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Babel includes JSX processing.

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                <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.1" id="GoogleLogo" x="0" y="0" viewBox="0 0 642 466" enable-background="new 0 0 642 466" xml:space="preserve" width="642" height="466">
    <clipPath id="cut-off-gline">
      <rect id="gLineMask" x="287.2" y="225.9" width="102.2" height="28.9"/>
  <g id="circles">
    <path id="blueG" class="circle" fill="none" stroke="#4285F4" stroke-width="28" d="M318 182.9c-32 0-57 30.8-57 57.5s20 57.5 57 57.5 57.9-26.7 57.9-57.5S350.2 182.9 318 182.9z"/>
    <path id="greenG" class="circle" fill="none" stroke="#34A853" stroke-width="28" d="M318 182.9c-32 0-57 30.8-57 57.5s20 57.5 57 57.5 57.9-26.7 57.9-57.5S350.2 182.9 318 182.9z"/>
    <path id="redG" class="circle" fill="none" stroke="#EA4335" stroke-width="28" d="M318 182.9c-32 0-57 30.8-57 57.5s20 57.5 57 57.5 57.9-26.7 57.9-57.5S350.2 182.9 318 182.9z"/>
    <path id="redGb" class="circle" fill="none" stroke="#EA4335" stroke-width="28" d="M318 182.9c-32 0-57 30.8-57 57.5s20 57.5 57 57.5 57.9-26.7 57.9-57.5S350.2 182.9 318 182.9z"/>
    <path id="yellowG" class="circle" fill="none" stroke="#FBBC05" stroke-width="28" d="M318 182.9c-32 0-57 30.8-57 57.5s20 57.5 57 57.5 57.9-26.7 57.9-57.5S350.2 182.9 318 182.9z"/>
  <g id="helpers" display="none">
    <circle display="inline" fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-miterlimit="10" cx="318" cy="240.4" r="71.5"/>
    <circle display="inline" fill="none" stroke="#000000" cx="319" cy="240.4" r="43.6"/>
    <line display="inline" fill="none" stroke="#000000" x1="318.6" y1="196.8" x2="318.6" y2="168.9"/>
    <line display="inline" fill="none" stroke="#000000" x1="318.6" y1="311.8" x2="318.6" y2="283.9"/>
    <line display="inline" fill="none" stroke="#000000" x1="362.4" y1="240.4" x2="389.4" y2="240.4"/>
    <line display="inline" fill="none" stroke="#000000" x1="246.5" y1="240.4" x2="275.4" y2="240.4"/>
    <g id="spacersW" display="inline">
      <circle id="spacer5" fill="none" cx="447.2" cy="240.4" r="14.5"/>
      <circle id="spacer4" fill="none" cx="389.4" cy="240.4" r="14.5"/>
      <circle id="spacer3" fill="none" cx="331.6" cy="240.4" r="14.5"/>
      <circle id="spacer2" fill="none" cx="273.8" cy="240.4" r="14.5"/>
      <circle id="spacer1" fill="none" cx="216" cy="240.4" r="14.5"/>
    <g id="spacersH" display="inline">
      <circle id="spacer5_1_" fill="none" cx="331.6" cy="356" r="14.5"/>
      <circle id="spacer4_1_" fill="none" cx="331.6" cy="298.2" r="14.5"/>
      <circle id="spacer3_1_" fill="none" cx="331.6" cy="240.4" r="14.5"/>
      <circle id="spacer2_1_" fill="none" cx="331.6" cy="182.5" r="14.5"/>
      <circle id="spacer1_1_" fill="none" cx="331.6" cy="124.7" r="14.5"/>
    <rect id="squareOutline" x="246.5" y="168.9" display="inline" fill="none" width="142.9" height="142.9"/>
  <polygon id="gMask" fill="#ffffff" points="326.4 225.9 390.4 225.9 379.7 192 368.5 183.9 "/>
  <g id="dots">
    <circle class="dot dotBlue" fill="#4285F4" cx="244.9" cy="240.4" r="14.5"/>
    <circle class="dot dotRed" fill="#EA4335" cx="302.7" cy="240.4" r="14.5"/>
    <circle class="dot dotYellow" fill="#FBBC05" cx="360.5" cy="240.4" r="14.5"/>
    <circle class="dot dotGreen" fill="#34A853" cx="418.3" cy="240.4" r="14.5"/>
  <g id="gLineGroup" clip-path="url(#cut-off-gline)">
    <path id="gLine" display="inline" fill="none" stroke="#4285F4" stroke-width="28.91" d="M319 240.4h68"/>
    <path id="gLineAnim" fill="#4285F4" d="M388.7 254.8H319v-28.9h69.7c0 0 13.6 1.3 13.6 14.5C402.3 253.5 388.7 254.8 388.7 254.8z"/>

