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  <h2>Jake Albaugh</h2>
    This is a musical composition with five patterns. 
    Each pattern is made up of two measures in different time signatures.
    The drum beat changes time signatures to highlight a specific pattern.
    This beat change occurs when the current pattern and the next pattern are in sync.
    The current pattern is played in a higher octave.
    The piece ends after 420 quarter notes, which is the first time that all patterns end a measure simultaneously.
    At a tempo of 140 bpm, this is precisely 3 minutes.
    You can see each pattern and its steps.
    Below it is an indication of which time signature it is in and how many times it has looped.
    If it is wide, it means the drums are currently playing in that time signature.
    <button id="toggle"><span class="play">Play</span><span class="stop">Pause</span></button>
  <p class="center">
    <input id="tempo" type= "range" step="1" min="80" max="280" />
    <label for="tempo">Tempo <span id="tempo-value"></span></label>


                @import url(|Cardo:400,400italic);

html { height: 100%; }
body { min-height: 100%; }

body {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  background: #000;
  justify-content: space-between;
  font-family: Cardo, Georgia, serif;

.center { text-align: center; }

header, main, aside {
  flex: 1;
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;
  align-content: center;
  align-items: center;

header, aside { flex-direction: column; }

main {
  display: flex;
header, aside {
  color: #c7c7c7;
  width: 90%;
  max-width: 600px;
  margin: 2rem auto;
  line-height: 1.6;

.playing aside {
  color: #666;
header {
  top: 10vh;

aside {
  bottom: 5vh;

section span, label, button {
  font-family: Montserrat, sans-serif;
  text-transform: uppercase;
  letter-spacing: 0.125em;

button {
  border: none;
  font-size: 2rem;
  padding: 0.25em 0.5em;
  background: hsla(80, 80, 50, 1);
  box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px 2px hsla(80, 80, 30, 1);
  border-radius: 4px;
  animation: button 500ms ease-in-out alternate infinite;
  color: white;
  opacity: 0.9;
  &:hover { opacity: 1; }
  .playing & {
    animation: none;
    opacity: 0.4;
    &:hover { opacity: 1; }
    .play { display: none; }
    .stop { display: block; }
  .stop { display: none; }

@keyframes button {
  from { transform: scale(1); }
  to   { transform: scale(1.1); }
h1, h2 {
  text-align: center;
  font-weight: 400;
  margin: 0.25rem 0;
h1 {
  font-family: Montserrat, sans-serif;
  text-transform: uppercase;
  letter-spacing: 0.125em;
  font-size: 2.4rem;
h2 {
  font-style: italic;
  font-family: 1.2rem;

$steps: 16;
section {
  background: #1c1c1c;
  height: 200px;
  display: flex;
  margin: 1rem 0 1rem 1rem;
  box-sizing: border-box;
  padding: 0.5rem;
  flex: 1;
  position: relative;
  border-radius: 2px;
  border: 1px solid rgba(255,255,255,0.05);
  opacity: 0.7;
  transition: flex 500ms ease-in-out,
    background 200ms linear;
  flex: 1;
  &[data-solo="true"] {
    flex: 2;
  &[class*="note-"] { opacity: 1; }
  &:last-child { margin-right: 1rem; }
  &::before {
    content: '';
    position: absolute;
    bottom: calc(100% + 8px);
    z-index: 2;
    left: 50%;
    transform: translateX(-50%) translateZ(0);
    border-top: 8px solid hsla(80, 80, 50, 1);
    transition: width 50ms linear;
    border-radius: 2px;
  span {
    position: absolute;
    color: #444;
    text-transform: uppercase;
    display: block;
    right: 0;
  span {
    top: calc(100% + 0.5rem);
  span.meter {
    left: 0; right: auto;
  div {
    z-index: 3;
    background: #444;
    position: relative;
    height: 1 / $steps * 100%;
    border-radius: 2px;
    margin: 0 0.125rem;
    transition: transform 200ms ease-in-out;
    transform: scaleY(0.5) translateZ(0);
    @for $s from 0 through 15 {
      &[data-note="#{$s}"] { top: (100% - $s / $steps * 100%) - 1 / $steps * 100%; }
    @for $r from 1 through 16 {
      &[data-res="#{$r}"] { flex: $r; }
    @for $s from 0 through 7 {
      $rat: $s / 7;
      $sat: (1-$rat) * 70 + 10;
      $color: hsl(80, $sat, $rat * 40 + 50);
      &[data-note="#{$s + 7}"] { background: $color; }
  $data-steps: (16, 24, 28, 32, 40);
  @each $step in $data-steps {
    @for $n from 0 through $step {
      &[data-steps="#{$step}"][data-step="#{$n}"]::before {
        width: (1 - $n / $step) * 100%;
  @for $n from 0 through $steps {
    &.note-#{$n} div:nth-child(#{$n + 1}) {
      // background: white;
      // box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px 2px rgba(white,0.3);
      z-index: 4;
      transform: scaleY(1) translateZ(0);


