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              <h3>Sarach Connor <small>Jul 15</small></h3>
              <p><strong>I've been hunted - </strong>A crazing robot ...</p>
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              <h3>Jeremy Clarkson <small>Jul 15</small></h3>
              <p>The brand new season of Top Gear</p>
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              <h3> <small>Jul 14</small></h3>
              <p><strong>Interface design - </strong>Hi Greg ...</p>
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              <h3>Jeremy Legrand <small>Jul 13</small></h3>
              <p><strong>CSS Responsive - </strong>Here is my hack to ...</p>
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              <h3>Noe Vella <small>Jul 13</small></h3>
              <p><strong>Personal resume - </strong>Hi Greg, as expected ...</p>
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              <h3>Dribbble <small>Jul 12</small></h3>
              <p><strong>Thank you for purchaseing a pro account</strong></p>
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              <h3>Dribbble <small>Jul 12</small></h3>
              <p><strong>Work inquiry from Andy Blast - </strong>the foll...</p>
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              <h3>Behance <small>Jul 12</small></h3>
              <p><strong>Raj sent you a direct message - </strong></p>
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              <h3>Behance <small>Jul 12</small></h3>
              <p><strong>Raj sent you a direct message - </strong></p>
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              <h3>Dribbble <small>Jul 11</small></h3>
              <p><strong>Peter Avey is now following you - </strong>Hi ...</p>
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        <h2><span class="icon icon-star-large"></span> The brand new season of Top Gear <span class="icon icon-reply-large"></span><span class="icon icon-delete-large"></span></h2>
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            Jeremy Clarkson to <span class="user">me</span>
            <span class="date">July 15, 2013</span>
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          <p>Hi Greg,</p>
          <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Magnam modi possimus dignissimos maxime ipsa unde voluptatum consectetur harum debitis dolorum quas quibusdam vero iusto ducimus blanditiis. Enim autem illo praesentium est quis ab voluptate sequi quia magnam deleniti vero dicta iste. Harum velit asperiores expedita inventore error nulla eius nostrum voluptas aspernatur at quia eaque ipsa deserunt quas doloribus totam incidunt mollitia iure! Libero laudantium nobis necessitatibus veniam autem molestias distinctio voluptas quos aliquam vitae. Consequuntur adipisci natus hic sed rerum dolore cumque numquam illum rem at quaerat reprehenderit iste quis maiores fuga voluptates delectus suscipit dicta nulla itaque placeat.</p>
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          <div class="textarea">
            <textarea name="r">Hello Jeremy,
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Sit qui impedit magni fuga velit nobis quas fugit odio voluptas voluptates odit animi quos nam dolorem harum molestiae culpa sint rem ad esse laboriosam vero quod molestias porro ea dolores eligendi!
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              <span class="fileinfo">My file enclosed.pdf</span>
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                <div class="bar">65%</div>


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