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// Example

  let users = [
      id: 1,
      name: 'Wade Warren',
      avatar: '',
      employment: 'Marketing Liaison',
      skills: 'Coordinator 💪',
      id: 2,
      name: 'Loura Weber',
      avatar: '',
      employment: 'Lead Manager',
      skills: 'Confidence',
      id: 3,
      name: 'Jane Cooper',
      avatar: '',
      employment: 'Dog Trainer',
      skills: 'Trainer',
      id: 4,
      name: 'Guy Hawkins',
      avatar: '',
      employment: 'Medical Assistant',
      skills: 'Assitant',
      id: 5,
      name: 'Robert Fox',
      avatar: '',
      employment: 'Web Designer',
      skills: 'Work under pressure',


  .toast#toats Saving...

    h1 Follow a Members style="display: inline-block") 😎
      span.night( style="display: none") 👀
      button(type="button" class="btn toggle-theme") Dark
      each user, index in users
              a(href="#/" class="title")
            button(type="button" class="btn btn-follow" ) Follow
      a(href="#/" class="show-more") Show more members

    // Footer

        | Built by'') Frank Esteban
      p(style='margin-bottom: 0.8rem')
        | Contact me on the different platforms and social networks
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// Reset

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// Example

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// Button

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// Responsive

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      margin-right: 1rem;
      margin-bottom: 0;
    margin-left: auto;
    margin-right: 0;

// Show more members

  display: block;
  width: 90%;
  margin: 0 auto;
  padding: .6rem 1rem;
  text-align: center;
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// Toast

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// Toggle theme

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                let follow = document.querySelectorAll('.btn-follow')
let toast = document.querySelector('#toats')
let toggle = document.querySelector('.toggle-theme')
let body = document.body

follow.forEach((e) => {
  e.addEventListener('click', (element) => {
    let target = = "visible";
    setTimeout(() => { = "hidden";
    }, 500)
    if( target.innerText === 'Follow'){
      target.innerText = 'Following'
      target.innerText = 'Follow'

// Toggle theme

let day = document.querySelector('.day')
let night = document.querySelector('.night')

toggle.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
  if( toggle.innerText === 'Dark'){
    toggle.innerText = 'Light' = 'none' = 'inline-block'  
    toggle.innerText = 'Dark' = 'inline-block' = 'none'

