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/*                                    */
/*  Styles for Calligraphy Animation  */
/*                                    */

// Variables
$background-color: #F3F3F3
$stroke-color: #222833
$stroke-length: 120%
$stroke-duration: 1s
$animation-delay: 0.5s
$compression: 1

// Mixins
@mixin stroke($delay)
  animation: stroke ($stroke-duration * $compression) ease ($animation-delay + ($delay * $compression)) forwards
@mixin bleed($delay)
  animation: bleed 1ms ease ($animation-delay + ($delay * $compression)) forwards

// Keyframes
@keyframes stroke
    stroke-dashoffset: $stroke-length
    stroke-dashoffset: 0
@keyframes bleed
    opacity: 0
    opacity: 1

// Styles
  position: relative
  display: flex
  width: 100vw
  height: 100vh
  align-items: center
  justify-content: center
  background: $background-color
  width: 100vmin
  height: auto
  padding: 0 10vw
  fill: none
  stroke: $stroke-color
  stroke-width: 45
  stroke-linecap: round
  stroke-linejoin: round
  stroke-miterlimit: 10
  stroke-dasharray: $stroke-length
  stroke-dashoffset: $stroke-length
    @extend .stroke
    stroke-width: 20
  fill: $stroke-color
  opacity: 0

// Animations
    @include stroke(0)
    @include stroke(0.36)
  #h-bleed-1, #h-bleed-2
    @include bleed(0.57)
  #h-bleed-3, #h-bleed-4
    @include bleed(0.61)
    @include stroke(1)
    @include bleed(1.04)
    @include stroke(1.7)
    @include bleed(1.88)
    @include bleed(1.9)
    @include stroke(2.1)
    @include stroke(2.5)
    @include stroke(2.76)
    @include bleed(2.98)
    @include bleed(3)
    @include stroke(3.2)
/*                                                  */
/*  Extra Styles for Redo Button & Animation Reset  */
/*                                                  */

// Variables
$redo: #3EC3A3
$eraser-length: 1000%
$eraser-duration: $stroke-duration * 5

// Mixins
@mixin eraser($delay)
  animation: eraser ($eraser-duration * $compression) ease 0s 1
@mixin btn($delay)
  animation: btn 400ms ease ($animation-delay + ($delay * $compression)) forwards
@mixin clickable($bool)
  @if $bool == 1
    opacity: 1
    cursor: pointer
    pointer-events: auto
    opacity: 0
    cursor: auto
    pointer-events: none

// Keyframes
@keyframes redo
    transform: rotate(0deg)
    transform: rotate(360deg)
@keyframes btn
    @include clickable(0)
    @include clickable(1)
@keyframes fadeout
    opacity: 1
    opacity: 0
@keyframes eraser
    stroke-dashoffset: $eraser-length
    opacity: 1
    stroke-dashoffset: 0
    opacity: 0

// Styles
  @extend .stroke
  stroke: $background-color
  stroke-width: 50
  stroke-dasharray: $eraser-length
  stroke-dashoffset: $eraser-length
  position: absolute
  top: 20px
  left: 20px
  height: 40px
  width: 40px
  // transition: opacity 400ms ease, transform 400ms ease
    width: 100%
    height: auto
    &:hover, &:focus
      animation: redo 800ms ease infinite
    fill: $redo
    @include btn(4)
    @include clickable(0)
    @include clickable(0)
    animation: fadeout 400ms ease forwards
.animate #e-stroke
  @include eraser(0)

// Styles to make the lettering
// look better in IE & Edge
@mixin ieStyles
  .stroke, .bleed
    stroke-dasharray: 0
    stroke-dashoffset: 0
    opacity: 1
    animation: none
  #redo, .stroke--eraser
    opacity: 0
@media screen\0
  @include ieStyles
@supports (-ms-ime-align:auto)
  @include ieStyles
View Compiled
// Reset the Animation on Button Click:
const r = $('#redo'),
      e = $('#erase'),
      h = $('#hi'),
      he = $('#hi, #erase')
r.on('click', function(event) {
  r.toggleClass('animate hidden');
  setTimeout(function() {
    setTimeout(function() {
      setTimeout(function() {
        r.toggleClass('animate hidden');
      }, 100)
    }, 2400)
  }, 300)

External CSS

This Pen doesn't use any external CSS resources.

External JavaScript

  1. https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.1.1/jquery.min.js