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                <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
           <ul class="nav nav-pills">
            <a>Chiang Rai Bears</a>
        <li class="pull-right">
            <a class="nav-link">Contact</a>
        <li class="pull-right">
            <a class="nav-link">Schedule</a>
        <li class="pull-right">
            <a class="nav-link">News</a>
        <li class="pull-right">
            <a class="nav-link">Team</a>
    <div id="pageOne" class='page current'>
        <div id='bearContainer'>
            <img id='bearsLogo' src=''>
        <h1 class='main-title'>For King and Country</h1>
    <div id='pageFive' class="page">
        <h1 class='titles2'>Contact</h1>
        <div class="midphoto">
            <img src=",h_700/v1510705886/23600255_10155628538050907_1840303242_o_glolcp.jpg"class="contactPic">
        <p class='contact'>CEO <br> Lonny Levi <br> 0800 741 584</p>
    <div id='pageFour' class="page">
        <h1 class='titles2'>Schedule</h1>
        <div class="midphoto">
            <img src=",w_700/v1510093441/ChiangRaiBears/23360882_10155605571270907_763037140_n.jpg"class="photo">
        <p class="par">Sunday practices from 5-6pm at Chiang Rai Rajabaht University-ring 0800 741 584 for more information. Chiang Mai Rugby League annual fixture in October/November 2018 (TBC) join the conversation on our facebook group page (Chiang Rai Bears). Chiang Rai Rugby League tournament Feb 2018 (TBC ) join the conversation on our facebook group page (Chiang Rai Bears).</p>
    <div id='pageThree' class="page">
      <h1 class='titles'>News</h1>
       <div id="newsphoto" class="midphoto">
           <img class="photo" src=",w_700/v1510093438/ChiangRaiBears/23361101_10155605571630907_732096014_n.jpg">
        <p class="par">The Bears had their first match versus a strong Chiang Mai squad on Thursday 2nd November. We won the match 12-10 and people were surprised by the outcome-we were too. The team are happy with the win and gives the players confidence moving forward. Chiang Rai Rugby/League tournament in February 2018 at Chiang Rai Rajabaht University. We are planning on doing a tournament in Chiang Rai as a step to develop the game but also to showcase it to the community.</p>
    <div id='pageTwo' class="page">
        <h1 class='titles'>Team</h1>
        <div class="midphoto">
            <img class="photo" src=",w_700/v1510093431/ChiangRaiBears/23283420_10155605571375907_70421381_n.jpg">
        <p class="par">Welcome to the Chiang Rai Northern Bears Rugby/League club. We are about developing rugby/league in Chiang Rai and remote places in Northern Thailand. We are about family and community so join us as we take another step into the new year 2018! The Bears welcome all players so read more about practices on our news page. The Bears!</p>


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