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<title>Magenta - multitrack interpolation</title>
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<script src="^1.2.3"></script>
<div class="content">
<div class="preamble">
<h1>Multitrack Interpolation</h1>
<p class="about">This demo uses <a href="">MusicVAE</a>, a machine learning model that
is able to interpolate between different musical styles. Try it below!
<div id="status" class="loading">Loading model (25 MB)...</div>
<div class="bottom" id="controls" disabled>
<div style="text-align: center;">
<button id="play" class="inverted">Play</button>
<button id="playInterp">Play Full Interpolation</button>
<button id="download">Save as MIDI</button>
<div class="horizontal" id="slideControls">
<div id="style1">
<h2>Style 1</h2>
<button id="sample1">Random</button>
<label id="importLabel1">
<input type="file" id="import1" accept="audio/midi">
<input id="alpha" type="range" min="0" max="15" value="0">
<div id="style2">
<h2>Style 2</h2>
<button id="sample2">Random</button>
<label id="importLabel2">
<input type="file" id="import2" accept="audio/midi">
<p class="fineprint">
Made with <a href="">Magenta.js</a>.
Designed by <a href="">Monica Dinculescu</a>.
Uses samples from <a href=''>SGM</a>
with modifications by <a href="">John Nebauer</a>.
May work poorly on mobile.
@import url(;
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const QPM = 120;
const Z_DIM = 256;
const HUMANIZE_SECONDS = 0.01;
const MAX_PAN = 0.2;
const MIN_DRUM = 35;
const MAX_DRUM = 81;
const tf =;
// Set up Multitrack MusicVAE.
const model = new mm.MusicVAE('');
// Set up effects chain.
const globalCompressor = new mm.Player.tone.MultibandCompressor();
const globalReverb = new mm.Player.tone.Freeverb(0.25);
const globalLimiter = new mm.Player.tone.Limiter();
// Set up per-program effects.
const programMap = new Map();
for (let i=0; i<128; i++) {
const programCompressor = new mm.Player.tone.Compressor();
const pan = 2 * MAX_PAN * Math.random() - MAX_PAN;
const programPanner = new mm.Player.tone.Panner(pan);
programMap.set(i, programCompressor);
// Set up per-drum effects.
const drumMap = new Map();
for (let i=MIN_DRUM; i<=MAX_DRUM; i++) {
const drumCompressor = new mm.Player.tone.Compressor();
const pan = 2 * MAX_PAN * Math.random() - MAX_PAN;
const drumPanner = new mm.Player.tone.Panner(pan);
drumMap.set(i, drumCompressor);
// Set up SoundFont player.
const player = new mm.SoundFontPlayer('', globalCompressor, programMap, drumMap);
// Get UI elements.
const statusDiv = document.getElementById('status');
const playButton = document.getElementById('play');
const sampleButton1 = document.getElementById('sample1');
const sampleButton2 = document.getElementById('sample2');
const importButton1 = document.getElementById('import1');
const importButton2 = document.getElementById('import2');
const alphaSlider = document.getElementById('alpha');
const playInterpButton = document.getElementById('playInterp');
const saveButton = document.getElementById('download');
const numSteps = +alphaSlider.max + 1;
// Declare style / sequence variables.
var z1, z2;
var seqs;
var interpSeq;
var playing = false;
// Sample a latent vector.
function generateSample(doneCallback) {
const z = tf.randomNormal([1, Z_DIM]); => {
// Randomly adjust note times.
function humanize(s) {
const seq = mm.sequences.clone(s);
seq.notes.forEach((note) => {
let offset = HUMANIZE_SECONDS * (Math.random() - 0.5);
if (seq.notes.startTime + offset < 0) {
offset = -seq.notes.startTime;
if (seq.notes.endTime > seq.totalTime) {
offset = seq.totalTime - seq.notes.endTime;
seq.notes.startTime += offset;
seq.notes.endTime += offset;
return seq;
// Construct spherical linear interpolation tensor.
function slerp(z1, z2, n) {
const norm1 = tf.norm(z1);
const norm2 = tf.norm(z2);
const omega = tf.acos(tf.matMul(tf.div(z1, norm1),
tf.div(z2, norm2),
false, true));
const sinOmega = tf.sin(omega);
const t1 = tf.linspace(1, 0, n);
const t2 = tf.linspace(0, 1, n);
const alpha1 = tf.div(tf.sin(tf.mul(t1, omega)), sinOmega).as2D(n, 1);
const alpha2 = tf.div(tf.sin(tf.mul(t2, omega)), sinOmega).as2D(n, 1);
const z = tf.add(tf.mul(alpha1, z1), tf.mul(alpha2, z2));
return z;
// Concatenate multiple NoteSequence objects.
function concatenateSequences(seqs) {
const seq = mm.sequences.clone(seqs[0]);
let numSteps = seqs[0].totalQuantizedSteps;
for (let i=1; i<seqs.length; i++) {
const s = mm.sequences.clone(seqs[i]);
s.notes.forEach(note => {
note.quantizedStartStep += numSteps;
note.quantizedEndStep += numSteps;
numSteps += s.totalQuantizedSteps;
seq.totalQuantizedSteps = numSteps;
return seq;
// Interpolate the two styles.
