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                <article class="wrapper-1680">
  <h1>Some fluid modular scale h1</h1>
  <h2>Some fluid modular scale h2</h2>
  <h3>Some fluid modular scale h3</h3>
  <h4>Some fluid modular scale h4</h4>
  <h5>Some fluid modular scale h5</h5>
  <h6>Some fluid modular scale h6</h6>
  <p><strong>Blue lines:</strong> using a modular scale more suitable for smaller screens. Text is not scaling.<br><strong>Pink linkes:</strong> Using a second modular scale more suitable for larger screens. Text is scaling.<br><strong>Green lines:</strong> Text is no longer scaline, using the defined max font values and the second modular scale. Screen is larger than 105em or 1680px. <br><br>At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat.</p>


                // SCSS mixin and variables:
	// Define Modular Scales
	  $mod_1: 1.125;
	  $mod_2: 1.414;

	// Calculate Modular Scale
    $h1-min: $mod_1*$mod_1*$mod_1*$mod_1*$mod_1 * 1rem;
    $h1-max: $mod_2*$mod_2*$mod_2*$mod_2*$mod_2 * 1rem;

    $h2-min: $mod_1*$mod_1*$mod_1*$mod_1 * 1rem;
    $h2-max: $mod_2*$mod_2*$mod_2*$mod_2 * 1rem;

    $h3-min: $mod_1*$mod_1*$mod_1 * 1rem;
    $h3-max: $mod_2*$mod_2*$mod_2 * 1rem;

    $h4-min: $mod_1*$mod_1 * 1rem;
    $h4-max: $mod_2*$mod_2 * 1rem;

    $h5-min: $mod_1* 1rem;
    $h5-max: $mod_2 * 1rem;

  // Adding variables for h6 and p, using the base font-sizes. These could be re-written since three of these are 1rem, however to make it easy to make changes I've kept them as separate values.
    $h6-min: 1rem;
    $h6-max: 1rem;
    $p-min: 1rem;
	  $p-max: 1.25rem;

  // Handpicked margins and line-heights to keep consistency to the base line-height
    $h1-margin-min:0.75; //12
    $h1-margin-max: 1.875; //30;

    $h2-margin-min:0.65625; //10.5
    $h2-margin-max:1.875; //30

    $h3-margin-min:0.75; //12
    $h3-margin-max:1.875; // 30

    $h4-margin-max:0.9375;// 15

    $h5-margin-max:0.9375;// 15

    $h1-lineheight-min:2.625; //42

    $h2-lineheight-min:2.4375; //39
    $h2-lineheight-max:5.625; //90

    $h3-lineheight-min:2.25;  //36
    $h3-lineheight-max:4.21875; //67.5

    $h4-lineheight-min: 2.0625;//33px
    $h4-lineheight-max: 3.28125;//52.5

    $h5-lineheight-max: 2.34375;
  // Helper function
    @function strip-unit($value) {
      @return $value / ($value * 0 + 1);

  // Fluid Type Mixin
	@mixin fluid-type($min-vw, $max-vw, $min-font-size, $max-font-size, $min-margin, $max-margin, $min-lineheight, $max-lineheight) {
		$u1: unit($min-vw);
		$u2: unit($max-vw);
		$u3: unit($min-font-size);
    $u4: unit($max-font-size);

		//to be able to use ems in mediaqueries instead of rem, decides when to switch between modular scales
		$fny-min-vw: #{strip-unit($min-vw)}em;
		$fny-max-vw: #{strip-unit($max-vw)}em;

		@if $u1 == $u2 and $u1 == $u3 and $u1 == $u4 {
			& {
				//Adding px fallback that is the same as $min-font-size for better browser support, see
				font-size: #{strip-unit($min-font-size*16)}px;
				font-size: $min-font-size;

        //Using the min-margin value recalculated as an em relative to the min-font-size used
        //margin: #{($min-margin / #{strip-unit($min-font-size)})}em auto; //this line seems not to work on codepen, where the division is never done in scss, but output. If you can compile it to a single number, that is preferred for better browser support
        margin: calc(#{($min-margin / #{strip-unit($min-font-size)})} * 1em) auto; //I've therefore used a calc() expression.
        //Using the min-lineheight recalculated to the min-font-sized used
        //line-height: #{($min-lineheight / #{strip-unit($min-font-size)})};//this line seems not to work on codepen, where the division is never done in scss, but output. If you can compile it to a single number, that is preferred for better browser support
        line-height: calc(#{($min-lineheight / #{strip-unit($min-font-size)})}); //I've therefore used a calc() expression.
				//Switching $min-vw for $fny-min-vw to get em units in the mediaquery
				@media screen and (min-width: $fny-min-vw) {
					//Adding a px fallback that is the average of min and max font sizes for better browser support, see
					font-size: #{strip-unit(($min-font-size + $max-font-size)*8)}px;
					font-size: calc(#{$min-font-size} + #{strip-unit($max-font-size - $min-font-size)} * ((100vw - #{$min-vw}) / #{strip-unit($max-vw - $min-vw)}));
          //Browsers that can't handle the calc() expression will fallback to the margin and line-height declared for small screens
          margin: calc((#{$min-margin} * 1rem) + (#{$max-margin} - #{$min-margin}) * ((100vw - #{$min-vw}) / #{strip-unit($max-vw - $min-vw)})) auto;
          line-height:calc((#{$min-lineheight} * 1rem) + (#{$max-lineheight} - #{$min-lineheight}) * ((100vw - #{$min-vw}) / #{strip-unit($max-vw - $min-vw)}));

