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                  Enjoy Your Morning Coffee.
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                  The coofee is brewed by fist roasting the green coffee beans over hot coals in
                  brazier. given to Opportunity.
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            <span class="number__card">01</span> Best Coffee Flavour
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            <span class="number__card">02</span> Place to get lost
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            <span class="number__card">03</span> Proper roesting
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                    mauris rhoncus in imperdiet placerat. vestibu emismd nisl
                    suscirpit ligula volutpat, a feyguat urn maxmaus. cars massa
                    nibhtincidunt. donec et nibh maximus, est eu, mattis nuce.
                    preasent ut quam quis quam venen
                    atis fringilla. morbi vastibulum id tells mmodo mattis.
                    aliauam erat volutpal.

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                Popular Product
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                Coffee popular Product

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                <div class="coffee__card">
                  <img src="./style/img/cofee bag.png" alt="" class="brazil">
                  <div class="card__name-brazil">
                    BRAZIL COFFEE GRED
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                    <button class="btn__brazil"><img src="./style/img/shopping-bag.png" alt="" class="brazill_shop"> Add to cart</button>

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                  <img src="./style/img/cofee bag.png" alt="" class="brazil">
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                    <span class="raiting__text">COFFEE</span>
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                      <img src="./style/img/star.png" alt="" class="star__brazil">
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                      <img src="./style/img/unstar.png" alt="" class="unstar__brazil">
                  <div class="card__name-brazil">
                    BRAZIL COFFEE GRED
                  <div class="card__price">
                    PRICE - <span class="price__sell">$320.00/</span> $358
                  <div class="card__btn">
                    <button class="btn__view">VIEW ALL PRODUCT</button>

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                  <img src="./style/img/cofee bag.png" alt="" class="brazil">
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                    <span class="raiting__text">COFFEE</span>
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                      <img src="./style/img/star.png" alt="" class="star__brazil">
                      <img src="./style/img/star.png" alt="" class="star__brazil">
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                      <img src="./style/img/unstar.png" alt="" class="unstar__brazil">
                  <div class="card__name-brazil">
                    BRAZIL COFFEE GRED
                  <div class="card__price">
                    PRICE - <span class="price__sell">$320.00/</span> $358

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                    machine, buy for home
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                    mauris rhoncus in imperdiet placerat. vestibu emismd nisl suscirpit ligula
                    volutpat, a feyguat urn maxmaus. cars massa nibhtincidunt. donec et nib
                    maximus, est eu, mattis nuce. preasent ut quam quis quam venen atis fri
                    ngilla. morbi vastibulum id tells mmodo mattis. aliauam erat volutpal.
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                      DISCOVER NOW

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                      <div class="division__content-img-name">
                        <img src="./style/img/best cofee flavour.png" alt="" class="americano">
                        <span class="division__name">Americano rosted gred</span>
                      <span class="division__price">$12.00</span>
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                  <div class="division__content">
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                      <img src="./style/img/best cofee flavour.png" alt="" class="americano">
                      <span class="division__name">Americano rosted gred</span>
                    <span class="division__price">$12.00</span>
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                      <img src="./style/img/best cofee flavour.png" alt="" class="americano">
                      <span class="division__name">Americano rosted gred</span>
                    <span class="division__price">$12.00</span>
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                  <div class="division__content">
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                      <img src="./style/img/best cofee flavour.png" alt="" class="americano">
                      <span class="division__name">Americano rosted gred</span>
                    <span class="division__price">$12.00</span>

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                  <div class="division__content">
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                      <img src="./style/img/best cofee flavour.png" alt="" class="americano">
                      <span class="division__name">Americano rosted gred</span>
                    <span class="division__price">$12.00</span>
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                  <div class="division__content">
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                      <img src="./style/img/best cofee flavour.png" alt="" class="americano">
                      <span class="division__name">Americano rosted gred</span>
                    <span class="division__price">$12.00</span>
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                  <div class="division__content">
                    <div class="division__content-img-name">
                      <img src="./style/img/best cofee flavour.png" alt="" class="americano">
                      <span class="division__name">Americano rosted gred</span>
                    <span class="division__price">$12.00</span>
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                      <img src="./style/img/best cofee flavour.png" alt="" class="americano">
                      <span class="division__name">Americano rosted gred</span>
                    <span class="division__price">$12.00</span>



