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  display: block;
  margin: auto;
  background: #16191b;
  max-width: 100%;



//We now have 3 scenes. To start with the start Screen
  var titleScreen = new Phaser.Scene("titleScreen");

  titleScreen.preload = function() {
      this.load.image("logo", "digitherium-logo.jpg");

  titleScreen.create = function() {
      var logo = this.add.sprite(config.width / 2, config.height / 2 - 40, 'logo');

      //add some text
      this.add.text(config.width / 2, config.height / 2 + 70, 'CLICK TO START', { fontSize: 32, color: '#ffffff' }).setShadow(4, 4, "#000000", 2, false, true).setOrigin(0.5);

      //add click / tap to start game
      this.input.on('pointerdown', function(pointer) {

  //Our end screen, the order isn't important, but including it here as it is shorter than the game
  var endScreen = new Phaser.Scene("endScreen");

  endScreen.create = function() {
      var logo = this.add.sprite(config.width / 2, config.height / 2 - 40, 'logo');

      //add some text
      this.add.text(config.width / 2, config.height / 2 + 70, 'GAME OVER\nCLICK TO RESTART', { fontSize: 32, color: '#ffffff', align: 'center' }).setShadow(4, 4, "#000000", 2, false, true).setOrigin(0.5);

      this.input.on('pointerdown', function(pointer) {
          //shut down this scene and start up the game scene
          //restart the scene to reset all the variables!

  var gameScene = new Phaser.Scene("game");

  //the majority of the global variables are now initialised here
  gameScene.init = function() {
      this.score = 0;
      this.maxHearts = 3;
      this.vulnerableTime = 1000;
      this.acceleration = 600;
      this.maxPlayerSpeed = 200;
      this.superPlayerSpeed = 400;
      this.jumpVelocity = -165;
      this.jumpVelocitySmall = -165;
      this.jumpVelocityBig = -330;
      this.standing = true;
      this.wasStanding = false;
      this.onLadder = false;
      this.edgeTimer = 0;
      this.prevPos = 0;
      this.yPos = 0;
      this.touchJump = false;
      this.touchJumpThreshold = 5;
      this.touchMoving = false;
      this.isTouch = false;
      this.touchMoveThreshold = 3;
      this.largeThumbMoveAcross = 25;
      this.thumbSizeOffset = 60;
      this.shellSpeed = 500;
      this.heroColor = new Phaser.Display.Color(255, 255, 255);
      this.invincibleColor = new Phaser.Display.Color(56, 194, 239);
      this.coinTweens = [];

  gameScene.preload = function() {
      this.load.image('ground', 'platform.jpg');
      this.load.image('collapsing-platform', 'collapsing-platform.jpg');
      this.load.image('one-way-platform', 'one-way-platform.jpg');
      this.load.image('one-way-platform-large', 'one-way-platform-large.jpg');
      this.load.image('coin', 'coin.jpg');
      this.load.image('hero', 'hero.jpg');
      this.load.image('hero-small', 'hero-small.jpg');
      this.load.image('baddie', 'baddie.jpg');
      this.load.image('ladder', 'ladder.png');
      this.load.image('shell', 'shell.png');
      this.load.image('powerup', 'powerup.jpg');
      this.load.image('question-mark-block', 'question-mark-block.jpg');
      this.load.image('empty-box', 'empty-box.jpg');
      this.load.image('dust', 'dust.jpg');
      this.load.image('spikes', 'spikes.png');
      this.load.image('heart', 'heart.png');
      this.load.image('heart-filled', 'heart-filled.png');
      this.load.image("logo", "digitherium-logo.jpg");
      this.load.image('touch-slider', 'touch-slider.png');
      this.load.image('touch-knob', 'touch-knob.png');

  gameScene.create = function() {
      var logo = this.add.sprite(config.width / 2, config.height / 2, 'logo');
      logo.alpha = 0.4;

      this.platforms = this.physics.add.staticGroup();, 0, 1630, 400);

      this.platforms.create(1300, 400, 'ground').setScale(2).refreshBody();
      this.platforms.create(400, 400, 'ground').setScale(2).refreshBody();
      this.platforms.create(150, 240, 'ground');
      this.platforms.create(860, 190, 'ground');

      this.oneWayPlatforms = this.physics.add.staticGroup();
      this.oneWayPlatforms.create(1400, 352, 'one-way-platform-large');
      this.oneWayPlatforms.create(1400, 320, 'one-way-platform');

