//Showcasing the d3_rs_lines library
//The chart shows a streamgraph using different property of the library
//chart containing both gender
let atheleteGender = ['Men', 'Women']; //array containing each athelete gender
let chartPosition = ['#menChart', '#womenChart']; //position of the charts
const ANIMATION_TIME_MS = 666; //animation transition in millisecond
let csv = (url) => new Promise((ok, ko) => d3.csv(url, (err, data) => err ? ko(err) : ok(data))); //check url
let allMedalists = csv('https://static.redsift.io/assets/data/summer-olympics-1896-to-2008/all-medalists.csv'); //get data from doc in csv format
//accessing allMedalists data
.then(data => {
let eventGroups = d3.nest()
.key(d => d.Edition + d.Event + d.Event_gender + d.Sport + d.Medal + d.NOC) //combining keys to award team sport 1 medals rather than each athlete and joint podium
.entries(data) //return the keys and values of the array
.map(d => { //map the data
let e = d.values[0]; //get values from array
return { //return all the data contained in value
Edition: parseInt(e.Edition),
Group: d.values.length,
Medal: e.Medal,
Gender: e.Gender,
Event: e.Event
let topCountries = ['USA', 'URS', 'GBR', 'FRA', 'ITA', 'GER', 'SWE', 'HUN', 'AUS', 'GDR']; //countries to filter
const numCountries = topCountries.length; //number of countries
let dataSet = []; //empty array to contain both athlete dataSet
atheleteGender.forEach(theGender => { //map both genders
let countrySummary = topCountries.map(theCountry => { //map countries
//using crossfilter https://github.com/crossfilter/crossfilter/wiki/API-Reference
let cross = crossfilter(eventGroups); //crossfilter to access and filter data
let editions = cross.dimension(d => d.Edition); //get the years
let years = editions.group(); //group by years
let nocs = cross.dimension(d => d.NOC); //get the countries data
let medals = cross.dimension(d => d.Medal); //get the medals data
let gender = cross.dimension(d => d.Gender); //get the gender data
//group all data by year
let medalsCount = years.all();
//filter the data
nocs.filterExact(theCountry); //filter each country
medals.filterExact('Gold'); //filter by gold medals
gender.filterExact(theGender); //filter each gender
return medalsCount; //return the filtered data
let numMedalsPerYearForAllCountries = {}; //new object
countrySummary.forEach(currentCountry => { //iterate through the each country
currentCountry.forEach(dataPoint => { //iterate through each years and medals
const year = dataPoint.key; //assign the key which is the year to year
const medals = dataPoint.value; //assign the value which is the medal to medals
if (!numMedalsPerYearForAllCountries[year]) { //check if the key which is the year exist
numMedalsPerYearForAllCountries[year] = { //if not create one
year: year,
medals: []
numMedalsPerYearForAllCountries[year].medals.push(medals); //push number of medals for each year
const years = Object.keys(numMedalsPerYearForAllCountries); //get all the years
data = years.map(year => { //loop through each year
const dataPoint = numMedalsPerYearForAllCountries[year]; //assign all the years and the medals
const date = new Date(dataPoint.year, 1, 1); //set year with a dummy day and month
const result = date.getTime(); //return years in time format
return {
l: date, //return years
v: dataPoint.medals //return number of medals
dataSet.push(data); //push the data to the dataSet which will include both gender dataSet
//create the chart
function createLineChart() {
return d3_rs_lines.html()
.width(600) //change the width of chart
.stacked(true) //enable stacking
.stackOffset('stackOffsetWiggle') //moving the chart from the baseline
.stackOrder('stackOrderInsideOut') //stack order
.axisDisplayIndex(false) //axis display for Index
.niceIndex(false) //gap between chart Value axis to start of chart
.tickCountValue(0) //label on Value axis
.gridIndex(true) //allow grid along Index
.labelTime('%Y') //label time
.tickCountIndex(5) //number of ticks on the Index axis
.highlightIndex([{ //highlight a particular Index
l: "1980/84 Olympics boycotts", //legend for highlighted section
v: [new Date(1980, 1, 1).getTime()] //index to highlight
}, {
v: [new Date(1984, 1, 1).getTime()] //index to highlight
.legend(['USA', 'URS', 'GBR', 'FRA', 'ITA', 'GER', 'SWE', 'HUN', 'AUS', 'GDR']) //add legend
.legendOrientation('buttom'); //legend orientation
let menSpecificInfo = createLineChart() //continue chaining the line chart to highlight specifici man data
.tipHtml((d, i, s) => { //add info to tip of the chart
if (topCountries[s] == 'USA' & d.l.getFullYear() == 2008) {
return 'Micheal Phelps winning 8<br>gold medals for USA<br><img width="200" height="100" src="https://67.media.tumblr.com/e926fc00fc7d19f9186771dc7b826012/tumblr_obphdt9gLY1v5x3w3o1_400.gif"/><br><br>USA Year: 2008 Medals:' + d.v[0]
} else {
return topCountries[s] + ' Year:' + d.l.getFullYear() + ' Medals:' + d.v[s]
let womenSpecificInfo = createLineChart() //continue chaining the line chart to highlight specific woman data
.tipHtml((d, i, s) => { //add info to tip of the chart
if (topCountries[s] == 'GBR' & d.l.getFullYear() == 1900) {
return 'First woman gold medalist<br>Countess Hélène de Pourtalès<br><img width="200" height="100" src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9d/Helene_de_Pourtales.jpg/220px-Helene_de_Pourtales.jpg"/><br><br>GBR Year: 1900 Medals:' + d.v[2]
} else {
return topCountries[s] + ' Year:' + d.l.getFullYear() + ' Medals:' + d.v[s]
let chartInfo = []; //create an empty array
chartInfo = [menSpecificInfo, womenSpecificInfo]; //chart info for specific gender
//add first country chart
for (i = 0; i < dataSet.length; i++) {
const eachGenderFirstData = generateDataForTime(dataSet[i], 1); //generate first set of data
d3.select(chartPosition[i]) //chart position
.datum(eachGenderFirstData) //add data by gender
.call(chartInfo[i]); //call the chart including info for specific gender
//to generate each country
function animate(i, idx) {
idx = idx + 1;
if (idx === numCountries) return; //iterate until condition is met
const eachGenderData = generateDataForTime(dataSet[i], idx); //generate each set each country data for the specific gender
d3.select(chartPosition[i]) //chart position
.datum(eachGenderData) //add data by gender
.transition() //animate the dataSet
.duration(ANIMATION_TIME_MS) //country data are added each duration
.call(chartInfo[i]) //call the chart including info for specific gender
.on('end',function() { //at the end of the transidition
animate(i, idx); //call the animate function
for (i = 0; i < dataSet.length; i++) {
animate(i, 0); //call the function
function generateDataForTime(allData, numSelectedCountries) {
return allData.map((item) => { //map allData
let selectedMedals = item.v.map((value, idx) => { //select medals at idx
if (idx < numSelectedCountries) {
return value; //return the number of medals if the idx is less than the number of countries
} else {
return 0;
return {
'l': item.l, //return the year
'v': selectedMedals //return the medal