<div id="controls">
  <div id="slider"></div>


                /* =Colors */
$red: #EA4335;
$green: #34A853;
$blue: #4285F4;
$yellow: #FBBC05;

body {
  overflow: hidden;

#GoogleLogo {
  position: absolute;
  top: 50%;
  left: 50%;
  transform: translate(-50%, -50%)
#controls {
  position: absolute;
  top: 50%;
  left: 50%;
  width: 310px;
  transform: translate(-50%, 120px);
  /* visibility: hidden; */
#gLineAnim {
  opacity: 0;


                /* Moving parts*/
var $circles = $('.circle'),
    $dots = $('.dot'),
    $dotBlue = $('.dotBlue'),
    $dotRed = $('.dotRed'),
    $dotYellow = $('.dotYellow'),
    $dotGreen = $('.dotGreen'),
    $gBlue = $('#blueG'),
    $gRed = $('#redG'),
    $gRedb = $('#redGb'),
    $gYellow = $('#yellowG'),
    $gGreen = $('#greenG'),
    $gLine = $('#gLine'),
    $gLineAnim = $('#gLineAnim'),
    $gLineMask = $('#gLineMask'),
    $gMask = $('#gMask'),
    $bcg = $('.logoBcg'),
    pathRed = [{x: 0, y: -1},{x: 31, y: -51},{x: 74, y: -1}],
    pathYellow = [{x: -41, y: 46},{x: -76, y: 0},{x: -35, y: -46},{x: 14, y: 1}],
    pathGreen = [{x: -67, y: 82},{x: -145, y: 0},{x: -100, y: -46},{x: -43, y: 3}],
    pathBlueBack = [{x: 51, y: 53}, {x: 15, y: 25},{x: 0, y: 0}],
    pathRedBack = [{x: 60, y: -37}, {x: 50, y: 40},{x: 0, y: 0}],
    pathYellowBack = [{x: -5, y: -44}, {x: 3, y: -24},{x: 0, y: 0}],
    pathGreenBack = [{x: -108, y: -56}, {x: -27, y: -47},{x: 0, y: 0}],
    tl = new TimelineMax({onUpdate: updateSlider, repeat: 1});

/* Init */
function init(){
  TweenLite.set([$gLine,$circles], {autoAlpha: 0});
  TweenLite.set($gBlue, {drawSVG:"61% 78%"}); /* start at 71% 78% */
  TweenLite.set($gGreen, {drawSVG:"36% 61%"});
  TweenLite.set($gYellow, {drawSVG:"17% 36%"});
  TweenLite.set($gRed, {drawSVG:"0% 26%"});
  TweenLite.set($gRedb, {drawSVG:"78% 100%", transformOrigin: 'center center'});
  TweenLite.set($gLineAnim, {autoAlpha: 0});

