<div class="z">
  <div class="x">
    <div class="y">
      <b class="r"></b>
  <div class="x">
    <div class="y">
      <span class="r"></span>
  <div class="x">
    <div class="y">
      <p class="r"></p>
:root {
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span, p, b, i {
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p {
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b {
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div {
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.x {
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.advanced-calc .x {
      calc(var(--cubic1-1) * var(--cubic1-change)),
      calc(var(--cubic1-2) * var(--cubic1-change)),
      calc(var(--cubic1-3) * var(--cubic1-change)),
      calc(var(--cubic1-4) * var(--cubic1-change)));
.x:nth-of-type(2) {
  --cubic1-change: .9;
.x:nth-of-type(3) {
  --cubic1-change: .8;
.y {
  transform: translateY(calc(var(--y) * 1px));
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.advanced-calc .y {
      calc(var(--cubic2-1) * var(--cubic2-change)),
      calc(var(--cubic2-2) * var(--cubic2-change)),
      calc(var(--cubic2-3) * var(--cubic2-change)),
      calc(var(--cubic2-4) * var(--cubic2-change)));
.x:nth-of-type(2) .y {
  --cubic2-change: .9;
.x:nth-of-type(3) .y {
  --cubic2-change: .8;
.let-us-move-it .y {
  //transition-timing-function: linear;
.z {
  transform: translateZ(calc(var(--z) * 1px));
  transition-timing-function: ease-in-out;

.r {
  transform: translate3d(-50%, -50%, 0) scale(var(--scale));
  transform: translate3d(-50%, -50%, 0) scale(var(--scale)) rotate(var(--rotation));
  transition: transform 1200ms ease-in-out;
b.r {
  --scale: .95;
p.r {
  --scale: .8;
.advanced-calc b.r {
  --rotation: calc(var(--r) * .5);
.advanced-calc p.r {
  --rotation: calc(var(--r) * 1.5);

body {
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  overflow: hidden;
  background: hsl(203, 28%, 12%);
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  perspective-origin: center center;
document.documentElement.classList.add(isCalcSupported() ? 'advanced-calc' : 'basic-calc');

if (window.PointerEvent) {
  document.body.addEventListener('pointerup', jumpFromInteraction);
} else {
  document.body.addEventListener('mouseup', jumpFromInteraction);
  document.body.addEventListener('touchend', jumpFromInteraction);

var style = document.documentElement.style;

function jumpFromInteraction(e) {
  if (beforeInteractionInterval) {
    beforeInteractionInterval = undefined;

//Translate to the new point
function jump(e) {
  var x = e.clientX || e.changedTouches[0].clientX;
  var y = e.clientY || e.changedTouches[0].clientY;
  var z = 0;//Math.random() * (-300);
  var r = Math.random() * 720 - 360;
  style.setProperty('--x', x);
  style.setProperty('--y', y);
  //style.setProperty('--z', z);
  style.setProperty('--r', r + 'deg');

//Change the four points of the cubic-bezier to up the non-linear ante
function changeEasing() {
  style.setProperty('--cubic1-1', part(.8, .15));
  style.setProperty('--cubic1-2', part(.1, .2));
  style.setProperty('--cubic1-3', part(.35, .25));
  style.setProperty('--cubic1-4', part(1, .25));
  style.setProperty('--cubic2-1', part(.7, .15));
  style.setProperty('--cubic2-2', part(-.35, .35));
  style.setProperty('--cubic2-3', part(0, .1));
  style.setProperty('--cubic2-4', part(.8, .2));
function part(min, offset) {
  return Math.random() * offset + min;

//Do automatic animations while waiting for viewer to interact
let beforeInteractionInterval = setInterval(freeJump, 1200);
let freeJumpCount=0;

function freeJump() {
    clientX: Math.floor(((freeJumpCount) % 4 < 2 ? (Math.random() * .3 + .7) : (Math.random() * .4 + .01)) * window.innerWidth),
    clientY:  Math.floor(((freeJumpCount++) % 2 == 0 ? (Math.random() * .2 + .8) : (Math.random() * .2 + .01)) * window.innerHeight)

//Check if Calc is supported inside cubic-bezier (ultimately a check to see if we are in Firefox)
function isCalcSupported() {
  document.body.style.transitionTimingFunction = 'cubic-bezier(calc(1 * 1),calc(1 * 1),calc(1 * 1),calc(.5 * 1))';
  return getComputedStyle(document.body).transitionTimingFunction != 'ease';

External CSS

This Pen doesn't use any external CSS resources.

External JavaScript

This Pen doesn't use any external JavaScript resources.