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M 70.137 480.665 L 637.477 622.5
M 20.25 368.176 L 665.843 524.007
M 105.351 368.176 L 476.25 453.276
M 296.094 28.75 L 20.25 268.402
M 909.408 154.934 L 665.843 420.019
M 914.299 254.707 L 665.843 524.007
M 914.299 276.228 L 665.843 551.582
M 877.128 350.568 L 637.477 622.5
M 151.325 237.101 L 101.469 287.477
M 718.496 115.654 L 473.144 374.763
M 827.295 138.039 L 584.001 401.182
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M 585.633 401.182 L 585.633 609.539
M 20.25 268.402 L 20.25 368.176
M 20.25 368.176 L 70.137 480.665
M 665.843 420.019 L 665.843 524.007
M 665.843 524.007 L 665.843 551.582
M 665.843 551.582 L 637.477 622.5
M 909.408 154.934 L 914.299 254.707
M 914.299 254.707 L 914.299 276.228
M 914.299 276.228 L 877.128 350.568
M 101.469 287.477 L 105.351 368.176
M 804.743,154.934
M 700.924,134.213
M 608.62,368.752
M 504.804,348.031
M 625.807,343.9
M 521.99,323.18
M 787.625,182.461
M 683.806,161.739
M 522.219 323.566 L 631.438 348.932
M 699.293 136.707 L 805.184 161.298
M 537.452 306.697 L 647.418 332.591
M 554.081 288.423 L 664.804 313.787
M 570.388 271.817 L 679.607 297.182
M 586.657 255.31 L 695.878 280.674
M 601.923 238.764 L 710.593 264.263
M 619.108 220.614 L 726.816 245.628
M 633.906 203.66 L 743.123 229.021
M 650.176 187.151 L 759.395 212.512
M 665.843 171.26 L 773.593 196.122
M 681.667 153.174 L 790.887 178.533
M 124.589 441.542 L 174.801 453.276
M 126.609 463.772 L 176.82 475.507
M 124.589 441.542 L 127.265 463.926
M 174.896 453.879 L 176.915 476.109
M 194.68 458.366 L 244.891 470.1
M 196.699 480.597 L 246.91 492.33
M 194.875 458.365 L 196.895 480.596
M 244.461 470.78 L 246.48 493.011
M 491.484 508.543 L 492.951 542.779
M 492.951 542.779 L 500.287 551.582
M 500.287 551.582 L 519.606 556.963
M 519.606 556.963 L 525.72 551.582
M 525.72 551.582 L 525.72 525.661
M 525.72 525.661 L 507.868 505.36
M 507.868 505.36 L 495.152 503.163
M 495.152 503.163 L 491.484 508.543
M 538.437 524.193 L 539.903 558.43
M 539.903 558.43 L 547.24 567.233
M 547.24 567.233 L 566.559 572.613
M 566.559 572.613 L 572.672 567.233
M 572.672 567.233 L 572.672 541.312
M 572.672 541.312 L 554.82 521.011
M 554.82 521.011 L 542.104 518.813
M 542.104 518.813 L 538.437 524.193
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//repeat for demo purposes
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function lineDraw(){
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// Set up the starting positions
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// picks up the starting position before animating
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// Go!
path.style.strokeDashoffset = '0';
//0 is the image fully animated, 988.01 is the starting point.
This Pen doesn't use any external CSS resources.
This Pen doesn't use any external JavaScript resources.