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Any URLs added here will be added as <link>s in order, and before the CSS in the editor. You can use the CSS from another Pen by using its URL and the proper URL extension.

+ add another resource


Babel includes JSX processing.

Add External Scripts/Pens

Any URL's added here will be added as <script>s in order, and run before the JavaScript in the editor. You can use the URL of any other Pen and it will include the JavaScript from that Pen.

+ add another resource


Add Packages

Search for and use JavaScript packages from npm here. By selecting a package, an import statement will be added to the top of the JavaScript editor for this package.


Auto Save

If active, Pens will autosave every 30 seconds after being saved once.

Auto-Updating Preview

If enabled, the preview panel updates automatically as you code. If disabled, use the "Run" button to update.

Format on Save

If enabled, your code will be formatted when you actively save your Pen. Note: your code becomes un-folded during formatting.

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                <div id="console">
	<svg width="22px" height="22px" viewBox="0 0 42 42" version="1.1" xmlns="">
		<path d="M21,35.7 C29.1185862,35.7 35.7,29.1185862 35.7,21 C35.7,12.8814138 29.1185862,6.3 21,6.3 C12.8814138,6.3 6.3,12.8814138 6.3,21 C6.3,29.1185862 12.8814138,35.7 21,35.7 Z M21,42 C9.40201968,42 0,32.5979803 0,21 C0,9.40201968 9.40201968,0 21,0 C32.5979803,0 42,9.40201968 42,21 C42,25.4717509 40.6023075,29.617053 38.22,33.0228094 L38.22,38.22 L33.0228094,38.22 C29.617053,40.6023075 25.4717509,42 21,42 Z M21,42" fill="#FFFFFF"></path>
		<path d="M21,29.4 C16.3608079,29.4 12.6,25.6391921 12.6,21 C12.6,16.3608079 16.3608079,12.6 21,12.6 C25.6391921,12.6 29.4,16.3608079 29.4,21 C29.4,22.3143115 29.0981487,23.5581219 28.56,24.6658654 L28.56,28.56 L24.6658654,28.56 C23.5581219,29.0981487 22.3143115,29.4 21,29.4 Z M21,29.4" fill="#FFFFFF"></path>

	<h3>Webcam pixelation</h3>
		This demo converts your webcam image into a pixelated version in real-time with adjustable parameters. If your browser supports it you may even pause and download your pixelated me!
		<strong>Due to recent changes within Chromes' security settings this demo only works in "Full page" mode via SSL-Protocol.</strong>

		<dt>Width:</dt><dd data-setting="width:320,800,8"></dd>
		<dt>Brightness:</dt><dd data-setting="brightness:-100,100,1"></dd>
		<dt>Contrast:</dt><dd data-setting="contrast:0,100,1"></dd>
		<dt>Pixel size:</dt><dd data-setting="size:4,24,1"></dd>
		<dt>Pixel spacing:</dt><dd data-setting="space:0,10,1"></dd>
		<dt>Pixel alpha:</dt><dd data-setting="alpha:0,100,1"></dd>
		<dt>Pixel radius:</dt><dd data-setting="radius:0,8,1"></dd>

	<div class="actions">
		<span data-pause="pause,resume">pause</span>
		<span data-download><a href="#" download="">download</a></span>


                @import "lesshat";



                var settings = {
	width:      640,
	brightness: 0,
	contrast:   0,
	size:       8,
	space:      2,
	alpha:      100,
	radius:     2

;(function(require, window, document, undefined) {
		baseUrl: '//'
	require([ 'base' ], function() {
		require([ 'pool/module', 'pool/dom' ], function() {
			require([ 'proxy', 'renderer', 'promise/defer', 'dom/element', 'dom/collection', 'support', 'support/element/video', 'support/element/canvas', 'support/element/canvas/todataurl/png' ], function(mProxy, mRenderer, mPromiseDefer, mDomElement, mDomCollection, mSupport) {
				var MATH_PI_TIMES_TWO = 2 * Math.PI,
					options = {
						width:      0,
						height:     0,
						brightness: 0,
						contrast:   0,
						size:       0,
						space:      0,
						alpha:      0,
						radius:     0
					body = mDomElement.create('body'),
					hint = mDomElement.create('<div />').addClass('hint').appendTo(body),
					qDocument = video = iCanvas = iContext = sCanvas = sContext = tCanvas = tContext = methodURL = getUserMedia = paused = imageCache = imageData = colorLookup = colorData = false,
					size = radius = factor = width = height = xOffset = yOffset = i = px = x = y = color = 0;

