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                <main class="page fade-in">
	<div id="top-bar" class="top-bar">
		<span class="action-btn action-btn_primary"><a href="#">&larr; back home</a></span>
		<span class="game-counter-panel"><span id="game-counter" class="game-counter">99</span> little bugs in the code</span>
	<div class="flex-container" id="error-message">
			<h2>Oooops! Internal Server Error. That is, something went terribly wrong.</h2>
				Don't worry, we've been reported about that. In the meantime, you can help us <span class="underlined">catch some nasty bugs</span>. We got you the deadliest of all weapons!
	<div id="game-canvas">
		<svg id="slipper" height="250px" viewbox="0 0 120 273" style="position: absolute; bottom: 30px; right:30px; z-index:1;">
					<path id="slipper-shadow" style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:0.4" d="m42.86 133.8c0.35-12.8-0.25-25.7-3.9-38.08-4.34-19.92-9.96-40.6-6.07-61.05 3.68-14.48 11.83-30.83 27.77-34.21 17.38-2.998 33.08 9.108 43.54 21.71 12.3 15.34 13.9 36.1 14.3 55.03 0.4 18.63-4.2 36.8-5.7 55.3-2.1 17.8-3.6 35.7-4.5 53.5-1.5 12.9-2.1 28.3-13.79 36.4-13.17 9.4-32.24 6.7-44.68-2.6-10.95-11.3-9.23-28.4-8.4-42.9 0.59-14.3 1.38-28.7 1.43-43.1z" />
					<g id="slipper-body">
						<path style="fill:#ffcc00;fill-opacity:1;" d="m11.3 178c0.35-12.8-0.25-25.7-3.902-38-4.337-20-9.961-40.64-6.066-61.1 3.682-14.47 11.83-30.83 27.77-34.2 17.38-3 33.08 9.1 43.57 21.7 12.3 15.35 13.88 36.1 14.32 55 0.33 18.7-4.23 36.9-5.72 55.4-2.17 17.8-3.65 35.6-4.58 53.5-1.43 12.8-2.09 28.2-13.74 36.3-13.17 9.5-32.24 6.7-44.68-2.6-10.95-11.3-9.229-28.4-8.403-42.8 0.593-14.4 1.383-28.8 1.433-43.2z"/>
						<path style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:0.4" d="m35.97 86.76c-0.44-0.01-0.95 0.14-1.52 0.47-2.37 3.77 7.53 10.75 2.99 13.97-8.41 7.4-13.69 18.2-19.11 28.3-3.25 6.4-6.69 13-8.702 20 1.662 9.4 1.932 19 1.672 28.5 0 2-0.03 3.9-0.06 5.9 1.61 8.7 4.72 17.4 12.45 20.1 5.8 1.5 2.6-8.1 1.18-11.2-2.57-6.1-7.28-11.8-9.49-15.1-2.82-4-2.51-9.8-0.16-14.1 3.49-8.2 7.98-15.9 11.98-23.8 4.19-7.7 7.99-15.7 12.53-23.1 3.66-4.6 7.73 0.1 10.37 3.2 7.94 8.4 18.97 15.7 24.9 26.1 3.32 6.5 8.43 13.7 3.79 20.3-5.69 9.2-11.28 18.9-14.17 29.7-0.71 2.8-0.73 9.2 3.16 8.4 5.59-4.2 9.58-10.7 12.35-17.6 0.36-3.3 0.73-6.7 1.14-10 0.78-9.8 2.42-19.4 3.74-29.1-0.64-3.7-1.74-7.2-3.08-10.9-5.32-12.1-17.35-21.2-26.38-29.8-3.66-3.5-10.19-8.23-14.72-9.99-1.49-2.72-1.75-10.22-4.86-10.25z" />
						<path style="fill:#e50b0b;fill-opacity:1;" d="m66.93 208.9c7.93-5.3 12.97-14.1 15.98-22.9 2.37-7.9 4.07-16.1 3.41-24.3 1.28-8.7 0.94-18-2.74-26.1-6.93-12.8-16.45-24.3-27.76-33.5-4.59-3.7-9.98-6.37-15.56-8.23-2.19-3.29-2.66-13.2-8.13-10.36-2.74 3.99 6.84 9.09 1.45 12.5-9.92 7.79-15.92 19.29-22.11 29.99-5.886 10.8-12.37 22.2-11.37 34.9 1.793 6.7 3.706 13.4 4.332 20.4 2.176 10 8.548 20.3 18.86 23.4 7.1 1.6 2.85-8.5 0.99-11.8-3.35-6.5-9.01-11.2-14.51-15.8-3.578-4.2-3.423-10.4-0.746-15 3.916-8.7 9.076-16.8 13.63-25.2 4.8-8.1 9.1-16.6 14.32-24.5 4.27-4.8 9.4 0.2 12.73 3.4 9.97 8.9 19.88 18.1 27.48 29.2 4.29 6.8 7.02 16.5 1.64 23.6-6.55 9.8-12.97 20-16.05 31.4-0.75 3-0.52 9.8 4.16 8.9z" />


