<div class="hero">
<h2>Sometimes you take the road less travelled …</h2>
We're not sure how you got here, but you should head <a href="#">home</a>. </p>
It's probably our fault that you're here; but if you're having trouble with the site just shoot us an <a href="mailto:user@admin.com">email</a>.
<!-- Extra spacing! -->
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
.hero {
min-height: 300px;
width: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
background: url(https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/11/4a/ae/114aae7aedae0793d141c1864aa31952.jpg);
background-size: cover;
body {
margin: 0px;
color: #585E62;
font-family: Arial;
h1 {
padding: 10px;
margin: 20px 30px 5px 30px;
font-size: 40px;
h2 {
padding: 10px;
margin: 0px 30px;
font-size: 25px;
p {
padding: 10px;
margin: 0px 30px;
font-size: 15px;
a {
color : #4466FF;
text-decoration: none;
// Glitch Line Vars
var glitch_lines = 15,
glitch_line_duration_min = 100,
glitch_line_duration_max = 500,
glitch_line_timer_min = 100,
glitch_line_timer_max = 5000,
glitch_line_wait_min = 100,
glitch_line_wait_max = 3000,
glitch_line_height_min = 5,
glitch_line_height_max = 50;
// Glitch Move Vars
var glitch_move_color_1 = '#08FFF2',
glitch_move_color_2 = '#FC0DFF',
glitch_move_original_color = '#585E62',
glitch_move_opacity = .2,
glitch_move_duration_min = 1000,
glitch_move_duration_max = 300,
glitch_move_timer_min = 500,
glitch_move_timer_max = 1500,
glitch_move_wait_min = 1000,
glitch_move_wait_max = 2000,
glitch_move_amount_min = -10,
glitch_move_amount_max = 10;
// Do you want to autostart on page load?
var glitch_autostart = 1;
// Start Glitch on page load.
window.onload = function() {
if (glitch_autostart) {
glitch = new glitch();
// Random integer function (Will correctly work w/ negative numbers)
function randomInt(min, max){
return Math.floor(Math.random()*(max-min+1)+min);
// Glitch functionality
function glitch() {
// Initialize the glitches
// - Create divs
// - Load divs from <glitch> element
// - Set body to not scroll on x-axis
// - Starts glitch animations
this.init = function() {
page_content = $('glitch').html();
$('body').css('overflow-x', 'hidden');
// Glitch Lines
linecount = 0;
this.glitchlines = [];
while (linecount < glitch_lines) {
$('body').append('<div class="glitch-line-'+linecount+'">'+page_content+'</div>');
'height': '100%',
'width': '100%',
'position': 'absolute',
'top': '0',
'left': '0'
this.glitchline('.glitch-line-'+linecount, linecount);
// Glitch Move
$('body').append('<div class="glitch-div-1">'+page_content+'</div>');
$('body').append('<div class="glitch-div-2">'+page_content+'</div>');
$('.glitch-div-1, .glitch-div-2').css({
'height': '100%',
'width': '100%',
'position': 'absolute',
'top': '0',
'left': '0'
this.glitchline = function(div, id) {
// Store an array of glitchlines
this.glitchlines[id] = new glitchline;
this.glitchmove = function() {
glitchmove = new glitchmove;
// Glitch Move Animation
function glitchmove() {
// Start glitch
this.start = function() {
selfmove = this;
// Create a move on a regular duration
setInterval(function() {
// Wait a random number of ms to execute
setTimeout(function() {
// Create animation
}, randomInt(glitch_move_wait_min, glitch_move_wait_max));
}, randomInt(glitch_move_timer_min, glitch_move_timer_max));
this.move = function() {
// Move the divs a random number of pixels top & left, change the color & opacity.
'left': randomInt(glitch_move_amount_min, glitch_move_amount_max) + 'px',
'top': randomInt(glitch_move_amount_min, glitch_move_amount_max) + 'px',
'opacity': glitch_move_opacity,
'color': glitch_move_color_1
'left': randomInt(glitch_move_amount_min, glitch_move_amount_max) + 'px',
'top': randomInt(glitch_move_amount_min, glitch_move_amount_max) + 'px',
'opacity': glitch_move_opacity,
'color': glitch_move_color_2
// Prepare to move divs back
this.moveback = function() {
// Move the divs back after a random time duration
this.timeout = setTimeout(function() {
// Make sure we set the text back to the original color!
$('.glitch-div-1, .glitch-div-2').css({
'left': '0px',
'top': '0px',
'color': glitch_move_original_color,
'opacity': '1',
}, randomInt(glitch_move_duration_min, glitch_move_duration_max));
function glitchline() {
this.start = function(div) {
selfline = this;
// Hold our timeouts.
this.timeouts = [];
// Create a move on a regular duration
setInterval(function() {
// Wait a random number of ms to execute
setTimeout(function() {
}, randomInt(glitch_line_wait_min, glitch_line_wait_max));
}, randomInt(glitch_line_timer_min, glitch_line_timer_max));
this.add = function(div) {
// change the height, width, top, and left using a random number
'height': randomInt(glitch_line_height_min, glitch_line_height_max) + 'px',
'width': randomInt($(window).width()/2, $(window).width()) + 'px',
'top': randomInt(0, $(window).height()) + 'px',
'left': randomInt(0, $(window).width()/2) + 'px',
'position': 'fixed',
'overflow': 'hidden',
'display': 'block',
'background': '#FFF'
// Set random scroll top & scroll left.
$(div).scrollTop(randomInt(0, $(window).height()));
$(div).scrollLeft(randomInt(0, 100));
// Prepare to hide the div
this.remove = function(div) {
// Hide the div at a random time interval.
this.timeouts[div] = setTimeout(function() {
}, randomInt(glitch_line_duration_min, glitch_line_duration_max));
This Pen doesn't use any external CSS resources.