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                <h1>aria-details demo</h1>
<p>The button <button aria-details="info" popovertarget="info">Oppenheimer's Oscars</button>
 is associated with some “details” that can be far away from it, in this case at the end of this document..</p>
<p>With JAWS and NVDA, you should be able to jump to those details.</p>
<p> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam bibendum velit a posuere mattis. Mauris non quam vel ligula consequat convallis eget tincidunt arcu. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur laoreet tortor vehicula risus commodo ornare eu vel mauris. Integer malesuada mi eget nulla ornare finibus. Duis vulputate dui in turpis pharetra, ut mattis ligula pretium. Curabitur facilisis nec elit nec ultrices. Phasellus blandit pretium nunc, egestas faucibus nibh congue ac. Donec vestibulum, velit eget tempor ornare, mauris nulla fringilla risus, sed commodo eros purus eu ex. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla aliquam gravida egestas. Suspendisse iaculis fermentum nibh, in commodo lorem. Aliquam consequat neque nec mauris tincidunt convallis. Maecenas est urna, eleifend sit amet mollis ac, imperdiet ut quam. Donec vel turpis nec quam egestas commodo eget sit amet magna. Mauris consequat rutrum massa, ac semper leo lobortis id. </p>
<p> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam bibendum velit a posuere mattis. Mauris non quam vel ligula consequat convallis eget tincidunt arcu. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur laoreet tortor vehicula risus commodo ornare eu vel mauris. Integer malesuada mi eget nulla ornare finibus. Duis vulputate dui in turpis pharetra, ut mattis ligula pretium. Curabitur facilisis nec elit nec ultrices. Phasellus blandit pretium nunc, egestas faucibus nibh congue ac. Donec vestibulum, velit eget tempor ornare, mauris nulla fringilla risus, sed commodo eros purus eu ex. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla aliquam gravida egestas. Suspendisse iaculis fermentum nibh, in commodo lorem. Aliquam consequat neque nec mauris tincidunt convallis. Maecenas est urna, eleifend sit amet mollis ac, imperdiet ut quam. Donec vel turpis nec quam egestas commodo eget sit amet magna. Mauris consequat rutrum massa, ac semper leo lobortis id.</p>
<div id="info">
  <p>At the 2024 Oscar's, the film Oppenheimer won several prizes, including:</p>
    <li>Best Picture</li>
    <li>Best Director</li>
    <li>Best Cinematography</li>
  <p>See the <a href="">96th Academy Awards Wikipedia page</a> for the full list of nominees and winners this year. I only added this to have a list and a link, to show this structure won't be concatenated into a string when referenced via <code>aria-details</code>.</p>


                #info { padding: 1em; border: 1px solid #555; }


