Pen Settings



CSS Base

Vendor Prefixing

Add External Stylesheets/Pens

Any URLs added here will be added as <link>s in order, and before the CSS in the editor. You can use the CSS from another Pen by using its URL and the proper URL extension.

+ add another resource


Babel includes JSX processing.

Add External Scripts/Pens

Any URL's added here will be added as <script>s in order, and run before the JavaScript in the editor. You can use the URL of any other Pen and it will include the JavaScript from that Pen.

+ add another resource


Add Packages

Search for and use JavaScript packages from npm here. By selecting a package, an import statement will be added to the top of the JavaScript editor for this package.


Auto Save

If active, Pens will autosave every 30 seconds after being saved once.

Auto-Updating Preview

If enabled, the preview panel updates automatically as you code. If disabled, use the "Run" button to update.

Format on Save

If enabled, your code will be formatted when you actively save your Pen. Note: your code becomes un-folded during formatting.

Editor Settings

Code Indentation

Want to change your Syntax Highlighting theme, Fonts and more?

Visit your global Editor Settings.


                <p>Double click to split. <a id="keyboardUp" href="#">Increase</a> / <a id="keyboardDown" href="#">decrease</a> size or <a id="keyboardLeft" href="#">Previous</a> / <a id="keyboardRight" href="#">Next</a> skin.</p>
<canvas id='world'></canvas>


                body {
    background-color: #333333;
    padding: 0;
    margin: 0;
    overflow: hidden;
p {
    position: absolute;
    z-index: 99;
    color: #cccccc;
    margin: 2px;
    padding: 0;
    font-family: Arial;
    font-size: 10px;
a { 
		color: #f4f4f4;
		font-weight: bold;


BlobWorld = new function() {
  var SCREEN_WIDTH = window.innerWidth;
  var SCREEN_HEIGHT = window.innerHeight;
  var canvas;
  var context;
  var blobs = [];
  var dragBlob;
  var screenX = window.screenX;
  var screenY = window.screenY;
  var mouseX = (window.innerWidth - SCREEN_WIDTH);
  var mouseY = (window.innerHeight - SCREEN_HEIGHT);
  var mouseIsDown = false;
  var mouseDownOffset = { x: 0, y: 0 };
  // The bounds of the world
  var worldRect = { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0 };
  // The world gravity, applied to all blobs
  var gravity = { x: 0, y: 1.2 };
  // A pair of blobs that should be merged
  var mergeQueue = { blobA: -1, blobB: -1 };
  var skinIndex = 0;
  var skins = [
       { fillStyle: 'rgba(0,200,250,1.0)', strokeStyle: '#ffffff', lineWidth: 5, debug: false },
       { fillStyle: '', strokeStyle: '', lineWidth: 0, debug: true },
     { fillStyle: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.1)', strokeStyle: 'rgba(255,255,255,1.0)', lineWidth: 6, debug: false },
       { fillStyle: 'rgba(0,230,110,1.0)', strokeStyle: 'rgba(0,0,0,1.0)', lineWidth: 2, debug: false },
       { fillStyle: 'rgba(255,255,0,1.0)', strokeStyle: 'rgba(0,0,0,1.0)', lineWidth: 4, debug: false },
       { fillStyle: 'rgba(255,255,255,1.0)', strokeStyle: 'rgba(0,0,0,1.0)', lineWidth: 4, debug: false }
  this.init = function() {
    canvas = document.getElementById( 'world' );
    if (canvas && canvas.getContext) {
      context = canvas.getContext('2d');
      // Register event listeners
      window.addEventListener('mousemove', documentMouseMoveHandler, false);
      canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', documentMouseDownHandler, false);
      canvas.addEventListener('dblclick', documentDoubleClickHandler, false);
      window.addEventListener('mouseup', documentMouseUpHandler, false);
      document.addEventListener('touchstart', documentTouchStartHandler, false);
      document.addEventListener('touchmove', documentTouchMoveHandler, false);
      document.addEventListener('touchend', documentTouchEndHandler, false);
      document.addEventListener('keydown', documentKeyDownHandler, false);
      window.addEventListener('resize', windowResizeHandler, false);
      document.getElementById( 'keyboardUp' ).addEventListener('click', keyboardUpHandler, false);
      document.getElementById( 'keyboardDown' ).addEventListener('click', keyboardDownHandler, false);
      document.getElementById( 'keyboardLeft' ).addEventListener('click', keyboardLeftHandler, false);
      document.getElementById( 'keyboardRight' ).addEventListener('click', keyboardRightHandler, false);
      createBlob( { x: SCREEN_WIDTH*0.5, y: SCREEN_HEIGHT*0.1 } );
      setInterval( loop, 1000 / 60 );
  function createBlob( position ) {
    var blob = new Blob();
    blob.position.x = position.x;
    blob.position.y = position.y;
    blobs.push( blob );
  function splitBlob( blob ) {
    if( blob.quality > 8 ) {
      blobs.push( blob.split() );
  function mergeBlobs( blobA, blobB ) {
    var t = getTime();
    if( !blobs[blobA] || !blobs[blobB] ) {
    if( t - blobs[blobA].lastSplitTime > 500 && t - blobs[blobB].lastSplitTime > 500 ) {
      // Merge blobB with blobA
      blobs[blobA].merge( blobs[blobB] );
      // Remove blobB since blobA will take over its body
      blobs.splice( blobB, 1 );

