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+ add another resource


Babel includes JSX processing.

Add External Scripts/Pens

Any URL's added here will be added as <script>s in order, and run before the JavaScript in the editor. You can use the URL of any other Pen and it will include the JavaScript from that Pen.

+ add another resource


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Search for and use JavaScript packages from npm here. By selecting a package, an import statement will be added to the top of the JavaScript editor for this package.


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                <div class="container">
  <canvas class="illo"></canvas>
  <p><a href="">Original design by Alex Pasquarella</a></p>
  <p>Click &amp; drag to rotate</p>
  <p><button class="reset-button">Reset</button></p>


                html { height: 100%; }

body {
  min-height: 100%;
  margin: 0;
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;
  justify-content: center;
  background: white;
  font-family: sans-serif;
  text-align: center;
  cursor: move;

canvas {
  display: block;
  margin: 0px auto 20px;

a { color: #5AE; }
a:hover { color: #247; }



                // Made with Zdog

// colors
var red = '#F44';
var navy = '#247';
var blue = '#5AE';
var gold = '#FB3';
var white = 'white';

// -------------------------- makeBuilding -------------------------- //

function makeBuilding( options ) {

  var wallX = options.width/2;
  var wallY = options.height;
  var wallZ = options.depth/2;

  // collect walls
  var building = {};

  // south/noth walls
  [ true, false ].forEach( function( isSouth ) {
    var wallTZ = isSouth ? -wallZ : wallZ;
    var wallGroup = new Zdog.Group({
      addTo: options.addTo,
      translate: { z: -wallTZ },

    var wallPath = [
      { x: -wallX, y: -wallY }

    if ( options.gable == 'ns' ) {
      wallPath.push({ x: 0, y: -wallY - wallX });

    wallPath = wallPath.concat([
      { x: wallX, y: -wallY },
      { x: wallX, y: 0 },
      { x: -wallX, y: 0 },

    // wall
    new Zdog.Shape({
      path: wallPath,
      addTo: wallGroup,
      color: isSouth ? red : gold,

    var windowColor = isSouth ? navy : red;
    var windowProperty = isSouth ? 'southWindows' : 'northWindows';
    handleWindows( options, windowProperty, wallGroup, windowColor );

    var wallProperty = isSouth ? 'southWall' : 'northWall';
    building[ wallProperty ] = wallGroup;


  // east/west wall
  [ true, false ].forEach( function( isWest ) {
    var wallGroup = new Zdog.Group({
      addTo: options.addTo,
      translate: { x: isWest ? -wallX : wallX },
      rotate: { y: TAU/4 },

    var wallPath = [
      { x: -wallZ, y: -wallY }

    if ( options.gable == 'ew' ) {
      wallPath.push({ x: 0, y: -wallY - wallZ });

    wallPath = wallPath.concat([
      { x: wallZ, y: -wallY },
      { x: wallZ, y: 0 },
      { x: -wallZ, y: 0 },

    // wall
    new Zdog.Shape({
      path: wallPath,
      addTo: wallGroup,
      color: isWest ? blue : white,

    var windowColor = isWest ? navy : blue;
    var windowProperty = isWest ? 'westWindows' : 'eastWindows';
    handleWindows( options, windowProperty, wallGroup, windowColor );

    var wallProperty = isWest ? 'westWall' : 'eastWall';
    building[ wallProperty ] = wallGroup;

  var roofMakers = {
    ns: function() {
      var y0 = -wallY - wallX;
      var roofPanel = new Zdog.Shape({
        path: [
          { x: 0, y: y0, z: wallZ },
          { x: 0, y: y0, z: -wallZ },
          { x: wallX, y: -wallY, z: -wallZ },
          { x: wallX, y: -wallY, z: wallZ },
        addTo: options.addTo,
        color: gold,
        scale: { x: -1 },
        color: navy,