      this.collapsingPlatforms = this.physics.add.staticGroup();
      this.collapsingPlatforms.create(1270, 290, 'collapsing-platform');
      this.collapsingPlatforms.create(1180, 256, 'collapsing-platform');
      this.collapsingPlatforms.create(1093, 222, 'collapsing-platform');

      this.ladders = this.physics.add.staticGroup();
      this.ladders.enableBody = true;
      this.ladder = this.ladders.create(368, 296, 'ladder');
      this.ladder.body.immovable = true;

      this.spikes = this.physics.add.staticGroup();
      this.spikes.enableBody = true;
      this.spikes = this.spikes.create(850, 390, 'spikes');
      this.spikes.body.immovable = true;

      this.player = this.physics.add.sprite(40, 350, 'hero-small');
      this.player.setOrigin(.5, .5);

      //create and set an invulnerable flag for after the player has been hit
      this.player.invulnerable = false;
      //and set an invincible flag for the invincibility powerup
      this.player.invincible = false;
      //set no lives / hearts
      this.player.hearts = this.maxHearts;

      //create our baddies group
      this.baddies =;

      baddie = this.baddies.create(1220, 350, 'baddie');
      baddie.setOrigin(.5, .5);
      baddie.body.velocity.x = -100;
      baddie.maxDistance = 300;
      baddie.previousX = baddie.x;

      baddie = this.baddies.create(940, 100, 'baddie');
      baddie.setOrigin(.5, .5);
      baddie.body.velocity.x = -100;
      baddie.maxDistance = 250;
      baddie.previousX = baddie.x;

      //add a shall and set it to rotate around its center = this.physics.add.sprite(1400, 360, 'shell');, .5);;

      //add invincibility powerup and set it to rotate around its center
      this.invicibility = this.physics.add.sprite(256, 214, 'powerup');
      this.invicibility.setOrigin(.5, .5);

      //add mushroom powerup, set it to rotate around its center and tint it orange
      this.mushroom = this.physics.add.sprite(520, 310, 'powerup');
      this.mushroom.setOrigin(.5, .5);
      //disable physics, hide and turn off gravity
      this.mushroom.enableBody = false;
      this.mushroom.visible = false;

      this.questionMarkBlock = this.physics.add.sprite(520, 310, 'question-mark-block');
      this.questionMarkBlock.powerup = this.mushroom;

      //Set bounce to 0, so our hero just lands directly
      //Set top speeds
      this.player.body.maxVelocity.x = this.maxPlayerSpeed;
      this.player.body.maxVelocity.y = 500;
      this.player.isBig = false;
      this.player.isChangingSize = false;
      cursors = this.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys();
      this.coins ={
          key: 'coin',
          repeat: 11,
          setXY: { x: 12, y: 0, stepX: 70 }
      this.coins.children.iterate(function(child) {
          child.setBounceY(Phaser.Math.FloatBetween(0.4, 0.8));
      this.scoreCoin = this.add.sprite(30, 32, 'coin');
      this.scoreCoin.setOrigin(.5, .5);
      this.scoreCoin.scaleX = .5;
      this.scoreCoin.scaleY = .5;
      this.scoreText = this.add.text(46, 20, '0', { fontSize: '24px', fill: '#fff' });
      //create three heart outlines...
      var heartOutline1 = this.add.sprite(760, 38, 'heart'),
          heartOutline2 = this.add.sprite(720, 38, 'heart'),
          heartOutline3 = this.add.sprite(680, 38, 'heart');
      //and store in an array for easy access later
      heartOutlines = [heartOutline1, heartOutline2, heartOutline3];
      //create three heart fills...
      heart1 = this.add.sprite(760, 38, 'heart-filled');
      heart2 = this.add.sprite(720, 38, 'heart-filled');
      heart3 = this.add.sprite(680, 38, 'heart-filled');
      //and store in an array for easy access later
      hearts = [heart1, heart2, heart3];
      //create a contain for our heads up display and add some sprites
      hud = this.add.container(0, 0, [this.scoreCoin, this.scoreText, heart1, heart2, heart3, heartOutline1, heartOutline2, heartOutline3]);
      //lock it to the camera
      //create our particle effects for when in invincible mode
      var particles = this.add.particles('dust');
      this.emitter = particles.createEmitter();
      this.emitter.setPosition(this.player.x, this.player.y);
      //turn it off for now until we are invincible
      this.emitter.pause(); = this.cameras.main;, 0, 1630, 400);, true, 0.05, 0, -200, 120);, 120);