                /* Variables */
:root {
	--main-color: rgb(32,36,255);       /* cobal blue */
	--secondary-color: rgb(85,186,255); /* light blue */
	--accent-color: rgb(255,204,0);     /* yellow */
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	--max-width: 1400px;                /* set on body for big screens */

/* Resets */
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h2 {font-size: 1.4em;font-weight: normal;}

a, a:visited, a:active, a:hover {color: inherit; text-decoration: none;}

button {
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	margin-top: 1em;
	cursor: pointer;

/* Layout and Styling */
html, body {
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html {
	/* Background Pattern by Nicholas Gallagher - */
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.underlined, .action-btn {
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.action-btn_primary {
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.action-btn:hover {
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	cursor: pointer;

.modal {
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	color: var(--main-color);
	z-index: 100;

.modal > button {
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	color: #fff;

.shrink {
	animation: shrink 600ms ease-in-out forwards;
@keyframes shrink {
	0% {
		transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%) scale(1);
	20% {
		transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%) scale(1.2);
	100% {
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.fade-in {
	animation: fadeIn 400ms ease-in-out forwards;
@keyframes fadeIn {
	from {
		opacity: 0;
	to {
		opacity: 1;

main {
	padding: 2.5em 1.4em;

p {
	max-width: 48em;
	margin: 1.2em auto;

/* Game */
.game-counter-panel {
	font-size: .9em;
	padding: .2em .8em;
	border: 1px solid var(--secondary-color);

.game-counter {
	font-size: 1.2em;
	display: inline-block;
	transform: translateY(1px);
	width: 1.4em;
	text-align: center;

#game-canvas {
	position: absolute;
	top: 0; left: 0;
	width: 100%; height: 100%;
	cursor: grab;
	overflow: hidden;

.bug {
	display: block;
	height: 30px;
	position: absolute;
	top: 50%; left: 50%;
	transform: rotate(0deg);
	transform-origin: center center;
	z-index: 0;

/* Crawling animation */
#bug-legs {
	transform-origin: center center;
	animation: crawlcrawlcrawl 80ms infinite ease-in-out both;
@keyframes crawlcrawlcrawl {
	from {
		transform: translateX(0) translateY(0) rotate(20deg);
	to {
		transform: translateX(0) translateY(0) rotate(-15deg);


                // Silly take on this week's #CodePenChallenge - 500: Internal Server Error
// Coded and designed with a lot of free time
//	To Do:
//	- handle window resizing
//	- tidy the code

window.onload = init();

