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                <h1>Animated SVG - Rev Meter</h1>
<p><small>Animated with Velocity.js. Hover/tap me.</small></p>

<svg id="meter" onmouseenter="anim(this)" onclick="anim(this)" width="212px" height="212px" viewBox="0 0 212 212" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
    <g id="meter" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd">
        <g transform="translate(6.000000, 6.000000)">
            <g id="m3-3" transform="translate(31.373156, 128.088684) rotate(-112.500000) translate(-31.373156, -128.088684) translate(23.373156, 120.088684)" stroke-width="4" stroke="#979797">
                <circle id="Oval-7" cx="7.67957356" cy="8.32975352" r="7.5"></circle>
            <g id="m3-2" transform="translate(25.761049, 100.216901) rotate(-90.000000) translate(-25.761049, -100.216901) translate(17.761049, 92.216901)" stroke-width="4" stroke="#979797">
                <circle id="Oval-7" cx="8.32971949" cy="8.32822699" r="7.5"></circle>
            <g id="m3" transform="translate(31.488072, 71.067684) rotate(-67.500000) translate(-31.488072, -71.067684) translate(23.488072, 63.067684)" stroke-width="4" stroke="#979797">
                <circle id="Oval-7" cx="7.67957356" cy="8.32975352" r="7.5"></circle>
            <g id="m4" transform="translate(47.383658, 47.383658) rotate(-45.000000) translate(-47.383658, -47.383658) translate(39.466991, 39.466991)" stroke-width="4" stroke="#979797">
                <circle id="Oval-7" cx="8.33333333" cy="8.33333333" r="7.5"></circle>
            <g id="m5" transform="translate(72.321172, 30.877878) rotate(-22.500000) translate(-72.321172, -30.877878) translate(64.404505, 22.961211)" stroke-width="4" stroke="#979797">
                <circle id="Oval-7" cx="7.67884317" cy="8.33047756" r="7.5"></circle>
            <g id="m6" transform="translate(93.333333, 18.333333)" stroke-width="4" stroke="#979797">
                <circle id="Oval-7" cx="7.5" cy="7.5" r="7.5"></circle>
            <g id="m7" transform="translate(128.972642, 31.962703) rotate(22.500000) translate(-128.972642, -31.962703) translate(121.055976, 24.046036)" stroke-width="4" stroke="#979797">
                <circle id="Oval-7" cx="8.14724978" cy="7.50444807" r="7.5"></circle>
            <g id="m8" transform="translate(153.449675, 47.383658) rotate(45.000000) translate(-153.449675, -47.383658) translate(145.533009, 39.466991)" stroke-width="4" stroke="#979797">
                <circle id="Oval-7" cx="8.33333333" cy="8.33333333" r="7.5"></circle>
            <g id="m9" transform="translate(169.013053, 72.204529) rotate(67.500000) translate(-169.013053, -72.204529) translate(161.096386, 64.287862)" stroke-width="4" stroke="#979797">
                <circle id="Oval-7" cx="8.14724978" cy="7.50444807" r="7.5"></circle>
            <g id="m10" transform="translate(175.000000, 100.833333) rotate(90.000000) translate(-175.000000, -100.833333) translate(167.500000, 93.333333)" stroke-width="4" stroke="#979797">
                <circle id="Oval-7" cx="7.5" cy="7.5" r="7.5"></circle>
            <g id="m11" transform="translate(168.572110, 129.343321) rotate(135.000000) translate(-168.572110, -129.343321) translate(160.572110, 121.343321)" stroke-width="4" stroke="#979797">
                <circle id="Oval-7" cx="7.89017059" cy="7.73828184" r="7.5"></circle>
            <g id="dial" transform="translate(0.125006, 0.106735)">
                <path d="M100.826446,112.396694 C107.216518,112.396694 112.396694,107.216518 112.396694,100.826446 C112.396694,94.4363748 107.216518,89.2561983 100.826446,89.2561983 C98.2449875,89.2561983 95.8609831,90.1016008 93.9361909,91.5306478 C91.0964057,93.6390242 89.2561983,97.0178335 89.2561983,100.826446 C89.2561983,107.216518 94.4363748,112.396694 100.826446,112.396694 Z" id="dial-center" stroke="#BE5340" stroke-width="8"></path>
                <path d="M106.517943,68.6051788 C104.548204,68.2273321 102.51483,68.0295535 100.435458,68.0295535 C82.6378958,68.0295535 68.2101214,82.5184626 68.2101214,100.391438 C68.2101214,118.264413 82.6378958,132.753322 100.435458,132.753322 C118.233019,132.753322 132.660794,118.264413 132.660794,100.391438 C132.660794,98.6584505 132.525151,96.9572786 132.263946,95.2980449 L157.190427,43.9882887 L106.517947,68.6051796 Z" stroke="#E46954" stroke-width="8" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path>
                <path d="M99.8749941,199.066819 C154.647035,199.066819 199.048548,154.665307 199.048548,99.8932655 C199.048548,45.1212242 154.647035,0.719711764 99.8749941,0.719711764 C77.7482049,0.719711764 57.3138813,7.96601837 40.8156619,20.2149929 C16.4746459,38.2867908 0.701440376,67.2480134 0.701440376,99.8932655 C0.701440376,154.665307 45.1029528,199.066819 99.8749941,199.066819 Z" id="outer-2" stroke="#0A1D33"></path>
            <path d="M100,200 C155.228475,200 200,155.228475 200,100 C200,44.771525 155.228475,0 100,0 C77.6888209,0 57.0842113,7.3066925 40.4485067,19.6577418 C15.9046489,37.8801381 0,67.0827041 0,100 C0,155.228475 44.771525,200 100,200 Z" id="outer" stroke="#0A1D33" stroke-width="11"></path>



                body {
  background: #F0F4FB;
  font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif;
  text-align: center;
h1 {
  font-weight: 200;
  color: #222;
  padding-bottom: 0;
  margin-bottom: 0;
p {
  margin-top: 10px;



                /* I drafted it here on CodePen before putting it live on my site at
Not for IE.
Icon inspired by Wy Icons from */

function anim(o) {
  if ( == 'meter' && !o.isAnimating) {
    // prevent anim queue build-up
    o.isAnimating = true;
      //set the rotation center
      //doesn't work for ie, coz ie.
      transformOriginX: 201/2,
      transformOriginY: 201/2
      //turn it up
      rotateZ: 60
      duration: 60
    // the jitter
      rotateZ: '+=1deg'
      loop: 80,duration: 30,
      easing: 'spring'
    //and dial it back
      rotateZ: -10
    }, {
      complete: function () {
         o.isAnimating = false; 
