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Any URLs added here will be added as <link>s in order, and before the CSS in the editor. You can use the CSS from another Pen by using its URL and the proper URL extension.

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Babel includes JSX processing.

Add External Scripts/Pens

Any URL's added here will be added as <script>s in order, and run before the JavaScript in the editor. You can use the URL of any other Pen and it will include the JavaScript from that Pen.

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Add Packages

Search for and use JavaScript packages from npm here. By selecting a package, an import statement will be added to the top of the JavaScript editor for this package.


Auto Save

If active, Pens will autosave every 30 seconds after being saved once.

Auto-Updating Preview

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Format on Save

If enabled, your code will be formatted when you actively save your Pen. Note: your code becomes un-folded during formatting.

Editor Settings

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                <div class="main-container">
  <div class="grid-container">
    <div class="card card--2x">
      <div class="card__content big-script padding-large">
        <p>Travel and see the world</p>
    <div class="card">
      <div class="card__image">
        <img src=";cs=tinysrgb&amp;h=750&amp;w=1260" />
    <div class="card">
      <div class="card__image">        <img src=";cs=tinysrgb&amp;h=750&amp;w=1260" />
    <div class="card">
      <div class="card__content">
        <p><em>Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.</em></p>
        <p>— Mark Twain</p>
    <div class="card card--horizontal">
      <div class="card__image">
        <img src=";cs=tinysrgb&amp;h=750&amp;w=1260" />
    <div class="card card--featured">
      <div class="card__side-by-side--m">
        <div class="card__image">
          <img src=";cs=tinysrgb&amp;h=750&amp;w=1260" />
        <div class="card__content padding-large--l">
          <h2>Quisque volutpat.</h2>
          <p>Nulla metus metus, ullamcorper vel, tincidunt sed, euismod in, nibh. Quisque volutpat condimentum velit.</p>
          <p>Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.</p>
          <div class="card__button">More...</div>
    <div class="card card--vertical">
      <div class="card__image">
        <img src=";cs=tinysrgb&amp;h=750&amp;w=1260" />
    <div class="card">
      <div class="card__image">
        <img src=";cs=tinysrgb&amp;h=750&amp;w=1260" />
    <div class="card card--horizontal">
      <div class="card__side-by-side">
        <div class="card__image">
          <img src=";cs=tinysrgb&amp;h=750&amp;w=1260" />
        <div class="card__content">
          <h3>Lorem ipsum</h3>
          <p>Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra</p>
    <div class="card card--vertical">
      <div class="card__image">
        <img src=";cs=tinysrgb&amp;h=750&amp;w=1260" />
    <div class="card">
      <div class="card__image">
        <img src=";cs=tinysrgb&amp;h=750&amp;w=1260" />
    <div class="card">
      <div class="card__content">
        <p><em>We wander for distraction, but we travel for fulfilment.</em></p>
        <p>— Hilaire Belloc</p>
    <div class="card card--2x">
      <div class="card__image">
        <img src=";cs=tinysrgb&amp;h=750&amp;w=1260" />
    <div class="card card--horizontal card--frameless">
      <div class="card__content big-script">
        <p>Bon voyage</p>
    <div class="card">
      <div class="card__image">
        <img src=";cs=tinysrgb&amp;h=750&amp;w=1260" />
    <div class="card card--horizontal">
      <div class="card__image">
        <img src=";cs=tinysrgb&amp;h=750&amp;w=1260" />
    <div class="card">
      <div class="card__image">
        <img src=";cs=tinysrgb&amp;h=750&amp;w=1260" />
    <div class="card">
      <div class="card__content">
        <p><em>A good traveller has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving.</em></p>
        <p>— Lao Tzu</p>
    <div class="card">
      <div class="card__image">
        <img src=";cs=tinysrgb&amp;h=750&amp;w=1260" />



                @import url('|Sacramento');
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@media (min-width: 836px) {
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