<div id="section6">
<div class="grid col-5">
<div class="col test"><img src="https://www.websitedesign.sydney/files/cafe.jpg" alt="testimonial image" />
<div class="testText">
<div class="inner">Very professional everything was kept on a professional level website was of a very high standard.I am happy with the website and service.</div>
<div class="testName">
<div class="testIcon"><svg class="icons"><use xlink:href="#quote"></use>&nbsp;</svg> <svg class="icons plus"><use xlink:href="#quoteplus"></use>&nbsp;</svg></div>
<h4>Dee <strong>Online Fashion</strong></h4>
<div class="col test"><img src="https://www.websitedesign.sydney/files/chef.jpg" alt="testimonial image" />
<div class="testText">
<div class="inner">The web site turned out very well. I get a lot of compliments. My logo and business card are also very good. The whole process was well explained and easy considering I know nothing about web building.</div>
<div class="testName">
<div class="testIcon"><svg class="icons"><use xlink:href="#quote"></use>&nbsp;</svg> <svg class="icons plus"><use xlink:href="#quoteplus"></use>&nbsp;</svg></div>
<h4>Trevor <strong>Chef</strong></h4>
<div class="col test"><img src="https://www.websitedesign.sydney/files/builder.jpg" alt="testimonial image" />
<div class="testText">
<div class="inner">Very happy with website I have had positive feedback from my clients.</div>
<div class="testName">
<div class="testIcon"><svg class="icons"><use xlink:href="#quote"></use>&nbsp;</svg> <svg class="icons plus"><use xlink:href="#quoteplus"></use>&nbsp;</svg></div>
<h4>Michael <strong>Builder</strong></h4>
<div class="col test"><img src="https://www.websitedesign.sydney/files/accountant.jpg" alt="testimonial image" />
<div class="testText">
<div class="inner">Great. no complaints.</div>
<div class="testName">
<div class="testIcon"><svg class="icons"><use xlink:href="#quote"></use>&nbsp;</svg> <svg class="icons plus"><use xlink:href="#quoteplus"></use>&nbsp;</svg></div>
<h4>Erica <strong>Accountant</strong></h4>
<div class="col test"><img src="https://www.websitedesign.sydney/files/artist.jpg" alt="testimonial image" />
<div class="testText">
<div class="inner">Its been nearly 6 weeks since my website came live, and I wanted to thank you for doing a stunning job.</div>
<div class="testName">
<div class="testIcon"><svg class="icons"><use xlink:href="#quote"></use>&nbsp;</svg> <svg class="icons plus"><use xlink:href="#quoteplus"></use>&nbsp;</svg></div>
<h4>Adam <strong>Artist</strong></h4>
<div class="col test"><img src="https://www.websitedesign.sydney/files/planner.jpg" alt="testimonial image" />
<div class="testText">
<div class="inner">I have recommended you several people.</div>
<div class="testName">
<div class="testIcon"><svg class="icons"><use xlink:href="#quote"></use>&nbsp;</svg> <svg class="icons plus"><use xlink:href="#quoteplus"></use>&nbsp;</svg></div>
<h4>Chris <strong>Surveyor</strong></h4>
<div class="col test"><img src="https://www.websitedesign.sydney/files/onphone.jpg" alt="testimonial image" />
<div class="testText">
<div class="inner">Thanks to everyone for all their hard work. CMS is fantastic to use!!! Thanks</div>
<div class="testName">
<div class="testIcon"><svg class="icons"><use xlink:href="#quote"></use>&nbsp;</svg> <svg class="icons plus"><use xlink:href="#quoteplus"></use>&nbsp;</svg></div>
<h4>Steve <strong>Developer</strong></h4>
<div class="col test"><img src="https://www.websitedesign.sydney/files/dancer.jpg" alt="testimonial image" />
<div class="testText">
<div class="inner">What an amazing system you guys provide. I can see the value of getting to know the console well - I'm impressed and I've come to the right company. This is quite the adventure, thanks for your expertise.</div>
<div class="testName">
<div class="testIcon"><svg class="icons"><use xlink:href="#quote"></use>&nbsp;</svg> <svg class="icons plus"><use xlink:href="#quoteplus"></use>&nbsp;</svg></div>
<h4>Wendy <strong>Dancer</strong></h4>
<div class="col test"><img src="https://www.websitedesign.sydney/files/dog.jpg" alt="testimonial image" />
<div class="testText">
<div class="inner">Positive. As an old fart with limited internet skills I was delighted with the initial help in putting my site together and the ongoing assistance at times it was needed in updating the site.</div>
<div class="testName">
<div class="testIcon"><svg class="icons"><use xlink:href="#quote"></use>&nbsp;</svg> <svg class="icons plus"><use xlink:href="#quoteplus"></use>&nbsp;</svg></div>
<h4>Bill <strong>Dog Groomer</strong></h4>
<div class="col test"><img src="https://www.websitedesign.sydney/files/healer.jpg" alt="testimonial image" />
<div class="testText">
<div class="inner">WOW!!!! That looks so fantastic! I have already begun asking my collegues to "havealook" at my new web design. I have seen sites that have cost thousands of dollars and they simply dont compare to the high quality product you have created.</div>
<div class="testName">
<div class="testIcon"><svg class="icons"><use xlink:href="#quote"></use>&nbsp;</svg> <svg class="icons plus"><use xlink:href="#quoteplus"></use>&nbsp;</svg></div>
<h4>Jill <strong>Healer</strong></h4>
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