  function documentMouseMoveHandler(event) {
    mouseX = event.clientX - (window.innerWidth - SCREEN_WIDTH) * .5;
    mouseY = event.clientY - (window.innerHeight - SCREEN_HEIGHT) * .5;
  function documentMouseDownHandler(event) {
    mouseIsDown = true;
    dragBlob = blobs[ findClosestBody( blobs, { x: mouseX, y: mouseY } ) ];
    var closestNodeIndex = findClosestBody( dragBlob.nodes, { x: mouseX, y: mouseY } );
    dragBlob.dragNodeIndex = closestNodeIndex;
    mouseDownOffset.y = 100;
  function documentMouseUpHandler(event) {
    mouseIsDown = false;
    if( dragBlob ) {
      dragBlob.dragNodeIndex = -1;
      dragBlob = null;
  function documentTouchStartHandler(event) {
    if(event.touches.length == 1) {
      mouseIsDown = true;
      mouseX = event.touches[0].pageX - (window.innerWidth - SCREEN_WIDTH) * .5;
      mouseY = event.touches[0].pageY - (window.innerHeight - SCREEN_HEIGHT) * .5;
      dragBlob = blobs[ findClosestBody( blobs, { x: mouseX, y: mouseY } ) ];
      var closestNodeIndex = findClosestBody( dragBlob.nodes, { x: mouseX, y: mouseY } );
      dragBlob.dragNodeIndex = closestNodeIndex;
      mouseDownOffset.y = 100;
  function documentTouchMoveHandler(event) {
    if(event.touches.length == 1) {

      mouseX = event.touches[0].pageX - (window.innerWidth - SCREEN_WIDTH) * .5;
      mouseY = event.touches[0].pageY - (window.innerHeight - SCREEN_HEIGHT) * .5;
  function documentTouchEndHandler(event) {
    mouseIsDown = false;
    if( dragBlob ) {
      dragBlob.dragNodeIndex = -1;
      dragBlob = null;
  function documentDoubleClickHandler(event) {
    var mouse = { x: mouseX, y: mouseY };
    var blob = blobs[findClosestBody( blobs, mouse )];
    if( distanceBetween( blob.position, mouse ) < blob.radius + 30 ) {
      splitBlob( blob );
  function documentKeyDownHandler(event) {
    switch( event.keyCode ) {
      case 40:
        changeBlobRadius( -10 );
      case 38:
        changeBlobRadius( 10 );
      case 37:
        changeSkin( -1 );
      case 39:
        changeSkin( 1 );
  function keyboardUpHandler(event) {
    changeBlobRadius( 20 );
  function keyboardDownHandler(event) {
    changeBlobRadius( -20 );
  function keyboardLeftHandler(event) {
    changeSkin( -1 );
  function keyboardRightHandler(event) {
    changeSkin( 1 );
  function changeSkin( offset ) {
    skinIndex += offset;
    skinIndex = skinIndex < 0 ? skins.length-1 : skinIndex;
    skinIndex = skinIndex > skins.length-1 ? 0 : skinIndex;
  function changeBlobRadius( offset ) {
    for( var i = 0, len = blobs.length; i < len; i++ ) {
      blob = blobs[i];
      var oldRadius = blob.radius;
      blob.radius += offset;
      blob.radius = Math.max( 40, Math.min( blob.radius, 280 ) );
      if( blob.radius != oldRadius ) {
  function findClosestBody( bodies, position ) {
    var closestDistance = 9999;
    var currentDistance = 9999;
    var closestIndex = -1;
    for( var i = 0, len = bodies.length; i < len; i++ ) {
      var body = bodies[i];
      currentDistance = distanceBetween( body.position, { x: position.x, y: position.y } );
      if( currentDistance < closestDistance ) {
        closestDistance = currentDistance;
        closestIndex = i;
    return closestIndex;
  function windowResizeHandler() {
    SCREEN_WIDTH = window.innerWidth;
    SCREEN_HEIGHT = window.innerHeight;
    canvas.width = SCREEN_WIDTH;
    canvas.height = SCREEN_HEIGHT;
    worldRect.x = 3;
    worldRect.y = 3;
    worldRect.width = SCREEN_WIDTH-6;
    worldRect.height = SCREEN_HEIGHT-6;