function interpolateSamples(doneCallback) {
const z1Tensor = tf.tensor2d(z1, [1, Z_DIM]);
const z2Tensor = tf.tensor2d(z2, [1, Z_DIM]);
const zInterp = slerp(z1Tensor, z2Tensor, numSteps);
model.decode(zInterp, undefined, undefined, STEPS_PER_QUARTER)
.then(sequences => {
seqs = sequences;
const seq = concatenateSequences(seqs);
const mergedSeq = mm.sequences.mergeInstruments(seq);
interpSeq = mm.sequences.unquantizeSequence(mergedSeq);
interpSeq.ticksPerQuarter = STEPS_PER_QUARTER;
// Encode a MIDI file.
function encodeMIDIFile(file, doneCallback, failCallback) {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onerror = e => {
failCallback('Unable to read MIDI file.');
reader.onload = e => {
var seq;
try {
seq = mm.midiToSequenceProto(reader.result);
} catch(e) {
failCallback('Unable to parse MIDI file.');
var quantizedSeq;
try {
quantizedSeq = mm.sequences.quantizeNoteSequence(seq, STEPS_PER_QUARTER);
} catch(e) {
failCallback('Unable to quantize MIDI file, possibly due to tempo or time signature changes.');
const quartersPerBar = 4 * quantizedSeq.timeSignatures[0].numerator / quantizedSeq.timeSignatures[0].denominator;
if (quartersPerBar !== 4) {
failCallback('Time signatures other than 4/4 not supported.');
if (quantizedSeq.totalQuantizedSteps > 4 * STEPS_PER_QUARTER) {
failCallback('Imported MIDI file must be a single bar.');
.then(z => { => {
// Set UI state to updating styles.
function setUpdatingState() {
statusDiv.innerText = 'Updating arrangements...';
controls.setAttribute('disabled', true);
// Set UI state to updating instruments.
function setLoadingState() {
statusDiv.innerText = 'Loading samples...';
controls.setAttribute('disabled', true);
// Set UI state to playing.
function setStoppedState() {
statusDiv.innerText = 'Ready to play!';
playButton.innerText = 'Play';
playInterpButton.innerText = 'Play full interpolation';
playInterpButton.disabled = false;
playButton.disabled = false;
saveButton.disabled = false;
// Set UI state to playing.
function setPlayingState() {
statusDiv.innerText = 'Move the slider to interpolate between styles.';
playButton.innerText = 'Stop';
playInterpButton.disabled = true;
// Set UI state to playing the whole interpolation.
function setPlayingInterpState() {
statusDiv.innerText = 'Playing...';
slideControls.setAttribute('disabled', true);
playButton.disabled = true;
saveButton.disabled = true;
playInterpButton.disabled = false;
playInterpButton.innerText = 'Stop';
// Play the interpolated sequence for the current slider position.
function playIdx(idx, doneCallback) {
const unquantizedSeq = mm.sequences.unquantizeSequence(seqs[idx]);
// Play the current position until stopped.
function play() {
const idx = alphaSlider.value;
playIdx(idx, play);
// Play the interpolated sequence.
function playInterp(idx, doneCallback) {
if (idx === numSteps) {
} else {
alphaSlider.value = idx;
playIdx(idx, () => playInterp(idx + 1, doneCallback));
// Toggle playing the entire interpolated sequence.
function togglePlayingInterp() {
if (playing) {
playing = false;
} else {
playing = true;
playInterp(0, setStoppedState);
// Update the start style.
function updateSample1() {
playing = false;
setTimeout(() => {
generateSample(z => {
z1 = z;
}, 0);
// Update the end style.
function updateSample2() {
playing = false;
setTimeout(() => {
generateSample(z => {
z2 = z;
}, 0);
// Import the start style from MIDI.
function importSample1() {
if (import1.value.length === 0) {
playing = false;
filename = import1.files[0];
setTimeout(() => {
encodeMIDIFile(filename, z => {
z1 = z;
}, (errorMessage) => {
statusDiv.innerText = errorMessage; = 'red';
}, 0);
// Import the end style from MIDI.
function importSample2() {
if (import2.value.length === 0) {
playing = false;
filename = import2.files[0];
setTimeout(() => {
encodeMIDIFile(filename, z => {
z2 = z;
}, (errorMessage) => {
statusDiv.innerText = errorMessage; = 'red';
}, 0);
// Save sequence as MIDI.
function saveSequence() {
const midi = mm.sequenceProtoToMidi(interpSeq);
const file = new Blob([midi], {type: 'audio/midi'});
if (window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) {
window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(file, 'interp.mid');
} else { // Others
const a = document.createElement('a');
const url = URL.createObjectURL(file);
a.href = url; = 'interp.mid';
setTimeout(() => {
}, 0);
// Start or stop playing the sequence at the current slider position.
function togglePlaying() {
if (playing) {
playing = false;
} else {
playing = true;
sampleButton1.onclick = updateSample1;
sampleButton2.onclick = updateSample2;
playButton.onclick = togglePlaying;
playInterpButton.onclick = togglePlayingInterp;
saveButton.onclick = saveSequence;
import1.onchange = importSample1;
import2.onchange = importSample2;
.then(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
generateSample(z => {
z1 = z;
generateSample(z => {
z2 = z;
}, 0);
Also see: Tab Triggers