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Babel includes JSX processing.

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    <meta charset="UTF-8">

    <!--      See -->
    <script src=""></script>

    <script src=""></script>


		<div id='canvasDiv'>
			<!-- Canvas here -->

		<div id='controls' class='flex-outer-c'>

			<!-- CONTROLLERS -->
			<!-- flex-inner-c flex inner container-->
			<div class="flex-inner-c">
				<button id='toggleAtt' type="button" > Show Attractors</button>
				<button id='recolor' type="button" > Change particle colors</button>
			<div class="flex-inner-c">
				<label for='aMass'>Attractor Mass</label>
				<input id='aMass' type='range' value='1' min='0.5' max='13' step='0.1'>
			<div class="flex-inner-c">
				<label for='pMass'>Particle Mass</label>
				<input id='pMass' type='range' value='0.5' min='0.3' max='3' step='0.1'>
			<div class="flex-inner-c">
				<label for='pLimitLo'>Velocity limit: low</label>
				<input id='pLimitLo' type='range' value='7' min='5' max='30' step='1'>
			<div class="flex-inner-c">
				<label for='pLimitHi'>Velocity limit: high</label>
				<input id='pLimitHi' type='range' value='10' min='5' max='30' step='1'>



                body {
	padding: 0;
	margin: 0;

canvas {
	vertical-align: top;
	/* border: 3px solid lightblue; */

#controls {
	background-color: rgb(3, 24, 92);

#controls {
	/* height: 50px; */

label {
	color: red;
	clear: left;
	padding-left: 10px;
	font-size: 0.8rem;

#attMassDiv, #partMassDiv {
	/* display: block; */


.flex-outer-c {
	display: flex;
	flex-flow: row wrap;


.flex-inner-c {
	display: flex;
	flex-flow: column;
	flex: 0.5 0 140px;
	/* padding-left: 5px; */
	padding: 2px;
	border: 1px solid lightgreen;
	margin: 2px;

.flex-outer-c>div {
	/* background-color: DodgerBlue; */
	/* color: white; */
	/* width: 100px; */
	/* margin: 10px; */
	text-align: center;
	/* flex: 1 1 50px; */
	/* line-height: 75px; */
	/* font-size: 30px; */


                //  =================================================================

//  Color selection
//See here if full array wanted:

////  rgba:
let red = 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.8)',
    blue = 'rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.8)',
    cyan = 'rgba(0, 255, 255, 0.8)',
    green = 'rgba(0, 128, 0, 0.8)',
    yellow = 'rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.8)',
    lime = 'rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.8)',
    fuchsia = 'rgba(255, 0, 255, 0.8)',
    orange = 'rgba(255, 165, 0, 0.8)',
    chartreuse = 'rgba(127, 255, 0, 0.8)',
    deeppink = 'rgba(255, 20, 147, 0.8)',
    dodgerblue = 'rgba(30, 144, 255, 0.8)',
    white = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8)',
    greenyellow = 'rgba(173, 255, 47, 0.8)';

//use myColors2 array for alpha
// let myColors2 = [red, blue, cyan, yellow, lime, fuchsia, orange, chartreuse, deeppink, white, greenyellow];

// without alpha
var myColors2 = ['red', 'fuchsia', 'lime', 'yellow', 'blue', 'aqua', 'chartreuse', 'white', 'deeppink', 'greenyellow' ]; 
let storeColors = myColors2.slice();// slice creates copy

function getARandomColor() {

    /*  a value between 0 and color.length-1
    // Math.round = rounded value
    // Math.random() a value between 0 and 1 */
    var colorIndex = Math.round((myColors2.length - 1) * Math.random());
    var c = myColors2[colorIndex];

    if (colorIndex > -1) { // avoid repeating a color
        myColors2.splice(colorIndex, 1);

        //  if array is at end
        if (myColors2.length === 0)
            myColors2 = storeColors.slice();// make a copy

    // var c = colors[5];// specific color
    // var c = white;

    // return the random color
    return c;