/* Dots wave */
function getDotsWaveTl(){
  var dotsWaveTl = new TimelineMax();
  $dots.each(function(index, element){
    var dotWaveTl = new TimelineMax(),
        delay = 0.15;
      .to(element, 0.4, {y: -7, ease:Power1.easeOut})
      .to(element, 0.8, {y: 7, ease:Power1.easeInOut})
      .to(element, 0.4, {y: 0, ease:Power1.easeIn})
      .to(element, 0.4, {y: -7, ease:Power1.easeOut})
      .to(element, 0.8, {y: 7, ease:Power1.easeInOut})
      .to(element, 0.4, {y: 0, ease:Power1.easeIn});
    dotsWaveTl.add(dotWaveTl, delay*index);
  return dotsWaveTl;

/* Dots rotation */
function getDotsRotateTl(){
  var dotsRotateTl = new TimelineMax();
    .to($dotRed, 0.9, {bezier:{curviness: 1.5, values: pathRed, ease:Power2.easeInOut}}, 'move')
    .to($dotYellow, 1.2, {bezier:{curviness: 1, values: pathYellow, ease:Power2.easeInOut}}, 'move')
    .to($dotGreen, 1.5, {bezier:{curviness: 1, values: pathGreen, ease:Power2.easeInOut}}, 'move');
  return dotsRotateTl;

/* Draw G */
function getDrawGTl(){
  var drawGTl = new TimelineMax();
    .to($dotBlue, 0.6, {x: 47, ease:Power2.easeIn})
    .set($gLineAnim, {autoAlpha: 1, immediateRender: false})
    .set($dotBlue, {autoAlpha: 0, immediateRender: false}, '+=0.1')
    .from($gLineAnim, 0.8, {x: -120, ease:Power2.easeOut}, '-=0.2')
    /* draw red part */
    .add('startDrawingG', 1)
    .set($gRed, {autoAlpha: 1, immediateRender: false}, 'startDrawingG')
    .fromTo($gRed, 0.5, {drawSVG:"71% 88%"}, {drawSVG:"0% 26%", ease:Power1.easeOut}, '-=0.2')
    .set($dotRed, {autoAlpha: 0, immediateRender: false}, 'startDrawingG')
    /* draw yellow part */
    .set($gYellow, {autoAlpha: 1, immediateRender: false}, 'startDrawingG+=0.1')
    .fromTo($gYellow, 0.6, {drawSVG:"71% 88%"}, {drawSVG:"17% 36%", ease:Power2.easeOut}, '-=0.45')
    .set($dotYellow, {autoAlpha: 0, immediateRender: false}, 'startDrawingG+=0.1')
    /* draw green part */
    .set($gGreen, {autoAlpha: 1, immediateRender: false}, 'startDrawingG+=0.1')
    .fromTo($gGreen, 0.55, {drawSVG:"71% 88%"}, {drawSVG:"36% 61%", ease:Power2.easeOut}, '-=0.6')
    .set($dotGreen, {autoAlpha: 0, immediateRender: false}, 'startDrawingG+=0.4')
    /* draw blue part */
    .set($gLineAnim, {autoAlpha: 0, immediateRender: false}, 'startDrawingG+=0.3')
    .set($gLine, {autoAlpha: 1, immediateRender: false}, 'startDrawingG+=0.3')
    .set($gBlue, {autoAlpha: 1, immediateRender: false}, 'startDrawingG+=0.3')
    .fromTo($gBlue, 0.55, {drawSVG:"71% 88%"}, {drawSVG:"61% 78%", ease:Power2.easeOut}, '-=0.55')
    /* draw ending red part */
    .set($gRedb, {autoAlpha: 1, immediateRender: false}, 'startDrawingG+=0.25')
    .fromTo($gRedb, 0.7, {rotation: '-10', drawSVG:"100% 100%"}, {rotation: '0',drawSVG:"80% 100%", ease:Power2.easeOut}, '-=0.22');
  return drawGTl;

/* Back to dots */
function getBackToDotsTl(){
  var backToDotsTl = new TimelineMax();