      this.physics.add.collider(this.player, this.platforms);
      this.physics.add.collider(this.player, this.oneWayPlatforms, null, checkOneWay, this);
      this.physics.add.collider(this.player, this.collapsingPlatforms, shakePlatform, checkOneWay, this);
      this.physics.add.collider(this.baddies, this.platforms);
      this.physics.add.collider(this.coins, this.platforms);
      this.physics.add.collider(, this.platforms, shellWallHit, null, this);
      this.physics.add.collider(this.invicibility, this.platforms);
      this.physics.add.collider(this.mushroom, this.platforms);
      this.physics.add.collider(this.player,, shellHit, null, this);
      this.physics.add.collider(this.player, this.spikes, playerHit, null, this);
      this.physics.add.overlap(this.player, this.coins, collectCoin, null, this);
      this.physics.add.overlap(this.player, this.invicibility, goInvincibile, null, this);
      this.physics.add.overlap(this.player, this.mushroom, collectMushroom, null, this);
      this.physics.add.collider(this.player, this.questionMarkBlock, hitQuestionMarkBlock, null, this);
      this.physics.add.overlap(this.player, this.baddies, hitBaddie, null, this);
      this.physics.add.overlap(this.player, this.ladders, isOnLadder, null, this);
      this.physics.add.collider(this.player, this.ladders, null, checkLadderTop, this);
      this.physics.add.overlap(, this.baddies, shellHitBaddie, null, this);
      this.physics.add.collider(, this.spikes, destroyShell, null, this);

  function hitBaddie(player, baddie) {
      if (player.invincible) {
          baddie.disableBody(false, false);
          //play baddies super death animation
          var tween = this.tweens.add({
              targets: baddie,
              alpha: 0.3,
              y: "-=150",
              scaleX: 2.5,
              scaleY: 2.5,
              angle: 180,
              ease: 'Linear',
              duration: 200,
              onComplete: function() {
      } else {
          //baddie was hit on the head and hasn't already been hit, and not animating shrink
          if (baddie.body.touching.up && !baddie.hit && !player.isChangingSize) {
              // set baddie as being hit and remove physics
              baddie.disableBody(false, false);

              //play baddies death animation
              var tween = this.tweens.add({
                  targets: baddie,
                  alpha: 0.3,
                  scaleX: 1.5,
                  scaleY: 1.5,
                  ease: 'Linear',
                  duration: 200,
                  onComplete: function() {
          //otherwise you've hit baddie, BUT not on the head. This makes you die
          else {
    , player, baddie);

  function playerHit(player, obstacle) {
      //if you are not already invulnerable OR invincible
      if (!player.invulnerable && !player.invincible) {
          //set player as invulnerable
          player.invulnerable = true;
          //get the heart sprites from our arrays we set up earlier
          var currentHeartCount = player.hearts,
              currentHeart = hearts[currentHeartCount - 1],
              currentHeartOutline = heartOutlines[currentHeartCount - 1];

          //fade out the heart fill
          var heartFade = this.tweens.add({
              targets: currentHeart,
              alpha: 0,
              scaleX: 0,
              scaleY: 0,
              ease: 'Linear',
              duration: 200

          //create a timeline of tweens for the heart outline so it shrinks then grows back
          var heartsTimeline = this.tweens.createTimeline();

          //this is the heart outline scaling down
              targets: currentHeartOutline,
              scaleX: 0.5,
              scaleY: 0.5,
              ease: 'Power1',
              duration: 200

          //and then back
              targets: currentHeartOutline,
              scaleX: 1,
              scaleY: 1,
              ease: 'Power1',
              duration: 200
          //play the timeline straight away

          //remove a heart from out count stored on the player object
          player.hearts -= 1;