//  ===========================================================

class Attractor {
	//(number, number, number, number, color)
    constructor(x, y, mass, gravity, color) {

        //  Mass and gravity work together. I am setting gravity to a constant and using mass as the only decisive factor. Gravity and mass are only used to calculate attraction() for calculations, mass is used also in display() and update()
        this.mass = mass;
        this.initialMass = mass;// a scalar reference, a constant
        // this.grav = _gravity;//not used at the moment
        this.rAcc = 4; // limits of acceleration(random rAcc,random -rAcc) - good for control
        this.rVel = 5;  // limits of random velocity

        this.pos = createVector(x, y);
        this.acc = createVector(random(-this.rAcc, this.rAcc), random(-this.rAcc, this.rAcc));
        this.vel = createVector(random(-this.rVel, this.rVel), random(-this.rVel, this.rVel));

        this.count = 0; // counts for the shifts in direction in update// 
        this.counterShift = random(30, 60);

        this.color = color;    //color

//time elapsed since last frame. We are equalling 60 frames per second, to ms. whenever time is polled it will be equivalent to (60 * vel * elapsed), elapsed being equal to (newTime - oldTime )/ 1000 (approx 16.6ms , which is 60fps)
Attractor.elapsed = 1;
Attractor.scalM = 1;// scalar for size of eclipse() / only display at the moment
Attractor.nbAtrctr = 1;//Attractor.numberOfAttractors = 0;
Attractor.arr = [];

//  -----------------------------------
Attractor.prototype.calculateAttraction = function (p) { //(type: particle)
    // generates a force, returns vector force = (x,y);

    // Calculate direction of force
    p.force = p5.Vector.sub(this.pos, p.pos); //2d vector

    // Distance between objects
    // get the lenght (magnitude) of the vector
    let distance = p.force.mag(); //2d vector / see footnote

    // Artificial constraint
    distance = constrain(distance, 2, 8);//constrain(n,low,high) n=numberToConstrain

    // Normalize vector (distance doesn't matter here, we just want this vector for direction)

    // Calculate gravitional force magnitude
    let strength = (this.mass * p.mass) / (distance * distance);
    // var strength = (this.grav * this.mass * part.mass) / (distance * distance);
    // Get force vector --> magnitude * direction
    // this.calculatedthis.force = this.force;
    // p.force = force;

//  --------------------------------------------------------
Attractor.prototype.update = function () {

    // this counter decides when to do a shift in direction
    if (this.count >= this.counterShift - 1) {
        this.acc = createVector(random(-this.rAcc, this.rAcc), random(-this.rAcc, this.rAcc));
        this.counterShift = random(15, 240);//defines how many counts until next shift

    this.vel.add(this.acc); // add acceleration to velocity

    //constrains a value between a minimum and a maximum value/ I guess limit and constrain have the same use here
    // this.vel.x = constrain(this.vel.x, -this.rAcc, this.rAcc);// constrain so that is does not go crazy fast
    // this.vel.y = constrain(this.vel.y, -this.rAcc, this.rAcc);

    //this seems to work best
    this.vel.limit(this.rAcc);//limited by maximum size of acceleration
    // console.log(this.vel.x.toFixed(1) + ' ' + this.vel.y.toFixed(1));

    let storeVel = p5.Vector.mult(this.vel, Attractor.elapsed);

    this.acc.mult(0);  //  we reset to 0,0

    this.count = this.count % this.counterShift;

//  --------------------------------------------------------
Attractor.prototype.displayIt = function () {
    if (lstnrs.toggle1) {//this lstnr as class property 
        ellipse(this.pos.x, this.pos.y, this.mass * Attractor.scalM, this.mass * Attractor.scalM);
//  --------------------------------------------------------
Attractor.prototype.edges = function () {
    //  used for attractor, could also be used for particle
    //  needs improving - put object at collision point
    //maybe use radius for limit
    if ((this.pos.y + this.mass) > g.myHeight) {
        this.vel.y *= -1;
        this.pos.y = g.myHeight - this.mass;

    if ((this.pos.y - this.mass) < 0) {
        this.vel.y *= -1;
        this.pos.y = this.mass;

    if ((this.pos.x + this.mass) > g.myWidth) {
        this.vel.x *= -1;
        this.pos.x = g.myWidth - this.mass;

    if ((this.pos.x - this.mass) < 0) {
        this.vel.x *= -1;
        this.pos.x = this.mass;