        //Switching $max-vw for $fny-min-vw to get em units in the mediaquery
				@media screen and (min-width: $fny-max-vw) {
					//Adding px fallback that is the same as $max-font-size
					font-size: #{strip-unit($max-font-size*16)}px;
					font-size: $max-font-size;
          //Using the max-margin value recalculated as an em relative to the max-font-size used
          //margin: #{($max-margin / #{strip-unit($max-font-size)})}em auto;//this line seems not to work on codepen, where the division is never done in scss, but output. If you can compile it to a single number, that is preferred for better browser support
          margin: calc(#{($max-margin / #{strip-unit($max-font-size)})} * 1em) auto;

          //Using the max-lineheight recalculated to the max-font-sized used
          //line-height: #{($max-lineheight / #{strip-unit($max-font-size)})};//this line seems not to work on codepen, where the division is never done in scss, but output. If you can compile it to a single number, that is preferred for better browser support
          line-height: calc(#{($max-lineheight / #{strip-unit($max-font-size)})});
		} @else {
			@error "Detected mixed units. Please use the same units for all parameters. " + $u1 +", " + $u2 + ", " + $u3 +", "+ $u4;

//CSS styles
  margin: 0 auto;
  padding:0 1.5em;

//Striped background
    font-family:/*ios*/ "HelveticaNeue", /*android*/ "Roboto", /*fallbacks*/ Arial, Verdana, "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif;
		font-weight: 400;
  	//The first rgba color sets the line color
    background: linear-gradient(0, #d7ded8 1px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 1px),
                linear-gradient(0, #9ec6f5 1px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 1px);
		//The second px value sets the height between lines
		background-size: 1px 1.5em, 1px 0.75em;

@media only screen and (min-width:30em) {
    background: linear-gradient(0, #d7ded8 1px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 1px),
                linear-gradient(0, #ffc8fd 1px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 1px);
    //Scaling the background size as the screen size changes. 1.5 is for the base line-height, and it's multiplied with the calculation for p font-size when the font-size is responsive
    background-size:1px calc(1.5 * (1rem + 0.25 * ((100vw - 30rem) / 75))), 1px calc(0.75 * (1rem + 0.25 * ((100vw - 30rem) / 75)));

//CHROME ONLY: There is a bug or possibly rounding error that makes the lines jump. This adjust for this.
@media only screen and (min-width:42.5em) { //680
    background-size:1px calc((1.5 * (1rem + 0.25 * ((100vw - 30rem) / 75))) - 1px), 1px calc(0.75 * (1rem + 0.25 * ((100vw - 30rem) / 75)));

@media only screen and (min-width:55em) { //880
    background-size:1px calc(1.5 * (1rem + 0.25 * ((100vw - 30rem) / 75))), 1px calc(0.75 * (1rem + 0.25 * ((100vw - 30rem) / 75)));

@media only screen and (min-width:67.5em) { //1080
    background-size:1px calc((1.5 * (1rem + 0.25 * ((100vw - 30rem) / 75))) - 1px), 1px calc(0.75 * (1rem + 0.25 * ((100vw - 30rem) / 75)));

@media only screen and (min-width:80em) { //1280
    background-size:1px calc(1.5 * (1rem + 0.25 * ((100vw - 30rem) / 75))), 1px calc(0.75 * (1rem + 0.25 * ((100vw - 30rem) / 75)));

@media only screen and (min-width:92.5em) { //1480
    background-size:1px calc((1.5 * (1rem + 0.25 * ((100vw - 30rem) / 75))) - 1px), 1px calc(0.75 * (1rem + 0.25 * ((100vw - 30rem) / 75)));

@media only screen and (min-width:105em) {
    background: linear-gradient(0, #d7ded8 1px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 1px),
                linear-gradient(0, #97d09e 1px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 1px);
    //Adjusting for max-font-size for p
    background-size:1px 1.875em, 1px 0.9375em;

//Type styles
h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 {
		padding: 0;

     @include fluid-type(30rem, 105rem, $h1-min, $h1-max, $h1-margin-min, $h1-margin-max, $h1-lineheight-min, $h1-lineheight-max);
		@include fluid-type(30rem, 105rem, $h2-min, $h2-max, $h2-margin-min, $h2-margin-max, $h2-lineheight-min, $h2-lineheight-max);
		@include fluid-type(30rem, 105rem, $h3-min, $h3-max, $h3-margin-min, $h3-margin-max, $h3-lineheight-min, $h3-lineheight-max);
		@include fluid-type(30rem, 105rem, $h4-min, $h4-max, $h4-margin-min, $h4-margin-max, $h4-lineheight-min, $h4-lineheight-max);
		@include fluid-type(30rem, 105rem, $h5-min, $h5-max, $h5-margin-min, $h5-margin-max, $h5-lineheight-min, $h5-lineheight-max);
		@include fluid-type(30rem, 105rem, $h6-min, $h6-max, 0, 0, 1.5, 1.875);

		@include fluid-type(30rem, 105rem, 1rem, 1.25rem, 0.75, 0.75, 1.5, 1.875); //text scales between 480 and 1680px. At 1680px or larger the text is 20px

	h1 + p, h2 + p, h3 + p, h4 + p, h5 + p, h6 + p{
		margin-top: 0;