    /* blue straight line out */
    .to($gLineMask, 0.3, {attr: {x: 365}, transformOrigin: 'right center', ease:Power0.easeNone})
    .set([$gLineMask, $gLine], {autoAlpha: 0})
    /* start moving colored segments (circles) */
    .to($gBlue, 0.3, {drawSVG:"56% 78%", ease:Power0.easeNone}, 'rotateG-=0.3')
    .to($gGreen, 0.3, {drawSVG:"31% 56%", ease:Power0.easeNone}, 'rotateG-=0.3')
    .to($gYellow, 0.3, {drawSVG:"12% 31%", ease:Power0.easeNone}, 'rotateG-=0.3')
    .to($gRed, 0.3, {drawSVG:"0% 21%", ease:Power0.easeNone}, 'rotateG-=0.3')
    /* start rotating colored segments (circles) */
    .to([$gBlue, $gRed, $gGreen], 0.4, {rotation:"+=50", transformOrigin: 'center center', ease:Power0.easeNone}, 'rotateCircles')
    .to($gGreen, 0.4, {drawSVG:"10% 20%", ease:Power0.easeNone}, 'rotateCircles')
    .to($gYellow, 0.4, {rotation:"+=40", transformOrigin: 'center center', drawSVG:"0% 10%", ease:Power0.easeNone}, 'rotateCircles')
    .to($gBlue, 0.4, {drawSVG:"50% 60%", ease:Power0.easeNone}, 'rotateCircles')
    .to($gRed, 0.1, {drawSVG:"0% 0%", ease:Power0.easeNone}, 'rotateCircles')
    .to($gRedb, 0.3, {rotation:"+=50", drawSVG:"80% 90%", ease:Power2.easeInOut}, 'rotateCircles')
    /* show red dot */
    .set($dotRed, {autoAlpha: 1, x: 60, y: -37}, 'rotateCircles+=0.1')
    .set($gRedb, {autoAlpha: 0}, 'rotateCircles+=0.1')
    .to($dotRed, 0.9, {bezier:{curviness: 1.5, values: pathRedBack, ease:Power2.easeOut}}, 'rotateCircles+=0.1')
    /* show blue dot */
    .set($dotBlue, {autoAlpha: 1, x: 51, y: 53}, 'rotateCircles+=0.3')
    .set($gBlue, {autoAlpha: 0}, 'rotateCircles+=0.3')
    .to($dotBlue, 0.6, {bezier:{curviness: 1.5, values: pathBlueBack, ease:Power2.easeOut}}, 'rotateCircles+=0.3')

    /* show yellow dot */
    .set($dotYellow, {autoAlpha: 1, x: -5, y: -44}, 'rotateCircles+=0.4')
    .set($gYellow, {autoAlpha: 0}, 'rotateCircles+=0.4')
    .to($dotYellow, 0.7, {bezier:{curviness: 1.5, values: pathYellowBack, ease:Power2.easeOut}}, 'rotateCircles+=0.4')

    /* show green dot */
    .set($dotGreen, {autoAlpha: 1, x: -108, y: -56}, 'rotateCircles+=0.4')
    .set($gGreen, {autoAlpha: 0}, 'rotateCircles+=0.4')
    .to($dotGreen, 0.6, {bezier:{curviness: 1.5, values: pathGreenBack, ease:Power2.easeOut}}, 'rotateCircles+=0.4')
    .to($gMask, 0.3, {rotation:"+=60", transformOrigin: '-9 58', ease:Power2.easeInOut}, 'rotateCircles');
  return backToDotsTl;
/* Main timeline */
  .add(getDotsRotateTl(), '-=0.35')
  .add(getDrawGTl(), '-=1.6')
  .add(getBackToDotsTl(), '+=2');


  range: false,
  min: 0,
  max: 100,
  slide: function ( event, ui ) {
    //adjust the timeline’s progress() based on slider value
    tl.progress( ui.value/100 );

function updateSlider() {
  $("#slider").slider("value", tl.progress() *100);