//  ===========================================================

class Particle {

    constructor(xStart, yStart, color) {//(number, number, color)

        //  vectors
        this.pos = createVector(xStart, yStart);
        this.vel = createVector(0.0, 0);
        this.acc = createVector(0.0, 0);
        this.force = createVector(1,1);

        this.mass = random(3, 5);//3-10
        this.initialMass = this.mass;// constant scalar reference
        this.limit = random(7, 10);//limits velocity - limits the distance - great to control
        // this.limit = 5;//limits velocity

        this.color = color;// could be static since I am using the same for all

Particle.scalM = 0.5; //scale mass / only display, not calculations
Particle.elapsed = 1;
Particle.nbPtcls = 0; //Particle in each array of particles;
Particle.arr = [];// Particle.arr = [ [],[],[], ... ]

//  -----------------------------------
Particle.prototype.applyForce = function () {

//  -----------------------------------
Particle.prototype.update = function () {

    let storeVel2 = p5.Vector.mult(this.vel, Particle.elapsed);
    this.acc.mult(0);// here multiplied by 0 in order to reset to (0,0)

//  -----------------------------------
Particle.prototype.display = function () {
    // fill(255, 127);
	ellipse(this.pos.x, this.pos.y, this.mass 
		* Particle.scalM, this.mass * Particle.scalM);

//  ===========================================================

let lstnrs = {};// an object for the listeners' values
lstnrs.toggle1 = false;

//used together, but listener changes one at a timeß
lstnrs.pLimitLo = 7;
lstnrs.pLimitHi = 10;

//declare a namespace for global variables
let g = {}; 

g.deleteUnused = function () {
	// properties to be deleted after they are used in setup
	delete this.attMass;
	delete this.randMass;
	delete this.attGravity;

//  ===================================
g.canvas = {};

Attractor.nbAtrctr = 3; //var numberOfAttractors = 5;
Particle.nbPtcls = 400; //var particlesPerAttractor = 400;

g.attMass = 12, g.randMass = 5;//  mass + 10.ranodm // 12, 5 is a good setting to start
g.attGravity = 1; // was random(0.5, 1)

//  ---------------
g.word = 0, g.word2 = null;
g.initialTime = new Date();
g.oldTime = new Date(), g.newTime = new Date();// initialize to date to avoid error on first calculation 

g.myHeight = 0, g.myWidth = 0;

//  -----------------------------------

g.initTime = new Date();
g.runningTime = new Date();

g.totalElapsed = 0;
g.totalFrameRate = 0;
g.countedFrames = 0;
g.countForDisplay = 0;

//  ===================================
//  -----------------------------------
function setup() {
    g.myHeight = windowHeight;
    g.myWidth = windowWidth;

    g.canvas = createCanvas(g.myWidth, g.myHeight - 50);
    createAttractors(Attractor.arr, Particle.arr, g);

//  -----------------------------------
function draw() {
    //use newTime - meanwhile g.oldTime is the previous newTime, 
    //  after use, store it in g.oldTime
    g.newTime = new Date();

    //time elapsed between frames
    // (1/1000 = 0.001); 0.001 * 60 = 0.06 , a constant; 1000 * 0.06 = 60
    let elapsed = (g.newTime - g.oldTime) * 0.06;
    Attractor.elapsed = elapsed;
    Particle.elapsed = elapsed;

    // Attractor attracts particle
    calcAttractors(Attractor.arr, Particle.arr);

    g.oldTime = g.newTime;
} //end

//  -----------------------------------
function calcAttractors(attArray, partArray) {//(array, array)
    for (let i = 0; i < Attractor.nbAtrctr; ++i) {

        calcParticles(i, attArray, partArray);