  function loop() {
    var skin = skins[skinIndex];
    // The area around the dirty region to include in the clear
    var dirtySpread = 80;
    var u1, u2, ulen, blob;
    // Clear the dirty rects of all blobs
    for( u1 = 0, ulen = blobs.length; u1 < ulen; u1++ ) {
      blob = blobs[u1];
      // Clear all pixels in the dirty region
      // Reset the dirty region so that it can be expanded anew
      blob.dirtyRegion = { left: worldRect.x + worldRect.width, top: worldRect.y + worldRect.height, right: 0, bottom: 0 };
    // If there is a merge queued, solve it now
    if( mergeQueue.blobA != -1 && mergeQueue.blobB != -1 ) {
      mergeBlobs( mergeQueue.blobA, mergeQueue.blobB );
      mergeQueue.blobA = -1;
      mergeQueue.blobB = -1;
    // If the mouse is down, start adding the velocity needed to move towards the mouse position
    if( dragBlob ) {
      dragBlob.velocity.x += ( ( mouseX + mouseDownOffset.x ) - dragBlob.position.x ) * 0.01;
      dragBlob.velocity.y += ( ( mouseY + mouseDownOffset.y ) - dragBlob.position.y ) * 0.01;
    for( u1 = 0, ulen = blobs.length; u1 < ulen; u1++ ) {
      blob = blobs[u1];
      for( u2 = 0; u2 < ulen; u2++ ) {
        var otherBlob = blobs[u2];
        if( otherBlob != blob ) {
          var distance = distanceBetween( { x: blob.position.x, y: blob.position.y }, { x: otherBlob.position.x, y: otherBlob.position.y } );
          if( distance < blob.radius + otherBlob.radius ) {
            mergeQueue.blobA = u1;
            mergeQueue.blobB = u2;
      // Track window movement
      blob.velocity.x += ( window.screenX - screenX ) * (0.04 + (Math.random()*0.1));
      blob.velocity.y += ( window.screenY - screenY ) * (0.04 + (Math.random()*0.1));
      var friction = { x: 1.035, y: 1.035 };
      // Enforce horizontal world bounds
      if( blob.position.x > worldRect.x + worldRect.width ) {
        blob.velocity.x -= ( blob.position.x - worldRect.width ) * 0.05;
        friction.y = 1.07;
      else if( blob.position.x < worldRect.x ) {
        blob.velocity.x += Math.abs( worldRect.x - blob.position.x ) * 0.05;
        friction.y = 1.07;
      // Enforce vertical world bounds
      if( blob.position.y > worldRect.y + worldRect.height ) {
        blob.velocity.y -= ( blob.position.y - worldRect.height ) * 0.05;
        friction.x = 1.07;
      else if( blob.position.y < worldRect.y ) {
        blob.velocity.y += Math.abs( worldRect.y - blob.position.y ) * 0.05;
        friction.x = 1.07;
      // Gravity
      blob.velocity.x += gravity.x;
      blob.velocity.y += gravity.y;
      // Friction
      blob.velocity.x /= friction.x;
      blob.velocity.y /= friction.y;
      // Apply the velocity to the entire blob
      blob.position.x += blob.velocity.x;
      blob.position.y += blob.velocity.y;
      var i, j, len, node, joint, position;
      // Update all node ghosts (previous positions). All nodes need to be synced before the below
      // calculation loop to avoid tearing between the first nodes
      for (i = 0, len = blob.nodes.length; i < len; i++) {
        node = blob.nodes[i];
        node.ghost.x = node.position.x;
        node.ghost.y = node.position.y;
      var dragNode = blob.nodes[blob.dragNodeIndex];
      if( dragNode ) {
        var angle = Math.atan2( mouseY - (blob.position.y-80), mouseX - blob.position.x );
        blob.rotation += ( angle - blob.rotation ) * 0.03;
      // Calculation loop
      for (i = 0, len = blob.nodes.length; i < len; i++) {
        node = blob.nodes[i];
        // Move towards the normal target
