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<h1 class="hero-title">
Fork It <em>Navigation with Sub-navigation, a Codepen Challenge, Aug 2019.</em>
<p class="hero-text">The idea was to fork <a href="https://codepen.io/pen?template=PMbwKb" target="_blank">a pretty basic navigation</a> and make something nice with it. The content inspired me some kind of advertising adgency with a bold navigation and a little content. Made me work on my hover and active state more than what I'm used to in those weekly challenges.</p>
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const items = document.querySelectorAll('.nav--header-1 > .nav__item');
const rootElement = document.querySelector('.layout');
const colors = [
'hsla(14, 97%, 65%, 0.4)',
// Local state.
const state = {
navigationItems: {},
root: rootElement,
for (let navItemIndex = 0; navItemIndex < items.length; ++navItemIndex) {
const stateItem = {
color: colors[navItemIndex % colors.length],
element: items[navItemIndex],
id: navItemIndex,
isActive: false,
type: 'DEFAULT',
const subNav = items[navItemIndex].querySelector('.nav');
if (subNav) {
// current element has a subNav.
stateItem.childNavigation = subNav;
stateItem.type = 'PARENT';
stateItem.onClick = (event) => {
const actualOnClick = () => {
if (state.activeItem === navItemIndex) {
if (state.activeItem) {
state.activeItem = null;
if ('PARENT' === state.navigationItems[navItemIndex].type) {
// Set new active item.
state.activeItem = navItemIndex;
if (state.activeItem) {
return animateHide(state, actualOnClick);
return actualOnClick();
// Add this item to the state.
state.navigationItems[navItemIndex] = stateItem;
const animateShow = (state) => {
const animation = anime.timeline();
backgroundColor: state.navigationItems[state.activeItem].color,
begin: () => {
complete: () => {
duration: 450,
easing: 'easeOutExpo',
opacity: 1,
translateX: [
{delay: 300, value: '270px',},
scaleX: [
{value: 0},
{value: 1},
targets: '.layout__frontdrop',
duration: 70,
opacity: [0, 1],
targets: state.navigationItems[state.activeItem].childNavigation,
delay: anime.stagger(70),
opacity: [0, 1],
translateY: ['100%', '0'],
targets: state.navigationItems[state.activeItem].childNavigation.querySelectorAll('.nav__item'),
return animation;
const animateHide = (state, complete) => {
const animation = anime.timeline({
complete: complete,
duration: 210,
opacity: [1, 0],
translateY: [0, '+=50px'],
targets: state.navigationItems[state.activeItem].childNavigation,
complete: () => {
// Clean-up current active item.
duration: 250,
easing: 'easeOutCirc',
scaleX: [
{value: 0,},
translateX: [
{value: 0},
targets: '.layout__frontdrop',
return animation;
(() => {
// Ready to fight.
const introAnimation = anime.timeline({
complete: () => {
for (let stateItemIndex = 0; stateItemIndex < Object.values(state.navigationItems).length; ++ stateItemIndex) {
// Reset transform to prevent the implicit z-index / position relative to trigger.
state.navigationItems[stateItemIndex].element.style.transform = '';
duration: 350,
delay: 1000,
easing: 'easeOutCirc',
targets: '.layout__backdrop',
scaleX: [0, 1],
delay: anime.stagger(75),
duration: 450,
easing: 'easeOutCirc',
opacity: [0, 1],
translateY: ['100%', '0%'],
targets: '.nav--header-1 > .nav__item:not(.nav__item--home)',
easing: 'easeOutExpo',
targets: '.layout__backdrop',
translateX: [
{delay: 350, value: (67) + '%'},
duration: 350,
easing: 'easeOutExpo',
targets: '.hero-title',
opacity: [0, 1],
translateY: ['50px', '0'],
duration: 350,
easing: 'easeOutExpo',
targets: '.hero-text',
opacity: [0, 1],
translateY: ['0', '-3rem'],
}, '-=100');
This Pen doesn't use any external CSS resources.