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                <h1>Sizable CSS-Only Icons using LESS</h1>

    <h2>Example 1 <small>unstyled</small></h2>
    <p class="status declined"><span class="ss-icon">&#215;</span> Not accepted</p>

    <p class="status success"><span class="ss-icon">✓</span> Confirmed</p>

    <p class="status processing"><span class="ss-icon">...</span> Processing</p>

<section id="example-2">
    <h2>Example 2 <small>demo size 22px</small></h2>
    <p class="status declined"><span class="ss-icon">&#215;</span> Not accepted</p>

    <p class="status success"><span class="ss-icon">✓</span> Confirmed</p>

    <p class="status processing"><span class="ss-icon">...</span> Processing</p>

<section id="example-3">
    <h2>Example 3 <small>demo size 53px</small></h2>
    <p class="status declined"><span class="ss-icon">&#215;</span> Not accepted</p>

    <p class="status success"><span class="ss-icon">✓</span> Confirmed</p>

    <p class="status processing"><span class="ss-icon">...</span> Processing</p>

<section id="example-4">
    <h2>Example 4 <small>demo size 100px</small></h2>
    <p class="status declined"><span class="ss-icon">&#215;</span> Not accepted</p>

    <p class="status success"><span class="ss-icon">✓</span> Confirmed</p>

    <p class="status processing"><span class="ss-icon">...</span> Processing</p>

<section id="example-5">
    <h2>Example 5 <small>demo size 2em</small></h2>
    <p class="status declined"><span class="ss-icon">&#215;</span> Not accepted</p>

    <p class="status success"><span class="ss-icon">✓</span> Confirmed</p>

    <p class="status processing"><span class="ss-icon">...</span> Processing</p>



                #example-2 {
	p {
		&.status {
			.badge-icons(20px); /* Just specify a unit-based value here (percent-based doesn't work). It will call up the LESS mixin and do the rest. */

#example-3 {
	p {
		&.status {

#example-4 {
	p {
		&.status {

#example-5 {
	.status { /* It can also be written like this. */

/* Nice little LESS mixin to create the icons based on the unit-value you set above. */
/* I wanted roughly 12px for example #2, so I used 20÷12=1.666 (target ÷ context = result; as seen in responsive designs). I used that same formula to calculate the rest of the equations when dealing with the @height variable */
.badge-icons(@height: 24px) {
	font-size: @height / 1.666666667;
	font-weight: 700;
	margin-bottom: @height / 2;
	position: relative;
	text-align: center;
	text-transform: uppercase;
	&:before {
		content: "";
		border-top: 1px solid fade(@black, 10%);
		display: block;
		margin-top: @height / 1.538461538;
		position: absolute;
		.size(100%, 100%);
	span {
		border: @height / 8 solid @white;
		.box-shadow(0px 1px 1px fade(@black, 15%));
		color: @white;
		font-size: (@height / 1.818181818); /* roughly 11px on example #2 */
		line-height: @height / .869565217;
		margin-bottom: @height / 1.5;
		position: relative;
	&.processing {
		color: @color-progress;
		span {
			background: @color-progress;
			line-height: @height / 1.3; /* Pulled the line-height up a bit on this to 'faux-center' the fake elipse. */
	&.success {
		color: @color-success;
		span {
			background: @color-success;
	&.declined {
		color: @color-declined;
		span {
			background: @color-declined;

/* The main text font size and icon margin looks awful if you don't adjust it to different defined @heights, so the LESS guards work well here. Set as many as you need to perfect your design. */
.badge-icons(@height) when (@height > 24px) {
	font-size: @height / 3.5;
	span {
		margin-bottom: @height / 4;

.badge-icons(@height) when (@height > 75px) {
	font-size: @height / 5;
	span {
		margin-bottom: @height / 7;

/* STOP HERE. The rest of this CSS is for style purposes only and is not needed for the demo to function.
              (but be sure to substitue out the LESS variables/mixins I used above)
   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

/* =VARIABLES (LESS @variables do not get compiled into the final CSS file)
   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
@base-background:      #fffaef; /*cream*/
@base-text:            #4f4351; /*purple/grey*/

@white:                #fff;
@black:                #000;

@color-subtitles:      #9a8864; /*mud*/
@color-highlight:      #e9e59b; /*lime*/
@color-dark:	       #080c3c; /*midnight*/

@color-button:         #f2f2f0; /*grey*/
@color-button-text:    darken(@color-button, 50%); /*grey*/
@color-button-border:  darken(@color-button, 10%); /*grey*/
@color-button-on:      #ffa640; /*orange*/

@color-success:        #2ebe47; /*green*/
@color-progress:       #199ed8; /*blue*/
@color-warning:        #ff9e10; /*orange*/
@color-alert-text:     @base-text;
@color-error:          #c80000; /*red*/
@color-declined:       #939598; /*grey: fade(@base-text, 50%)*/

/* =MIXINS (mostly from Twitter Bootstrap's mixins.less)
   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// Border Radius
.border-radius(@radius) {
  -webkit-border-radius: @radius;
     -moz-border-radius: @radius;
          border-radius: @radius;

// Drop shadows
.box-shadow(@shadow) {
  -webkit-box-shadow: @shadow;
     -moz-box-shadow: @shadow;
          box-shadow: @shadow;

// Opacity
.opacity(@opacity) {
	opacity: @opacity / 100;
	filter: ~"alpha(opacity=@{opacity})";

// Sizing shortcuts
// -------------------------
.size(@height, @width) {
  width: @width;
  height: @height;
.square(@size) {
  .size(@size, @size);

// Center-align a block level element
// ----------------------------------
.center-block() {
  display: block;
  margin-left: auto;
  margin-right: auto;

   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
body {
	background: @base-background;
	color: @base-text;
	font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
	margin: 5em 2em;

h1, h2 {
	color: @base-text;
	letter-spacing: -.05em;
	text-align: center;
	text-shadow: 0 1px 2px fade(lighten(@base-background, 50%), 50%);
h1 {
	background: fade(@base-text, 10%);
	border-bottom: 1px solid fade(@base-background, 90%);
	outline: 1px solid fade(@base-text, 20%);
	margin: 0 auto;
	padding: .5em;
	position: absolute;
	top: 0;
	left: 0;
	width: 100%;

h3, h4, h5 { color: @base-text; }

small, hr {
	display: block;
	margin: 1em 0;

section {
	background: fade(@color-highlight, 20%);
	border: 1px solid fade(@color-highlight, 50%);
	.box-shadow(0 1px 2px fade(@color-subtitles, 50%));
	display: block;
	float: left;
	margin: 1em;
	min-height: 300px;
	overflow: auto;
	padding: 1em;
	position: relative;
	width: 20%;
	h2 {
		line-height: 1;
		margin: 0 0 1em 0;
		min-height: 2.5em;
		padding: 0;
		small {
			font-size: 70%;
			line-height: 1;
			margin: 0;
			padding: 0;