				function onCompatible() {
					var deferred = new mPromiseDefer();

					qDocument             = mDomElement.create(document);
					video                 = mDomElement.create('<video />').setAttribute('autoplay', 'autoplay').element;
					iCanvas               = document.createElement('canvas');
					iContext              = iCanvas.getContext('2d');
					sCanvas               = document.createElement('canvas');
					sContext              = sCanvas.getContext('2d');
					tCanvas               = mDomElement.create('<canvas />').setAttribute('id', 'canvas').addClass('curl').element;
					tContext              = tCanvas.getContext('2d');
					imageCache            = document.createElement('img');
					methodURL             = mSupport.getMethod('URL');
					getUserMedia          = mProxy.create(navigator, navigator[mSupport.getMethod('getUserMedia', navigator)]);

					hint.setContent('Please grant access!<br /><br /><small>If you happen to be using Chrome please visit chrome://settings/content, scroll down to a section labeled "media" and set it to ask for access!</small>', true);
					getUserMedia({ video: true, audio: false }, function(stream) { deferred.resolve(stream); }, function() { deferred.reject(); });

					return deferred.promise;

				function onIncompatible() {
					hint.setContent('No webcam present?');

				function onAccessGranted(stream) {
          if('srcObject' in video) {
            video.srcObject = stream;
          } else {
            video.src = window[methodURL].createObjectURL(stream);



					mRenderer.on('tick', onTick);


						.testMultiple('/element/canvas/todataurl/png', mSupport.supportsProperty('download', document.createElement('a')))

				function onAccessDenied() {
					hint.setContent('No access to webcam!<br /><br /><small>If you happen to be using Chrome please visit chrome://settings/content, scroll down to a section labeled "media" and set it to ask for access!</small>', true);

				function onSettingsChanged() {
					colorLookup = {};

					options.width      = settings.width;
					options.height     = settings.width * 3 / 4;
					options.brightness = (255 * (settings.brightness / 100)) >> 0;
					options.contrast   = Math.pow((settings.contrast + 100) / 100, 2);
					options.size       = settings.size;      =;
					options.alpha      = settings.alpha / 100;
					options.radius     = Math.min(settings.radius, settings.size / 2);

					size    = options.size +;
					radius  = options.size / 2;
					factor  = options.width / ((options.width * size) -;
					width   = (options.width * factor) >> 0;
					height  = (options.height * factor) >> 0;
					xOffset = ((options.width - (options.width - (options.width % size)) + / 2) >> 0;
					yOffset = ((options.height - (options.height - (options.height % size)) + / 2) >> 0;

					iCanvas.width  = width;
					iCanvas.height = height;

					video.width  = sCanvas.width  = tCanvas.width  = imageCache.width = options.width;
					video.height = sCanvas.height = tCanvas.height = imageCache.height = options.height;  = (options.width + 40) + 'px'; = (options.height + 40) + 'px';

					tContext.translate(options.width, 0);
					tContext.scale(-1, 1);

				function onTick() {
					try {
						iContext.drawImage((paused === false) ? video : imageCache, 0, 0, width, height);
						tContext.clearRect(0, 0, options.width, options.height);

						imageData = iContext.getImageData(0, 0, width, height);
					} catch(e) {}

					if(imageData) {
						colorData =;

						for(i = 0; colorData[i] !== undefined; i += 4) {
							px    = i / 4;
							color = (0.299 * colorData[i] + 0.587 * colorData[i + 1] + 0.114 * colorData[i + 2] + 0.5) >> 0;
							x     = (px % width) * size + xOffset;
							y     = ((px / width) >> 0) * size + yOffset;

							tContext.drawImage(colorLookup[color] || createPixel(color), x, y);

				function initializeSettings() {
					var definitions = {};

