
- 'remove item' button - maybe with swipe functionality for mobile
- standardize colors + tidy/tighten CSS
- smarter js???
- display currently selected conditions in list view
- refine and improve the list itself - for example I probably won't want to bring my uke if it's raining.
- SVG hikers/bikers/campers/etc hanging out in background as the conditions are set
- bg of custom item field is clipped to show page bg ..?
- add 'copy text' notification to plaintext box


<!-- start page -->
<div id="page-start">

		<p>A project for fun and utility</p>
		<p>Concept, development, design, and assets by Erin Knowles</p>
		<p>September 2019</p>

		<h1>Camping packing list generator</h1>

	<input type="button" value="Get started" id="button-start" class="button">


<!-- start page 1: people -->
<div id="page1">

		<p>Question 1/4</p>
		<h2>How many people are coming?</h2>

	<div id="people-wrap">
		<input type="number" value="1" id="people">
		<div class="number-input">
			<input type="button" value="^" id="people-plus">
			<input type="button" value="^" id="people-minus">

	<input type="button" value="Next" id="button-page1" class="button button-light">


<!-- start page 2: nights -->
<div id="page2">

		<p>Question 2/4</p>
		<h2>How many nights will you be gone?
			<span>(0 for a day trip)</span>

	<div id="nights-wrap">
		<input type="number" value="0" id="nights">
		<div class="number-input">
			<input type="button" value="^" id="nights-plus">
			<input type="button" value="^" id="nights-minus">

	<input type="button" value="Next" id="button-page2" class="button button-light">


<!-- start page 3: biking -->
<div id="page3">

		<p>Question 3/4</p>
		<h2>Will you be biking there?</h2>

	<div id="biking-wrap">
		<input type="checkbox" value="biking" id="biking">
		<label for="biking">
			<div class="toggle-item" id="biking-yes">Yes</div>
			<div class="toggle-item toggle-on" id="biking-no">No</div>			

	<input type="button" value="Next" id="button-page3" class="button button-light">


<!-- start page 4: rain -->
<div id="page4">

		<p>Question 4/4</p>
		<h2>Are you expecting rain?
			<span>(Trips longer than a few days should expect rain, regardless of the forecast!)</span>

	<div id="rain-wrap">
		<input type="checkbox" value="rain" id="rain">
		<label for="rain">
			<div class="toggle-item" id="rain-yes">Yes</div>
			<div class="toggle-item toggle-on" id="rain-no">No</div>			

	<input type="button" value="Generate!" id="button-generate" class="button">


<!-- start to-do list: -->
<section id="page-list">
		<p class="button-wrap">
			<input type="button" id="list-print-list" class="button button-light button-startover" value="(get plaintext)">
			<input type="button" id="button-startover" class="button button-light button-startover" value="(start over)">
		<h1>My list:</h1>

	<div id="custom-items" class="wrap">
		<p class="list-item-label">My custom items</p>
		<p class="value"></p>

	<form><div id="custom-item-field-wrap">
		<p>Add custom item:</p>
		<input type="text" id="custom-item-value" autocomplete="off">
		<input type="submit" value="Add" id="custom-item-add">

	<div id="print-list">
		<p onclick="$('#print-list').hide(200)">Close</p>
		<div id="copy-confirm">Text copied!</div>

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$(document).ready(function() {

$("#button-start").click(function() {

// there's got to be a better way to do this
// >:(
// Anyway when people/nights plus/minus are clicked they call inputStep(this), which then sorts depending on whether the string is found, and steps up or steps down the input accordingly.
function inputStep(el) {
	var peopleNights = "";
	var plusMinus = "";
	if ( el.id.indexOf("people") != -1 ) {
		peopleNights = 'people';
	} else if ( el.id.indexOf("nights") != -1 ) {
		peopleNights = 'nights';
	if ( el.id.indexOf("plus") != -1 ) {
		plusMinus = 'plus';
	} else if ( el.id.indexOf("minus") != -1 ) {
		plusMinus = 'minus';
	if ( plusMinus === 'plus') {	document.getElementById(peopleNights).stepUp(); }
	else if ( plusMinus === 'minus' ) {
		if ( peopleNights === 'people' ) {
			if (document.getElementById("people").value > 1 ) {
		} else if ( peopleNights === 'nights' ) {
			if (document.getElementById("nights").value > 0 ) {
$("#people-plus, #nights-plus, #people-minus, #nights-minus").click(function() {