const OFFSET = 4
const CONTAINER = document.querySelector('main')
const TOGGLE = document.querySelector('#toggle')
const TEMPO = document.querySelector('#tempo')
const TEMPO_VALUE = document.querySelector('#tempo-value')

document.documentElement.addEventListener('mousedown', () => {
  if (Tone.context.state !== 'running') Tone.context.resume();

// container for Tone.js synths containing basic FX and synth configuration
class Instrument {
  constructor(params) {
    this.gain.connect(this.fader, 0, 0)
    this.solo.connect(this.fader, 0, 1)
    this.makeSolo = this.makeSolo
    this.makeBG = this.makeBG
  makeSolo() {
    this.synth = this.synth2
  makeBG(octave) {
    this.gain.gain.value = (octave === 2) ? 0.4 : 0.25;
    this.synth = this.synth1
  fadeIn() {
    window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
      this.fader.fade.value += 0.05
      if(this.fader.fade.value < 1) this.fadeIn();
  fadeOut() {
    window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
      this.fader.fade.value -= 0.05
      if(this.fader.fade.value > 0) this.fadeOut();
  buildSynth() {
    this.synth1 = new Tone.FMSynth()
    this.synth2 = new Tone.FMSynth()
    this.synth = this.synth1
    this.gain = new Tone.Gain(0.3)
    this.solo = new Tone.Gain(0.4)
    this.fader = new Tone.CrossFade(0);
    this.pan = new Tone.Panner(0).connect(this.gain)
    let delay = new Tone.PingPongDelay('16n', 0.2).connect(this.solo)
    delay.wet.value = 0.2
    this.configSynth(this.config('inst'), this.synth1)
    this.configSynth(this.config('solo'), this.synth2)
  configSynth(config, synth) {
    let wave1 = config.wave1 || 'triangle'
    let wave2 = config.wave2 || wave1
    let attack = config.attack || 0.01
    let decay = config.decay || 0.2
    let sustain = config.sustain || 0.5
    let release = config.release || 0.5
    let harmonicity = config.harmonicity || 1
    let mod = config.modulation || 4
    synth.modulationIndex.value = mod
    synth.harmonicity.value = harmonicity
    synth.oscillator.type = wave1
    synth.envelope.attack = attack
    synth.envelope.decay = decay
    synth.envelope.sustain = sustain
    synth.envelope.release = release
    synth.modulation.type = wave2
    synth.modulationEnvelope.attack = attack * 1.4
    synth.modulationEnvelope.decay = decay
    synth.modulationEnvelope.sustain = sustain
    synth.modulationEnvelope.release = release
  config(name) {
    return {
      inst: { wave1: 'triangle', wave2: 'sawtooth', attack: 0.01, harmonicity: 1, modulation: 10 },
      solo: { wave1: 'triangle', wave2: 'sine', attack: 0.01, harmonicity: 2, modulation: 4 },

