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    <button type="button" class="header__menu" data-js="menu-button">Menu</button>
    <button type="button" class="header__toggle" data-js="toggle-computation-button" data-js-state="off">Ligar computação pesada</button>

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      <article class="post">
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          <span class="post__author__name">Aristides Fátima</span>
        <p class="post__content">
          Webcam boa e barata, recomendações?
      <article class="post">
        <div class="post__author">
          <div class="post__author__avatar"></div>
          <span class="post__author__name">Cristiano Ester</span>
        <p class="post__content">
          Clubhouse has already peaked
      <article class="post">
        <div class="post__author">
          <div class="post__author__avatar"></div>
          <span class="post__author__name">Isaías Antelmo</span>
        <p class="post__content">Hoje tem gravação do #devhealthy do @devnaestrada ! Prevejo coisas boas! 😁</p>
      <article class="post">
        <div class="post__author">
          <div class="post__author__avatar"></div>
          <span class="post__author__name">Otávia Gaspar</span>
        <p class="post__content">
          Kowalski, Lara, Doc & Einstein e Jareth curtindo meu kit onboarding! Agora quem sabe não rola um conteúdo de insteimentos tb pra ajudar a galera conforme eu vou aprendendo tb 🥰
      <article class="post">
        <div class="post__author">
          <div class="post__author__avatar"></div>
          <span class="post__author__name">Marina Aníbal</span>
        <p class="post__content">
          GitHub actions is failing because I changed the case of folder name. I've done what I need to have Git see the a, but it seems like GH Actions is using a cached version or doesn't know how to handle case sensitivity. Any thoughts? Hard to google.
      <article class="post">
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          <span class="post__author__name">Raymundo Geraldo</span>
        <p class="post__content">
          I'm one of these people now. Kids all have a laptop from school, nobody used the "kids iMac" anymore, so I guess it's mine!
      <article class="post">
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          <span class="post__author__name">Frederica Gabriela</span>
        <p class="post__content">
          Hoje aproveitei pra dar uma olhada no novo curso do @Willian_justen e acabou saindo esse site aqui, customizei os marcadores pra passar a ideia de que cada lugar tem uma comida típica, projetinho massa =) pra quem quiser ver mais detalhes:
      <article class="post">
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          <span class="post__author__name">Lygia Andréia</span>
        <p class="post__content">
          Computação é fundamentalmente a ciência da abstração e da composição. Ferramentas melhores são aquelas que permitem abstrair e compor de forma mais expressiva.
      <article class="post">
        <div class="post__author">
          <div class="post__author__avatar"></div>
          <span class="post__author__name">Judite Noémia</span>
        <p class="post__content">
          Well thi sis neat: 26 people are reading something on my blog right now, but the most popular page only has 3 readers! I have ~80 posts, and ~10 of them are being read right now 😮
      <article class="post">
        <div class="post__author">
          <div class="post__author__avatar"></div>
          <span class="post__author__name">Sonia Arsénio</span>
        <p class="post__content">
          Tenho que falar, me sinto super emocionada de ver o tanto de gente me marcando em posts sobre admiração do meu trabalho. Mesmo que seja somente hoje, saber que estou me tornando referência na vida de algumas pessoas é algo gigante para mim. Dá uma motivação danada! Thanks 🙏 ✨


                body {
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  overflow-y: scroll;

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.header__toggle[data-js-state="on"] {
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.post {
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  display: flex;
  gap: 5px;
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.post__author__name {
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                let menuButton$ = document.querySelector("[data-js='menu-button']");
let app$ = document.querySelector("[data-js='app']");
let toggleComputationButton$ = document.querySelector(
let computationInterval;

menuButton$.addEventListener("click", handleMenuButtonClick);

function handleMenuButtonClick(event) {

  app$.setAttribute("data-js-open", "true");
  app$.addEventListener("click", handleAppOpenMenuClick);

function handleAppOpenMenuClick() {
  app$.setAttribute("data-js-open", "false");
  app$.removeEventListener("click", handleAppOpenMenuClick);

function handleToggleComputationClick() {
  let isOn = toggleComputationButton$.getAttribute("data-js-state") === "on";
  if (isOn) {
    toggleComputationButton$.innerHTML = "Ligar computação pesada";
    toggleComputationButton$.setAttribute("data-js-state", "off");
  } else {
    toggleComputationButton$.innerHTML = "Desligar computação pesada";
    toggleComputationButton$.setAttribute("data-js-state", "on");
    computationInterval = setInterval(function () {
      let iterations = 100;
      let multiplier = 1000000;
      console.log("calculatePrimes", calculatePrimes(iterations, multiplier));
    }, 12);

/* From MDN */
function calculatePrimes(iterations, multiplier) {
  var primes = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
    var candidate = i * (multiplier * Math.random());
    var isPrime = true;
    for (var c = 2; c <= Math.sqrt(candidate); ++c) {
      if (candidate % c === 0) {
        // not prime
        isPrime = false;
    if (isPrime) {
  return primes;