$("#button-page1").click(function() {
$("#button-page2").click(function() {

$("#button-page3").click(function() {
$("#button-generate").click(function() {

$("#button-startover").click(function() {
	$('#custom-items .value').children().remove();
var dataObject = {
	"litres water": 3,
	"calories food": 2000,
	"food": [
		"trail mix",
		"granola bars"
	"cooking stuff": [
		"stove fuel",
		"can opener"
	"personal items": [
	"camping stuff": [
		"sleeping bag",
		"sleeping pad",
		"bug spray",
		"util knife",
		"sewing kit"
	"rain stuff": [
		"tent fly",
		"dry bags"
	"tire change stuff": [
		"spare tube",
		"patch kit",
		"tire levers",
		"adjustable wrench"
	"other bike tools": [
		"adjustable wrench x2",
		"multi grease",
		"allen keys",
		"pliers+screwdriver multitool"
	"bike clothes": [
		"sports bra",
		"bike shorts",
		"bike leggings",
		"quick-dry fleece",
		"quick-dry tank"
	"night clothes": [
		"wool sweater",
		"leggings big",
		"leggings small",
		"fuzzy pjs",
		"short-sleeve tee",
		"long-sleeve tee"
	"overnight items": [
		"contact case + solution",
		"phone charger",
		"spare batteries",
		"bear spray",
		"mp3 player",
		"toothpaste and brush",
		"mini towel"

// create an element for each item in the dataObject. This will be refined later based on the value of the variables defined below.
function createElements(data) {
	var list = document.getElementById("page-list");
	// loop over each key-value pair to create elements to display them
	$.each(data, function(index, value) {
		var ElLabel, ElValue, wrap;
		ElLabel = document.createElement("P");
		ElValue = document.createElement("P");
		wrap = document.createElement("P");
		$(wrap).attr('id', index);
		// if the value is an array (ie a group of other items), loop over that array and create subitems for each.
		if ( $.isArray(value) ) {
			ElLabel.innerHTML = index;
			ElValue.innerHTML = "";
			value.forEach(function(index) {
				var ElItem = document.createElement("P");
				ElItem.innerHTML = index;
				$(ElItem).attr('id', index);
		} else {
			ElLabel.innerHTML = index;
			ElValue.innerHTML = value;

// set up variables that the list is based upon to be edited as the user gives input:
var biking = false;
var rain = false;
var people = 1;
var nights = 0;
$(":input").change(function() {

	// don't let nights = less than 0
	if ( $("#nights").val() < 0 ) {

	// don't let people = less than 1
	if ( $("#people").val() < 1 ) {

	// text toggles functionality:
	if ( $(":input[value='biking']").prop("checked") ) {
	} else {

	if ( $(":input[value='rain']").prop("checked") ) {
	} else {


// set the variables we defined above to the input given by the user:
function updateVars() {
	biking = $(":input[value='biking']").prop("checked");
	rain = $(":input[value='rain']").prop("checked");
	people = parseInt( $("#people").val() );
	nights = parseInt( $("#nights").val() );

// Use the variables to cut down the list of all elements that was generated in createElements
// note that some id's refer to wrapped groups of other items! for example, 'tire change stuff' is a named group of items. 'tire levers' would be an item inside that group. In this way I can toggle on/off groups and add/remove certain elements of that group depending on the variables.
function refineElements() {

	if ( biking && nights === 0 ) {
		$("[id='tire change stuff']").show();
		$("[id='bike clothes']").show();
		$("[id='other bike tools']").hide();
	} else if ( biking && nights > 0 ) {
		$("[id='tire change stuff']").show();
		$("[id='other bike tools']").show();
		$("[id='bike clothes']").show();
	} else {
		$("[id='bike clothes']").hide();
		$("[id='tire change stuff']").hide();
		$("[id='other bike tools']").hide();

