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        <h1>Let's Travel The World Together!</h1>
          Our tours are designed to transport you to the heart of the world's
          most captivating destinations, creating memories that will last a
          lifetime. You can uncover the hidden gems, iconic landmarks, and
          unique cultural treasures that make each destination special.
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            <img src="https://github.com/ecemgo/mini-samples-great-tricks/assets/13468728/49db1b5f-09f6-4433-be57-51687585600c" />
            <div class="cost">from $230 per group</div>
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              <h1>Walking Tour in Florence</h1>
                Discover the fascinating beauty of this historic city by
                strolling through the rich cultural tapestry that makes Florence
                a timeless destination.
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                <span>138 reviews</span>
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            <div class="cost">from $380 per group</div>
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              <h1>Edinburgh Guided Tour</h1>
                Explore the city's majestic castles and fascinating history by
                joining our guided tour for an unforgettable journey through
                Scotland's capital.
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                <span>307 reviews</span>
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            <img src="https://github.com/ecemgo/mini-samples-great-tricks/assets/13468728/d311d1de-7382-4c03-b083-5f7e88458158" />
            <div class="cost dark-text">from $99 per adult</div>
            <div class="overlay">
              <h1>New York Sightseeing Tour</h1>
                Experience the energy and excitement of New York City from Times
                Square's dazzling lights to the serene beauty of Central Park.
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                <span>1152 reviews</span>
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            <div class="cost dark-text">from $117 per adult</div>
            <div class="overlay">
              <h1>Japan Panoramic Tours</h1>
                Embark on a magical journey through Tokyo by discovering the
                beauty of the city as cherry blossom trees paint the streets in
                hues of pink.
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                <span>619 reviews</span>
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