function init() {
	// Countdown
	var counterContainer = document.getElementById("game-counter");
	var counter = 99;
	counterContainer.innerHTML = counter;
	// Max number of bugs on screen at a time
	var maxBugs = 5;
	// Store each obj here for easy Hit Check
	var bugs = [];
	// Viewport/Viewbox dimensions
	var viewBox = document.getElementById("game-canvas");
	var viewBoxWidth = viewBox.clientWidth,
		viewBoxHeight = viewBox.clientHeight;
	var slipper = document.getElementById("slipper"),				// Target the whole slipper drawing (slipper + shadow)
		slipperShadow = document.getElementById("slipper-shadow"),	// Only the shadow
		slipperBody = document.getElementById("slipper-body"),		// Only the slipper
    slipperWidth = slipperBody.getBoundingClientRect().width,
		slipperHeight = slipperBody.getBoundingClientRect().height,
		slipperOffsetX = slipper.getBoundingClientRect().width - slipperWidth,		// slipper-body offsets relative to the whole svg
		slipperOffsetY = slipper.getBoundingClientRect().height - slipperHeight;
	// Track mouse to move the deadly weapon around
	viewBox.addEventListener("mousemove", mouseMoveHandler);
	// Click behaviour
	viewBox.addEventListener("mousedown", mouseDownHandler);
	viewBox.addEventListener("mouseup", mouseUpHandler);
	// Bug Constructor
	function Bug(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
		this.x1 = x1;
		this.y1 = y1;
		this.x2 = x2;
		this.y2 = y2;
		this.delay = Math.random()*4;
		this.timeoutID = undefined;
		this.deg = function() {return ((Math.atan((this.y2 - this.y1)/(this.x2 - this.x1))) + ((this.x2 - this.x1)/Math.abs(this.x2 - this.x1))*Math.PI/2) * 180/Math.PI;};
		this.t = function() {return (Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this.x2 - this.x1, 2) + Math.pow(this.y2 - this.y1, 2))/this.v);};
	Bug.prototype.v = 350;			// Bug velocity
	// Bug.prototype.height = 26;	// Currently setting size via CSS 
	Bug.prototype.draw = function() {
		var svg = document.createElementNS("", "svg");
		this.svg = svg;
		svg.setAttribute("viewBox", "0 0 36 33");
		// svg.setAttribute("height", this.height + "px");	// Currently setting size via CSS
		svg.innerHTML = "<path id='bug-shadow' style='fill:#000000;fill-opacity:.5' d='m27 17c0 10-7 16-9 16-3 0-8-6-8-16 0-9.2 2-17 8-17 7-0.24 9 7.6 9 17z'/><g id='bug-legs' style='fill:#000000;fill-opacity:.5;stroke:#fff;stroke-width:2;stroke-linecap:round;'><path id='leg1' class='leg' d='m11 13c-3.3-3.6-6.3-3.6-9.9-4'/><path id='leg2' class='leg' d='m23 13c4-3.7 7-3.7 11-4.1'/><path id='leg3' class='leg' d='m11 17c-4.8-2-6.8-1-11 0'/><path id='leg4' class='leg' d='m24 17c5-2 7-1 11 0'/><path id='leg5' class='leg' d='m12 21c-5.2 1-7.2 3-10 7'/><path id='leg6' class='leg' d='m23 21c5 1 7 3 10 7'/></g><path id='bug-body' style='fill:#fff;stroke:none;' d='m25 18c0 9-5 15-7 15-3 0-8.8-6-8.9-15 0-9.5 1.9-17 8.9-17 6 0.1 7 7.6 7 17z'/>";
		// Append to DOM
		//Set starting coords and move around
		this.set();		// Note: setting coords before appending will work in Chrome but not in FF
	Bug.prototype.set = function() {
		TweenLite.set(this.svg, {
			left: this.x1,
			top: this.y1,
			rotation: this.deg()
	Bug.prototype.crawl = function() {
		// When bug reaches its final point, reset its props
		var that = this;
		this.timeoutID = setTimeout(function(){that.update()}, 1000*(that.t() + that.delay));	// Time in ms
		// Move the bug around, this.t(), {	// Time in s
			left: this.x2,
			top: this.y2,
			delay: this.delay,
			ease: Power0.easeIn
	Bug.prototype.update = function() {
		// Meh. Can do better
		var coords = getRandomPoints();
		this.x1 = coords[0];
		this.y1 = coords[1];
		this.x2 = coords[2];