    ew: function() {
      var y0 = -wallY - wallZ;
      var xA = options.isChurch ? -wallX + 8 : -wallX;
      var roofPanel = new Zdog.Shape({
        path: [
          { z: 0, y: y0, x: xA },
          { z: 0, y: y0, x: wallX },
          { z: -wallZ, y: -wallY, x: wallX },
          { z: -wallZ, y: -wallY, x: xA },
        addTo: options.addTo,
        color: red,
        path: [
          { z: 0, y: y0, x: -wallX },
          { z: 0, y: y0, x: wallX },
          { z: -wallZ, y: -wallY, x: wallX },
          { z: -wallZ, y: -wallY, x: -wallX },
        scale: { z: -1 },
        color: navy,

  var roofMaker = roofMakers[ options.gable ];
  if ( roofMaker ) {

  return building;

function handleWindows( options, windowProperty, wallGroup, color ) {
  var windowOption = options[ windowProperty ];
  if ( !windowOption ) {

  var columns = windowOption[0];
  var rows = windowOption[1];
  // var windowPaths = [];
  for ( var row=0; row < rows; row++ ) {
    for ( var col=0; col < columns; col++ ) {
      var x = ( col - (columns-1)/2 ) * 6;
      var y = -options.height + (row + 0.75) * 8;
      var windowPath = [
        { x: x + -1, y: y + -2 },
        { x: x +  1, y: y + -2 },
        { x: x +  1, y: y +  2 },
        { x: x + -1, y: y +  2 },
      new Zdog.Shape({
        path: windowPath,
        addTo: wallGroup,
        color: color,

// -------------------------- lilPyramid -------------------------- //

function lilPyramid( options ) {
  var anchor = new Zdog.Anchor({
    addTo: options.addTo,
    translate: options.translate,

  var panel = new Zdog.Shape({
    path: [
      { x: 0, y: -3, z: 0 },
      { x: 3, y:  0, z: 0 },
      { x: 0, y:  0, z: 3 },
    addTo: anchor,
    color: red,

    rotate: { y: TAU/4 },
    color: red,
    rotate: { y: TAU/2 },
    color: navy,
    rotate: { y: TAU * 3/4 },
    color: navy,


function hedge( options ) {
  var anchor = new Zdog.Anchor({
    addTo: options.addTo,
    translate: options.translate,

  var ball = new Zdog.Shape({
    path: [ { y: 0 }, { y: -1 } ],
    addTo: anchor,
    translate: { y: -2.5 },
    stroke: 5,
    color: options.color || navy,

    stroke: 4,
    translate: { y: -5 },

    stroke: 2.5,
    translate: { y: -7.5 },

// -------------------------- demo -------------------------- //

var illoElem = document.querySelector('.illo');
var w = 160;
var h = 160;
var minWindowSize = Math.min( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight );
var zoom = Math.min( 6, Math.floor( minWindowSize / w ) );
illoElem.setAttribute( 'width', w * zoom );
illoElem.setAttribute( 'height', h * zoom );

var isSpinning = true;
var TAU = Zdog.TAU;

var illo = new Zdog.Illustration({
  element: illoElem,
  zoom: zoom,
  rotate: { y: TAU/8 },
  dragRotate: true,
  onDragStart: function() {
    isSpinning = false;

// default to flat, filled shapes
[ Zdog.Shape, Zdog.Rect, Zdog.Ellipse ].forEach( function( ItemClass ) {
  ItemClass.defaults.fill = true;
  ItemClass.defaults.stroke = false;

// -- illustration shapes --- //

var quarterView = 1/Math.sin(TAU/8);

// anchor
var town = new Zdog.Group({
  addTo: illo,
  translate: { y: 36 },
  scale: { x: quarterView, z: quarterView },
  updateSort: true,

// ----- front building ----- //

var frontAnchor = new Zdog.Anchor({
  addTo: town,
  translate: { x: 16, y: -4, z: 20 },

var frontBuilding = makeBuilding({
  width: 22,
  depth: 16,
  height: 20,
  addTo: frontAnchor,
  gable: 'ew',
  southWindows: [ 3, 1 ],
  eastWindows: [ 2, 2 ],
  westWindows: [ 2, 2 ],
  northWindows: [ 3, 2 ],

