<h1>Charles Hayter's Colour Diagrams</h1>
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<div class="grid__item yel2">
<div class="grid__item red1">
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<div class="grid__item olv2">
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<div class="grid__item slt2">
<div class="axioms">
<p><em>First</em>—That Yellow, Red, and Blue, are entire colours of themselves, and cannot be produced by the mixture of any other colours.–<em>See Plate I</em>.</p>
<p><em>Secondly</em>—Yellow, Red, and Blue, contain the sole properties of producing all other colours whatsoever, as to colour, by mixtures arising entirely among themselves, without the aid of a fourth;–</p>
<p><em>Thirdly</em>—Because, by mixing proper portions of the Three Primitives together, Black is obtained, providing for every possible degree of shadow.</p>
<p><em>Fourthly</em>—And every practical degree of <em>light</em> is obtained by diluting any of the colours, as above producible ; or in oil-painting, by the mixture of white paint.</p>
<p><em>Fifthly</em>—All transient or prismatic effects can be imitated with the Three Primitive Colours, as permanently considered, but only in the same degree of comparison as white bears to light.</p>
<p><em>Sixthly</em>—There are no other materials, in which colour is found, that are possessed of any of the foregoing perfections.</p>
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View Compiled
An attempt to recreate the colour diagrams in Charles Hayter's “A New Practical Treatise on the Three Primitive Colours Assumed as a Perfect System of Rudimentary Information”. Original text available at https://archive.org/details/newpracticaltrea00hayt.
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