    input#interactiveObject--lock:not(:checked) + div #{$inputPadlock} + input:checked + span #{$inputPadlock2} + input:checked + span #{$inputPadlock3} + input:checked + span #{$inputPadlock4} + label #{$tInput} + div + div + div .game_segment:nth-of-type(#{$segment}) .tiles .tile:nth-of-type(#{$tile}) {
        img {
        content: url('https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/doorUnlocked.png')
    input#interactiveObject--lock:not(:checked) + div #{$inputPadlock} + input:checked + span #{$inputPadlock2} + input:checked + span #{$inputPadlock3} + input:checked + span #{$inputPadlock4} + label #{$tInput} + div + div + div .game_segment:nth-of-type(#{$segment}) {
        .forward,.backward {
            display: block !important;
     input#interactiveObject--lock:not(:checked) + div #{$inputPadlock} + input:checked + span #{$inputPadlock2} + input:checked + span #{$inputPadlock3} + input:checked + span #{$inputPadlock4} + label #{$tInput} + div + div + div .game_segment:nth-of-type(#{$segment - 1}) {
        .forward,.backward {
            display: block !important;

@include checkCode(7, 3, 6, 28, 13);

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Assign an image/gif at a specific tile

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

@mixin assignTileAt($segment, $tiles, $id) {
    @each $tile in $tiles {
        .game_segment:nth-of-type(#{$segment}) .tiles .tile:nth-of-type(#{$tile}) {
            content: url($id);

/* ----------------------------------

Init the traverse

------------------------------------- */

$animationIndex: 1;

@include traverse($rows * $columns) {

    /* ----------------------------------

    Global scene transitions

    ------------------------------------- */

    $animationRow: floor($position / $columns);
    $animationIndex: $position - ($animationRow * $columns);
    $inputMap: $input, $input2, $input3, $input4;

    @for $m from 1 through 4 {
        input#indexRow#{$m}-#{$i}:checked #{nth($inputMap, $m)} #{$div} {
            animation: walk-#{$animationIndex} $walkSpeed forwards;
            //static-#{$animationIndex} 2s $walkSpeed infinite
            //background-position: 0 48px;

            & + div + div {
                @if($debug) {
                    left: (-$tileSize * $tilesPerSegment) * ($i - 1) / 2;
                        } @else {
                            left: (-$tileSize * $tilesPerSegment) * ($i - 1);   

                @if($debug != true) {
                    clip-path: circle(140px at ((215px - ($tileSize * $tilesPerSegment)) + (($i - 1) * ($tileSize * $tilesPerSegment))) 212px + $segmentHeight * ($m - 1));

                @if($debug) {
                    top: -($segmentHeight *  ($m - 1)) / 2;
                } @else {
                    top: -$segmentHeight * ($m - 1);


        input#indexRow#{$m}-#{$i}:checked #{nth($inputMap, $m)} #{$div} + div + .viewport > .game_segment:nth-of-type(#{$i + 1 + (($m - 1) * $columns)}) {
            & .forward {
                opacity: 1;
                pointer-events: all;
                transform: translateY(39px) translateX(-48px);
                transition: all 0.3s .9s;

        input#indexRow#{$m}-#{$i}:checked #{nth($inputMap, $m)} #{$div} + div + .viewport > .game_segment:nth-of-type(#{#{$i + (($m - 1) * $columns)}}) {
            label {
                pointer-events: all !important;

        input#indexRow#{$m}-#{$i}:checked #{nth($inputMap, $m)} #{$div} + div + .viewport > .game_segment:nth-of-type(#{$i - 1 + (($m - 1) * $columns)}) {
            & .backward {
                opacity: 1;
                pointer-events: all;
                transform: translateY(39px) translateX(47px);
                transition: all 0.3s 1s;

