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Babel includes JSX processing.

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Search for and use JavaScript packages from npm here. By selecting a package, an import statement will be added to the top of the JavaScript editor for this package.


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                <section role="main">
		<h1>Semantic Remapping - Framework Centipede example</h1>
	<p>Here we have a fun example where we're using two CSS frameworks (Yahoo Pure and Twitter Bootstrap) and two modal libraries (Bootstrap's modal.js and Colorbox.js).</p>
	<p>NOTE: we're only using the modal and transition files from the javascript portion of Bootstrap's JS framework to minimize bloat.</p>
	<p>And speaking of bloat, how much space does all the CSS we're using from Bootstrap, Pure, and Colorbox take up?  --just <em>2.57kb</em> when compressed and minified</p>
	<p>Remember that Bootstrap's CSS  is 19.72kb compressed and minified all by itself!  It's not blood magic, just a cool trick you can do with your CSS Preprocessor.  Read more about it <a href="" target="_blank">here</a></p>
	<button class="modal-trigger" data-toggle="modal" data-target=".bootstrap-message-wrapper">Pure Button - Bootstrap Modal</button>
	<a href=""  class="modal-trigger" title="Panda doesn't like it when you abuse utility classes">Bootstrap Button - Colorbox Modal</a>
<div class="bootstrap-message-wrapper modal fade" role="dialog">
	<div class="modal-dialog dialog-wrapper">
		<div class="modal-content content-wrapper" role="document">
				<button data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span></button>
				<h2>Bootstrap Modal!</h2>
				<p>Unfortunately, Bootstrap's modal logic is set up in such a way that we have to keep a few of these silly modal-classes around for things to work; even if we're not even binding the Bootstrap modal styling to those classes any more.</p>
				<p>That said, I've had several projects where I needed to use a Bootstrap modal mixed with other UI libraries/frameworks.  This makes fairly quick work of that task, am I right?</p>


                @import (reference) '';
@import (reference) '';
@import (reference) '';
@import '';

[role="main"]:extend(.pure-g) {
	margin: 2em;
	header, p {

[role="main"] button.modal-trigger:extend(.pure-u-1-2, .pure-button all, .pure-button-primary all) {}

[role="main"] a.modal-trigger:extend(.pure-u-1-2, .btn all, .btn-primary all) {
	box-sizing: border-box;

// Bootstrap modal rules
.modal-open:extend(.modal-open) {}
						.modal-backdrop.fade, all) {}

.bootstrap-message-wrapper:extend(.modal all, .fade all) {
	&.in:extend( all) {
		.dialog-wrapper:extend( .modal-dialog all, .modal.fade .modal-dialog all) {}
	.dialog-wrapper:extend(.modal-dialog all) {}
	.content-wrapper:extend(.modal-content all) {}
	header:extend(.modal-header) {}
	header h2:extend(.modal-title) {}
	header button:extend(.modal-header .close, .button.close, .close) {
		background-color: transparent;
    	border: 0;
	article:extend(.modal-body) {}

#cboxContent img {
	height: auto!important;
	margin-top: 0!important;
	width: 100%!important;


                $('[role="main"] button + a').colorbox({innerWidth: "485px", innerHeight: "336px"});