          //if hearts is 0 or less you're dead as you are out of lives
          if (player.hearts <= 0) {
              //remove physics from player
              player.disableBody(false, false);
              //and play death animation
              var tween = this.tweens.add({
                  targets: player,
                  alpha: 0.3,
                  scaleX: 1.1,
                  scaleY: 1.1,
                  angle: 90,
                  x: player.x - 20,
                  y: player.y - 20,
                  ease: 'Linear',
                  duration: 200,
                  onComplete: function() {
                  onCompleteScope: this
          //otherwise you're not dead you've just lost a life so...
          else {
              if (player.isBig) {
                  player.body.velocity.x = 0;
                  player.body.velocity.y = -220;
                  player.isChangingSize = true;

                  var tween = this.tweens.add({
                      targets: player,
                      scaleX: 0.8,
                      scaleY: 0.8,
                      alpha: 0.3,
                      yoyo: 2,
                      repeat: 2,
                      ease: 'Linear',
                      duration: 100,
                      onComplete: function() {
              } else {
                  //make the player stop in their tracks and jump up
                  player.body.velocity.x = 0;
                  player.body.velocity.y = -220;
                  //tween the players alpha to 30%
                  var tween = this.tweens.add({
                      targets: player,
                      alpha: 0.3,
                      ease: 'Linear',
                      duration: 200,
                      onCompleteScope: this

              //set a timer for 1 second. When this is up we tween player back to normal and make then vulnerable again
              var timer = this.time.delayedCall(gameScene.vulnerableTime, playerVulnerable, [this]);

  function playerVulnerable(game) {
      //tween player back to 100% opacity and reset invulnerability flag
      var death = game.tweens.add({
          targets: gameScene.player,
          alpha: 1,
          ease: 'Linear',
          duration: 200,
          onComplete: function() {
              gameScene.player.invulnerable = false;
          onCompleteScope: this

  function shellHitBaddie(shell, baddie) {
      if (!baddie.hit) {
          // set baddie as being hit and remove physics
          baddie.disableBody(false, false);
          //play baddie death animation
          var tween = this.tweens.add({
              targets: baddie,
              alpha: 0.3,
              scaleX: 1.5,
              scaleY: 1.5,
              ease: 'Linear',
              duration: 200,
              onComplete: function() {

  function shellWallHit(shell, wall) {
      //if shell has hit a wall with either the right of left side of itself it should be destroyed
      if (shell.body.onWall()) {

  function shellHit(player, shell) {
      //work out the center point of the shell and player
      var threshold = shell.x + (shell.width / 2),
          playerX = player.x + (player.width / 2);

      //if the player has jumped on top of the shell...
      if (shell.body.touching.up) {
          //if player landed on left hand side of shell send shell off to right
          if (playerX < threshold) shell.body.velocity.x = gameScene.shellSpeed;
          //if player landed on right hand side of shell send shell off to left
          else shell.body.velocity.x = -gameScene.shellSpeed;
      //player hit shell from left so send right
      if (shell.body.touching.left) {
          shell.body.velocity.x = gameScene.shellSpeed;
      //player hit shell from right so send left
      if (shell.body.touching.right) {
          shell.body.velocity.x = -gameScene.shellSpeed;
      //make player react to shell by bouncing slightly
      player.body.velocity.y = -200;

  function destroyShell() {
      //disable physics of shell, false);
      //play shell hit animation
      var destroyShell = this.tweens.add({
          alpha: 0.3,
          scaleX: 2,
          scaleY: 2,
          y: "-=100",
          rotation: -360,
          ease: 'Linear',
          duration: 200,
          onComplete: function() {

  function restartGame(scene) {
      game.scene.switch('game', 'endScreen');

  function buildTouchSlider(scene) {
      sliderBar = scene.add.sprite(0, 0, 'touch-slider');
      sliderKnob = scene.add.sprite(0, 0, 'touch-knob');

      scene.touchSlider = scene.add.container(100, 450);
      scene.touchSlider.alpha = 0;

  function moveLeft(acceleration) {
      //if hero is on ground then use full acceleration
      if (gameScene.standing) {
      //if hero is in the air then accelerate slower
      else {
          gameScene.player.setAccelerationX(-acceleration / 3);

  function moveRight(acceleration) {
      //if hero is on ground then use full acceleration
      if (gameScene.standing) {
      //if hero is in the air then accelerate slower
      else {
          gameScene.player.setAccelerationX(acceleration / 3);

  function switchDirection(baddie) {
      //reverse velocity so baddie moves are same speed but in opposite direction
      baddie.body.velocity.x *= -1;
      //reset count
      baddie.previousX = baddie.x;
      //flip sprite
      //baddie.scale.setTo(-baddie.scale.x, 1);