// Assign all our animated tiles
@include assignTileAt(2, 10, 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/spookyEyes.gif');
@include assignTileAt(19, 10, 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/spookyEyes.gif');
@include assignTileAt(23, 11, 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/spookyEyes.gif');
@include assignTileAt(7, 8, 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/spookyEyes.gif');
@include assignTileAt(5, 17, 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/spookyEyes.gif');
@include assignTileAt(3, 7, 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/swingingLantern.gif');
@include assignTileAt(3, 7, 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/swingingLantern.gif');
@include assignTileAt(6, 8, 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/swingingLantern.gif');
@include assignTileAt(8, 8, 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/swingingLantern.gif');
@include assignTileAt(15, 7, 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/swingingLantern.gif');
@include assignTileAt(18, 7, 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/swingingLantern.gif');
@include assignTileAt(10, 8, 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/swingingLantern.gif');
@include assignTileAt(30, 8, 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/swingingLantern.gif');
@include assignTileAt(27, 8, 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/swingingLantern.gif');
@include assignTileAt(21, 8, 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/swingingLantern.gif');
@include assignTileAt(24, 8, 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/swingingLantern.gif');
@include assignTileAt(44, 8, 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/swingingLantern.gif');
@include assignTileAt(12, 7, 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/217233/swingingLantern.gif');

// Create objects
@include makeInteractiveObject(1, 3, 15, false, false, false); // Empy crate
@include makeInteractiveObject(2, 12, 15, false, false, false); // Pickaxe
@include makeInteractiveObject(3, 7, 15, true, false, false); // Rock
@include makeInteractiveObject(4, 8, 15, false, true, false); // Dynamite plunger
@include makeInteractiveObject(5, 31, 13, true, false, false); // Dynamite door
@include makeInteractiveObject(6, 18, 15, false, false, false); // Planks
@include makeInteractiveObject(7, 29, 13, true, false, true); // Plank gap
@include makeInteractiveObject(8, 6, 13, false, false, false); // Note 1
@include makeInteractiveObject(9, 10, 13, false, false, false); // Note 2
@include makeInteractiveObject(10, 29, 15, false, false, false); // Note 3
@include makeInteractiveObject(11, 27, 13, false, false, false); // Lock door
@include makeInteractiveObject(12, 26, 13, false, false, false); // Handle
@include makeInteractiveObject(13, 46, 13, false, false, false); // Cog
@include makeInteractiveObject(14, 47, 13, false, false, false); // Waterfall
@include makeInteractiveObject(15, 15, 15, false, false, false); // Dynamite
@include makeInteractiveObject(16, 48, 15, false, false, false); // Fuses
@include makeInteractiveObject(17, 24, 15, false, false, false); // End door
@include makeInteractiveObject(18, 19, 15, false, false, false); // Empty box 1
@include makeInteractiveObject(19, 22, 15, false, false, false); // Empty box 2
@include makeInteractiveObject(20, 33, 15, false, false, false); // Empty box 3
@include makeInteractiveObject(21, 12, 13, false, false, false); // Empty box 4
@include makeInteractiveObject(22, 44, 13, false, false, false); // Empty box 5

// Compare game logic
@include compare(2, 7, 15, false,false, false); // Compare pick to rock
@include compare(4, 31, 13, true,false, false); // Compare plunger to door
@include compare(6, 29, 13, false,false, true); // Compare planks to gap
@include compare(12, 46, 13, false,true, false);

// Check win condition
@include checkWinCondition(15, 16, 17);

// Create vertical tiles
@include moveVerticleOnTile(1,5); //e.g make elevator between row 1 segment 5 and the tile below it
@include moveVerticleOnTile(1,11); 
@include moveVerticleOnTile(2,2);
@include moveVerticleOnTile(2,8);
@include moveVerticleOnTile(3,9);

// Create walls
@include makeWallAt(1,1);
@include makeWallAt(1,8); // Blocking dynamite plunger
@include makeWallAt(1,9);
@include makeWallAt(1,13);
@include makeWallAt(2,13);
@include makeWallAt(2,4);
@include makeWallAt(2,1);
@include makeWallAt(3,1);
@include makeWallAt(3,3);
@include makeWallAt(3,4);
@include makeWallAt(3,6); // door
@include makeWallAt(3,10);
@include makeWallAt(4,7);
@include makeWallAt(4,13);
@include makeWallAt(4,11);

