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                <div>Javascript alert() method doesnt work for the following: A different origin subframe tried to create a JavaScript dialog. This is no longer allowed and was blocked. See for more details.</div><br><br>

<h1 id="hw3">Homework 3</h1>
      <input type="button" id="openHW" value="Open">
      <div id="liftmaster">
          <h3>Want a lift ticket at My Ski Resort?</h3>
          <p>if/else determining which price is applicable based on state and option selection.</p>
            <p><b>Here are the available options:</b></p>
          	<p id="listoptions"></p>
             <h4 class="close">Ticket Options:</h4>
             <p class="close"><i>Select one</i></p>
             <div class="leftmove"> 
                  Choose a lift ticket valid 5:00am - 11:00am<br>
                  <input id="option1" type="radio" name="ticket" value="morning" required>
                  Choose a lift ticket valid 11:00am - 6:00pm<br>
                  <input id="option2" type="radio" name="ticket" value="day" required>
                  Choose a lift ticket valid 6:00am - 12:00am<br>
                  <input id="option3" type="radio" name="ticket" value="night" required>
                <p class="close"><i>*Final price may vary by region.</i></p>
             <h4>Customer Information:</h4>
             <div id="inputOptions" class="leftmove">
                   <b>Full name:</b><br>
                 <input id="cname" type="text" placeholder="full name">
                 <input id="caddress" type="text" placeholder="1111 Main st.">
                 <input id="ccity" type="text" placeholder="San Diego">
             <div id="submition">
                 <input id="submitbutton" type="submit" class="leftmove" value="submit">


                input {
        	width: 25%;
          border: 1px solid #eee;
        select {
          box-shadow: -1px 1px 1px 1px #eee;

        #hw3 {
        	text-align: center;


        #openHW {
          background-color: lightgrey;
          width: 100%;

        #liftmaster {
        	display: none;
        	width: 75%;
        	padding: 1rem;
        	border: 2px solid green;

        #listoptions {
        	margin-left: 1rem;
        	background-color: yellow;

        #submition {
        	margin: 30px auto;
        	width: 33.3%;
        	height: 20px;
        	text-align: center;

        #submitbutton {
        	box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px;
            width: 100%;
            margin: 0;
            padding: 0;
        .close {

        .leftmove {
        	margin-left: 1rem;


alert() no longer allowed for the following: A different origin subframe tried to create a JavaScript dialog. This is no longer allowed and was blocked. See for more details.

// getting elements that will display and disappear on the click of a button
          const hw3Elem = document.getElementById('hw3');
          const openHWButton = document.getElementById('openHW');
          const liftMasterElem = document.getElementById("liftmaster");
     = 'none';
     = 'none';
     = 'inline-block';            

          //creating text content to display within element that has id="listoptions"
        	const liftoptions = ['Morning', 'Day', 'Night'];
        	const liftimes = ['5:00am - 11:00am', '11:00am - 6:00pm', '6:00pm - 12:00am'];
          const ticketpass = [' - Morning pass',' - Day pass',' - Night pass'];
          let list = '';
        	for (let i = 0; i < liftoptions.length && i < ticketpass.length && i < liftimes.length; i++){
              list += liftoptions[i] + " " + liftimes[i] + " " + '<i>' + ticketpass[i]+ '</i>' + '<br>';
        		  document.getElementById('listoptions').innerHTML = list; 

          //on click a function will get the selected values and calculate sum. 
          //ifelse statments are used to calculate selected item prices with a california tax rate if applicable. 
          //ifelse statments check if the user has selected an option and if the user has filled out the form completely.
          const submitBtn = document.getElementById("submitbutton");
             const cusop1 = document.getElementById('option1');
             const cusop2 = document.getElementById('option2');
             const cusop3 = document.getElementById('option3');
             const cname = document.getElementById('cname').value;
             const caddress = document.getElementById('caddress').value;
             const ccity = document.getElementById('ccity').value;
             const cstate = document.getElementById('cstate').value;
             const cusinf = {name:cname, address:caddress, city:ccity, state:cstate};
             let price; 
             let option;
             const cnameInput = document.getElementById("cname");
             const caddressInput = document.getElementById("caddress");
             const ccityInput = document.getElementById("ccity");
             let userInfo = [cnameInput,caddressInput,ccityInput];
             for(let i=0;i<userInfo.length;i++){
               if(userInfo[i].value === ""){
                 alert("Please fill out your user information");
                 return false;

             if (cusinf.state === 'California' && cusop1.checked){
                 price = 20.00 * 0.06 + 20.00;
                 option = `You have placed an order for 1 Morning Ticket. Your total is $${price.toFixed(2)}.`;
             }else if (cusinf.state === 'California' && cusop2.checked){
              price = 25.00 * 0.06 + 25.00;
              option = `You have placed an order for 1 Day Ticket. Your total is $${price.toFixed(2)}.`;
             }else if (cusinf.state === 'California' && cusop3.checked){
              price = 30.00 * 0.06 + 30.00;
              option = `You have placed an order for 1 Night Ticket. Your total is $${price.toFixed(2)}.`;
             }else if (cusinf.state !== 'California' && cusop1.checked){
              price = 20.00 * 0.08 + 20.00;
              option = `You have placed an order for 1 Morning Ticket. Your total is $${price.toFixed(2)}.` ;
             }else if (cusinf.state !== 'California' && cusop2.checked){
              price = 25.00 * 0.08 + 25.00;
              option = `You have placed an order for 1 Day Ticket. Your total is $${price.toFixed(2)}.` ;
             }else if (cusinf.state !== 'California' && cusop3.checked){
              price = 30.00 * 0.08 + 30.00;
              option = `You have placed an order for 1 Night Ticket. Your total is $${price.toFixed(2)}.` ;
             }else if(!cusop1.checked && !cusop2.checked && !cusop3.checked){
                 alert('Please choose an option.');
             }else {
                option = 'Please check to fill the form out completely'

          //creating the section tag with option tags dynamically with appropiate attributes
          const divParent = document.getElementById("inputOptions"); 
          const states = ['Alabama','Alaska','American Samoa','Arizona','Arkansas','California','Colorado','Connecticut','Delaware','District of Columbia','Federated States of Micronesia','Florida','Georgia','Guam','Hawaii','Idaho','Illinois','Indiana','Iowa','Kansas','Kentucky','Louisiana','Maine','Marshall Islands','Maryland','Massachusetts','Michigan','Minnesota','Mississippi','Missouri','Montana','Nebraska','Nevada','New Hampshire','New Jersey','New Mexico','New York','North Carolina','North Dakota','Northern Mariana Islands','Ohio','Oklahoma','Oregon','Palau','Pennsylvania','Puerto Rico','Rhode Island','South Carolina','South Dakota','Tennessee','Texas','Utah','Vermont','Virgin Island','Virginia','Washington','West Virginia','Wisconsin','Wyoming'];
          function insertNode(referenceNode, newNode) {

          const el = document.createElement("select"); 
 = "cstate";
          for(let i=0; i<states.length; i++){
            var optEl = document.createElement("option");
            optEl.value = states[i];
            optEl.innerHTML = states[i];
          insertNode(divParent, el);
