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                <header class="site-header">
  <img src="" alt="logo">
  <span class="site-title">Stormtrooper-Murphy</span>
  <span class="site-slogan">Deathstar's finest.</span>
<nav class="navbar">
  <a href="index.html" class="selected">Home</a>
  <a href="about.html">About</a>
      <h1>This is a Stormtrooper</h1>
      <p class="author">Updated <time datetime="2018-06-25 11:17:43">25th June 2018</time> by Murphy</p>
    <img src="" alt="This is me!" class="me">
      Stormtroopers get a bad rap – the army of the Dark Lord of the Sith in the original Star Wars films is probably best known for its lack of aim, even at close range. Stormtroopers were tricked, manipulated, out-maneuvered, shot at, and defeated repeatedly by the heroes of the franchise.
      Contrary to what many fans believed after the prequel trilogy, stormtroopers are not clone troopers. The clone soldiers that were created on Kamino aged more quickly than other humans and died prematurely, and so, the clone troopers had been replaced by Imperial stormtroopers, who were recruited and trained at Imperial Academies.
      The name "stormtrooper" comes from the German "Stoßtruppe", which was the name given to shock troopers in World War I and World War II. The stormtroopers were the men on the front lines, trying to infiltrate enemy trenches. They had high casualties, because they were at the center of the action, putting their lives in harm’s way.
    <footer class="byline">
      <img class="byline-me" src="" alt="byline image of me!">
        Stormtrooper-Murphy worked at the "Deathstar" during the weeks. It was a pretty unappreciated work with close to no freetime. When Murphy has a couple of minutes over, the fine art of square-dance is practiced to perfection with the fellow troopers. Murphy is the 5679th best shooter in the squad and a life-long dream is to see Disney World sometime, someday...

<footer class="site-footer">
  <a href="">HTML5</a>
  <a href="">CSS</a>
  <a href=";ucn_task=conformance">Unicorn</a>



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