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                <h1>How to lazy load images in a performant way</h1>
There is also an example image how to use it with an background image.
  Take a look at the <a href="">Browser support table.</a>
  and use <a href="">Polyfill</a> for better support. This one here does work properly in Safari, thanks to the <a href="">Polyfill Script</a> I added to the source. You will see that the HTML is bloated up quite a bit, this is because I added some noscript fallbacks for no-js browsing people.</p>

    Hide the lazy load images if we do not have JS
    .image__list-lazy-image { 
      display: none;
<div class="image-container">
  <ul class="image__list">
    <li class="image__list-item">
        <img class="image__list-image" src=",w_450/v1523796300/pexels-photo-559768.jpg" alt="blue lake with surrounding mountains">
      <img class="image__list-image image__list-lazy-image" data-src=",w_450/v1523796300/pexels-photo-559768.jpg" alt="blue lake with surrounding mountains">
    <li class="image__list-item">
        <img class="image__list-image" src=",w_450/v1523796305/pexels-photo-104336.jpg" alt="street in the middle of a forrest">
      <img class="image__list-image image__list-lazy-image" data-src=",w_450/v1523796305/pexels-photo-104336.jpg" alt="street in the middle of a forrest">
    <li class="image__list-item">
        <img class="image__list-image" src=",w_450/v1523796376/les-anderson-175603.jpg" alt="two elder people opening togehter a christmas present">
      <img class="image__list-image image__list-lazy-image" data-src=",w_450/v1523796376/les-anderson-175603.jpg" alt="two elder people opening togehter a christmas present">
    <li class="image__list-item">
        <img class="image__list-image" src=",w_450/v1523796381/pexels-photo-737108.jpg" alt="black and white clothes hanging on a clothes rail">
      <img class="image__list-image image__list-lazy-image" data-src=",w_450/v1523796381/pexels-photo-737108.jpg" alt="black and white clothes hanging on a clothes rail">
    <li class="image__list-item">
        <img class="image__list-image" src=",w_450/v1523796475/tobias-van-schneider-122288.jpg" alt="book collection photographed from top">
      <img class="image__list-image image__list-lazy-image" data-src=",w_450/v1523796475/tobias-van-schneider-122288.jpg" alt="book collection photographed from top">
    <li class="image__list-item">
        <img class="image__list-image" src=",w_450/v1523796300/pexels-photo-559768.jpg" alt="two elder people opening togehter a christmas present">
      <img class="image__list-image image__list-lazy-image" data-src=",w_450/v1523796300/pexels-photo-559768.jpg" alt="brown meadow with a tower in the very back">
    <li class="image__list-item">
        <div class="image__list-image--bg" style="background-image:url(',w_450/v1523796300/pexels-photo-559768.jpg');" alt="two elder people opening togehter a christmas present"></div>
      <div class="image__list-image--bg image__list-lazy-image" data-lazybackground=",w_450/v1523796300/pexels-photo-559768.jpg">


                body {
  font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
  max-width: 450px;
  margin: 0 auto;
  padding: 2em 0;
  font-size: 18px;
  line-height: 1.5;

h1 {
  display: block;
  margin: 0 auto 2rem;
  line-height: 1.1;

ul {
  padding: 0;
  margin: 0;
  list-style-type: none;

a {
  color: #A55; /* HAHA! */

p {
  margin-bottom: 3rem;

.image__list-image {
  opacity: 1;
  min-height: 100%;

.image__list-lazy-image { 
  opacity: 0;

.image__list-item {
  width: 100%;
  height: 250px;
  overflow: hidden;
  margin-bottom: 40px;

.image__list-image--bg {
  background-size: cover;
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  height: 100%;


                const options = {
  rootMargin: '0px',
  threshold: 0.1
const allTheLazyImages = document.querySelectorAll('.image__list-lazy-image');
let observer;

// Does your browser support InersectionObserver?
if('IntersectionObserver' in window) {
  observer = new IntersectionObserver(lazyLoader, options);

  // select all our image which we want to have lazy loaded
  allTheLazyImages.forEach(image => {
    // put them in the observer
} else {
  allTheLazyImages.forEach(image => {
    lazyLoadImage(image); // if it is not supported, load all

function lazyLoader (entries) {
  // loop through all images
  entries.forEach(entry => {
    // does the viewport hit the current image
    if (entry.intersectionRatio > 0) {
      // yes! load the image

function lazyLoadImage(observedImage) { 
    *  We hit an observed image!
    *  First, remove the lazy loading class. This will show the image
    *  Then remove the observer
  // If we have an background image, replace the source with the data-lazyBackground attribute
  if(observedImage.dataset.lazybackground) { = `url(${observedImage.dataset.lazybackground})`;
  // does it have a data attribute with image-src?
  if (observedImage.getAttribute('data-src')) {
    // yes! So lets make the image source equal to the data image source and render it!
    observedImage.src = observedImage.dataset.src;
    if('IntersectionObserver' in window) {
      // now that the image has bee renderes, we don't need to observe it anymore