  //called when player overlaps ladder
  function isOnLadder(player, ladder) {
      //set ladder flag to true and remove gravity but only if not at the top of the ladder
      if (Math.floor(player.y) + (player.height / 2) > ladder.y - (ladder.height / 2)) {
          this.onLadder = true;

  //called when player collides with ladder
  function checkLadderTop(player, ladder) {
      /* We check here if our player is higher up than the ladder i.e. if the player is on top of the ladder
      the sprites are positioned from their centres, so we have to add or subtract half their height to find the heroes feet and the top of the ladder. 
      With the player we add half the height so we are checking the positon of their feet. With the ladder we add half the height so we are checking the top of the ladder. We also round the two values differently, floor for the player to give us the smallest number possible and ceil for the ladder height to give us the highest number possible. This deals with any subpixel values.
      if (Math.floor(player.y + (player.height / 2)) <= Math.ceil(ladder.y - (ladder.height / 2))) {
          //if pressing the down key, or touch down return false and cancel collision
          if (cursors.down.isDown || (Math.floor(this.prevPos) < Math.floor(this.yPos))) return false;
          //return true making our collision happen i.e. the player can walk on top of the ladder
          else return true;
      //otherwise return false which cancels the collision
      else {
          return false;

  //called when player collides with oneway platforms
  function checkOneWay(player, oneway) {
      //if player is higher up the screen then the plaform then enable the collision
      if (player.y < oneway.y) {
          return true;
      //otherwise disable collision
      return false;

  function shakePlatform(player, platform) {
      //only make platform shake if player is standing on it
      if (player.body.blocked.down) {
          //do a little camera shake to indicate something bad is going to happen
, 0.001);
          //we need to store the global scope here so we can keep it later
          var ourScene = this;
          //do a yoyo tween shaking the platform back and forth and up and down
          var tween = this.tweens.add({
              targets: platform,
              yoyo: true,
              repeat: 10,
              x: {
                  from: platform.x,
                  to: platform.x + 2 * 1,
              ease: 'Linear',
              duration: 50,
              onComplete: function() {
        , platform);

  function destroyPlatform(platform) {
      var tween = this.tweens.add({
          targets: platform,
          alpha: 0,
          y: "+=25",
          ease: 'Linear',
          duration: 100,
          onComplete: function() {

  gameScene.update = function() {
      //loop through any coin tweens
      for (var i = 0; i < this.coinTweens.length; i++) {
          var tween = this.coinTweens[i];
          //if we find a tween update it to the new position of the scoreCoin
          if (tween) tween.updateTo("x", + this.scoreCoin.x);

      //set jump velocity depending on whether we are big or small
      if (this.player.isBig) this.jumpVelocity = this.jumpVelocityBig;
      else this.jumpVelocity = this.jumpVelocitySmall;

      this.emitter.setPosition(this.player.x, this.player.y);
      //built in arcade physics functions of blocked and touching to test for collisions in a given direction
      this.standing = this.player.body.blocked.down || this.player.body.touching.down,
          //get current time in seconds
          d = new Date(),
          time = d.getTime();

      //if left key is down then move left
      if (cursors.left.isDown) {
      //same deal but for right arrow
      else if (cursors.right.isDown) {

      //loop through baddies group and for each baddie...
      this.baddies.getChildren().forEach(function(theBaddie) {
          //check if it's time for them to turn around
          if (Math.abs(theBaddie.x - theBaddie.previousX) >= theBaddie.maxDistance) {
      }, this);

      //if either touch pointer is down. Two thumbs, two pointers
      if (this.input.pointer1.isDown || this.input.pointer2.isDown) {
          //work out half way point of our game
          var leftHalf = config.width / 2;

          //Left hand side - horizontal movement
          //if thumb is on the left hand side of the screen we are dealing with horizontal movement
          if (this.input.pointer1.x < leftHalf || this.input.pointer2.x < leftHalf) {
              //reset pointer variable
              var myMovePointer = null;
              //here we get the pointer that is being used on the left hand side of screen. Depends which thumb they touched screen with first.
              if (this.input.pointer1.x < leftHalf && this.input.pointer1.isDown) {
                  myMovePointer = this.input.pointer1;
              if (this.input.pointer2.x < leftHalf && this.input.pointer2.isDown) {
                  myMovePointer = this.input.pointer2;

