<div id ='chart'>
<p>Add points on the map using <code>points()</code> and customising the points using <code>pointDisplay()</code>.<br>The <code>default</code> symbol is set to <code><a href = 'https://github.com/d3/d3-shape#symbolCross' target = _blank>symbolWye</a></code></p>
<p>Using the custom reusable component changing the symbol to text.</p>
<div id="elm"></div>
//add points onto the map using points()
//customising the points using pointsDisplay()
//supply a custom component
function displayText(selection) {
selection.each(function(d, i) { //parameters: d and i
let node = d3.select(this) //select svg element
.selectAll('text') //select all the text
.data([ d ]); //iterate through the data
node = node.enter() //indicates that data will be added to selection
.append('text') //add text
.attr('stroke', 'white') //style text
.merge(node); //merge the text to a single array
node.text(d[2]); //get the third item in the array
let geo = d3_rs_geo.html()
.points([ [ -76.852587, 38.991621, 'JFK'], [ -0.076132, 51.5074, 'LHR' ] ]) //add points
.pointsDisplay(displayText); //customise the points,
.datum({ url: 'https://static.redsift.io/thirdparty/topojson/examples/world-50m.json' }) //world topoJSON
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