<div id="marquee">
	<div><span>STAY INDOORS: ZOMBIE OUTBREAK</span></div>
	<div aria-hidden="true"><span>STAY INDOORS: ZOMBIE OUTBREAK</span></div>
<form onsubmit="setText(event)">
  <label for="textsource">Source text</label>
<input type="text" id="textsource" value="STAY INDOORS: ZOMBIE OUTBREAK" autocapitalize="characters" pattern=".{5,30}" title="Text must be 5 to 30 characters in length">
<input type="submit" value="Use">
// 3D switched off on viewports less than 993px wide to preserve ledgibility

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#marquee div {
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#marquee div:last-of-type {
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@keyframes leftcrawl {
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#marquee div:first-of-type span {
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#marquee div:last-of-type span {
	transform: translateX(30rem);
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form { 
  margin-top: 3rem; 
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input[type="text"] {
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label {
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@media all and (max-width: 993px) {
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    width: 80%;
View Compiled
function setText(event){
  leftText.innerText = textsource.value.toUpperCase();
  rightText.innerText = textsource.value.toUpperCase();
var leftText = document.querySelector("#marquee div:first-of-type span");
var rightText = document.querySelector("#marquee div:last-of-type span");
var textsource = document.getElementById("textsource");

External CSS

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This Pen doesn't use any external JavaScript resources.