//- The inline SVG graph is generated dynamically in Jade, based on JSON-formatted data. This makes it possible to generate a static illustration (as opposed to using a JS library that modifies the DOM on the client), while preserving the original data in the source.
// originally developed for: https://explosion.ai/blog/spacy-user-survey
// inspired by: https://css-tricks.com/how-to-make-charts-with-svg/
//- Graph data as JSON
- var graph = { title: "Do you use spaCy at work?", data: [ { label: "Yes, we use it in production.", value: 0.20, segment: 0.18 }, { label: "Yes, we use it in development.", value: 0.13, segment: 0.12 }, { label: "Yes, we use it for research.", value: 0.31, segment: 0.18 }, { label: "No, but we're planning to.", value: 0.17, segment: 0.14 }, { label: "No, and we're currently not planning to.", value: 0.14, segment: 0.14 } ], segments: { value: "everyone", segment: "non-researchers" } }
//- Settings
- bar_height = 30
- label_height = 40
- legend_height = 20
- spacing = 10
- bars = graph.data.length
- width = 800
- height = bars * (bar_height + label_height + spacing) + (legend_height + 4 * spacing) * (graph.segments ? 2 : 0)
- fill_value = "#1e1935"
- fill_segment = "url(#pattern)"
//- Markup
svg(version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" class="chart" width=width height=height role="img" viewBox="0 0 #{width} #{height}" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet")
pattern#pattern(patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse" width="10" height="10")
image(xlink:href="" x="0" y="0" width="10" height="10")
each bar, i in graph.data
- y = (bar_height + spacing) * i + label_height * (i + 1) + spacing
text.c-graph__label(x="0" y=(y - spacing))=bar.label
- value = Math.round(bar.value * 100)
- dy = bar_height / 1.35
rect.c-graph__bar(width=(width / 100 * value) height=bar_height y=y fill=fill_value)
text.c-graph__number.c-graph__number--value(x=(width * value / 100 + spacing) y=y dy=dy)
if bar.value_label
| #{bar.value_label}
| #{value}%
if bar.segment && graph.segments
- segment = Math.round(bar.segment * 100)
rect.c-graph__bar(width=(width / 100 * segment) height=bar_height y=y fill=fill_segment)
text.c-graph__number(x=spacing y=y dy=dy)
if bar.segment_label
| #{bar.segment_label}
| #{segment}%
if graph.segments
g.c-graph__footer(x="0" y=(height - legend_height) height=legend_height dy=spacing)
- y_value = height - 2 * (legend_height + spacing)
- y_segment = height - legend_height - spacing
rect.c-graph__legend-value(y=y_value width=legend_height height=legend_height fill=fill_value)
text(x=(legend_height + spacing) y=y_value dy="1em")=graph.segments.value
rect.c-graph__legend-segment(y=y_segment width=legend_height height=legend_height fill=fill_segment)
text(x=(legend_height + spacing) y=y_segment dy="1em")=graph.segments.segment
View Compiled
$color-front: #1e1935
$color-back: #fff
$color-highlight: desaturate(lighten($color-front, 15), 5)
$font: "Poppins", Arial, sans-serif
max-width: 100%
padding: 25px
cursor: pointer
transition: fill 0.15s ease
.c-graph__value:hover &,
.c-graph__segment:hover &
fill: $color-highlight
& + .c-graph__segment .c-graph__bar
fill: $color-highlight
cursor: pointer
font-weight: bold
transition: opacity 0.25s ease
.c-graph__value &
fill: $color-front
.c-graph__segment &
fill: $color-back
opacity: 0
.c-graph__segment:hover &
opacity: 1
.c-graph__value .c-graph__bar,
fill: $color-front
font: bold 22px/#{1.375} $font
font: 16px $font
font: 14px $font
font: bold 18px $font
// Demo container and reset
width: 100%
height: 100%
max-width: 100%
display: flex
justify-content: center
align-items: center
box-sizing: border-box
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased
border: 0
margin: 0
padding: 0
View Compiled
This Pen doesn't use any external JavaScript resources.