// east gable dot
var gableDot = new Zdog.Ellipse({
  diameter: 2,
  addTo: frontBuilding.eastWall,
  color: blue,
  translate: { y: -20 },
// west gable dot
  addTo: frontBuilding.westWall,
  color: navy,

// south doors
var door = new Zdog.Shape({
  path: [
    { x: -2.5, y: 0 },
    { x: -2.5, y: -5.5 },
    { arc: [
      { x: -2.5, y: -8 },
      { x:    0, y: -8 },
    { arc: [
      { x:  2.5, y: -8 },
      { x:  2.5, y: -5.5 },
    { x: 2.5, y: 0 },
  addTo: frontBuilding.southWall,
  translate: { x: -4.5 },
  color: navy,
  translate: { x: 4.5 },

[ -1, 1 ].forEach( function( zSide ) {
  var frontGableGroup = new Zdog.Group({
    addTo: frontAnchor,
    translate: { y: -20, z: -8*zSide },

  // front building gable
  new Zdog.Shape({
    path: [
      { x:  0, y: -6 },
      { x: -6, y: 0 },
      { x:  6, y: 0 },
    addTo: frontGableGroup,
    translate: { y: 1 },
    color: zSide == -1 ? red : gold,

    addTo: frontGableGroup,
    translate: { y: -2 },
    color: zSide == -1 ? navy : red,

  var frontGableSide = new Zdog.Shape({
    path: [
      { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 },
      { x: 5, y: 5, z: 0 },
      { x: 0, y: 0, z: 5*zSide },
    addTo: frontAnchor,
    translate: { y: -25, z: -8*zSide },
    color: gold,
    scale: { x: -1 },
    color: navy,


// ----- left building ----- //

var leftAnchor = new Zdog.Anchor({
  addTo: town,
  translate: { x: -13, y: -10, z: 23 },

var leftBuilding = makeBuilding({
  width: 16,
  depth: 22,
  height: 20,
  addTo: leftAnchor,
  gable: 'ns',
  southWindows: [ 2, 2 ],
  eastWindows: [ 3, 2 ],
  westWindows: [ 3, 1 ],
  northWindows: [ 2, 2 ],

  addTo: leftBuilding.westWall,
  translate: { x: -4.5 },
  addTo: leftBuilding.westWall,
  translate: { x: 4.5 },

// ----- cupola ----- //

var cupolaNSPanel = new Zdog.Shape({
  path: [
    { x: -1, y: 0 },
    { x: 3, y: 0 },
    { x: 3, y: 9 },
    { x: -1, y: 5 },
      // HACK add point to sort in front of roof
      { move: { x: 8, z: 4 } },
  addTo: leftAnchor,
  translate: { y: -34, z: 3 },
  color: red,
  scale: { x: -1 },
  scale: { z: -1 },
  translate: { y: -34, z: -3 },
  color: gold,
  translate: { y: -34, z: -3 },
  scale: { x: -1, z: -1 },
  color: gold,

[ -1, 1 ].forEach( function( xSide ) {
  var group = new Zdog.Group({
    addTo: leftAnchor,
    translate: { y: -34, x: 3*xSide },
  // ew panel
  new Zdog.Shape({
    path: [
      { z:  3, y:  0 },
      { z:  0, y: -3 },
      { z: -3, y:  0 },
      { z: -3, y:  9 },
      { z:  3, y:  9 },
      // HACK add point to sort in front of roof
      { move: { x: 16*xSide } },
    addTo: group,
    color: xSide == -1 ? blue : white,
    addTo: group,
    translate: { y: 3 },
    rotate: { y: TAU/4 },
    color: xSide == -1 ? navy : blue,

// cupola roof panel
var cupolaRoofPanel = new Zdog.Shape({
  path: [
    { x: -3, y: -3, z:  0 },
    { x:  3, y: -3, z:  0 },
    { x:  3, y:  0, z:  3 },
    { x: -3, y:  0, z:  3 },
  addTo: leftAnchor,
  translate: { y: -34 },
  color: navy,
  scale: { z: -1 },
  color: red,

