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		<caption>Bruce Springsteen’s studio albums</caption>
				<th data-sort-options="ascending">title</th>
				<th data-sort-options="ascending descending" aria-sort="ascending">release date</th>
				<td>Greetings from Asbury Park, N.J.</td>
				<td>Mike Appel, Jim Cretecos</td>
				<td>The Wild, the Innocent & the E Street Shuffle</td>
				<td>Mike Appel, Jim Cretecos</td>
				<td>Born to Run</td>
				<td>Bruce Springsteen, Mike Appel, Jon Landau</td>
				<td>Darkness on the Edge of Town</td>
				<td>Bruce Springsteen, Jon Landau, Steven Van Zandt</td>
				<td>The River</td>
				<td>Bruce Springsteen, Jon Landau, Steven Van Zandt</td>
				<td>Mike Batlan</td>
				<td>Born in the U.S.A.</td>
				<td>Bruce Springsteen, Jon Landau, Chuck Plotkin, Steven Van Zandt</td>
				<td>Tunnel of Love</td>
				<td>Bruce Springsteen, Jon Landau, Chuck Plotkin</td>
				<td>Human Touch</td>
				<td>Bruce Springsteen, Jon Landau, Chuck Plotkin, Roy Bittan</td>
				<td>Lucky Town</td>
				<td>Bruce Springsteen, Jon Landau, Chuck Plotkin, Roy Bittan</td>
				<td>The Ghost of Tom Joad</td>
				<td>Bruce Springsteen, Chuck Plotkin</td>
				<td>The Rising</td>
				<td>Brendan O’Brien</td>
				<td>Devils & Dust</td>
				<td>Brendan O’Brien, Bruce Springsteen, Chuck Plotkin</td>
				<td>We Shall Overcome: The Seeger Sessions</td>
				<td>Bruce Springsteen</td>
				<td>Brendan O’Brien</td>
				<td>Working on a Dream</td>
				<td>Brendan O’Brien</td>
				<td>Wrecking Ball</td>
				<td>Ron Aniello, Bruce Springsteen</td>
				<td>High Hopes</td>
				<td>Ron Aniello, Brendan O’Brien, Bruce Springsteen</td>
				<td>Western Stars</td>
				<td>Ron Aniello, Bruce Springsteen</td>
				<td>Letter to You</td>
				<td>Ron Aniello, Bruce Springsteen</td>
				<td>Only the Strong Survive</td>
				<td>Ron Aniello, Bruce Springsteen</td>



                html {
	font: 1em/1.4 Lato, sans-serif;
	font-variant-numeric: lining-nums proportional-nums;
	color-scheme: light dark;

table {
	--column-gap: 1em;
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	font-variant-numeric: lining-nums tabular-nums;

caption {
	padding-bottom: 1em;

thead {
	position: sticky;
	top: 0;
	background: Canvas;

th, td {
	text-align: start;
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	thead &,
	tbody:not(:last-child) &,
	tbody:last-child tr:not(:last-child) & {
		padding-block-end: calc(var(--row-gap) / 2);

sortable-table button {
	background: transparent;
	border: none;
	padding: 0;
	font: inherit;
	text-align: inherit;
	white-space: nowrap;
	:where(th[data-sort-options~="ascending"]) &::after {
		content: ' △'

	:where(th[data-sort-options~="ascending"]) &::after {
		content: ' △'

	:where(th[data-sort-options~="descending"]) &::after {
		content: ' ▽'

	:where(th[data-sort-options~="ascending"][data-sort-options~="descending"]) &::after {
		content: ' △▽'

	th[aria-sort="ascending"] &::after {
		content: ' ▲';

	th[aria-sort="descending"] &::after {
		content: ' ▼';



                class SortableTable extends HTMLElement {
  constructor() {

	connectedCallback() {
    this.querySelectorAll('th').forEach((thElement, index) => {
			if (thElement.dataset.sortOptions) {
				const buttonElement = document.createElement('button');
				buttonElement.textContent = thElement.textContent;
				buttonElement.addEventListener('click', () => {
				thElement.innerHTML = null;
	sortByColumn(title) {
		console.log(`sort by ${title}`);

customElements.define('sortable-table', SortableTable);