        node.normal.x += ( node.normalTarget.x - node.normal.x ) * 0.05;
        node.normal.y += ( node.normalTarget.y - node.normal.y ) * 0.05;
        // This point will be used as the new position for this node, after all factors have been applied
        position = { x: blob.position.x, y: blob.position.y };
        // Apply the joints
        for( j = 0; j < node.joints.length; j++ ) {
          joint = node.joints[j];
          // Determine the strain on the joints
          var strainX = ( (joint.node.ghost.x - node.ghost.x) - (joint.node.normal.x - node.normal.x) );
          var strainY = ( (joint.node.ghost.y - node.ghost.y) - (joint.node.normal.y - node.normal.y) );
          position.x += strainX * joint.strength;
          position.y += strainY * joint.strength;
        // Offset by the normal
        position.x += node.normal.x;
        position.y += node.normal.y;
        // Apply the drag offset (if applicable)
        if( i == blob.dragNodeIndex ) {
          position.x += ( mouseX - position.x ) * 0.98;
          position.y += ( mouseY - position.y ) * 0.98;
        // Apply the calculated position to the node (with easing)
        node.position.x += ( position.x - node.position.x ) * 0.1;
        node.position.y += ( position.y - node.position.y ) * 0.1;
        // Limit the node position to screen bounds
        node.position.x = Math.max( Math.min( node.position.x, worldRect.x + worldRect.width ), worldRect.x );
        node.position.y = Math.max( Math.min( node.position.y, worldRect.y + worldRect.height ), worldRect.y );
        // Expand the dirty rect if needed
        blob.dirtyRegion.left = Math.min(blob.dirtyRegion.left, node.position.x); = Math.min(, node.position.y);
        blob.dirtyRegion.right = Math.max(blob.dirtyRegion.right, node.position.x);
        blob.dirtyRegion.bottom = Math.max(blob.dirtyRegion.bottom, node.position.y);
      if( !skin.debug ) {
        context.fillStyle = skin.fillStyle;
        context.strokeStyle = skin.strokeStyle;
        context.lineWidth = skin.lineWidth;
      var cn = getArrayElementByOffset( blob.nodes, 0, -1 ); // current node
      var nn = getArrayElementByOffset( blob.nodes, 0, 0 ); // next node
      // Move to the first anchor
      context.moveTo( cn.position.x + ( nn.position.x - cn.position.x ) / 2, cn.position.y + ( nn.position.y - cn.position.y ) / 2 );
      // Rendering loop
      for (i = 0, len = blob.nodes.length; i < len; i++) {
        cn = getArrayElementByOffset( blob.nodes, i, 0 );
        nn = getArrayElementByOffset( blob.nodes, i, 1 );
        if( skin.debug ) {
          context.lineWidth = 1;
          context.strokeStyle = "#ababab";
          for( j = 0; j < cn.joints.length; j++ ) {
            joint = cn.joints[j];
            context.moveTo( cn.position.x, cn.position.y );
            context.lineTo( joint.node.position.x, joint.node.position.y );
          context.fillStyle = i == 0? "#00ff00" : "#dddddd";
          context.arc(cn.position.x, cn.position.y, 5, 0, Math.PI*2, true);
        else {
          context.quadraticCurveTo( cn.position.x, cn.position.y, cn.position.x + ( nn.position.x - cn.position.x ) / 2, cn.position.y + ( nn.position.y - cn.position.y ) / 2 );
      if( skin.debug ) {
//        context.beginPath();
//        context.fillStyle = "rgba(100,255,100,0.3)";
//        context.fillRect(blob.dirtyRegion.left-dirtySpread,,blob.dirtyRegion.right-blob.dirtyRegion.left+(dirtySpread*2),*2));
//        context.fill();
    screenX = window.screenX;
    screenY = window.screenY;