// ----- left building slopes ----- //

// east slope
var leftEWSlope = new Zdog.Shape({
  path: [
    { x: 0, y: 0, z:  11 },
    { x: 0, y: 0, z: -11 },
    { x: 6, y: 6, z: -11 },
    { x: 6, y: 6, z:  11 },
  addTo: leftAnchor,
  translate: { x: 8 },
  color: gold,
// west slope
  scale: { x: -1 },
  translate: { x: -8 },
  color: gold,

// south slope
new Zdog.Shape({
  path: [
    { z:  0, y: 0, x: -8 },
    { z:  0, y: 0, x:  8 },
    { z:  6, y: 6, x:  8 },
    { z:  6, y: 6, x: -8 },
  addTo: leftAnchor,
  translate: { z: 11 },
  color: navy,

// south east corner
var leftCorner = new Zdog.Shape({
  path: [
    { x: 0, y: 0, z:  0 },
    { x: 6, y: 6, z:  0 },
    { x: 0, y: 6, z:  6 },
  addTo: leftAnchor,
  translate: { x: 8, z: 11 },
  color: red,
// south west corner
  scale: { x: -1 },
  translate: { x: -8, z: 11 },
  color: blue,

// ----- back tower ----- //

var towerAnchor = new Zdog.Anchor({
  addTo: town,
  translate: { x: -13, y: -24, z: -4 },

var tower = makeBuilding({
  width: 16,
  depth: 16,
  height: 28,
  addTo: towerAnchor,
  gable: 'ns',
  southWindows: [ 2, 3 ],
  eastWindows: [ 2, 2 ],
  westWindows: [ 2, 3 ],
  northWindows: [ 2, 3 ],

  addTo: tower.eastWall,
  translate: { x: 0 },
  color: blue,

  addTo: tower.southWall,
  translate: { y: -29 },
  color: navy,

  addTo: tower.northWall,
  translate: { y: -29 },
  color: red,

var towerChimney = new Zdog.Shape({
  addTo: towerAnchor,
  path: [ { y: 0 }, { y: 4 } ],
  translate: { x: -2, y: -37, z: 1 },
  stroke: 2,
  color: navy,
  translate: { x: -2, y: -37, z: -3 },

// plume
new Zdog.Shape({
  path: [
    { x: -3, y: 1 },
    { arc: [
      { x: -3, y: -1 },
      { x: -1, y: -1 },
    { x:  3, y: -1 },
    { arc: [
      { x:  3, y:  1 },
      { x:  1, y:  1 },
  addTo: towerAnchor,
  translate: { x: -2, y: -42, z: -6 },
  rotate: { y: -TAU/4 },
  stroke: 2,
  color: blue

// ----- tower slopes ----- //

// big east slope
var towerEWSlope = new Zdog.Shape({
  path: [
    { x: 0, y: 0, z:  1 },
    { x: 0, y: 0, z: -1 },
    { x: 1, y: 1, z: -1 },
    { x: 1, y: 1, z:  1 },
  addTo: towerAnchor,
  translate: { x: 8 },
  // size by scaling
  scale: { x: 20, y: 20, z: 8 },
  color: gold,

// south slope down to left building
var towerNSSLope = new Zdog.Shape({
  path: [
    { z: 0, y: 0, x:  1 },
    { z: 0, y: 0, x: -1 },
    { z: 1, y: 1, x: -1 },
    { z: 1, y: 1, x:  1 },
  addTo: towerAnchor,
  translate: { z: 8 },
  scale: { x: 8, y: 14, z: 8 },
  color: navy,

// south east corner
new Zdog.Shape({
  path: [
    { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 },
    { x: 20, y: 20, z: 0 },
    { x: 6, y: 20, z: 8 },
    { x: 0, y: 14, z: 8 },
  addTo: towerAnchor,
  translate: { x: 8, z: 8 },
  color: red,

