<section class='galeria'>
<input type="radio" id="uno" value="1" name="tractor" checked='checked' />
<input type="radio" id="dole" value="2" name="tractor" />
<input type="radio" id="tele" value="3" name="tractor" />
<article class='card una'>
<h2 class='entypo-tag'>Three Labels</h2>
<p>Three Labels for each Input.<br/>
One for go back,<br/>
Another for go ahead,<br/>
The Last for recover it.</p>
<ul class='footer'>
<li class='entypo-bell'></li>
<li class='entypo-mic'></li>
<li class='entypo-megaphone'></li>
<label for='dole' class='entypo-left-bold otra'></label>
<label for='tele' class='entypo-right-bold otra'></label>
<label for='uno' class='entypo-arrows-ccw afin'></label>
<article class='card dos'>
<h2 class='entypo-feather'>One Input to rule them all</h2>
<p>In the Land of the Good Taste<br/>
where the Performers dwell.<br/>
One Input to rule them all,<br/>
One Input to find them.</p>
<ul class='footer'>
<li class='entypo-network'></li>
<li class='entypo-qq'></li>
<li class='entypo-picasa'></li>
<label for='tele' class='entypo-left-bold otra'></label>
<label for='uno' class='entypo-right-bold otra'></label>
<label for='dole' class='entypo-arrows-ccw afin'></label>
<article class='card tres'>
<h2 class='entypo-address'>In the Land of Styles</h2>
<p>One Input to bring them all<br/>
and in the Html bind them<br/>
In the Land of Styles<br/>
where the Css is the King.</p>
<ul class='footer'>
<li class='entypo-ccw'></li>
<li class='entypo-arrows-ccw'></li>
<li class='entypo-cw'></li>
<label for='uno' class='entypo-left-bold otra'></label>
<label for='dole' class='entypo-right-bold otra'></label>
<label for='tele' class='entypo-arrows-ccw afin'></label>
<h1><a href='https://ksesocss.blogspot.com/2013/11/slide-Css-multiples-labels.html'>Gallery pre/next pure Css. No links</a></h1>
<p>Who said that every input must have only one label?</p>
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.dos {
background-image: url(), url(https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-ggbrdAifJsg/UpD8BKbE3qI/AAAAAAAAH24/qJ4tw_dWvZw/s1600/mult-lab2.jpg);
.tres {
background-image: url(), url(https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-OGSy0-ttar0/UpD8CJxQtjI/AAAAAAAAH3E/b2k5041nSAE/s1600/mult-lab3.jpg);
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This Pen doesn't use any external CSS resources.
This Pen doesn't use any external JavaScript resources.