// all logic for holding and switching notes 
// as well as visualization of the part for the score
class Part {
  constructor(params) {
    this.scale = params.scale =
    this.steps = params.steps
    this.meter = params.meter
    this.tick = this.tick
  initValues() {
    this.master_step = 0
    this.hold = 0
    this.step = 0
    this.note = 0
    this.loops = 1
    this.started = false
    this.current = { notation: null, note: null, res: null, len: null }
    this.current.note =[this.note]
    this.last = { notation: null }
    this.loops_el.innerHTML = ''
    let last = this.scale.notes[]
    let notation = last.note
    notation += 3 + last.rel_octave
    this.last.notation = notation
  tick() {
    // waiting to play
    if(!this.started) {
      if(this.hold >= {
        this.hold = 0
        this.started = true
        this.sheet.className = 'note-0'
        this.loops_el.innerHTML = this.loops
      return { play: false }
    // can play
    } else {
      let play = { play: false }
      if(this.hold === 0) play = { play: true };
      if(this.step === this.steps) this.step = 0;
      this.sheet.setAttribute('data-step', this.step)
      if(this.hold === this.current.note.res) {
        if(this.master_step === play = { play: true, drummer: true, solo: true }
      // solo fires one step ahead of drummer switch
      if(this.master_step + 1 === play.solo = true;
      return play
  noteChange() {
    this.hold = 0
    if(this.note === {
      // helpful for determining drum starts
      // if(this.meter === '7/8' && this.master_step > 1100) console.log('7/8', this.master_step);
      // if(this.meter === '4/4' && this.master_step > 1100) console.log('4/4', this.master_step,; 
      // loop
      this.note = 0
      this.loops_el.innerHTML = this.loops
    this.sheet.className = `note-${this.note}`
    this.current.note =[this.note]
  generateNotation() {
    let note = this.scale.notes[this.current.note.step]
    let notation = note.note
    notation += this.current.note.oct + + note.rel_octave
    this.current.notation = notation
  setupSheet() {
    this.sheet = document.createElement('section')
    this.sheet.setAttribute('data-steps', this.steps)
    this.sheet.setAttribute('data-step', '')
    this.loops_el = document.createElement('span')
    this.meter_el = document.createElement('span')
    this.meter_el.innerHTML = this.meter => {
      let el = document.createElement('div')
      el.setAttribute('data-note', note.oct * 8 + note.step)
      el.setAttribute('data-res', note.res)

// generates parts for orchestra
class Score {
  constructor(params) {
    this.scale = new MusicalScale({ key: 'C#', mode: 'locrian' })
    this.resolution = 16 = this.generateParts(params.score)
    this.parts_keys = Object.keys(
  generateParts(score) {
    let parts = []
    // for each item in base score
    Object.keys(score).forEach(meter => {
      let total_steps = 0
      let music = score[meter]
      music.start = music.start * (this.resolution / 4)
      // for each note we need to generate its length in terms of resolution
      music.notes.forEach(note => {
        // how many resolution ticks in this note
        let res = 0
        // if it is an array, it is combining two values eg. `4n + 8n`
        if(note.len.match(/ \+ /)) {
          let split = note.len.split(' + ')
          // for each in the array, add the length
          split.forEach((i) => { res += this.resFromNoteLength(i) })
        } else {
          // get the res length on the item
          res = this.resFromNoteLength(note.len)
        // set the resolution length
        note.res = res
        total_steps += res
      let new_part = new Part({ meter: meter, scale: this.scale, music: music, steps: total_steps })
    return parts
  resFromNoteLength(len) {
    let int = parseInt(len.replace('n', ''))
    return this.resolution / int

// conductor makes players play
class Conductor {
  constructor(params) {
    this.tick = params.tick
    this.resolution = params.resolution
    this.updateTempo = this.updateTempo
    this.tempo = params.tempo
    TEMPO.value = this.tempo
    this.start = this.start
    this.stop = this.stop
    this.end_step = (420 + OFFSET) * (this.resolution / 4)
    this.onComplete = params.onComplete
  initValues() {
    this.step = 0
    this.playing = false
  start() {
    this.playing = true
    document.body.className = 'playing'
  stop() {
    this.playing = false
    document.body.className = ''
  toggle() {
    if(this.playing) {
    } else {
  updateTempo(value) {
    this.tempo = value
    this.transport.bpm.value = value
    TEMPO_VALUE.innerHTML = value
  setTransport() {
    this.transport = Tone.Transport
    this.transport.scheduleRepeat((time) => {
      if(this.step === this.end_step) {
    }, this.resolution + 'n')