// north slope
  translate: { z: -8 },
  scale: { x: 8, y: 20, z: -7 },
  color: gold,

// north east corner
new Zdog.Shape({
  path: [
    { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 },
    { x: 20, y: 20, z: 0 },
    { x: 0, y: 20, z: -7 },
  addTo: towerAnchor,
  translate: { x: 8, z: -8 },
  color: gold,

// west slope
  scale: { x: -12, y: 20, z: 8 },
  translate: { x: -8 },
  color: gold,

// north west corner
new Zdog.Shape({
  path: [
    { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 },
    { x: -12, y: 20, z: 0 },
    { x: 0, y: 20, z: -7 },
  addTo: towerAnchor,
  translate: { x: -8, z: -8 },
  color: red,

// south west corner back to left building
new Zdog.Shape({
  path: [
    { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 },
    { x: -12, y: 20, z: 0 },
    { x: -6, y: 20, z: 8 },
    { x: 0, y: 14, z: 8 },
  addTo: towerAnchor,
  translate: { x: -8, z: 8 },
  color: blue,

// ----- church ----- //

var churchAnchor = new Zdog.Anchor({
  addTo: town,
  translate: { x: -5, y: -4, z: -27 },

var church = makeBuilding({
  isChurch: true, // special flag for roof
  width: 22,
  depth: 16,
  height: 28,
  addTo: churchAnchor,
  gable: 'ew',
  southWindows: [ 3, 2 ],
  eastWindows: [ 2, 2 ],
  northWindows: [ 3, 2 ],

  addTo: church.westWall,
  translate: { x: -3.5 },
  addTo: church.westWall,
  translate: { x: 3.5 },

// big circle window
new Zdog.Ellipse({
  diameter: 8,
  addTo: church.westWall,
  translate: { y: -22 },
  color: navy,

// ----- bell tower ----- //

( function() {

  var bellTowerAnchor = new Zdog.Anchor({
    addTo: churchAnchor,
    translate: { x: -7, y: -36, z: -4 },

  // tower ledge
  new Zdog.Rect({
    width: 8,
    height: 8,
    addTo: bellTowerAnchor,
    translate: { y: -12 },
    rotate: { x: TAU/4 },
    color: navy,

  var wallColors = [ red, white, gold, blue ];
  var accentColors = [ navy, blue, red, navy ];
  var roofColors = [ navy, gold, red, navy ];

  for ( var i=0; i < 4; i++ ) {
    var wallAnchor = new Zdog.Anchor({
      addTo: bellTowerAnchor,
      rotate: { y: TAU/4 * -i },
    var bottomWallGroup = new Zdog.Group({
      addTo: wallAnchor,
      translate: { z: 4 }

    var wallColor = wallColors[i];
    var accentColor = accentColors[i];
    var roofColor = roofColors[i];

    // bottom wall
    new Zdog.Rect({
      width: 8,
      height: 12,
      addTo: bottomWallGroup,
      translate: { y: -6 },
      color: wallColor,
    // circle cut-out
    new Zdog.Ellipse({
      diameter: 4,
      addTo: bottomWallGroup,
      translate: { y: -4 },
      color: accentColor,
    // top stripe
    new Zdog.Rect({
      width: 8,
      height: 2,
      addTo: bottomWallGroup,
      translate: { y: -9 },
      color: accentColor,

    var topWallGroup = new Zdog.Group({
      addTo: wallAnchor,
      translate: { y: -12, z: 3 },
    // top wall
    new Zdog.Rect({
      width: 6,
      height: 7,
      addTo: topWallGroup,
      translate: { y: -3.5 },
      color: wallColor,
    // top window
    new Zdog.Rect({
      width: 2,
      height: 5,
      addTo: topWallGroup,
      translate: { y: -2.5 },
      color: accentColor,

    // roof
    new Zdog.Shape({
      path: [
        { x:  0, y: 0, z:  0 },
        { x: -3, y: 6, z: 3 },
        { x:  3, y: 6, z: 3 },
      addTo: wallAnchor,
      translate: { y: -25 },
      color: roofColor,