              //if we have an active touch pointer on the left hand side of the screen then...
              if (myMovePointer) {
                  //if touchSlide is not already showing then
                  if (!this.touchSlider.alpha) {
                      //make it visible
                      this.touchSlider.alpha = 1;
                      //position touchSlider to be where the users thumb or finger is
                      this.touchSlider.x = myMovePointer.x;
                      //with the Y pos we add a thumbSizeOffset so it's above the users thumb not hidden under it
                      this.touchSlider.y = myMovePointer.y - this.thumbSizeOffset;
                      //set our start point and reset slider display
                      startX = myMovePointer.x;
                      sliderKnob.x = 0;

                  //if thumb has moved left or right of where we started then move
                  if (myMovePointer.x < startX || myMovePointer.x > startX) {
                      //work out how far thumb has moved. Is this a big enough movement?
                      var movement = 0;
                      if (myMovePointer.x < startX) movement = startX - myMovePointer.x;
                      if (myMovePointer.x > startX) movement = myMovePointer.x - startX;
                      //If move is significant enough then move our character
                      if (movement > this.touchMoveThreshold) {
                          //set flag as we are definitely moving
                          this.touchMoving = true;
                          //set a flag so we know we are on a mobile device
                          this.isTouch = true;

                          //set slider knob position to be half way to edge
                          var sliderPos = 0;
                          if (myMovePointer.x < startX) sliderPos = -(sliderBar.width / 4);
                          if (myMovePointer.x > startX) sliderPos = sliderBar.width / 4;

                          //set acceleration to be an 8th of normal
                          var tmpAcceleration = gameScene.acceleration / 8;

                          //if thumb has moved quite a lot, then go faster
                          if (movement > this.largeThumbMoveAcross) {
                              //the knob position should be at the edge as we're at full tilt
                              if (myMovePointer.x < startX) sliderPos = -(sliderBar.width / 2);
                              if (myMovePointer.x > startX) sliderPos = sliderBar.width / 2;
                              //acceleration is normal
                              tmpAcceleration = gameScene.acceleration;

                          //tween slider knob to position we just worked out
                          var tween = this.tweens.add({
                              targets: sliderKnob,
                              x: sliderPos,
                              ease: "Power1",
                              duration: 300
                          if (myMovePointer.x < startX) moveLeft(tmpAcceleration);
                          if (myMovePointer.x > startX) moveRight(tmpAcceleration);
                      } else {
                          //If move is really, really small then we don't count it. Stop moving
                          //set moving flag to false
                          this.touchMoving = false;
                          //reset slider knob to center position
                          var tween = this.tweens.add({
                              targets: sliderKnob,
                              x: 0,
                              ease: "Power1",
                              duration: 300

          //Right hand side - Touch Jumping
          //if thumb is on the right hand side of the screen we are dealing with vertical movement - i.e. jumping.
          if (this.input.pointer1.x > leftHalf || this.input.pointer2.x > leftHalf) {
              //reset pointer variable
              var myJumpPointer = null;

              //get active touch pointer for this side of the screen
              if (this.input.pointer1.x > leftHalf && this.input.pointer1.isDown) {
                  myJumpPointer = this.input.pointer1;
              if (this.input.pointer2.x > leftHalf && this.input.pointer2.isDown) {
                  myJumpPointer = this.input.pointer2;
              //if we have a touch pointer on right hand side of screen...
              if (myJumpPointer) {
                  //store last y position of touch pointer
                  this.prevPos = this.yPos;
                  //get new position of touch pointer
                  this.yPos = myJumpPointer.y;

                  //check if we are currently overlapping a ladder. If we are then...
                  if (this.onLadder) {
                      //kill any upwards / downwards velocity from our hero

                      //if moving up with thumb then climb up the ladder
                      if (Math.floor(this.prevPos) > Math.floor(this.yPos)) {
                          if (!myMovePointer) {
                              //when moving vertically we want the player pefectly lined up
                              this.player.x = this.ladder.x;
                              //also kill any x velocity to be sure
                      //if moving down with thumb then climb down the ladder
                      if (Math.floor(this.prevPos) < Math.floor(this.yPos)) {
                          if (!myMovePointer) {
                              //when moving vertically we want the player pefectly lined up
                              this.player.x = this.ladder.x;
                              //also kill any x velocity to be sure
                  //not on a ladder so go for a standard jump 
                  else {
                      //  if we have moved our thump upwards then we set jump flag to true
                      if (this.prevPos - this.yPos > this.touchJumpThreshold && this.standing) {
                          this.touchJump = true;
          //neither thumb is down so reset touch movement variables and hide touchSlider
      } else {
          this.touchSlider.alpha = 0;
          startX = 0;
          this.touchMoving = false;

          if (this.onLadder) {
              //if player is on top of the ladder we reset the velocity, otherwise we leave them be to climb or descend
              if (Math.floor(this.player.y + (this.player.height / 2)) <= Math.ceil(this.ladder.y - (this.ladder.height / 2))) {