// Effects
@include makeRainAt(3);
@include makeRainAt(7);
@include makeRainAt(15);
@include makeRainAt(29);
@include makeRainAt(22);
@include makeRainAt(31);
@include makeRainAt(47);
@include makeRainAt(18);

// Animations
@keyframes showResponse {
    0% {opacity:1; top: calc(50% - 36px);}
    70% {opacity: 1;top: calc(50% - 46px);}
    100% {opacity:0; top: calc(50% - 46px);}

@keyframes forcedResponse {
    0% {opacity:1; top: calc(50% - 36px);}
    70% {opacity: 1;top: calc(50% - 46px);}
    100% {opacity:1; top: calc(50% - 46px);}

@keyframes logo {
    0%{opacity: 0; transform: scale(0)}
    100%{opacity: 1; transform: scale(1)}

@keyframes fadeIn {
    0%{opacity: 0;}
    100%{opacity: 1;}

@keyframes fadeOut {
    0%{opacity: 1;}
    100%{opacity: 0;}

@keyframes bar {
    0%{width: 0%;}
    100%{width: 100%;}

@keyframes dialogueIn {
    0%{opacity: 0;left: 20px;}
    10%{left: 20px;}
    20%{left: 0px;}
    30%{left: 20px;}
    40%{left: 4px;}
    50%{left: 18px;}
    60%{left: 8px;}
    70%{left: 20px;}
    80%{left: 5px;}
    90%{left: 16px;}
    100%{opacity: 1;left: 20px;}

@keyframes shake {
    0%{transform: translateX(0px)}
    10%{transform: translateX(6px)}
    20%{transform: translateX(-6px)}
    30%{transform: translateX(6px)}
    40%{transform: translateX(-6px)}
    50%{transform: translateX(6px)}
    60%{transform: translateX(-6px)}
    70%{transform: translateX(6px)}
    80%{transform: translateX(-6px)}
    90%{transform: translateX(6px)}
    100%{transform: translateX(0px)}

@keyframes end {
    0%{transform: translateX(0px);opacity:1}
    10%{transform: translateX(6px)}
    20%{transform: translateX(-6px)}
    30%{transform: translateX(6px)}
    40%{transform: translateX(-6px)}
    50%{transform: translateX(6px)}
    60%{transform: translateX(-6px)}
    70%{transform: translateX(6px)}
    80%{transform: translateX(-6px)}
    90%{transform: translateX(6px)}
    100%{transform: translateX(0px);opacity:0;}

@keyframes shake-debug {
    0%{transform: translateX(0px) scale(0.5)}
    10%{transform: translateX(10px) scale(0.5)}
    20%{transform: translateX(-0px) scale(0.5)}
    30%{transform: translateX(10px) scale(0.5)}
    40%{transform: translateX(-10px) scale(0.5)}
    50%{transform: translateX(10px) scale(0.5)}
    60%{transform: translateX(-10px) scale(0.5)}
    70%{transform: translateX(10px) scale(0.5)}
    80%{transform: translateX(-10px) scale(0.5)}
    90%{transform: translateX(10px) scale(0.5)}
    100%{transform: translateX(0px) scale(0.5)}

// Trailer
// Labels are out
View Compiled
// Nope, nothing here. Just a big long list of checkboxes and radio buttons.... You see, what happens is, let's say you click on the boulder, the input for the boulder is checked but the input for the pickaxe isn't. So CSS check to see if the checkbox is checked and the other checkbox is checked to check if the rule should apply. If the checkbox of the pickaxe is not checked then the check shows that the checkbox checked state of the previous checkbox isnt checked and thus the current checked box doesnt apply the checked checkbox state. Got that? Great. Me neither.
Run Pen

External CSS

This Pen doesn't use any external CSS resources.

External JavaScript

  1. https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js