  // roof connectors
  // south, white side
  new Zdog.Shape({
    path: [
      { z:  4, y:  0 },
      { z: -4, y: -1 },
      { z: -4, y:  8 },
    addTo: bellTowerAnchor,
    translate: { x: 4 },
    color: white,
  // east gold side
  var connector = new Zdog.Rect({
    width: 8,
    height: 10,
    addTo: bellTowerAnchor,
    translate: { z: -4, y: 4 },
    color: gold,
  // north blue side
    translate: { x: -4, y: 4 },
    rotate: { y: TAU/4 },
    color: blue,


// ----- hill ----- //

new Zdog.Shape({
  path: [
    { x:  0, y: 2 },
    { x:  10, y: 2 },
    { bezier: [
      { x: 14, y: 2 },
      { x: 20, y: 10 },
      { x: 24, y: 10 },
    { x: 30, y: 10 },
    { arc: [
      { x: 34, y: 10 },
      { x: 34, y: 14 },
    // bring it back into hill
    { x: 14, y: 14, z: 0 },
  addTo: town,
  translate: { x: -6, y: -20, z: -12 },
  stroke: 4,
  color: gold,

// ----- lil pyramids ----- //

// front in front of left building
  addTo: town,
  translate: { x: 6, z: 35, y: -4 },

// behind left building

  addTo: town,
  translate: { x: -34, z: 20, y: -4 },

// front right
  addTo: town,
  translate: { x: 35, z: 8, y: -4 },

  addTo: town,
  translate: { x: 31, z: -2, y: -4 },
// in front of church
  addTo: town,
  translate: { x: 22, z: -28, y: -4 },

// ----- hedges ----- //

// to right of front building
  addTo: town,
  translate: { x: 24, y: -4, z: 4 },

// right of church
  addTo: town,
  translate: { x: -4, y: -4, z: -42 },
// in between tower & church
  addTo: town,
  translate: { x: -30, y: -4, z: -18 },
  // color: gold,

  addTo: town,
  translate: { x: 9, y: -4, z: -17 },
  // color: gold,

// ----- sun ----- //

new Zdog.Shape({
  addTo: town,
  translate: { x: -6, y: -52, z: -42 },
  stroke: 6,
  color: gold,

// ----- sky particles ----- //

// dot above left building
var skyDot = new Zdog.Shape({
  translate: { x: -3, y: -48, z: 42 },
  addTo: town,
  stroke: 2,
  color: white,

// in front of church
  translate: { x: 30, y: -28, z: -28 },

var skyDiamond = new Zdog.Shape({
  path: [
    { x:  0, y: -1 },
    { x:  1, y:  0 },
    { x:  0, y:  1 },
    { x: -1, y:  0 },
  addTo: town,
  translate: { x: -27, y: -45, z: 29 },
  scale: 0.75,
  stroke: 0.5,
  color: white,
  rotate: { y: TAU/4 },

var skyDiamond2 = skyDiamond.copy({
  translate: { x: 8, y: -34, z: -42 },
  rotate: { y: TAU/4, },

var skyStar = new Zdog.Shape({
  path: [
    { x: 0, y: -1 },
    { arc: [
      { x: 0, y: 0 },
      { x: 1, y: 0 },
    { arc: [
      { x: 0, y: 0 },
      { x: 0, y: 1 },
    { arc: [
      { x: 0, y: 0 },
      { x: -1, y: 0 },
    { arc: [
      { x: 0, y: 0 },
      { x: 0, y: -1 },
  addTo: town,
  translate: { x: -39, y: -51, z: 12 },
  scale: 1.5,
  stroke: 1,
  color: white,
  rotate: { y: TAU/4 },

// up front
var skyStar2 = skyStar.copy({
  translate: { x: 29, y: -42, z: 30 },
  color: white,
  rotate: { y: TAU/4 },