// orchestra member that plays music
class Player {
  constructor(params) {
    let part = params.part
    this.instrument = new Instrument({ 
      hall: params.hall 
    this.signalDrummer = params.signalDrummer
    this.signalSolo = params.signalSolo
    this.part = params.part
    this.tick = this.tick
  tick(time) {
    let part_notification = this.part.tick()
    if(part_notification.solo) this.signalSolo(this.part.meter)
    if( {
      if(part_notification.drummer) this.signalDrummer(this.part.meter);
      this.instrument.synth.triggerAttackRelease(this.part.current.notation, this.part.current.note.len + ' - 32n', time)
      // if(part_notification.stop) {
        // this.instrument.triggerRelease(time)  
      // }

// funky drummer
class Drummer {
  constructor(params) {
    this.patterns = new BasePatterns()
    this.updateMeter = this.updateMeter
    this.tick = this.tick
  initValues() {
    this.step = 0
  tick(time) {
    if(this.loaded.kd) {
      this.pattern.kd.forEach(pattern => {
        if((this.step + pattern.offset) % pattern.every === 0) this.kit.kd.triggerAttack(0, time);
    if( { => {
        if((this.step + pattern.offset) % pattern.every === 0), time);
    if( { => {
        if((this.step + pattern.offset) % pattern.every === 0), time);
  updateMeter(meter) {
    this.step = 0
    this.pattern = this.patterns[meter]
  setKit(params) {
    this.loaded = {}
    let samples = {
      kd: '',
      sd: '',
      ch: ''
    this.gain = new Tone.Gain(1)
    let verb = new Tone.Freeverb()
    verb.roomSize.value = 0.3
    verb.wet.value = 0.1
    this.slots = {
      kd: new Tone.Gain(0.6).connect(this.gain),
      sd: new Tone.Gain(0.5).connect(this.gain),
      ch: new Tone.Gain(0.35).connect(verb),
    this.kit = {
      kd: new Tone.Sampler(samples.kd, () => { this.loaded.kd = true }).connect(this.slots.kd),
      sd: new Tone.Sampler(, () => { = true }).connect(,
      ch: new Tone.Sampler(, () => { = true }).connect(,
    this.kit_keys = Object.keys(this.kit)

// contains score, basic instrumentation, the players, and the conductor
class Orchestra {
  constructor(params) {
    this.hall = params.hall
    this.score = new Score({ score: new BaseScore() })
    this.solo_base = 0
    this.conductor = new Conductor({ 
      tempo: 140,
      resolution: this.score.resolution, 
      tick: (time) => { this.tick(time) },
      onComplete: (time) => {
        this.players.forEach(player => { 
          player.instrument.synth.triggerAttackRelease(player.part.last.notation, '1n + 1n', time)
          player.part.sheet.className = 'complete'
          player.part.sheet.setAttribute('data-solo', 'false')
          player.part.sheet.setAttribute('data-step', '')
  tick(time) {
    this.players.forEach(player => { player.tick(time) })
  setPlayers() {
    this.drummer = new Drummer({
      hall: this.hall
    this.players = []
    for(let p = 0; p < this.score.parts_keys.length; p++) {
      this.players[p] = new Player({ 
        hall: this.hall,
        signalSolo: (meter) => {
        signalDrummer: (meter) => {
  signalSolo(meter) {
    let off_i = this.solo_base
    let pans = [-0.7, 1, -1, 0.7]
    let octs = [2, 3, 3, 2]
    this.players.forEach((player, i) => {
      if(player.part.meter === meter) {
        player.instrument.makeSolo() = 5
        player.part.sheet.setAttribute('data-solo', 'true')
      } else {
        let octave = octs[off_i % 4]
        player.instrument.makeBG(octave) = octave
        player.instrument.pan.pan.value = pans[off_i % 4]
        player.part.sheet.setAttribute('data-solo', 'false')
  signalDrummer(meter) {

// contains an orchestra and the hall
class Performance {
  constructor() {
    let gain = new Tone.Gain(1)

    this.hall = gain

    this.orchestra = new Orchestra({ hall: this.hall })
    TOGGLE.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
    TEMPO.addEventListener('change', (e) => {
      let value = parseInt(

let app = new Performance()

