<div id="app">
  <div class="mx-auto w-full">
    <pre class="message-box" v-html="context" ref="messageBox"></pre>
    <button class="button-control font-semibold px-4 py-2 mr-2 mb-2 bg-gray-600 rounded-sm shadow-2xl text-white focus:outline-none active:bg-gray-700 active:shadow-none" @mousedown="listen(true)" @mouseup="listen(false)">Hold to Listen</button>
    <button class="button-control" @click="reset">Reset</button>
    <select class="voice-options" v-model="activeVoiceIdx">
      <option :key="key" :value="key" :selected="key === activeVoiceIdx" v-for="(val, key) in voices">
        {{ val.name }} ({{ val.lang }})

<style type="text/tailwindcss">
@layer components {
  .button-control {
    @apply font-semibold;
    @apply px-4 py-2;
    @apply mr-2 mb-2;
    @apply bg-gray-600;
    @apply rounded-sm;
    @apply shadow-2xl;
    @apply text-white;

    &:focus {
      @apply outline-none;

    &:active {
      @apply bg-gray-700;
      @apply shadow-none;

  .message-box {
    @apply relative;
    @apply h-48;
    @apply overflow-y-scroll;
    @apply rounded-sm;
    @apply border border-solid border-gray-300;
    @apply p-2;
    @apply mb-2;
    @apply leading-6;

  .voice-options {
    @apply font-semibold;
    @apply bg-gray-100;
    @apply px-2 py-1;
    @apply mr-2 mb-2;
    @apply rounded-sm;
    @apply border-2 border-solid border-gray-100;
    @apply shadow-md;

    &:focus {
      @apply outline-none;
const { createApp, ref, reactive, toRefs, onMounted, nextTick } = Vue;

const app = createApp({
  setup() {
    const getVoices = async (window) => {
      let id, res;

      await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        id = setInterval(() => {
          res = window.speechSynthesis.getVoices();
          if (res.length !== 0) {
        }, 10);

      return res;

    const process = (msg, voice) => {
      const content = msg.toLowerCase();

      if (/^google search/g.test(content)) {
        const url = `https://google.com/search?q=${msg.replace(
          "Google search ",
        window.open(url, "_blank");
        return `Base on your query, I found some search results on Google`;
      } else if (/your name/g.test(content)) {
        return `My name is ${voice.name}.`;
      } else if (/(hello|hi)/g.test(content)) {
        return "Hi! Nice to meet you!";
      } else if (/love you/g.test(content)) {
        return "I love you too. And I'll love you forever!";
      } else if (
      ) {
        return "I know I love you but can you show some politeness in front of a lady?";

      return "Sorry, my sweetheart. I don't understand. Could you try something else?";

    const state = reactive({
      name: "",
        "Sorry, your browser doesn't support SpeechRecognition. Please use Chrome / Edge79+ instead.",
      voices: [],
      activeVoiceIdx: 17

    const messageBox = ref(null);

    const SpeechRecognition =
      window.webkitSpeechRecognition && new window.webkitSpeechRecognition();
    SpeechRecognition && (SpeechRecognition.interimResults = true);

    const listen = (start) => {
      if (!SpeechRecognition) return;

      if (start) {
      } else {

    const reset = () => {
      if (!SpeechRecognition) return;

      state.context = "<b>" + state.name + "</b>" + ": Hi, my hero!";

    onMounted(async () => {
      if (!window.webkitSpeechRecognition) return;

      state.voices = await getVoices(window);
      state.name = state.voices[state.activeVoiceIdx].name;
      state.context = "<b>" + state.name + "</b>" + ": Hi, my hero!";

      const utterThis = new window.SpeechSynthesisUtterance();

      const speechSpeaker = (text, voice) => {
        utterThis.text = text;
        utterThis.voice = voice;
        utterThis.pitch = 1.4;
        utterThis.lang = voice.lang;

      SpeechRecognition.onresult = (event) => {
        const result = event.results[event.results.length - 1];

        if (result.isFinal) {
          state.context += "\n<b>Me:</b> " + result[0].transcript;

          const voice = state.voices[state.activeVoiceIdx];
          const reply = process(result[0].transcript, voice);
          nextTick(() => {
            messageBox.value.scrollTop = messageBox.value.scrollHeight;

          setTimeout(() => {
            state.context += "\n<b>" + voice.name + "</b>: " + reply;

            nextTick(() => {
              messageBox.value.scrollTop = messageBox.value.scrollHeight;

            speechSpeaker(reply, voice);
          }, 600);

    return {

app.mount("#app", app);

External CSS

This Pen doesn't use any external CSS resources.

External JavaScript

  1. https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/3.2.32/vue.global.js
  2. https://cdn.tailwindcss.com