						.create('#console [data-setting]')
						.each(function() {
							var self      = this,
								parameter = self.getAttribute('data-setting').split(':'),
								setting   = parameter[0],
								range     = parameter[1].split(','),
								stepping  = parseFloat(range.pop()),
								previous  = mDomElement.create('<span />', { 'data-control': setting }).addClass('previous').setContent('-').appendTo(self),
								value     = mDomElement.create('<span />').addClass('value').setContent(settings[setting]).appendTo(self),
								next      = mDomElement.create('<span />', { 'data-control': setting }).addClass('next').setContent('+').appendTo(self);

							definitions[setting] = {
								value:    value,
								range:    range,
								stepping: stepping

						.on('click', '[data-control]', function(event) {
							var self       = mDomElement.create(this),
								setting    = self.getAttribute('data-control'),
								definition = definitions[setting];


							if(self.hasClass('previous')) {
								definition.value.setContent(settings[setting] = Math.max(definition.range[0], Math.min(definition.range[1], settings[setting] - definition.stepping)));

							} else if(self.hasClass('next')) {
								definition.value.setContent(settings[setting] = Math.max(definition.range[0], Math.min(definition.range[1], settings[setting] + definition.stepping)));


							return false;

				function initializePause() {
					var element = mDomElement.create('#console [data-pause]').setStyle('display', 'inline-block'),
						states  = element.getAttribute('data-pause').split(',');

					element.on('click', function(event) {
						var self = mDomElement.create(this);


						if(paused === true) {

							imageCache.src = '';
							paused         = false;
						} else {

							sContext.drawImage(video, 0, 0, options.width, options.height);

							imageCache.src = sCanvas.toDataURL('image/png');
							paused         = true;

						return false;

				function initializeDownload() {
					var element = mDomElement.create('#console [data-download]').setStyle('display', 'inline-block'),
						link    = mDomElement.create(element.find('a')[0]);

					link.on('click', function() {
						if(paused === false) {
							paused = true;

							link.setAttribute('href', tCanvas.toDataURL('image/png'));

							paused = false;
						} else {
							link.setAttribute('href', tCanvas.toDataURL('image/png'));

				function createPixel(color) {
					if(!colorLookup[color]) {
						var pColor   = color,
							pCanvas  = document.createElement('canvas'),
							pContext = pCanvas.getContext('2d');

						pCanvas.width = pCanvas.height = options.size;

						pColor /= 255;
						pColor -= 0.5;
						pColor *= options.contrast;
						pColor += 0.5;
						pColor *= 255;
						pColor  = (pColor + 0.5) >> 0;
						pColor += options.brightness;
						pColor  = Math.max(0, Math.min(255, pColor));


						if(radius === options.radius) {
							pContext.arc(radius, radius, radius, 0, MATH_PI_TIMES_TWO, false);
						} else {
							pContext.moveTo(options.radius, 0);
							pContext.lineTo(options.size - options.radius, 0);
							pContext.quadraticCurveTo(options.size, 0, options.size, options.radius);
							pContext.lineTo(options.size, options.size - options.radius);
							pContext.quadraticCurveTo(options.size, options.size, options.size - options.radius, options.size);
							pContext.lineTo(options.radius, options.size);
							pContext.quadraticCurveTo(0, options.size, 0, options.size - options.radius);
							pContext.lineTo(0, options.radius);
							pContext.quadraticCurveTo(0, 0, options.radius, 0);

						pContext.fillStyle = 'rgba(' + pColor + ', ' + pColor + ', ' + pColor + ', ' + options.alpha + ')';

						colorLookup[color] = pCanvas;

					return colorLookup[color];

					.testMultiple('/element/video', '/element/canvas', mSupport.supportsMethod('URL'), mSupport.supportsMethod('getUserMedia', navigator))
					.then(onCompatible, onIncompatible)
					.then(onAccessGranted, onAccessDenied);
}(require, window, document));