// ----- clouds ----- //

var cloud = new Zdog.Ellipse({
  addTo: town,
  diameter: 3,
  quarters: 2,
  translate: { x: -30, y: -56, z: 10 },
  rotate: { y: TAU/4, z: -TAU/4 },
  stroke: 2,
  closed: true,
  color: white,
  translate: { x: -30, y: -57, z: 6 },
  translate: { x: -30, y: -56, z: 2 },

// line underneath
new Zdog.Shape({
  addTo: town,
  path: [ { x: -1 }, { x: 1 } ],
  translate: { x: -30, y: -56, z: 6 },
  scale: { x: 2 },
  rotate: { y: TAU/4 },
  stroke: 2,
  color: white,

// ----- flat earth ----- //

var flatEarth = new Zdog.Ellipse({
  diameter: 128,
  addTo: illo,
  translate: town.translate,
  rotate: { x: TAU/4 },
  stroke: 8,
  color: navy,

// ----- sky ----- //

var sky = new Zdog.Group({
  addTo: illo,
  translate: town.translate,
  // translate: { y: 2 },

( function() {
  var topYs = [
    -64, -64, -52, -52,
    -44, -44, -36, -36,
    -44, -44, -52, -52,
    -60, -60, -52, -52,
  var bottomYs = [
    -24, -24, -16, -16,
    -8, -8, -0, -0,
    -8, -8, -16, -16,
    -24, -24, -32, -32,
  var radius = 64;
  var skyPanelCount = topYs.length;
  var angle = TAU / skyPanelCount;
  var panelWidth = Math.tan( angle/2 ) * radius * 2;
  for ( var i=0; i < skyPanelCount; i++ ) {
    var nextI = (i + 1) % skyPanelCount;
    var topYA = topYs[ i ];
    var topYB = topYs[ nextI ];
    var bottomYA = bottomYs[ i ];
    var bottomYB = bottomYs[ nextI ];
    var panelAnchor = new Zdog.Anchor({
      addTo: sky,
      rotate: { y: angle * i  - TAU/4 },
      translate: { y: 1 },
    new Zdog.Shape({
      path: [
        { x: -panelWidth/2, y: topYA },
        { bezier: [
          { x: 0, y: topYA },
          { x: 0, y: topYB },
          { x:  panelWidth/2, y: topYB },
        { x:  panelWidth/2, y: bottomYB },
        { bezier: [
          { x: 0, y: bottomYB },
          { x: 0, y: bottomYA },
          { x: -panelWidth/2, y: bottomYA },
      addTo: panelAnchor,
      translate: { z: -radius },
      color: blue,
      stroke: 1,
      backface: false,

// -- animate --- //

var t = 0;
var tSpeed = 1/120;
var then = new Date() - 1/60;

function animate() {
  requestAnimationFrame( animate );


// -- update -- //

function update() {
  var now = new Date();
  var delta = now - then;

  if ( isSpinning ) {
    t += tSpeed * delta/60;
    var theta = Zdog.easeInOut( t % 1 ) * TAU;
    var rev = 1;
    var spin = -theta * rev + TAU/8;
    var extraRotation = TAU * rev * Math.floor( ( t % 4 ) );
    illo.rotate.y = spin - extraRotation;
    var everyOtherCycle = t % 2 < 1;
    illo.rotate.x = everyOtherCycle ? 0 : ( Math.cos( theta ) * -0.5 + 0.5 ) * TAU * -1/8;

  // rotate

  then = now;

// -- render -- //

function render() {
  var ctx = illo.ctx;

  // render shapes
  var isCameraXUp = illo.rotate.x < 0 || illo.rotate.x > TAU/2;

  sky.renderGraphCanvas( ctx );

  // HACK sort flat earth & town shapes manually
  if ( isCameraXUp ) {
    flatEarth.renderGraphCanvas( ctx );
  town.renderGraphCanvas( ctx );
  if ( !isCameraXUp ) {
    flatEarth.renderGraphCanvas( ctx );


// ----- inputs ----- //

document.querySelector('.reset-button').onclick = function() {
  isSpinning = false;
  illo.rotate.set({ x: 0, y: TAU/8 });