      //if not moving left or right via keys or touch device...
      if (!cursors.right.isDown && !cursors.left.isDown && !this.touchMoving) {
          //if hero is close to having no velocity either left or right then set velocity to 0. This stops jerky back and forth as the hero comes to a halt. i.e. as we slow hero down, below a certain point we just stop them moving altogether as it looks smoother
          if (Math.abs(this.player.body.velocity.x) < 10 && Math.abs(this.player.body.velocity.x) > -10) {
          } else {
              //if our hero isn't moving left or right then slow them down
              //this velocity.x check just works out whether we are setting a positive (going right) or negative (going left) number
                  (this.player.body.velocity.x > 0 ? -1 : 1) * gameScene.acceleration / 3

      //get current time in seconds
      var d = new Date();
      var time = d.getTime();

      //if we have just left the ground set edge time for 100ms time
      if (!this.standing && this.wasStanding) {
          this.edgeTimer = time + 100;

      //if we are on a ladder and not on a touch device
      if (this.onLadder && !this.isTouch) {
          //kill any upwards / downwards velocity from our hero

          if (cursors.up.isDown) {
              if (!cursors.left.isDown && !cursors.right.isDown) {
                  //when moving vertically we want the player pefectly lined up
                  this.player.x = this.ladder.x;
                  //also kill any x velocity to be sure
          //if JUST down is being pressed then line up player perfectly with ladder. 
          //We do this to make it quicker - but like a firemans pole
          if (cursors.down.isDown && !cursors.left.isDown && !cursors.right.isDown) {
              //when moving vertically we want the player pefectly lined up
              this.player.x = this.ladder.x;
              //also kill any x velocity to be sure

      //if player is standing, or just fallen off a ledge (within our allowed grace time) and..
      //either up key is press, or touchjump flag is set AND they are not already jumping then jump!
      if (
          (this.standing || this.time <= this.edgeTimer) &&
          (cursors.up.isDown || this.touchJump) &&
          !this.jumping && !this.onLadder
      ) {
          this.jumping = true;

      //if not pressing up key...
      if (!cursors.up.isDown) {
          //if player is touching ground / platform then reset jump parametrs
          if (this.player.body.touching.down) {
              this.jumping = false;
              this.touchJump = false;
              this.prevPos = 0;
      this.wasStanding = this.standing;
      //if player is no longer on on ladder then turn gravity back on
      if (!this.onLadder) this.player.body.setAllowGravity(true);
      this.onLadder = false;

  function collectCoin(player, coin) {
      //stop coin for being collected twice, as it will stick around on the screen as it animnates
      coin.disableBody(false, false);

      //tween coin to score coin in corner shrink
      var collectCoinTween = this.tweens.add({
          targets: coin,
          alpha: 0.3,
          angle: 720,
          x: gameScene.scoreCoin.x,
          y: gameScene.scoreCoin.y,
          scaleX: 0.5,
          scaleY: 0.5,
          ease: 'Linear',
          duration: 500,
          onComplete: function() {
      //add the tween to the tweens array

      //check if we already have an animation
      if (this.scoreCoinTimeline) {
          //if animation isn't currently running, then run again
          if (this.scoreCoinTimeline.progress == 1) {
      //no animation to create one
      else {
      gameScene.score += 10;
      if (gameScene.score == 120) restartGame();

  function growHero() {
      //change sprite to be our larger one
      //manually change the size
      gameScene.player.setSize(32, 32);
      //set flag we know the player is in big mode
      gameScene.player.isBig = true;
      //reset our transitional flag
      gameScene.player.isChangingSize = false;

  function shrinkHero() {
      //change player to smaller sprire
      //manually resize so physics adjusts
      gameScene.player.setSize(22, 22);
      //set isBig for false so we know the player is small
      gameScene.player.isBig = false;
      //reset our transitional flag
      gameScene.player.isChangingSize = false;

  function collectMushroom(player, mushroom) {
      //stop the players movement
      player.body.velocity.x = 0;
      player.body.velocity.y = 0;
      //set a flag saying the player is transitioning sizes
      player.isChangingSize = true;