	if ( rain && nights === 0 ) {
		$("[id='rain stuff']").show();
		$("[id='tent fly']").hide();
		$("[id='dry bags']").hide();
	} else if ( rain && nights > 0 ) {
		$("[id='rain stuff']").show();
		$("[id='tent fly']").show();
		$("[id='dry bags']").show();
	} else {
		$("[id='rain stuff']").hide();

	if ( nights > 0 ) {
		$("[id='night clothes']").show();
		$("[id='camping stuff']").show();
		$("[id='cooking stuff']").show();
		$("[id='overnight items']").show();
	} else {
		$("[id='night clothes']").hide();
		$("[id='camping stuff']").hide();
		$("[id='cooking stuff']").hide();
		$("[id='overnight items']").hide();

	var nightCalc, nightsMultiplier;
	if ( nights === 0 ) { nightCalc = 1; nightsMultiplier = .5; } else { nightCalc = nights; nightsMultiplier = 1; }
	$("[id='litres water'] .value").text(nightCalc * people * 3 * nightsMultiplier);
	$("[id='calories food'] .value").text(nightCalc * people * 2000 * nightsMultiplier);

	// make the Food list say "Food x [people]":
	$("#food .list-item-label").text("Food x" + people);


// get and show list of items in plaintext so it can be printed / copied etc when list-print-list is clicked.
// gets list of all visible subitems, pushes their value to an array, opens the modal with the textarea, prints the array to the textarea on new lines.
$("#list-print-list").click(function() {
	var printableList = [];
	var totalShown = $(".subitem:visible");

	$.each( totalShown, function(index, value) {
		printableList.push( $(value).text() );

	$("#print-list textarea").text(printableList.join("\n"));

$("#print-list textarea").focus( function() {
	$("#copy-confirm").css("opacity", "1");
		$(this).css("opacity", "0").dequeue();

// 'check off' a subitem when it's clicked.
// just adds or removes the class 'done'. Done uses ::before to show a checkmark over subitem::before's checkbox area.
// Then it calls checkDone to see if that group has been completed.
$('body').on('click', '.subitem', function() {
	checkDone( $(this) );

// When a subitem is clicked, check to see if all the subitems in that group are checked off, and fade their group if so.
// get number of subitems with class .done - ie number of checked off subitems - in current group
// get number of total VISIBLE items in that group
// if they're the same, then all items in that group are checked off, and the element is faded. Otherwise, it's unfaded.
function checkDone(thisElement) {

	var numDone = thisElement.parent().find( $(".done") ).length;
	var numShown = thisElement.parent().find( ":visible" ).length;

	if ( numDone === numShown ) {
		thisElement.closest( $(".wrap") ).fadeTo("fast", 0.5);
	} else {
		thisElement.closest( $(".wrap") ).fadeTo("fast", 1);



$("#custom-item-add").click( function() {
	$("body, html").scrollTop( $("#custom-items").offset().top );

// Add custom item to the list of generated items.
function customItemAdd() {

	// prevent default or the submit button will take us somewhere! But it's needed for submitting form with enter.

	// Show the custom-items wrap div if it isn't shown already.
	if ( !$("#custom-items").show() && $("#custom-item-value").val() ) {

	// make the div glow a bit so you can tell something has happened
	$("#custom-items").css("boxShadow", "0 0 5rem rgba(255,255,0,0.7)");
		$(this).css("boxShadow", "0 0 0rem rgba(255,255,0,0.7)").dequeue();

	// create a new subitem in that div, give it the value from the custom-item-value box. Clear that box. Check to see if custom-items is all checked off (because it isn't, because we JUST added something, so this will reset it)
	if ( $("#custom-item-value").val() ) {
		customEl = document.createElement("p");
		$(customEl).text( $("#custom-item-value").val() );
		document.querySelector("#custom-items .value").appendChild( customEl );
		checkDone( $(customEl) );


Run Pen

External CSS

This Pen doesn't use any external CSS resources.

External JavaScript

  1. https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.4.1/jquery.min.js