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                    Education WP is a special build for effective education & Learning Management
                    System site.
                    Education WP is the next generation & one of the best education WordPress themes
                    which all the strength of eLearning WP..
                <div class="card-john__name-score">
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                      John Smith
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                      Product Designer
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                    <img src="./style/img/star.png" alt="" class="score">
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                    Education WP is a special build for effective education & Learning Management
                    System site.
                    Education WP is the next generation & one of the best education WordPress themes
                    which all the strength of eLearning WP..
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                      John Smith
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                      User Experience Designer
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                  <span class="by">By:</span> rasaline
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              <div class="card-item5__text-ideal">
                Ideal cocktails from barmen....
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                <span class="more">Read more</span>
                <img src="./style/img/arrow-right бежевая.png" alt="" class="read-more">

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                    <span class="by">By:</span> rasaline
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                <div class="card-item5__text-ideal">
                  Ideal cocktails from barmen....
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                  <span class="more">Read more</span>
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                    <span class="by">By:</span> rasaline
                  <div class="card-item5__text-date">
                <div class="card-item5__text-ideal">
                  Ideal cocktails from barmen....
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    justify-content: space-between;
.coffee__card {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;
    gap: 36px;
    align-items: center;
    /* max-width: 366px;
    min-height: 579px; */
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    display: flex;
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    background-color: #C99E71;
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    color: white;
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    display: flex;
    gap: 13px;
.raiting__stars {
    display: flex;
    gap: 4px;
.raiting__text {
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    font-size: 16px;
    line-height: 19.2px;
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    font-family: "Urbanist", sans-serif;;
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.price__sell {
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    padding: 20px 36px 20px 36px;
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    font-weight: 700;
    line-height: 21.78px;
    font-family: "Inter";
    margin-top: 60;

/* cofee machine */
.coffee-machine__wrapper {
    max-width: 100%;
    min-height: 530px;
.coffee-machine {
    margin-top: 125px;
.text__wrapper {
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    font-size: 16px;
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    opacity: 80%;
.btn__discover-now {
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    font-family: "Inter";
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    font-weight: 700;
    padding: 20px 36px 20px 36px;
.text__coffee {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;
    gap: 36px;
.coffee-machine__content {
    background-color: #1C1814;

/* coffee-menu */

.coffee-menu {
    margin-top: 140px;
.coffee-menu__wrapper {
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.menu__header {
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    font-size: 48px;
    line-height: 62.4px;

.americano {
    max-width: 72px;
    min-height: 72px;
.division__wrapper {
    max-width: 565px;
    min-height: 120px;
* {
    box-sizing: border-box;
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    display: flex;
    align-items: center;
    justify-content: space-between;
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    /* box-sizing: border-box; */
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    font-size: 24px;
    line-height: 29.8px;
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    font-size: 18px;
    line-height: 21.6px;
    font-weight: 600;
    color: #C99E71;
.coffee__menu {
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    display: flex;
    justify-content: space-between;
    gap: 40px;
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    gap: 36px;
    flex-basis: 85%;

/* testimonial start */
.testimonial {
    margin-top: 150px;
.testimonial__head {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;
    align-items: center;
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    line-height: 21.6px;
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    line-height: 62.4px;
    margin-bottom: 76px;
.customers__cards {
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    justify-content: space-between;
.john-info__wrapper {
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    padding: 40px 40px 40px 40px;
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    display: flex;
    align-content: center;
.score {
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.brett-info__wrapper {
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    padding: 40px 40px 40px 40px;
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    opacity: 50%;
.card-brett__name-score {
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    display: flex;
    align-items: center;
.count-swap__conteiner {
    display: flex;
    justify-content: space-between;
    margin-top: 36px;
    align-items: center;
    min-height: 56px;
.count-underline__customers {
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    border-bottom: #C99E71 5px solid;
    border-radius: 80%;

/* booking */
.booking-left__wrapper {
    flex-basis: 585px;
    min-height: 652px;
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    margin-top: 0px;
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input[type=date] {
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input[type=time] {
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/* latest news */

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    align-items: center;
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    gap: 12px;
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    gap: 36px;
.coffee-card__wrapper3 {
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