function Blob() {
  this.position = { x: 0, y: 0 };
  this.velocity = { x: 0, y: 0 };
  this.radius = 120;
  this.quality = 32;
  this.nodes = [];
  this.rotation = -Math.PI * 0.5;
  this.dragNodeIndex = -1;
  this.dirtyRegion = { left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 };
  this.lastSplitTime = 0;
  this.generateNodes = function() {
    this.nodes = [];
    var i, n;
    for (i = 0; i < this.quality; i++) {
      n = {
        normal: { x: 0, y: 0 },
        normalTarget: { x: 0, y: 0 },
        position: { x: this.position.x, y: this.position.y },
        ghost: { x: this.position.x, y: this.position.y },
        angle: 0
      this.nodes.push( n );
  this.updateJoints = function() {
    for (var i = 0; i < this.quality; i++) {
      var n = this.nodes[i];
      n.joints = [
          node: getArrayElementByOffset( this.nodes, i, -1 ),
          strength: 2.2
          node: getArrayElementByOffset( this.nodes, i, 1 ),
          strength: 2.2
      n.joints.push( { 
        node: getArrayElementByOffset( this.nodes, i, -2 ),
        strength: 2.2
      } );
      n.joints.push( { 
        node: getArrayElementByOffset( this.nodes, i, 2 ),
        strength: 2.2
      } );
  this.updateNormals = function() {
    var i, j, n;
    for (i = 0; i < this.quality; i++) {
      var n = this.nodes[i];
      if( this.dragNodeIndex != -1 ) {
        j = i - this.dragNodeIndex;
        j = j < 0 ? this.quality + j : j;
      else {
        j = i;
      n.angle = ( (j / this.quality ) * Math.PI * 2 ) + this.rotation;
      n.normalTarget.x = Math.cos( n.angle ) * this.radius;
      n.normalTarget.y = Math.sin( n.angle ) * this.radius;
      if( n.normal.x == 0 && n.normal.y == 0 ) {
        n.normal.x = n.normalTarget.x;
        n.normal.y = n.normalTarget.y;
  this.split = function() {
    var velocitySpread = this.radius / 10;
    var nodeSpread = Math.round( this.nodes.length * 0.5 );
    var radiusSpread = this.radius * 0.5;
    var sibling = new Blob();
    sibling.position.x = this.position.x;
    sibling.position.y = this.position.y;
    sibling.velocity.x = velocitySpread;
    sibling.velocity.y = this.velocity.y;
    sibling.nodes = [];
    var i = 0;
    while( i++ < nodeSpread ) {
      sibling.nodes.push( this.nodes.shift() );
    sibling.radius = radiusSpread;
    sibling.quality = sibling.nodes.length;
    this.velocity.x = -velocitySpread;
    this.radius = radiusSpread;
    this.quality = this.nodes.length;
    this.dragNodeIndex = -1;
    sibling.dragNodeIndex = -1;
    sibling.lastSplitTime = getTime();
    this.lastSplitTime = getTime();
    return sibling;
  this.merge = function( sibling ) {
    this.velocity.x *= 0.5;
    this.velocity.y *= 0.5;
    this.velocity.x += sibling.velocity.x * 0.5;
    this.velocity.y += sibling.velocity.y * 0.5;
    while( sibling.nodes.length ) {
      this.nodes.push( sibling.nodes.shift() );
    this.quality = this.nodes.length;
    this.radius += sibling.radius;
    this.dragNodeIndex = -1;
  this.organizeNodesByProximity = function() {
    var i, j, outer, inner;
    var closestDistance, currentDistance, closestIndex;
    var newNodes = this.nodes.concat();
    var blackListed = [];
    for (i = 0; i < this.quality; i++) {
      outer = newNodes[i];
      currentDistance = 9999;
      closestDistance = 9999;
      closestIndex = -1;
      for(j = 0; j < this.quality; j++) {
        inner = newNodes[j];
        currentDistance = distanceBetween( inner.position, outer.position );
        if( currentDistance < closestDistance && blackListed.indexOf(inner) === -1 ) {
          closestDistance = currentDistance;
          closestIndex = j;
      this.nodes[i] = newNodes[closestIndex];

function getArrayElementByOffset( array, index, offset ) {
  if( array[index+offset] ) {
    return array[index+offset];
  if( index+offset > array.length-1 ) {
    return array[index - array.length + offset];
  if( index+offset < 0 ) {
    return array[array.length + ( index + offset )];

function sortByField( list, field ) {
  var sortOnField = function( a, b ) {
    return a[field] - b[field];
  list.sort( sortOnField );

function getTime() {
  return new Date().getTime();

function distanceBetween(p1,p2) {
  var dx = p2.x-p1.x;
  var dy = p2.y-p1.y;
  return Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);