function BasePatterns() {
  return {
    '2/4': {
      kd: [
        { every: 8, offset: 0 }
      sd: [
        { every: 8, offset: 4 }
      ch: [
        { every: 2, offset: 0 },
        { every: 8, offset: 1 }
    '3/4': {
      kd: [
        { every: 12, offset: 12 }
      sd: [
        { every: 12, offset: 4 },
        { every: 12, offset: 8 }
      ch: [
        { every: 2, offset: 0 },
        { every: 13, offset: 1 }
    '7/8': {
      kd: [
        { every: 14, offset: 14 },
        { every: 14, offset: 12 }
      sd: [
        { every: 14, offset: 4 },
        { every: 14, offset: 8 }
      ch: [
        { every: 2, offset: 0 },
        { every: 14, offset: 1 }
    '4/4': {
      kd: [
        { every: 16, offset: 0 }
      sd: [
        { every: 16, offset: 8 },
        { every: 32, offset: 4 },
      ch: [
        { every: 2, offset: 0 },
        { every: 16, offset: 1 }
    '5/4': {
      kd: [
        { every: 20, offset: 0 },
        { every: 40, offset: 22 }
      sd: [
        { every: 20, offset: 12 },
        { every: 40, offset: 4 }
      ch: [
        { every: 2, offset: 0 },
        { every: 20, offset: 1 }

function BaseScore() {
  let offset = OFFSET;
  return {
    '2/4': {
      octave: 1,
      start: 0 + offset,
      drummer: -1, // already playing by default
      max: 105,
      last: 0,
      notes: [
        { len: '8n', step: 4, oct: 0 },
        { len: '8n', step: 2, oct: 0 },
        { len: '4n', step: 0, oct: 1 },
        { len: '8n', step: 5, oct: 0 },
        { len: '8n', step: 0, oct: 0 },
        { len: '4n', step: 6, oct: 0 },
    '3/4': {
      octave: 4,
      start: 18 + offset,
      drummer: (111 * 4) + offset,
      max: 67,
      last: 0,
      notes: [
        { len: '4n', step: 0, oct: 1 },
        { len: '8n', step: 4, oct: 0 },
        { len: '4n', step: 4, oct: 1 },
        { len: '8n', step: 2, oct: 1 },
        { len: '8n', step: 0, oct: 1 },
        { len: '8n', step: 0, oct: 1 },
        { len: '8n', step: 4, oct: 0 },
        { len: '8n', step: 0, oct: 0 },
        { len: '4n', step: 2, oct: 1 }
    '7/8': {
      octave: 3,
      start: 28 + offset,
      drummer: (171 * 4) + offset,
      max: 56,
      last: 2,
      notes: [
        { len: '8n',      step: 1, oct: 0 },
        { len: '8n',      step: 1, oct: 1 },
        { len: '8n',      step: 1, oct: 0 },
        { len: '2n',      step: 5, oct: 0 },
        { len: '4n + 8n', step: 2, oct: 0 },
        { len: '2n',      step: 4, oct: 0 }
    '4/4': {
      octave: 3,
      start: 40 + offset,
      drummer: (283 * 4) + offset,
      max: 47.5,
      last: 6,
      notes: [
        { len: '4n',      step: 2, oct: 0 },
        { len: '8n',      step: 4, oct: 0 },
        { len: '8n',      step: 6, oct: 0 },
        { len: '8n',      step: 1, oct: 0 },
        { len: '4n + 8n', step: 4, oct: 0 },
        { len: '8n',      step: 6, oct: 0 },
        { len: '8n',      step: 2, oct: 1 },
        { len: '8n',      step: 6, oct: 0 },
        { len: '8n',      step: 4, oct: 0 },
        { len: '8n',      step: 2, oct: 0 },
        { len: '4n',      step: 6, oct: 0 },
        { len: '8n',      step: 0, oct: 1 }
    '5/4': {
      octave: 5,
      start: 50 + offset,
      drummer: (363 * 4) + offset,
      max: 37,
      last: 4,
      notes: [
        { len: '4n', step: 0, oct: 1 },
        { len: '8n', step: 4, oct: 1 },
        { len: '8n', step: 0, oct: 1 },
        { len: '2n', step: 6, oct: 0 },
        { len: '4n', step: 4, oct: 0 },
        { len: '2n', step: 5, oct: 0 },
        { len: '8n', step: 6, oct: 0 },
        { len: '8n', step: 4, oct: 1 },
        { len: '8n', step: 2, oct: 1 },
        { len: '8n', step: 6, oct: 0 },
        { len: '4n', step: 5, oct: 0 }