      //disable the mushroom so it can only be triggered once
      mushroom.disableBody(false, false);

      //tween the player scaling up in size
      var tween = this.tweens.add({
          targets: player,
          scaleX: 1.5,
          scaleY: 1.5,
          yoyo: 1,
          repeat: 1,
          ease: 'Linear',
          duration: 100,
          onComplete: function() {
              //when the tween is over call this function

      //tween powerup to scale up and then remove
      var tween = this.tweens.add({
          targets: mushroom,
          alpha: 0.3,
          angle: 90,
          scaleX: 0.3,
          scaleY: 0.3,
          ease: 'Linear',
          duration: 500,
          onComplete: function() {

  function hitQuestionMarkBlock(player, block) {
      //if the block has been hit from the bottom and is not already hit then...
      if (block.body.touching.down && !block.hit) {
          //mark block as hit
          block.hit = true;
          //make the mushroom visible
          block.powerup.visible = true;

          //animate the rising of the mushroom powerup
          var tween = this.tweens.add({
              targets: block.powerup,
              y: "-=24",
              ease: 'Linear',
              duration: 300,
              onComplete: function() {
                  //when the animation completes call this function

          //animate the box being hit and jumping up slightly
          var tween = this.tweens.add({
              targets: block,
              y: "-=5",
              ease: 'Linear',
              yoyo: true,
              duration: 100

  function emptyQuestionBlock(block) {
      //change the sprite of the question mark box
      //enable physics on the mushroom powerup
      block.powerup.enableBody = true;
      //turn mushroom powerups gravity back on
      //randomly assign left or right direction to the powerup
      if (Math.floor(Math.random() * 1)) block.powerup.setVelocityX(-80);
      else block.powerup.setVelocityX(80);

  function goInvincibile(player, invicibility) {
      //stop invicibility for being collected twice, as it will stick around on the screen as it aninimates
      invicibility.disableBody(false, false);

      //change players max velocity so they can go super fast
      player.body.maxVelocity.x = this.superPlayerSpeed;
      //start our emitter
      //flash animations using a tint
          from: 0,
          to: 100,
          duration: 500,
          yoyo: true,
          repeat: 5,
          onUpdate: function(tween) {
              var value = Math.floor(tween.getValue());
              var newColorObject = Phaser.Display.Color.Interpolate.ColorWithColor(gameScene.heroColor, gameScene.invincibleColor, 100, value);
              var color = Phaser.Display.Color.GetColor(newColorObject.r, newColorObject.g, newColorObject.b);
          onComplete: function() {

      //tween powerup to scale up and disappear
      var tween = this.tweens.add({
          targets: invicibility,
          alpha: 0.3,
          angle: 90,
          scaleX: 0.3,
          scaleY: 0.3,
          ease: 'Linear',
          duration: 500,
          onComplete: function() {
      //set players invincible flag to true
      player.invincible = true;

  function resetInvincibility() {
      //reset the invincible flag
      gameScene.player.invincible = false;
      //reset max speed of player
      gameScene.player.body.maxVelocity.x = gameScene.maxPlayerSpeed;
      //pause emitter and remove any existing particles

  //rotate score coin and make bigger before shrinking again
  function animateScoreCoin(game) {
      this.scoreCoinTimeline = game.tweens.timeline({
          targets: gameScene.scoreCoin,
          duration: 100,
          tweens: [{
                  scaleX: 0.8,
                  scaleY: 0.8,
                  angle: "+=45"
                  scaleX: 0.5,
                  scaleY: 0.5,
                  angle: "+=45"

  function destroyGameObject(gameObject) {
      // Removes any game object from the screen

  var config = {
      type: Phaser.AUTO,
      width: 800,
      height: 400,
      transparent: true,
      physics: {
          default: 'arcade',
          arcade: {
              fps: 120,
              gravity: { y: 300 }
      //we can omit this entire line and add scenes manually later *
      scene: [titleScreen, gameScene, endScreen]
  var game = new Phaser.Game(config);
  // * This is how you add scenes manually
  //game.scene.add("titleScreen", titleScreen);
  //game.scene.add("game", gameScene);
  //game.scene.add("endScreen", endScreen);
  //we call this line to load a scene