		this.y2 = coords[3];
		this.delay = Math.random()*4;
	// Draw bugs
	for(var i=0; i < maxBugs; i++) {
		var coords = getRandomPoints();
		var bug = new Bug(coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], coords[3]);
	function mouseMoveHandler(e) {
		var mouseX = e.clientX - document.body.getBoundingClientRect().left,	// Calculates mouse coords in the context of game area - body element has a max-width set in CSS for big screens
			mouseY = e.clientY;
		var offset = document.getElementById("top-bar").getBoundingClientRect().height;	// Vertical offset to prevent the weapon to move over the topbar
		var newX, newY;
		// Limit x
		if(mouseX < slipperWidth/2) {
			newX = 0;
		} else if(mouseX > viewBoxWidth - slipperWidth/2) {
			newX = viewBoxWidth - slipperWidth;
		} else {
			newX = mouseX - slipperWidth/2;
		// Limit y
		if(mouseY < offset + slipperHeight/2) {
			newY = offset - slipperOffsetY;
		} else if(mouseY > viewBoxHeight - slipperHeight/2 - slipperOffsetY) {
			newY = viewBoxHeight - slipperHeight - slipperOffsetY;
		} else {
			newY = mouseY - slipperHeight/2 - slipperOffsetY;
		}, .1, {
			left: newX,
			top: newY
	function mouseDownHandler(e) {
		// Slipper animation: move the slipper and its shadow towards each other
		var slipperDx = Math.round(slipperOffsetX/2),
			slipperDy = Math.round(slipperOffsetY/2);, .05, {
			x: slipperDx,
			y: -slipperDy,
			ease: Power2.easeIn
		});, .05, {
			x: -slipperDx,
			y: slipperDy,
			ease: Power3.easeIn
	function mouseUpHandler() {
    // Restore original positions, .1, {
			x: 0,
			y: 0,
			ease: Power2.easeIn
		});, .1, {
			x: 0,
			y: 0,
			ease: Power3.easeIn
	function checkHit(e) {
		if(bugs) {
			var slipperDy = Math.round(slipperOffsetY/2),
				mouseX = e.clientX,
				mouseY = e.clientY - slipperDy;	// account for slipper animation
			bugs.forEach(function(b) {
				var bugEl = b.svg;
				var bugX = bugEl.getBoundingClientRect().left,
					bugY = bugEl.getBoundingClientRect().top;
				if((bugX > mouseX - slipperWidth/2) && (bugX < mouseX + slipperWidth/2) && ((bugY > mouseY - slipperHeight/2) && (bugY < mouseY + slipperHeight/2))) {
		} else {
			console.log("No bugs here!");
	function updateCounter() {
		if(counter > 0) {
			counterContainer.innerHTML = counter;
		if(counter == 0) {
			bugs.forEach(function(b) {
				// Stop bugs
			showModal("Pheeew! That was exhausting! Thanks to your precious help, we got rid of some nasty bugs. We'll continue working, but in the meantime you can try a refresh!", "ok");
		function animateCounter() {, .2, {
				scale: 1.5,
				ease: Power2.easeIn
			});, .2, {
				delay: .2,
				scale: 1,
				ease: Power2.easeIn
	// Helper: Returns two random points off screen to be used as parameters when animating bugs
	function getRandomPoints() {
		var coords = [];
		var bugSize = 40;	// WARNING: hardcoded! - should be at least its biggest dimension
		var xMax = viewBoxWidth + bugSize,	
			yMax = viewBoxHeight + bugSize;
		// Define the possible coords in an array to choose from
		var bounds = [[Math.random()*xMax, -bugSize], [-bugSize, Math.random()*yMax], [Math.random()*xMax, yMax], [xMax, Math.random()*yMax]];
		var i = 0;
		while(i < 2) {
			var b = Math.floor(Math.random()*bounds.length);
			// Remove from options to avoid getting two points along the same border
			bounds.splice(b, 1);
		return coords.reduce(function(a,b) {return a.concat(b)});
	function showModal(message, cta) {
		var modal = document.createElement("div");
		modal.innerHTML = "<p>" + message + "</p><button onclick='closeModal(event)'>" + cta + "</button>";

function closeModal(e) {
	var modal =;
	setTimeout(function() {
	}, 1000);