//  -----------------------------------
function calcParticles(i, attArray, partArray) {//(number, array, array)
    for (let j = 0; j < Particle.nbPtcls; ++j) {

        //  calculate attractions is a function of attractor class
        // calculate attraction between particles and attractor

        //  apply force (attraction) to each particle

        //  update and display

//  -----------------------------------
function createAttractors(attArray, partArray, g) {//(array, array, object)
    for (let i = 0; i < Attractor.nbAtrctr; ++i) {
        //  create the arrays

        partArray.push([]);// Particle.arr = [ [],[],[], ... ]

        let color = getARandomColor();

        // Attractor (x, y, mass, gravity, color) 10 + random(10)
		attArray[i] = new Attractor(random(g.myWidth), random(g.myHeight), g.attMass 
		+ random(g.randMass), g.attGravity, 'rgba(75,75,75, 0.4)');

        createParticles(i, color, partArray, g);

//  -----------------------------------
//(number, color, array, object)
function createParticles(i, color, partArray, g) {
    for (let j = 0; j < Particle.nbPtcls; ++j) {
        partArray[i][j] = new Particle(random(g.myWidth), random(g.myHeight), color);

//  -----------------------------------
function displayStats(g) {//(object)
    g.countForDisplay %= 10; g.countForDisplay++;
    if (g.countForDisplay >= 10) {
        g.word = round(frameRate());
        // word2 = totalElapsed;
    fill(255, 255, 255); 
    text("fps: " + g.word, 10, 30);

lstnrs.addListeners = function () { // invoked from setup

	let showAtrctr = document.querySelector('#toggleAtt');
	showAtrctr.addEventListener('click', toggleButton(lstnrs));

	let changeColorsB = document.querySelector('#recolor');
	changeColorsB.addEventListener('click', changeColors);
	let aMassLstnr = document.querySelector('#aMass');
	aMassLstnr.addEventListener('input', updateAtrctrM);

	let pMassLstnr = document.querySelector('#pMass');
	pMassLstnr.addEventListener('input', particleMass);

	let pLimitLo = document.querySelector('#pLimitLo');
	pLimitLo.addEventListener('input', changeLo(lstnrs));

	let pLimitHi = document.querySelector('#pLimitHi');
	pLimitHi.addEventListener('input', changeHi(lstnrs));

	let myWindow = window.addEventListener('resize', adjustSize);

//  ===================================

function changeLo(lstnrs) {//(lstnrs obj)
	return function (evt) {
		lstnrs.pLimitLo = parseFloat(;

function changeHi(lstnrs) {//(lstnrs obj)
	return function (evt) {
		lstnrs.pLimitHi = parseFloat(;

function setPLimit(lstnrs) {//sets particle limit / (lstnrs obj)
	for (let i = 0; i < Attractor.nbAtrctr; ++i) {
		for (let j = 0; j < Particle.nbPtcls; ++j) {
			Particle.arr[i][j].limit = random(lstnrs.pLimitLo, lstnrs.pLimitHi);

function changeColors() {
	for (let i = 0; i < Attractor.nbAtrctr; ++i) {
		let newColor = getARandomColor();
		// Attractor.arr[i].color = newColor;
		for (let j = 0; j < Particle.nbPtcls; ++j) {
			Particle.arr[i][j].color = newColor;

function toggleButton(_lstnrs) { // type: lstnrs
	return function () {
		_lstnrs.toggle1 = !_lstnrs.toggle1;

function updateAtrctrM(evt) {
	Attractor.arr.forEach(function (element) {
		element.mass = element.initialMass *;//implicit conversion probably by '*'

function particleMass(evt) {
	Particle.scalM = parseFloat(;

function adjustSize() {

	g.myWidth =;
	g.myHeight =;
	// canvas.width = myWidth;
	// canvas.height = myHeight;
	resizeCanvas(g.myWidth, g.myHeight - 50);
	// console.log(myWidth + " " + myHeight);

function testIt() {
	console.log('test works');
